Zavantazhiti spіd dіal for Mazіlu rosіyskoyu. Beautiful, functional and even manual visual bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome

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Visual bookmarks are one of the most effective ways to allow quick access to save web sites. Most popular and functional extensions in this area є Spid Dial for Mazilu.

Speed ​​Dial is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox, which is a link with visual bookmarks. The addition is unique, but there is a magnificent package of possibilities, which I cannot boast of any more additions.

You can just go to the Speed ​​Dial link for information in the statistics, so you can find it independently in the store.

For a complete click in the upper right-hand corner of Mozilla Firefox on the menu button and in the view at the end go to the section "Upgrade" .

At the right top kut, a row of sounds will flare up, in the yak it is necessary to enter the name of the new addition, and then press Enter.

The first one behind the list is to see additional supplements for us. In order to start before you get started, right-click on the button "Install" .

Once the Speed ​​Dial installation is complete, you will need to visually restart the web view by clicking on the prompts.

Yak koristuvatis Speed ​​Dial?

In order to display the Speed ​​Dial window, Mozilla Firefox will need to open a new tab.

The Speed ​​Dial window appears on the screen. Leaving the add-ons is not very informative, after taking an hour to set it up, you can create it with the best tool for Mozilla Firefox.

How to add a visual bookmark in Speed ​​Dial?

Beast of respect at the empty end with a plus sign. Having pressed on this vіkontsya, on the screen it will appear vіkrіnі, in what you will be prompted to denote a URL-link for an okremoі visual bookmarking.

Unused visual bookmarks can be re-assigned. For a complete click with the right mouse button by the end of the bookmark and in the context menu, select the item "Redaguvati" .

See if you need to update the URL-side of the site.

How can you see visual bookmarks?

Click on the tabs with the right mouse button and the select menu appears in the menu "Vidaliti" ... Confirm the visible bookmarks.

How to transfer visual bookmarks?

In order to know and need a bookmark as quickly as possible, you can do it in good order. To complete the task and move to a new area, by clicking on the Misha button and closing the bookmark.

Yak pratsyuvati with groups?

One of the best options is Speed ​​Dial є sorting of visual bookmarks by folders. You can open up a number of folders and ask them to name them: "Robot", "Rozvagi", "Social framing", etc.

In order to add a new folder in the Speed ​​Dial, click in the upper right corner at the end with a plus.

On the screen, it appears small at the end, in which case you will need to enter a name for the group.

In order to change the name of the group "For replacements" , Click on the right mouse button, select the item "Redaguvati group" Then enter your name for the group.

Changing between groups, everything is in the same right upper codend - you don't have enough to click on the name of the group with the left mouse button, for which on the screen visual bookmarks appear on the screen, so that you can enter the given group.

Nalashtuvannya of the calling viglyad

In the upper right corner of the Speed ​​Dial, click on the end of the gear, then go to nalashtuvan.

Go to the central deposit. Here you can change the background of the image of the picture, and you can either lock the image from the computer or add the URL to the image on the Internet.

For the change in additional assets, the cicavian effect is parallax, which is the destruction of the image in the world by the mouse cursor on the screen. A similar effect is even similar to the effect of displaying the background image on the outbuildings of the Apple company.

If necessary, you can adjust the picture for a given effect, so you can turn it on if you have vibrated one of the alternative effects (like, however, there will not be a similar wow effect).

Now go to the best deposit of evil, on which the gear is pictured. They need to see a sub-tab "Registration" .

Here you can find a detailed setting of the new tiles, fixing them from the displayed elements and ending them with the size.

In addition, here, if necessary, you can clean up the writing with tiles, turn on a row of jokes, remember the theme from dark to light, change horizontal scrolling to vertical, etc.

Synchronization adjustment

Minus is a big add-on for Firefox with the function of visual bookmarks - the overall synchronization. If you vitrachte to complete a lot of energy and an hour for detailed adjustment of the robot, if you need to install it for the browser on your computer, or if you need to reinstall the web views on the flow PC, then the additional settings will need to be updated.

The function of synchronization has been implemented at the connection with the speed dial in the Speed ​​Dial; For the whole, in the Speed ​​Dial settings, go to the third from the right tab, which is displayed for synchronization.

Here, the system will tell you about those that, for setting up synchronization, you will need to install additional updates, as it is not only the synchronization of these Speed ​​Dials, but the function of automatic backup. Pushing the buttons "Install from" , You can proceed to installing this set of additional items.

І to completion ...

Having finished setting up the visual bookmarks, grab the icon of the Speed ​​Dial menu by clicking on the end of the arrow.

Now, the visual bookmarks will increase, and it means that the hostility from the Mozilla Firefox server must be absolutely positive.

Svolota !!! Tse buloyu first thought for the launch of the Firefox browser this year.

Surely I feel that the Firefox browser has upgraded to the fundamentally new version 57.0 (cool, beautiful, shvidkoy, Varya Kawi, yak vikonuє bazhannya, etc. etc.), I don’t see the extension, released until the moment of its renewal.

Alle, at me, there is an automatic update. Firefox Portable. I will not block anything similar.

Tse I thought so if I started it. And win, such, launched, and then immediately!, On the new Firefox. Hava, movlyav, and grovel. Don't look back! Ale golovne, no more welcomes my beloved Speed ​​Dial plugin, in which I am able to pick up the required sites, divided them into groups.

Remember what bulo is written on the obkladintsi book "A guide to the Galaxy for hitchhiking more expensive"? There it says "No panika".))

We fix the Speed ​​Dial, itit !!!

I will say at once that I cannot repair the Speed ​​Dial "head-on". The stay at the new one is dated 14 March 2017. To turn on, start, start, the whole number. We'll go by the best way.

Otzhe, I open Firefox, I go to the request and install the extension of GroupSpeedDial from the official website of Mozilli. By the way, it's an analogue of my beloved Speed ​​Dial for Firefox.

Vidminno. At the top right in the browser, the icon appears at the blue worm. On the little indication of the upper arrow.

Pictures of klikabeln!

I click on the tsy icon, and in the menu I click on the item "Nalashtuvannya". As soon as everything is correct, you can see it as well, like a little one.

At the left column I select the "Import / Backup" tab. At the right end of the entry, the heading "Import Dial from the Speed ​​Dial extension by Josep del Rio" and then click the "Import file CurrentSetting.speeddial" button.

Displayed in the vibrator file. I enter the text axis in the "Im'ya file" field % APPDATA% \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \, Tisnu Enter i will go to the Firefox profiles folder.

Profiles, tse folders, in the name є ".default".

Zagal, zazvychay such a folder is one, or I have a decal. So it’s okay to go around.

Otzhe, I will go into one of the tsikh folders, and bach in the new folder SDBackups... These are the ones that are required! I show it vibud in the new file for the date of the expiration, so that the most recent file appears at the top. Clicking on the most recent file.

Import completed!

Now I go to the left menu at the tab "Home", put a tick in the item "Start the new account in the new deposit."

Don’t forget about it!)))

My dialogue turned. I am encouraged to turn around and yours.

Has it helped? Come to the Admin for tea.

UPDATE 05/05/2019: I am so angry!

The dealers (imovіrno mova ide about the rozrobnikіv of Firefox, ale tse not exactly) corrected the information. As a result of the Speed ​​Dial, I once again have a hairy pelvis. So everything, from the point of view of "old", ceased to be pratsyuvati.

Coristines will not be able to think of new ideas in the installation of a solution, but aloofness does not seem to be possible (like a server pardon, anyway).

If I don’t believe in the new update, I’ll go to Guglochrome. I don’t want to be so robust for a number of reasons, ale without Speed ​​Dial, on my especially IMHO, well, hey, to Opera tsey Firefox.

The lack of support for "old-fashioned extensions" has been vibrating for a long time.

On one side, I am aware of the reason why the browser will be able to “protect the corystuvachiv” from the steps of the evil evil and to the additional information about the new firefox “high” standards. Ale from іnshy side, me, do not nourish and do not overpower, for the first time they added a handful of chips, as I stood up myself. Tse, yak spit in accusation. And who are the guys going to catch up on the next time?

And the axis is written to the drive in twitter @mozamo (the bottom of the list is the translation of the opus to Russian).

My dear, dear shkoduєmo about the trivial fabulous Akhtung is quiet, as you love and do as you love. We know, well, tse rozcharovu, and mi pragnemo correct the tse yakomoga shvidshe.

Tobto THERE to know about the problem, it’s a pity and a pity to correct it. It says so here.

Kidney mo ...

UPDATE 05/06/2019: Half a year!

Vrantzi zaishov and having secured Group Speed ​​Dial without any problems. Mabut, they believed.

And here is Doctor Lexium. Until new posts.

FVD Speed ​​Dial, crazy, є one of the most beautiful and handy express panels of visual bookmarks for browsers. Once you have installed the broadening system in your internet browsing, you mitigate the best and easiest access to all your favorite and most frequently visited websites, as well as the ability to victorious functions of the impotent brown.

The main reason for the special feature is that the speed dial is from the other browser extensions similar to the plan є those, which are given the express panel, is set in a tricky trivial viewer, with all the robustness of the browser graph!

All the bookmarks for websites on the express panels are presented in the highest possible rank - at the viewer DILOV (special tiles, such as a picture and a signature). With the addition of a new skin file, it is possible to vikoristovuvati, both standard (established) signatures and screenshots, as well as power. In addition, in the expanded presence, there is a possibility of reconfiguring the design. You can quite change the number of DILOV on the panel, set the size, set the level of vision, change the color and change the size of the font for the signatures. It is also possible to easily change the color and transparency of the background of the panel itself, or to set it as a substitute for the obvious standard, I will wipe the picture.

The FVD Speed ​​Dial functionality is also very sensitive to the enemy. Besides the standard functions, in a general order, necessary for robots with visual bookmarks, in the Speed ​​Dial there are presence and without additional complementary software tools:

  • the ability to secure a password from an unauthorized view of your bookmarks by third-party people;
  • Possibility of setting up different groups of bookmarks for manual sorting and organizing the catalog of bookmarks;
  • Possibility of creating "black" lists for non-commercial sites;
  • the function of an extended message for all bookmarks and history;
  • function of synchronization, so you can use your bookmarks from any third-party computer;
  • function of opening backup copies of bookmarks with the ability to save a backup file on the hard disk of a computer, and a lot of it.

Mozilla Firefox is a tedious and handy browser, the functionality of which can be significantly expanded for a variety of special add-ons, as it is possible to link from a store that has been added to the browser. At the top of the article, I would like to tell you about the Speed ​​Dial upgrade - manually and functionally replacing the standard visual bookmarks, as you can easily simplify the browsing of the browser.

The main feature is additional - the display of bookmarks, only not by an ordinary list, but by the view of miniature images of sites. Tse allow you to randomly store a list of your bookmarks and quickly go to the required site by clicking on the preview of the site.

For the Speed ​​Dial victorian, download the supplement for the information in the statistics. After downloading, press the "Install at a time" button and restart the browser.

The Speed ​​Dial is practically robotic-ready. As soon as you used the same visual bookmarks in the browser, you need to add additional settings to the menu.

For a complete view of the Firefox menu and select the icon "Addon". A list of installed and active extensions will be displayed, it is necessary to turn on the old visual bookmarks by clicking on them and pressing the button. Additional Spead Dial, if it is not active, you need to turn it on.

Do not go out of the street, the Speed ​​Dial navpak vibrate "Nalashtuvannya".

Check the boxes "At new empty windows" and "In new empty tabs". Natisnit OK.

Now open a new tab in Firefox. Before you appear a side of visual bookmarks, however, there are no bookmarks here. Correct to the situation.

Press the right mouse button on the icon with the number 1, and then the item "Change the group". Before you appear not very much, de in the column "Addresses" you need to specify the address of the bazhany site. Write OK.

With such a rank, one needs a number of visual icons.

Prior to the speech, Speed ​​Dial realizes the possibility of sorting visual bookmarks by groups. For more information, open the Speed ​​Dial settings and select the "Manage Groups" button in the "Main" tab.

Press the "Add" button, enter the name of the new group, set the required number of rows and columns and press OK.

Here you can find out whether there are a number of groups and order a site for your own investigation. To create a group of "Robot", if it is known to be able to access the robotic sites, to open the group "Purchases", to select all the networks of online stores, to collapse to the group of "Rozvagi", if there will be a measure of additional sales of social sites. I will give in to my imagination and overwhelming.

All groups will be displayed in the Speed ​​Dial in the tabs view. Enter the group and store it with sites in exactly the same rank as you used to break the site.

Now the Speed ​​Dial is ready for the robot. Have a nice koristuvannya!

Visual bookmarks are the ones without which it is impossible to display the current browser. A selection of functions appeared in one of the old and old versions of the browser, however, later moved to the Internet browsers. By the same time, the function of displaying often displayed pages on the new contribution is now implemented in the skin browser, however, as it is found, the standard functionality does not depend on all the desire of coristas, but to compensate for the installation. There is also an extension of the Speed ​​dial for, as it is, to replace the standard visual tabs in the fox eyes. You can read about the Speed ​​dial extension for the Google Chrome browser.


For the cob raspovim, yak, vlasne, see the process of establishing expansion. Happily, the skinniest browser has already acquired a built-in store of supplements, which can be used to download and install * .exe files, which are no longer necessary. Now, download Speeddial for FireFox, you need:

  1. Launch your browser.
  2. Climb on the icon of the "hamburger menu" in the upper right corner of the window with programs;
  3. Vibrate from the list the item "Dodatki".

On the side, in the field “Pochuk middopovnen”, you will need to enter the name of the shukany extension (in our vipad - “speed dial”) and press the key “Enter” to start the process of the poke. Now you only need to press the button "Install" or "Speed ​​Dial" and finish the installation with the programs.

It's joy! To install the add-on, you need to re-enable the browser.


In addition, as Firefox has re-opened, Speed ​​dial is set up with a standard set of secure sites.

Everything that is now required is to complete the primary setting and add the power to the site. In order to visualize the site, you will need:

  1. Place the mouse cursor on any closed site (which is also called dilami).
  2. Klatsnut on z'avivshis red chrestik in the lower right codeblock block.
  3. Please confirm the visibility and repeat the procedure with any unnecessary sites.

Registering a vlast address in the Speed ​​dial Mozilla can also be viewed for everything in a few clicks, but by itself:

  1. Click on the "+" button on the cob side.
  2. Enter the site address in the field. As for the Danish moment, the required site is already visible in the іnshіy contribution, just click on the "View tabi" command to correct access to look at the sites in the new tabs. Similarly, the functional function is for frequently visited sites, as well as for popular addresses of middle sites.
  3. Enter the title of the file, otherwise the empty field is missing. If the title is not entered, then it will automatically be inserted from the side, so that it will be delivered.
  4. Vibrate the image at the given site or independently add it to the "Vidobrazhennya" contribution.
  5. Press the button "Create", and then go to the next tab or close the window.

As a butt, I added the speed dial of mozilla firefox to the address of the social grid, and then set up a number of hundred points on the head side, just clicking the context menu with the right mouse button. Axis, what happened to me:

In general, the expansion of Speed ​​Dial is a perfect replacement for the standard visual bookmarks, and there is a lot of possibilities for the mother to have access to her favorite sites.

Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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