Health guard phone hot line. Hot line protect health in Russia

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Numbers of hot lines of the Ministry of Health Protection of the Moscow Region:

The telephone number of the hot line of the Ministry of Health Protection of the Moscow Region: 8-925-548-56-47 - multi-channel (for food from the likarsky health care);

The telephone number of the hot line of the Ministry of Health Protection of the Moscow Region from the Ministry of Health is 8-498-602-03-59.

Non-commercial partnership

Godini robots: Mon Thu. from 8.00 to 16.45, nd. from 8.00 to 15.30, during Christmas days (daily break: 12.30 -13.00) Dovidkova service for vaccination of the MGTS SNID - pre-phone number of emergency medical and psychological support in crises "Doviry phone" for food addictions / services Telephone for psychological assistance in Moscow DBU "Moscow service for psychological assistance to the population"

Ministry of Health Protection of the Moscow Region

The contacts of the chief executives and chiefs of the departments can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Health Protection of the Moscow Region (div. Information below).
  1. Vіdpovіdі fakhіvtsіv s usіkh nutrition "life" of medical organization;
  2. Help and education for a wide variety of problems: complaints about the side of the patients, changes by the organs of the eye and a lot of them;
  3. Regularly informing about all changes in legislation in the health protection of the Russian Federation;
Increased importance of the Ministry of Health Protection of the Moscow Region *

Hot line of the Ministry of Health Protection and social development of the Russian Federation " Russia is healthy"Healthy with the project" SO HEALTHY! " 'I will see the medical center, whoever is a Muscovite can turn up for consultations. even more relevant є the topic of healthy eating and promoting a healthy way of living.

mіskі polіklіnіki

The main features of the local polyclinics are the general medical, prophylactic and advisory assistance to the population of the area closed behind the skin with polyclinics.

Polyclinics are stored from the onset of structural podrozdiliv, which will prevent the operative and efficient robot of all polyclinics. Registry of recording ailments at the reception to the likar, according to the hot lines of protecting health, restructuring wikliki likariv dodomu. For the rest of the restaurant's spokesmen, there is an hourly feed and delivery of documents in the office to accept licenses, as well as informing the population about the hour of receiving licenses and registration of "licensed leaves".

Providing preventive measures for health control. Likuvalno vіddіlennya is stocked with medical therapists and doctors of "professional" specialties. DIAGNOSTIC DIAGNOSTICS Do laboratory pre-tests, ultrasonic diagnostics, fluoroscopy. In the statistics of the local polyclinics, there is a processing and a file of documentation, the indicators of robots and all processes are analyzed. The first, administrative pidrozdіl zdіysnyu critical function in the polyclinics. Varto respect that, before the warehouse of the administrative office, it should enter: the head license and the patron.

Speaking about the local polyclinics, it is impossible not to say about the importance of a doctor in them, the doctor itself plays a leading role in the health protection system in the world, which you can always call the health protection department.

The number of the bezel-less hot line of health protection.

per hot line number to the health protection department You can find out the address and phone number of the health center closest to you, or polyclinics, sign up for a reception before the health center, learn about the correct food and about the norms of life of a healthy people. Krym, on a hot line you can learn the addresses of sports for a healthy way of life!

It is recommended that you insure your life against the loss of payment at the home insurance company, in order to make sure that you receive an appointment with Vazhakhvili. Life has a lot to do with everything and a hopeful hijacker of the shrinking insurance companies doesn’t screw up! Good luck!

Most popular telephones and hot lines!

I go, dear friends. The statistics are easy to understand, but it is a healthy and hot line of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, as well as pratsyu, if you can, if you can quickly, as you will see your power supply if you want.

Hot line phone number - 8-800-200-03-89. Wine bezkoshtovny for all residents of Russia and pratsyu in a cyclical mode. Even more often, food is determined from the drive to provide medical services, for example, they cannot, for example, do not want to bring us doctors or doctors. Todi will only need to review the information required - by phone for a specified phone number in the Ministry of Health.

Gotuumosya to dzvinka

If you don’t mimic the phone, you’ll be able to read the food in advance, so you can send the operator a call to the hot line, for the written plan of communication, as if we were going to get the message about the problem.

Yakshcho є a possibility, know that the name of the deposit is correct, on the yak you get the tax for the scarg, the name of the kervnik of that address. As a matter of fact, a particular medical practitioner should be embarrassed, in order to find out his name, and I will also need information about that medical organization, devin pratsyu.

gotuєmo document

So, as all the trash and malignant personnel are used, prepare your own documents - a passport, SNILS and a policy of compulsory medical insurance. As soon as your beast has any documents (aiming at a recipe, a recipe, a mandate, etc.), prepare them, if you have the option to name the necessary data from them.

Statistics show that there is more food and beast in the Danish hour, the legitimacy of paid dosages and receptions of fakhivts is valid. At the time of food, the health care professional of the Ministry of Health, who is working on the reception from a hot line, is able to change the preparations.

Virishuvanikh Pitan region

In addition to paying for medical procedures in Moscow, you can give an indication of your next meal and give short consultations:

  • About healthy cultivated and preserving your health: tyutyunopalinnya, stressful situations and victories from them, ethnology, etc.
  • About the possibility of discarding information in the health protection hall: the addresses of the clinics you need, the change of services, hopefully, the ability to write to the university medical center, etc.
  • About the possibilities of rejecting high-tech services: how the clinics carry out the procedures you need, how you can sign up for a paperless routine, etc.
  • About nutritional destruction of lykarskoy ethics, inappropriate provision of medical assistance, or not in general public.
  • About the manifestation of lycars 'problems in your place and regions, phones and addresses, you can give the necessary information, about the marriage of lycars' problems, so that you can take care of the budget in all the money for the big guys.
  • There is no food, you can go for help from the organs of obov'yazkovogo medical insurance (CHI), problems with the registration of CHI.
  • About vimagannya khabarіv for providing services from the side of the nurses.

I may not ring

It is possible not only by phone to visit the Ministry of Health's employees. Hiba is not enough, raptom you get a call, you can’t smell it, or know it’s nasty Russian language. Find alternative ways to connect.

For example, you can go to the website of the Ministry of Health Protection, in short, you can leave your letter to the brutality. You can also write an e-sheet for the necessary documents in the scanned view of the address: [Email protected].

It’s a little more manual, so I’ll tell you about the restoration of your beast, and the approximate term of the message. Also, the mail will be sent in a ten hour (from 10 to 30 days).

Yak Pisati Beastly

If you are staying behind the borders of Russia, then the phone of the hot line is + 7-495-627-29-44. Also, if you wonder if your power will be delivered to the Ministry of Health, or if you just want to know about the services of special assistance, you can call us in pre-service - 8-495-628-44-53.

If you have a difficult meal, then more quickly with the power of the electronic sheet, then, when you visit the site, it is innocent to change 2 thousand signs (letter and letter signs). Updating the website visually for a simple format of food - display.

As soon as you need to apply the scanned documents, from the out-of-the-box space it is not guilty of replacing 5 MB. Files in Word, Excel and PoverPoint formats cannot be accepted and viewed.

Over the course of a few hours, they could have served skargi, although in the main mailing, or by phone, the Internet did not come. The growth of opportunities for a ringing connection and the advancement of communication is a crazy plus, which, in addition to the quality of our Ministry of Health, can trim your hand on the pulse and promptly respond to any damage from the side of the medical staff.

Let me say goodbye to you. Subscribe to the new relevant statistics on our site and let your friends and relatives in social framing know about them.

Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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