Antenna from aluminum cans with your own hands. Yak with your own hands Antena with a beer can

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About brown gadgets, non-private concepts, maybut and current days. Before you is this detailed instruction, you can send it to the robot without having read it before the end of the day. Prepare two cans of beer for a cob.

Antenna of beer cans

Even more often, the situation is determined, if the staff of the TV antenna is badly receiving the channel, it will be broadcast. You can go to a picnic, to a summer residence, to a village garden. That’s at the small apartment, especially at the old people’s booths, don’t get an ideal through the inadequacy of installing that antenna in the booth.

And in just one hour, find a friend who is not smart in technology, maybe for 10 khvili, literally in smitty, I can use a TV antenna, as a robot, like a robot, for some reason. Trample, how you can navigate more beautifully, not purchased - to catch more channels and more temporality Pictures. It’s more wonderful that the antenna is stored away from empty beer cans.

Tools and materials:

Two empty beer cans
scotch tape abo izoleta
two self-locking screws
antenna cable

Croc 1

Banks will be primed to the tip with scotch tape or izolentoyu.

Crypimo cans to clubs with scotch tape

Croc 2

The screws are screwed into the can, and the cable is cleaned and screwed to the screws.

Kinets cable, screw on the screw

Croc 3

The cable is tied with tape or with an insulating tape to tie the cable to the pin.
The antenna is ready!
It is possible to replace the palitsy vicoristovuti a tree hanger, so that the antenna can be moved forward.

You can replace the club

For better acceptance, use the banks experimentally, but in the middle of the day it should be close to 70 mm.
Since the cans are not open-ended, the antenna cable can be fastened directly to them behind the additional screw and nut with the washer.

When you install antennas on the street, you will be able to get into the influx of different atmospheric factors, such as boards, snig, wind tosho. In general, in order to improve the rigidity and tightness of all the design of the offense of the can, you can put on a great plastic dance for a beer, in front of having taken a little one from a woman. For the cable in the middle of the cylinder, for the viyshov, it is necessary to pierce the hole, which, if connected, needs to be scalded with hot water. The plastic of the dance will deform and seal the holes.

Slide means that there is practically no space for creativity in the sphere of amateur antennae. Proof of the whole photo, hovering below.

Antenna is equipped with several sections

For a long time, there has been a design that has been robbed of cans for peas.

Do not rob such an antenna in a day, it’s awesome for a stove!

Situations, if a new TV antenna is required, it is not so rare. We went with friends to a barbecue, or at the same hour, we wanted to marvel at a football match. For they went to the dacha, without leaving a stationary annex, which I will catch. Whoa, who is provid, how to receive television broadcasts of the whole house, shaved off in the morning - and who are you? It is possible to know the way out of the situation. Aluminum cans for beer, lemonade and energetics will be happy with it, catch up with football. How to break the antenna from beer cans? We'll talk at a glance.

Need an antenna?

Ancient Greeks called vusiki komach antennas. The nature was wrong, and they found a lot of signals from the one who was going to see them. The televiziyna antenna is actually useful for those who want to catch radio messages that they can.

Catch annexes:

  • callings;
  • rooms.

The name of the antenna is the same wire, which can be inserted into the TV set with one end, and go to the dachshunds. Chim more cable, team more beautiful priyom. The rooms are attached to the small form. Naypopulyarnіshe - a show with two boys to make a coma.

Important! Replace "rizhok" can be used for pipes, bicycle wheels and a lot of them. Banks of s-pid beer and canned sheep for antenna with your own hands - found material.

What banks are needed?

Before the team, how to break the antenna from the beer cans, you need to vibrate the cans. Surely, buvaє and so, there is no special vibor - that you know in the smitnik, then it will happen і robiti. Rizni appeared with a rapt, look at them respectfully.


Stink can bootie:

  • more aluminum;
  • with wooden elements.

Once you lay it down, you can attach the cable in a different way. Aluminiy is ill-advised to solder, so the end of the dart will be screwed on with gwents. Tin - call the insha on the right. Two hands with a soldering iron, and the antenna is ready.

Important! Visnichiti, chi є zalizni elements chi ni, simply for an additional magnet. Wool will attract, aluminum - ni.

Two words about rosemiri

How to make an antenna for TV from beer cans, how big is the smell? It is more beautiful. Vzagali pristіy, I will catch, from the beer tarry, we will be kind, that cans will be large, and I will receive a wider smurge.

Important! Before speech, from them it is possible to install a dodatkovu antenna for a mobile phone, as soon as we have entered the zone of unacceptable reception.

Chim more than cans, we will welcome you. Volume 0.5 l is more colorful, nizh 0.25. Apparently, it will be a great success to trample liters.

Important! The antenna can be moved from two identical aluminum casters, even if the government doesn’t need to appear in the state - the handles in the daytime and the width of the handles doesn’t play a role.

What do you need more?

Before Tim, as if to break the antenna from the cans, go back to the box with the tools, or in the comic, on the right, see the grandmother in the village.

You will need:

  • 2 identical banks;
  • іzolenta chi scotch tape;
  • antenna cable RK-75 (RG-6 / U);
  • television rose'єm;
  • sing;
  • soldering iron;
  • vikrutka;
  • 2 samorizi or gvinti;
  • club.

The cable can be found in two types:

  • coaxial, how to store up for living that screen;
  • flat double-core.

Important! For antenna from cans, another option is more colorful, there will not be any problems with it. If you have a coaxial cable, on one end it is necessary to distribute a core and a screen.

The club is such a gin, that offended banks have been placed on them in one form of one. You can take, for example, a wooden hanger. You don't need to screw the structure to the upper police station, but to drive it to the deer horns. Ale is more beautiful, if you prist_ roztashovuvatymetsya yakomoga nearer to vіkna, de priyom zavzhdi more beautifully, nіzh near gibinі zhitl.

How to break the antenna from the cans?

An ear of preparation of the same for cans with solid elements that are purely aluminum:

  1. Tape the cans with tape up to a pin, with one to one keys - stand up between them with an empirical path, or let them become about 7 cm.
  2. Know the plastic sheath from the coaxial cable by about 10-12 cm.
  3. Swing the foil and inner braid - see the foil, twist the middle hairs at once.
  4. From the foil you will know the description of polyethylen - your vision is the same.

Option 1

Just by the jars of hard keys, solder the core to one, and solder the screen to the last one. As long as you have a two-core drill, just clean it up and solder it.

Option 2

Before the banks, when they are ready for aluminum, the cable should be screwed on with screws and fastened with nuts. More option to navigate more beautifully, as the antenna is on the street. Payannya is rotten to endure the frost, but there won't be anything for the gwent.

Completed robots

If you strip the cable like є, you can easily get out of it. To that it is more beautiful to fasten it with adhesive tape until it’s tsіpka, and the antenna is ready. Until the end of the day, there will be a TV rose, which is inserted into the nest of the TV viewer.

Yaksho antenna will be on the street

Even before that, like zrobiti the antenna for the TV with your own hands from beer cans, just think, de you, you are worth it anyway. Yakshcho on the street, more beautifully to clean up from the outside, the board of those inappropriateness. Vzagalі something alumіnіy stіyky to corrosion, so invite to finish the coating with a zapon-varnish. Ale deyaki shy to shy at the eye of the chokhal.

What is necessary for tso? To rummage in your shafi, and if you do not know everything you need, then you need a great plastic dance:

  1. See the dance at the dance and shyku.
  2. At the point of exit, the cable should be opened.
  3. In addition, as the cable will be supplied, the scalp will open the hot water.

How can I create an antenna with plaques?

If I catch it, for a TV viewer it is possible to shoot not only from aluminum, but from plaques - for example, from canned peas. The stench is easier to solder. Ale the hardness of іrzhavіє, і tsіsіd mothers іn uvazі.

Robot order:

  1. See the kryshka.
  2. Clean the soldered paint with an emery cloth and varnish.
  3. Solder a core to one bank, and a screen to one.
  4. Tie down the entire structure to the pin.

Important! The water came out of the water, to spill out from that side of the skin can, where it would be brutalized to the ground, a small opening.

All deposit in the range

Beer banks, obviously, the material is even available. The Aleka antenna received only the decimeter signal from the UHF. For the meter range, such an antenna is not suitable. In principle, for a similar technology, it is possible to shoot pruning from any metal tubes, but sometimes you need to change the frequency. Itself from her, to deposit a lot of metal cylinders. The whole smuga is moving efirnogo television Loan frequency from 50 to 230 MHz and last for 12 channels:

  • 50 MHz - 271-276 cm;
  • 59, 25 MHz - 229-234 cm
  • 77.25 MHz - 177-179 cm
  • 85.25 MHz - 162-163 cm
  • 93.25 MHz - 147-150 cm
  • 175.25 MHz - 85 cm;
  • 183.25 MHz - 80 cm;
  • 191.25 MHz - 77 cm;
  • 199.25 MHz -75 cm;
  • 207.25 MHz - 71 cm;
  • 215.25 MHz - 69 cm;
  • 223.25 MHz - 66 cm.

Important! From the frequency to lay up and the extra income of the selector and the provision of extra cables for the uzgodzhuvalny annex. For a frequency of 50 MHz, a vibrator is required with a minimum of 271-276 cm and cable spacing of 286 cm to 95 cm. For a frequency of 223.25 MHz, the parameters are set to 66 cm and 66 cm to 22 cm.

Gotuumo materials

For antenna from handsets you will need:

  • metal pipe (brass, medium, steel, aluminum);
  • TV cable;
  • textolite:
  • metal smog;
  • barbell.

Important! The metal tubes are about 6 cm short for those indicated in the list of frequencies. Diameter - 8-24 mm. The pipes are required absolutely the same for each product and material. Dovzhin the cable is counted, go from the antenna to the teleprinter, plus two meters for the sagging weather. Tovshchina textolite to become shonaimenshe 4 mm.

Obviously, the antenna can be found at the radio goods store. However, such a construction is cheaper than the simpler it will be done independently. To create an idea, there is no need to get some materials and tools. It will be necessary to get rid of empty beer cans. At the same time, you will be able to regain a simple, ale to complete an effective antenna, because there is a circle of viprominuvannya for a range of 70 cm.

Antenna acquisition technology

Antenna from beer cans in the form of a container in front of the front. For the whole, it is necessary to have a chance to get busy with the first jar; in the day, and more precisely in the th central part, there are neat openings, the diameter of each door is 6 mm. For the flow of manipulation through the hole, it is necessary to run a cable of the type RG-58. Then the cable is connected through one of the openings. Another opening to pass at the kryshtsi banks. The Danish element will set half of the construction. At the same bottom, it is necessary to roztashuvati right-handed.

Antenna from beer cans is a design principle, as it is often used by household minds. Positive particularity given to the process Polyagaє is that it’s accessible for robots, and it’s easy to get rid of it. For the preparation of the design, it will be necessary to have vitratity close to 10 khvili. Accept such an antenna will have more channels (against stationary).

Features of the robot

The antenna from the beer cans is ready for additional mounting, in which screws are used. You need to stock up on a number of two pieces. You need a cable for an antenna, two plaques, as well as an insulating line, which in this case can often be damped with sticky. Prepare a plug, a club, and also a wick.

If you are thinking about how to break the antenna out of beer cans, then behind the additional isolation line it is necessary to fasten the container to the base of the chain, at the same time I would like to see the elements in between 7 centimeters. If the bank of the ball has been replaced with a ring for opening, then the cable can be fixed for additional self-locking. In order to put the screws on the beer container, you need to clean two cables and fix it with a screw. Before the club, a cable is attached for an additional sticky line: this is necessary in order to prevent a strong signal from the receiver. It is possible to replace the mace with the help of a witch-hanger - so you can secure the victorious design.

In order to pristіy without losing its working characteristics through the inflow of waste and vitra, the bank will need to pursue the great dance, viconanoy s plastic. Vikoristovuvati requires a 3-liter container, in which, in the forefront, it is necessary to see the bottom of the container. Antenna from beer cans with his own hands was stolen. For the whole in the central part of the dance, it is necessary to create a dirk; When connecting the zone, it is recommended to douse with sprinkles. At the same time, plastic is injected with a significant temperature to change its cob size and to ensure the tightness of the opening. On the whole, you can vvazhati, scho antenna, prepared from beer plaques, ready. It is necessary to remove the connection from the TV set, and then set it up. In order to achieve a more perfect design, it is necessary to check the attachments of several beer cans, as it becomes necessary to close the sections.

Special features of antenna alignment

Antenna from beer cans with your own hands can be destroyed by being a home master. Yak is the main reason for the wide appearance of the parallelism of the expansion of the shoulders of the structure, in addition to the need to preserve the ideal horizontal position. Vikoristovuvati is the basis of a possible blade petiole, and also be-like the one that is shaped by the shape and size of the object.

In addition, as the antenna will be ready, it will need to be installed on the singing channel. There are two factors here. One of them is the basic definition of the line and construction, the other factor is the polarity in nutrition. Through those channels digital TV tower lie at the base of the range of the UHF, simulating a wide range of roles. If there is a strong support, then the napivyl vibrator will be in the range from 72 to 76 ohms. It's good to use a TV cable. Schob set up an antenna, it will be necessary to coriguvati croc with banks. If the diameter of the dart (in the case of a bank) is increased, then the smog of the antenna will pass through.

Before tying up the antenna from beer cans, it is necessary to remember about those who, in addition to the guessed tariffs, can be victorious whether they are from the minds. Chain buti pipes, vikonanі from cardboard, the surface of which will need to be covered with aluminum foil. At the same time, the efficiency of the virob does not appear as a mensha.

It is also necessary for the nobility of the major with the preparation of the antenna

In addition, since the TV antenna from beer cans will be selected, and the cable will be plugged in, the surface of the installation can be fired behind an additional dielectric warehouse, which can be applied to the ball decal. On top, in front of the front, it is necessary to use a grease path. 292 Ohm antenna support 75 Ohm support to the cable, be sure to use it behind the additional loop. Do not pick up the cable with a 50-ohm robot, as it will magnetize the 75-ohm cable. Vіdstan mіzh banks can be rіvna 7 cm, as it is said vishche, but in the whole food, everything is stored in a particular obsyagu cans. With a vibration of amnesty, it is necessary to wrap up respect for the one that is large at the boundaries of 0.5-1 liters. When choosing a hanger, it is not possible to choose a model, but to prepare it from steel.

At the bag

If you need an antenna from beer cans with pidsiluvach, you need to pick up a container, installed in a chain of tiers. For any type of person, it is necessary to keruvatis with guided recommendations.

Yakos me on e-mail Nadіysh list from the annotation to the site of Naїl, as a handicraftsman of the home master, with information about the help from the prepared TV antenna for giving out beer cans. In the Internet, I have repeatedly stuck with descriptions of the preparation of television antennas from aluminum cans of beer, and even put them to other self-made antennas with great displeasure.

And in order to create a design and a geometric design of an antenna, nobility is needed theoretical basis technics of NHCh and technique of rozrakhunku. For the development and preparation of the TV antenna, it is necessary to establish and pay more attention to the dear ones vimiruvalnyh attachments, as real technical characteristics Antennas respond to the specified parameters.

Nasamkinets need to conduct a test in real minds. As soon as the transfer is carried out, you can learn about the accuracy of the reception of the TV antenna from the quiet minds to the reception of the TV signal. Such a robot will deprive the team of highly qualified radio engineers. It is unwise to know the information about the robotic nature of the television antenna from beer cans on the Internet.

Having already received a TV signal from his dacha booth for an additional malfunctioning with his hands, antennas from two beer cans behind armchairs, they took from the Internet. The bullet antenna was installed in the middle of the dacha booth. A good TV show has shown only three digital TV channels instead of available for the reception of thirty.

In the hope of sparing the masses, we can reject the possibility of wondering all thirty channels. When the antenna is prepared, Naila Vinikl has low power, after the indications on Yaki Vinicl it turns up to me. After a while I didn’t need help, so I had the opportunity to read the feed, how to tweak the bagatooh: Antenna from beer cans to the myth of reality?

Preparing a show for a TV antenna

It is possible to lift the antenna to the top by standing on the dakha of the dacha booth, or on the place where it’s about to stand. I will not cover it, I will not cover it, and put the antenna on the window, which is ready with my own hands, fixed on the wall of the country house.

The support and support for the vertical positioning of the brackets are behind the additional electric arc blasting of the breakage from steel cuts, pipes and sheet material.

The picture shows zovnishniy viglyad below the finished support bracket installation. To support the weld on the bottom of the cylinder at a vertical straight line. A flask came out. For the drainage of water in case of fall-off at the bottom of the bottle, a hole is broken. For fixing the flask, two openings were broken on the flasks, on which nuts were welded on. By screwing the bolts into the nuts, it is possible to tighten the pipe in a glass and by ourselves wrap it up when winding on the antenna.

One of the boots is screwed onto a new nut to serve for one hour to attach the grounding dart, to introduce the electric strum at the opening into the hole. Bliskavkovіdvedennya, directing an electric stream from a blisk to the ground, seizing a TV set from a serious breakdown, causing a high level of blinking to hit the antenna.

The flat top bracket is made of such a design, albeit without a support and welded nuts. At my glance, the construction of the fastening, realized by Nailem, has gone down in a simple, functional way.

When it was broken from a steel pipe and nearly 2.5 meters long, it’s possible to place the antenna at a height of 4 meters above the ditch earth with the support of the mounting brackets on the bucket. This is how the antenna can be positioned with the help of real minds to ensure that the TV signal from the TV to the antenna from the beer cans is secured without interruption. For fastening the antenna, two bolts were welded to it from the connectors to it.

The photo is presented ready for installation. On the bolts behind the auxiliary nuts, fasten the clamps for fastening the antenna from the beer cans. For garnishing adherence and a good fastening of the antenna, gum gaskets are installed on the clamps.

Preparing antenna from beer cans

On the recommendations posted on the sites assigned to the antenna from beer cans, Naile vibrav the antenna from chotiroh pairs of cans. The author of the articles is to save that the number of cans for the antenna is optimal, so that you will not get a good support for the antenna with a cable and such an antenna, for the opening of the EPC with pairs of cans, you can save the efficiency of the performance. I will not point the geometrical dimensions of the antenna through the vicladena in the statistics.

For securing the roasting of cans, one one, one for a given set of plastic pipes, a base is prepared, shown in the photograph.

At the ready, for additional help, three pieces of insulating lines were fastened with a lot of beer cans. Electrical connection between banks bulo viconano for additional two single-core wires for electrical wiring in the isolation by soldering method.

With one dart of the same color from the green blush, there are boules of the upper left bank, the two right middle and lower ones. Another dart of the white color is to make sure that there are other banks. The robot antenna was also inverted when all the cans were connected to one wire, and the right ones to the same wire.

The televiz_yny cable of the central core is soldered to a dart of a white collar, and the middle one is wrapped to a dart of a dart. The foil has become too thin.

The ball is fixed behind the additional clamps with screws on the box and for the sake of beauty it is secured with a sprinkler with a headlamp.

The bullet is installed in the brackets with the antenna from the beer cans. When it’s caught, you can accurately direct the antenna to the TV, estimate the number of TV channels, how much it can be received, and the number of broadcasted TV programs.

Nail's visnovok about the TV antenna robot
prepared from beer cans

The revision of the robot antenna from eight beer cans showed that there were 3 TV channels, which were shown normally before, the TV show became showing 6 and more 13 in the black-and-white image. The change in the scheme of the canning (all of the banks were built between themselves and the central ones lived, and all the rights to the braid, the screen) did not interfere with the result of the robot. My old antenna, prepared from 2 beer cans, took more channels at the top of my head, and not new from 8 beer cans.

Having bought that having installed on the antenna of the industrial monitoring Locus 25.62 and now the TV set will show 30 channels at the digital display! All the members of my motherland are happy, I want a Skoda, but my experiment is not going into!

It is necessary terminovo from handheld materials TV antenna For reception of several channels, then the antenna is from two cans all along the way. I want to be amazed at all the available TV channels from digital yakosti, then the raj should buy an antenna for industrial production or for a self-TV antenna, I will change it for an hour.

I will see the majesty, I will Nail for the suggestions of photographs and the results of the experiment.

When you are looking for a place, innocent, for nourishing nature and for everybody, you just want to marvel at your love of a serious or important football match. On the vidminu from the place, on the screen with a clear TV signal, you will be overloaded with a small one. In this situation, it is impossible to get a good picture with a wide range of decimetric and meter highs.

You can use the antenna to try it out as a hair-hand, or even a zamisky booth with the best paint for experiments.

The simplest version of the antenna

The yak can be seen in the photograph, the antenna is the simplest hvilovy priymach. To be ready to use two tubes and a television cable, as well as knowing the range of transmission of the signal of the nearest television.

The reception is carried out at frequencies from 50 to 230 MHz, two channels are approved. Tubes of singing growths are stuck to the skin. For the received signal at a frequency of 50 MHz, the distance between the ring ends of the tubes is to blame for the distance between 271-276 cm.On channel 12, set 66 cm.

Information about the availability of additional blanks from the frequency and reception, as well as the circuits of self-contained antennas can be easily found on such thematic Internet resources.

To prepare an antenna in a homemade mind, I present to you a list of what you can use to make an antenna:

  • Two tubes from steel, aluminum or metal alloy with a diameter of 8 to 24 mm. The stench is guilty of being the same for the diameter, material and the size of the glass.
  • Availability of the TV cable, insured on 75 Ohm support. Dovzhin's dart go for the plug-in connection, the reserve for sagging is 50 cm.
  • Textolite procurement about material from getinax (thickness not less than 5 mm).
  • Fasteners for installing pipes on trims.
  • Bracket for maybutnoy antenna at the viglyady metal pipe and chi kuchka. Before the hour of the installation of the pickup at a small height, you can pick up the delivery from the tree.
  • Dial for soldering, silikonovy ridin for stopping oxidized and izolent.

Folding principle

According to the pre-procurement process, it will last for two tubes, which can be pressed on one side. Tubes are fixed on a 6-7 cm extension one way of one, and they are fastened with clamps to a textolite blank. Otrimanu design zr_pylyuyut behind the auxiliary rod at the vertical position.

To connect the cable, it is necessary to lay a loop, secured to the support of 75 Ohm. The middle ones lived on the cable to be stripped and twisted with the flattened ends of the tubes, and the wrap-around ends up being pulled behind the help of the middle dart. The decision of the loop and cable, which goes to the exit to the TV annex, follows the same principle.

The loop, which came out, і reshtu up to the cable, sob to unify the re-code, and then to secure it up to the vertical stiffness. The required antenna installation frequency is regulated behind the microscope, sparingly behind the changing signal.

Antenna of beer cans

One of the most popular self-made TV signal receivers. Replacement of pipes for the amount of material can be substituted by simple beer cans.

For the preparation of such a television reception, the following details are required:

  • two beer cans of 0.5 l each;
  • wood or plastic procurement for the head of the plant 50 cm;
  • TV cable RG-58;
  • soldering iron, flux for brazing for aluminum and soldering;

For a vikonannya priymach from beer cans, use the offensive instructions:

  • Through the bottom of the can, along the center, openings of 5-6 mm are solidified at the diameter.
  • At the edge of the jar, the cable is laid and vivodimo through the neck.
  • The bank is ready to close on the left side in a horizontal position.
  • Vivodimo through the neck of the cable to the rise of 5 cm;
  • Solder the cable to the bottom of the other bank.
  • Another jar is brought to the first place on the smallest window, a scotch tape, and a sticky material.

A socket for entering the TV set will be installed on the cable end. This is a variant of an antenna for digital movement. As soon as the TV set is adopted the popular format (DVB T2), or є the prefix, so that you can go to the old TV set, you can receive the signal from the closest retransmitting device. If you need the nobility to roztashuvannya repeater, right next to it, direct the antenna to send a signal.

A diagram is given for the preparation of the antenna, protected by the reception of the channels in the meter. Once you replace the pint cans, pick a liter.

If you don’t volodyte rationing, this is the best method of making a day. Two beer cans will be attached to the smallest buildings from the procurement, which will eliminate the entire structure. On the end of the cable, carefully mark the insulation by 3-5 cm. Twist the wrapped dart into a jgut and, having pressed the shape of the vuh, tighten it on the screw.

In the same order, naginit vuh for self-righteousness from another provider. For whom, bring the darts, for the additional screws, to the skin jar. From the point of view of trivial protection of contact, soldering more beautifully for mechanical fastening. Before the soldering, it’s bazhano to carry out the ludinnya of the surface.

If the antenna gets into the antenna, oxidized contacts are added to the self-contained attachment, which is produced until the signal is lost.

Photo by іnstruktsії yak zrobiti antenna

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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