Unwanted guestbook php. Guestbook PHP Guestbook

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I'll give you this year guestbook script in PHP, it’s not a secret that it’s quite popular, and if it’s great power to use the administrative system, then a guest's book is simply necessary. First of all, you can add the script of the guest book in PHP, and also I will tell you about the process of its establishment.

How often people ask guest book script in html or in javascript... It’s a pity, there’s no such nicholas, and there’s no way, for the robotic guest book, I would like to write down the file. And tse zrobiti ni in JavaScript nі, tim more, in Html unhappy.

Now copy the folder guest at the root of your site. Dali place on the side of your site for a guest book ( http: // your_site / guest).

Let us step on a crocodile note to adjust the guest's book. To go to the address http: //your_site/guest/admin.php... Enter password " admin"and after successful authorization go to the tab" Configuruvannya". Short description all nalashtuvan:

  • Ім'я script- Put your name for the guest book of your site.
  • The text of the affair- to write any text, such as You bazhaєte, how they backed up your guest books.
  • Advertising block- if you want to place an advertisement in the guest book, then copy the code. Yaksho її dumb, fill the whole field empty.
  • Posilannya to the head site- Put the power on the head side of your site.
  • Email admin / support post- make your own e-mail, and also you want to choose: you want to customize your mail order.
  • Admin password- Provide your password. Do not overdo it " admin".
  • Turn on MODERUVANNA every now and then?- if you want to change your skin before publishing, update the option.
  • Use the antispam function?- here you can turn on the system to get rid of spam, or vibrate one of three options: an extra captcha, a riddle of a mathematical operation. If you wrap up a digital captcha, you can also add a full captcha in the text field.
  • Take in the anti-flood function?- an option is given to allow visualization of the topic.
  • Are you active in the text?- how do you put it " So", so that you will be active in the text, you will be active. It’s good for people who are talking to you, but your guest's book will be a good place for a spammer.
  • Umknuti / vimknuti graphic smiles?- how do you put it " So"then koristuvach zmozhe vikoristovuvati smiley.
  • Max. dovzhina іmenі- A number of symbols are allowed in the name of a koristuvach.
  • Max. new generation- a number of symbols are permissible.
  • Side by side- there are a lot of times, how to live on the same side.
  • Followed by- Sortuvannya for zrostannyam or change of date written by date.
  • Skin- callous viglyad.

As a matter of fact, there is a great number of the most popular scripts of guest books... And if I whispered yogo, then I went through at least two dozen and zupiniv for many such reasons.

1. On hosted hostingє deprive those who give.
2. More beautiful, ale not obov'yazkovo. It’s a great guest to ask for something like this, as it is required (through my form), but garniy hacker all the same ob_ide your $ _GET, $ _POST, $ _COOKIE and $ HTTP_REFERER etc.
3. Control of the genie is carried out, albeit implicitly, by the database itself (only one, sometimes it can be more magnificent - up to 64Kb).
4. So, є, HtmlSpecialChars bullet vicoristan, not vicoristovuvav AddSlashes (і there is a great pardon, I know my guilt, div. Lower). If magic_quotes_gpc is enabled, given a problem not such a gostra, ale dirka in a safe place (in the control panel).
5. So, it is good, it is possible to b і virіzati, ale іm'ya #[email protected]%#$^%$ nichim not girshe nizh AF4ETX09T43... The e-mail has a url є directory, you can choose scripts.
6. Tsikavo, is it not incisalized?

Є Another number of tsіkavikh priyomіv, as, for example, zagist from the automatic introduction through the picture (as on the whole site) http: //www.site/webmast/php/Security-Images-in-PHP/

Pictures were not built, but rather a demonstration butt. Leave the zhodnyy once without a guest, from a podobny zhistom. For a site, it’s not a guest.

Anatomy of cross-site scripting XSS

Duzhe tsikavo, dyakuyu.

Z.I. Yakbi Afftor after reading bi-esteem (і vniknuti) at the statty is on the whole site, then zrozumіv bi, nakіlki yogo pratsya unprofessional. Varto vrahovuvati to see the previous authors and, take, take care of this pratsyu - they wrote the stench for you.

De є not poshana? Vibachte, who has formed.

I’ll take it, then I’ll read the first paragraph of the article again, I didn’t put the guest on the spot, but if I didn’t show it, I could write please To the guest, for quietly just starting to learn the CGI, even not all come at once, demanding to fix something simple, or even not at once becoming so intelligent, perhaps having pardoned, too, let's take too much aspect to the other articles, the authors.

So, at a glance, the script is unprofessional, and I am unprofessional at the galuzi, the scammer, in the first paragraph and is probably guarded, as, unfortunately, they did not read everything.



Law "About copyright and sumyzhny rights"
Article 6. Ob'єkt copyright. headquarters
1. The author's right to expand on the creation of science, literature and art, which is the result of creative activity, is undoubtedly the sign of that revaluation create, as well as the way you turn.
You can read the Rashtu here: http://www.febras.ru/~patent/copyright/2_3part2.html
In addition, article 9, clause 1
I do not want to be convinced of my right.

In general, going to see how we can build a guestbook easily with PHP and MySQL. This is very simple and striking ahead. All we need is:

  • A webserver abo hosting account
  • phpMyAdmin is any good for access access database

First, mi maєmo open creative database and necessary tables. Go to our basic panel (cPanel or something) і go to databases. Create a new database. Notice the database name. New rozrobnik user i add the user to that database. As long as you think about it, enjoy the service center of your hosting provider. Significant world processes go from host to host, depending on control panel stink. About those who have an additional email file, user name and database host. In most cases, in the database host є "localhost". Ale deyaki suppliers yak customers for vikorystannya remote mysql host. That vipadku, mabut, scho host down. As a result, you shall get the options there.

Now we're ready to import the table. Go to phpMyAdmin, vibrate your version of your デ ー タ ベ ー ス і vikoristovuti the following SQL commands to create the table:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `comments` (` id` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar (255) NOT NULL,` email` varchar (255) NOT NULL, `website` varchar (255) NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL,` timestamp` int (255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;

Okay, if you execute command, my mother is guilty table nameed “comments” with 6 fields. The “id” field is the primary key and the unique identifier. The other fields are - name, email, website, message and timestamp. Timestamp field stores unix epoch value (how many seconds passed after 1st January 1970) of time. It will be generated using the time () function of php. In their areas є self explanatory.

Now we have to open the file configuration which shall be used to store the mysql connection data. Create a file and name it: “config.php” and see the following codes in it:

So, the config.php lets you use your own configuration data. To change the value of the parameters for changing your set.

Now we create the first page. Create the file and name it “index.php” and for some code:

My little guest book

Post A Comment:





Exisiting Comments:

Name:($ comment ["name"])
"; echo" Email:($ comment ["email"])
"; echo" Website:($ comment ["website"])
"; echo" Message:($ comment ["message"])
"; echo" Posted at:".date (" Y-d-m H: i: s ", $ comment [" timestamp "])."

"; } } ?>

So what does this script do? Tse maє html form to fill up the data necessary. For that, like a form, there will be a list of all comments, saved in the display on the side. Yakscho no comments, mi know, scho tse print that out. Did you notice that the form action є “post.php”? Yes, form data will be added to posts.php as low processes fields and store them in database. So, let’s crate post.php and put the following codes:

My little guest book

On tsіy storіntsі, mi zbiraєmosya, and all filії boules weaved. If you don’t, we can print error message. All the spheres of the boules were tied, and the contents of the contents up to the database were magalized. We create the timestamp value using time () and extract the keys out of $ _POST variable. Also Database Insertion Fails, will also print out error message. If everyone is okay, we must visitor to index.php, de vin, or shall be brought to the comments only to form.

We're now done with our little guestbook. It is not that feature rich but it works! In coming posts, we are guilty of giving, we can change it to validation, pagination and ajax interactions. Stay tuned!

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If you need a guestbook on your site, you will need a guestbook on the right side. GuestBook Script PHP is a script that will be taken quickly and easily on your website.
Visitors may provide comments and feedback for your website. Features: administrator page which ...

CodeLock is anasy to use PHP and HTML encryptor. Codelock V2.0 works by encrypting the entire PHP page. You can also PHP mixed with HTML and JavaScript. Codelock V2.0 unique (unconventional) algoritms for it's encryption (along with ...

DigiOz Graphic counter є counter script spellings specifically for PHP files. Tsey script counts number of times PHP page has been viewed through the browser. In order for script to work, the counter.php file will have to be ...

php / MySQL easy data editor. A single php page For one file that has been set up for the capture, for the purpose of making it easy and safe for non-programmers / web designers / mysql gurus to add, edit and delete records. * * * * No new interface for each table required!

HTML Resume Template is a php based script to generate resumes in HTML format. used to ...

I will describe the season, the most beautiful thing for newcomers to the PHP program. Guest book... At my glance, the process is simpler, but with all the permission, I can learn about all the main features of a robot with PHP and a base Danih MySQL... Krym tsi, the zavdannya expands indefinitely, allowing new technologies to be seen.

The description and the revision of the patronage will be written immediately here, without any changes to the patronage; The price is broken not through my line, but again through the additional training, with the opening of the guest book by you. The solution is also presented as “crooked”, but also on the other side of the statistics at the section “Self-hosted Robot”.

If you don’t know how to do it with PHP, then for an ear of raju read a note of PHP - why not.

We can select the stem of the most common guest book, without design and administration. To be surrounded by the entrance to the book, re-structure and unnecessary time.
There are a lot of zeros, which can be intertwined with three php files, for the implementation of a set of tasks. The zavdannya restoration can be broken on two doors: the form of restoration and donation to the base, we will not protest. There are too many comments for the procedure. There are three files in this order: index.php, registration.php, book.php.

For the names of the files, you can immediately see it, for the stink you can see: index.php - entry link, registration.php - re-entry link, book.php - guest book link.

It’s easy for our entrance. So, as a part of the reply for the entered bet to the login and password, there is a present form for sending messages to the side of book.php. And also posilannya on the side with the restoration. Maєmo:

Enter the guest book



The crumbs were seen by those who do not relish the code for the quiet. Here is my HTML. Key moment є tag form how to accept two parameters action, which is displayed for the address of the page, which is displayed for the confirmation of the entered data, that parameter method, which is based on the rank of the form, will be supported on the specified side (div. POST and GET in simple words). In the middle of the form tag, there are fields for input (input, select), as the attribute name... For the values ​​of the given attribute itself, it is possible to reject the entered data on the side, specified in the parameters of the action form. Necessarily all the middle form is guilty, it is known that the input is of the type submit, as for its sutta with a button, the attacks on the yak will be sent back to the action side.

Prodable ... Now we need to complete the part from the restoration of the new koristuvach. Think about Varto once, and I want to mother. I am a virgin, for a simple guest book there will be plenty of mothers with unique logins, as well as nobility at the address of the website (yaksh). If we got a name, we want to know about koristuvach, then we can look at our project database.

Go to phpMyAdmin. The base is created there with gb. In the base, the Users table is set with the following fields:

Login varchar (50) unique // login koristuvach, unique field password varchar (150) // password www varchar (255) // site addresses

And if we have already gone to the editor of the base, then you can immediately think about those who are likely to be present. At our vipadku wholly from the nobility hto and if he has lost the news, the same text of our news. So for the sake of quickness, numbered our occasion. Three of them have now started, so you can easily fold out one Messages table with an offensive structure:

Id int ai (auto_increment) primary_key // the number of the present, the watchdog, which itself will be updated mes text // the text of the present who is varchar (50) // the username of the one that has been overridden when timestamp default (current) // the hour of the previous update Streaming date that hour

From the base of the tribute rose. Now go to the registration.php file. Having added a bag to a handbag:


Password again:
WWW: http: //

On the head

Trochi about the code. Yak V was already mentioned, here є PHP. I will not describe the form anyway, alas, yak bachimo, here the form is given to adapt to that very side, the form is de-tacked. So the registration.php file overrides the data on itself. So it’s not robotic, you don’t have to expect it, because the code is very easy to read. However, on the other hand, it clearly demonstrates the power of PHP. By the day, our side is divided into two drops. The first choice is if the POST data is fed to the side, another choice, if the POST data is not sent to the side. For another, it is possible to show a form for restoration, but for the first one, it is more important to visually reconcile the above-mentioned tributes. You can see the tribute to go in the view of the associative array (tobto array, with indices like є rows). Moreover, the index is assigned to the names of the input fields, meaning from the form the oversight of the Danih. Tobto. I can write

then with us, with the oversight of the tsikh danih POST fed, there will be a change

$ _POST ["vasa-peta"]

It’s also a matter of respect, since any changes to repeat logins are unbearable. Perversion is given If you will be able to stay on the same basis, the logins field will be designated as unique.

Now stop. The guest's book itself was stuck. Nebagato mіrkuvan. So, as the guest's book is working with a login and a password, then the first thing we have to do is to reconcile the login and password entries to be obvious from the base. So, since we checked out the file itself, book.php, it is obvious that the additional procedure is to blame. Well, for example, the image of every occasion. (as soon as the picture is added after being displayed, then until after being displayed only after the page has been rewritten). Maєmo:

Guest book ";) else (echo" Your message has not been received yet!

"; } } ?>
"name =" login "/> "name =" password "/>

"; echo" Text: ". $ row [" mes "]."
";)) mysql_close ($ link);?>

The axis is right and everything. Yakscho code is 100% robotic, good. Yaksho ni, I recommend that you try to correct the pardons on your own. Now, a lot of questions.

Self-defense of the robot
Yak has already spoken on the cob, the solution is "crooked". If Vishche didn’t understand anything, I’ll explain at once. You could have noted the file book.php in the form of additional comments for the presence of the sprinkled fields, with two of them - the number of entries will be entered with a login and password. Not good, what's wrong? Try correcting short vikorist sessions (Yak pratsyuvati s sessions in PHP).
Try to meet the nutritional requirements of the function empty / issetі exit / die?
Change the power supply of the vibrator depending on the base so that when you see it, the website of the author is displayed.
As soon as they remembered, the password of the clerk in the base of the data was saved from the obvious viglyad, but the whole thing is not good. Edit the code so that the base has a password hash of the keystore (for example, MD5 or SHA1).

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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