Gris rules at sports bridge. Bridge - gree rules

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History of the bridge

Bridge- this is the name of the current sports gru, where you carry your ear from the older igors, such as yak, ombre, cayenne, plafond. Rіzni іstorіkіty vy'chayut the ringing of the current bridge with the old-time Russian іgry, the English word "bridge", which resembles the Russian "birka" in the yaku grab at Istanbul at the other half of the 19th century).

In my history, the bridge went through all the exotic options, in the new grab with special cards from five different suits, I also wrote down the rules.

From 1945 to rock, a single international bridge was adopted in the United States, the rules of which were first formed by 1915 rock. The recording of the international bridge was issued in 1926 by Harold S. Vanderbild.

Below, the rules were established at the consolidated World Bridge Federation (WBF) in 1948 rots.

Gris rules


Have bridge Play with 52 cards. Call to play two logs, how to shuffle and create as you go. The seniority of the cards is from ace to two. Tuzi, kings, pani, valeti and tens - tse oneri (older kart); reshta - tse foski (young picture). The seniority of the suits in the trade: without a goat, pike, hrobaki, tambourines, clubs. Існує змінна goat suit. Meta gri - score the maximum number of points on the entry for playing a game and a rubber (two games).

Distribution of suits

Yakiy maєmo has three abo mensh karti, I call it a short suit. With a number of two pictures in the suit, they call it a doublet, one - a singlet. The number of cards in the suit is renounced. The suit, which can be stacked from one or more cards, is called the same suit, and all 13 cards, which I will take away the grave in the process of issuing, are called by hand. A short suit is to take revenge on troches larger than a triplet. Chotiri karty in suit - four, five - p'yatirka and so on. Equivalent distribution - full distribution, which is not more than one doublet, tobto 4-3-3-3, 4-4-3-2, 5 -3 -3-2. A regular hand is a hand without p'yatrok: 4-3-3-3, 4-4-3-2 and 4-4-4-1. Scythe hand is a hand, for revenge, yak minimum, nine cards in two most common suits: 5-4-2-2, 6-3-3-1, 7-4-2-0, etc. The distribution of cards of our hand by suit is called the distribution of suits, for example: p: xxxx year: xxxx b: xxx t: xx - distribution 4-4-3-2. p: xxxxxx year: xxxxx b: x t: x - distribution 6-5-1-1 і etc.


Have the bridge rook chotiri individuals (dvі pari). , scho sit on one side, one on one, play twice against another bet. Gravity for lightness is indicated on the sides of the lights Pivnich (N), Skid (E), Pivden (S) and Zakhid (W). Kozhen gravets borrowed his place for home ownership or for a stallion. Gravitational letters and names: Північ, Шід, Південь, Захід. And this picture is the hand of Pivnoch, the hand of Descent, the hand of Pivdnya, and the hand of Zakhod. Zvychayno, Pivnich Grau in one pair with Pivdnem, and Zakhid with Descent. so that the stinks set the line Pivnich-Pivden (NS) and Zakhid-Shid (WE). Call at bridge clubs, on the tournaments on the table there is a sign with the designated direct sides (stench, sound, nothing to blame for geography).

The bet is made by a foal: the skin is tight from the closed deck on one card, and the owner is the oldest one is chosen. Vlasnik is different for the seniority of the picture of the old partner and sidak navproti; opponents occupy two missions, but they have become overshadowed. A pair of gra at once by the stretching of a robert, which is a closed fragment of a gri, which is formed from two parties. After the end of the year, the foal is conducted; Gravity in the same way can not be grateful. The third Robert has a grain of steam at once. All three rubbers set up a cycle of titles as a round.

At the sports breeches four gravts are playing at the leather table; the tables are numbered in order for the Judge to stand. Winning one from the direct position of the Pivnochi; іnshі directly vznachayutsya sodo Pіvnochі zvychayutsya rank. Chotiri gravitas at the leather table make two bets, for the parties:

Pivnich and Pivden against Descent and Sunset. At the guys who have team tournaments, the participants are the pariah commands, at which the warehouse of pairs is secured by stretching through the efforts of the session (except for the vipadks that are allowed to the Judge). In individual tours, leather grave will be a participant, and partners will change with the session.

If the gravitas were sitting at the table, another important moment is the distribution of cards. The master of the senior kartin in the foal was the first karty in the building, having shuffled it in front of the front and let the partner know to sit as a right-hander. The cards are distributed one at a time, they are repaired from the grave, so they can sit alone, the docks do not distribute the whole deck (I will take out 13 cards for leather). For an hour, the partner will give a deck to a friend and put the right-handed person in front of him; The next step will be carried out by the grave to sit on top of the one who is building.


Gras are stored in two parts - trade and retail. For an hour of trading, a contract is put in place, so that the crops are bound to take a singular number of habars from a naked cozyr (or without a new one) by a pair of partners, as they have proponed the contract.


It is stored from chotir'oh cards, which, by the way, are thrown onto the choirma's style with gravels. The first one to go after the habar of that one, who took it in front, wiklavshi be-yaku with his cards on the glass. Іnshi by the way, right next to the year of the street, you can also use one card. It is obligatory to show this suit, but if it is not ma, you can throw it if it is a yaku (it is not necessary to interrupt it with a kozir). Khabar beret that, hto viklav the oldest card in suit, zaishov gravets, or kozir; yaksho kozir_v k_lka, bere the elder. Khabar is the power of both partners, right from the fact that you took from them.


I will trade for the one who is building, and after him, along the way (for the year's line) - і rashta. Gravets can say: "Pass" - do not take the fate of the trade. Disclaimer - the price of the denial of the contract. The contract is to take the so-called book (6 habars) and the number of habars. For example, one pike - tse 7 khabarіv with a pikovy goat, 3 tambourines - nine from a goat of a tambourine, two without a goat - we are. You can find a bidding for any kind on any price.

Before the front, the application can be interrupted by a yak after a r_vnem, as well as according to suit, and the request is interrupted not only by the opponent, but by the ith partner.

The bargaining will end, if you send an application by passing three passes; the application becomes a residual contract. Two partners can bargain and todi, if the opponents were trying to do it. If you don’t get the declared number of habars, it’s not just not write down your own point, but your opponents score their own points for not getting the habars up to the contract. For a skin request, the opponent can be naked: "Contra", so that the goiter will not accept the contract, then the flippant may say: "Recontra", so that the additional goit will be engaged in realizing the contract. Contra and redo to increase the recording. The stench is gaining dignity after three passes, the request is coming. Kozhna's new application may be at its own house, but it is contradicted and reconstructed. After the end of the auction, start playing.


The one who rozigru is dependent on the one who first bare the goat suit, so that the residual value of the contract (number of habars) is worn out by the partner. The first move is to destroy the enemy, so that he can sit on the side of the one who has started. On the first move, the partner rozigru vikladaє his picture іdkrito on the style - the stench is called a table. Razoradzhaєtsya them rozіgruuchiy. I write all thirteen habars to be afraid to write


Vigotovlyaєtsya at two hundred: "mi" and "stench", moreover, skin razdіleniy horizontally. Before her write down the points for the swag, the nudity behind the contract, that bonus for playing Robert, and above the border, everything is inshe.

For leather swag, denudation in young suits (trefi chi tambourines) - 20 points.

For leather swag, denudation in senior suits (hrobaki abo pike) - 30 points.

For the first swag, nakedness at the group without a goat - 40 points.

For the other offensive habari in the group without a goat - 30 points.

Robber plays that bik, as he plays two parties. Play the party, requiring you to write down at least a hundred points (it’s not important, if the stench was typed for one or for a few seconds after playing contracts). Having broken the party, write down the record, before the rice, the spring and the records of the opponents, the destruction of the process (a part of the point is scored); To write down the part of the offense, the parties may start from scratch. The side that played one game will compete "according to the party", and the one that has not yet reached the result - "before the party".

Prizes for re-praise, undershoot, counter, re-counters, little and great (nudity that took twelve and thirteen habars), as well as crown that crowns to write over the boundary. When the rubber is finished (I play two parties of one side), the game will be held. Win a glance at the summation of all records of the skin of the sides (like above the boundary, so on and on). The increase in the amount of sums, divided by 100 (rounded up to an integer number) - the whole number of times, in the games of the number of programs in the whole rober. One of the partners has won a number of matches from one of the counterparties.


Record from mezheyu lishe for the stripped out swag in the played contract (re-countering the subwoofer record from the "counter"):

  • for swag at clubs and tambourines - 20 (without counter), 40 (with counter),
  • for swag in hrobaks and pikakh - 30 (without counter), 60 (with control),
  • for the first swag without a goat - 40 (without counter), 80 (with control),
  • for other і dalі swag without a goat - 30 (without counter), 60 (with control),
  • for winning the first game - 100 points,
  • for winning another game - 100 points.

Records above the boundary (redo podvoyuє record iz kontroyu):

Overcome (skin swag on the basis of denudation contract):

  • before the party - styles f, skilki і for swag (no counter), 100 (with control),
  • writing the party - those same (without counter), 200 (with control).

Not enough (habari, not done for the contract):

  • before the party - first swag - 50 (without counter), 100 (with counter),
  • before the party - skin attack - 50 (without counter), 200 (with control),
  • pislya party - first swag - 100 (without counter), 200 (with counter),
  • pislya party - skin attack -100 (without counter), 300 (with control).

Record over the boundary, do not match the control and reconstruct:

For nevikonanu counter to the party and the song of her - 50.

Rober Play Bonus:

  • as an opponent of the "party" - 500,
  • as an opponent "before the party" - 700.

Bonus for taking a naked small sholom (12 khabar_v):

  • before the party - 500,
  • for the party - 750.

Bonus for taking the naked great Sholom (13 khabar_v):

  • before the party - 750,
  • the party was sent –1500.

Prize for volodinnya chotirma at the goat (crown) - 100.

The bonus for the volodinnya p'yatma honers at the kozir (crown) or the choirma with aces at the group without the kozir is 150.

Bubi (gra z "blockhead")

Option gris for three partners, destruction 1942 rock by the English famous Igor Kh'yubert Philips.

Gris rules

Gruyut with a new deck in 52 kart. Kozhen from three partners will remove 17 cards each; ostnya zalishaєtsya zakrytnoy, vikladena on the stile, won’t appear first potato "bovdur". Before the earliest trades, leather gravels have been carefully selected from their choice of pictures and put together from closed onto the glass. In this rank, thirteen critical cards appear on the table - an additional set for "bovdur". Kozhen vede sv_y vlasniy record. Bidding is being repaired by the time, how to sit on top of that, how to build, and go through the rules of the bridge with one additional additions: іsnu nakedness "zero". Vono means that the gravel of goiters will be able to take trochas of more than six habars from the group without a goat. Two zeros are not more than five zeros, three zeros are not more chotiry, chotiry zeros are three, five zeros are two habars, a number of zeros are one (maliy sholom in zero) (great sholom in zero) - zhodnoy khabari. Naughty zero is older, nizh nude in hrobats, ale younger, niz at pikakh. For winning one zero, 30 points will be recorded. The one who has played the auction, playing the "blockhead" picture of the treasure, do it yourself. The first to walk is a grave, how to sit in person from the one who is building. The picture of the "dummy" appears on the first move. Pass the rosigrash as far as the bridge for chotiroh.


Graut A, B і C. Zdavav V. Zakryut card "blockhead" є ace of hearts; three grave pictures:

Gravets A

  • worm: ten, p'yatirka, four, two,
  • tambourine: Jack, Nine, Vіsіmka, Quartet, Treyka, Dvіyka,
  • clubs: jack, four, two.

Gravets B

  • heart: queen, jack, trika,
  • tambourine: king, queen, ten,

Gravets V

  • piku: nine, four,
  • tambourine: ace, small, shistka, p'yatirka,

Gravets A virіshu nakedness zero і skid to the "blockhead" chotiri his worms. Gravets B, having gone to bargaining in pikas, threw off his chotiri of clubs. Gravets In vvazhaє your pictures are too weak, you should bargain: throw two pips, and also a shistka and p'yatirku bubo. Writing a series of manipulative pictures are generated as follows:

Gravets A

  • pike: ace, smka, p'yatirka, three,
  • tambourine: Jack, Nine, Vіsіmka, Chetvіrka,
  • club: four, two.

Gravets B

  • pike: king, queen, jack, ten,
  • heart: queen, jack,
  • tambourine: king, queen, ten.

Gravets V

  • worm: king, nine, visimka, semka, shistka,
  • tambourine: ace, small,
  • clubs: ace, king, queen, nine, seven, p'yatirka.


  • piku: nine, four,
  • hearts: ace, ten, p'yatirka, four, dviyka,
  • tambourine: shistka, p'yatirka,
  • club: ten, visimka, shistka, three.

I trade in the beginning of the big rags chotiroh zero, which means winning the party. Gravets B, having resumed the power of naked chotiri pike, still pass; In, where the city is protected, it is also passed.

Otzhe, graє chotiri zeros: walk B; gravtsi sit at the offensive order (lіvoruch for the year's strіlkoyu): B, "blockhead", V, A (graє). B go with a king pik, "blockhead" put a nine pik, In a throw of an ace of diamonds, A take a swag with an ace, A go with a two bubo, B a king’s treasure a bubo, "blockhead" - a small bubo, In a throw a cube of bubo.

Gravets B, having thought, walk as a tambourine lady, bazhayuchi interrupt the ringing between a raving A and a "blockhead". The brave one will be guilty of taking one more swag from pikakh; Yakshcho grave In zmusit yogo take swag from hrobakah one in clubs, tse means a program for A. On the lady bubo from the "boob" is considered p'yatirka, from grave B - ace of clubs and jack of diamonds from the black one.

Gravets B can not get out with his third groin, oskiltsym themselves allowing bi "bovdur" to throw off the ace of diamonds. Vіn vіn hіnkoy worm'yakіv. "Blockhead" throws ten hearts, B - nine, and ravenous - jack of clubs.

Now B come in with a jack of hearts, the "blockhead" takes a swag on an ace, a flirtatious throw off a big pik and go in from a "dummy" four pik, as you hammer in a p'yatirka pik. Gravets B having thrown off two piks - gravets having already cut off three swags. It’s not scary: when you use a small tambourine, you’re not bigger than habars, when you see your nakedness: chotiri zero.

Analyze the distribution, it will change, but the grave B has played bi choti piki, and V - to navigate five clubs, ale it didn’t blow up the cheeriness of the trade.


Option gris for two, especially popular in Great Britain. Gravtsi create pictures from scratch. Kozhen otrim 13 cards, the sieve to lie at the closed deck. When the enemy is ready to go, if there is no crop, I have the right to substitute, be it, a number of cards, having thrown them off and closed on the steel, and take the styles and from the deck. Writing a substitute for a picture of one that is created. Let's start trading. With two passes of the picture, shuffle the one over. In the trade there is the possibility of being naked (one, two, etc., up to a small and a great one in zero, inclusive), so that you can take no more than six, five very habars (like in the option "bubi"). For one zero, the entry scores 30 points per line. Oholoshennya in zero vvazhaєa elders, nіzh at tambourines (hoch maє tu zіnu), albeit young, nіzh at hrobaks. After the end of the trade, go to the opponent of the raider (the one who has played the trade). Usi khabari are stored from two cards (the card is entered and loaded). Інші rules that record yak at the traditional breeches.


Today, it was broken up in 1951 by an American engineer and the creator of the bagatokh Igor Sidneum Sexon from New York. Gras have expanded in the United States and in those countries of the midst of amateurs of commercial cities.

Grayut with a preference deck (32 pictures). Seniority: from Ace to Seven. Seniority of suits (only in trade): piks, hearts, tambourines, clubs. White goat suit. The skin task is stored in two parts: distribution of cards with trade and distribution. A picture is being built on the go; trade is an initiative the adversary of the one who is building. The trade is carried out on the basis of the number of points, as the grave of the goiters will be taken from the winners. Zobov'yazannya of a ravenous otrimati five khabar_v; All khabari vishche tsієї sumi vvazhayutsya fallen as a naked goat suit (without a goat - 10 points, peaks and worms - we see, tambourines and clubs - a lot of points). Isnu also a naked gray "zero", so that the goiters are taken to take all the chotiri (one zero), three swag (2 zero), two swag (3 zero), one (4, abo maliy sholom in zero), zhodnogo (five or great) sholom at zero).

Trading is carried out in three rounds, and in two of them, leather gravel can be damaged one by one, and the third trading is three rounds, the docks are one of the gravels.

I’ll take off a sprinkle of leathers, 10 cards each (I’ll moon two cards each). Viroblyaєtsya the first round of trade. Then another tour will be carried out on two pictures; They give more to the skin, and the third and last tour of the trade. May the gravity gain on the doorstep the last picture Ale in front of the tsim is a grave, which has played the trade, the goiters are naked, the goat suit. The adversary has the right to control, now the scene of a goat suit can come, or a reconstruction. Otzhe, leather grave can write the end of the delivery of cards and trade in the hands of 16 cards.

Before the cob, I cut the gravel into two parts, I put thirteen on my hands and I put three on the steel (reserve gravel). At rosigers, there is a lot of habars to take revenge on the chotiri karty (on the skin of them there is a grave kidag through two karty, and the khabar bears the one who threw the old one).

Gravity guilty of giving in the suit (a few cards are in your hands; reserve cards do not take part from the first stage of play!).

Gravets is not guilty of interrupting with an older potato chi with a gozir, as there is no suit. Somiy khabar is a stop, where you can play cards by hand, fold from two cards (її bere gravets, whose card is senior). Then the cards can be loaded into the reserve (the boxes can be stored from two cards). There is also є matching of the match in the suit.

After the end of the trade, the grave, who is in the hands of different cards, will take away the premium points for the crowns and crowns (oneri), if you sign up, like in the breeches, above the border. Before rice, like in breeches, you can register if you don't have eyepieces, if you are trimmed in trade and rose. Prizes for oneri, nudity and play of great and small sholomi, for zigrani of igry with control and reconstruction, as well as for the party and robbery to be recorded over the border. If one of the partners plays with a friend through the party, then we must remove the glasses from the skin of the two gravities - ichnya growth store program.

In the trade with the first two rounds, the leather grave has the right to overtake the naked enemy by no more than five points. There is also one opponent in the earlier round, who can, in the rounds of trading, move his crops before the previous round, or not more than five points. Kozhen gravets, however, have the right to bare the great, for maliy sholem in be-like suit, right from the fact that he had previously denounced the enemy.

Once I’ve programmed it, I’ll take in a few glasses, so I’ll use the glasses, which are shabby when they are getting rid of them. For great and small sholomi, not naked for the hour of trade, and also for the loot of the zhidnyh prizes not to be found.

Recording... A party is stocked for 20 points, a rubber - from two parties. The partiality of the skin swag is about five: for the group without a goat, it is at zero - 10 points, for the piks and hrobakakh - 8, for the tambourines and clubs - 6 points. The bonus for the robber for playing two parties is 150 points, for three parties (one is played by the opponent) - 100 points. Prize for great and small sholomi: for maliy sholom before the party - 100, for the party - 150 points; for the great Sholem before the party - 200 points, for the great Sholem - 300 points. For a gru, a game against a control before a party - 25 points, for a party - 40 points, for a reconsideration - a pair of points. For the run: before the party - three times the number of bad points; s check - ten times the number of bad points, red check - twenty times; send a party - five times the number of bad points; with the check - fifteen times, with the redist - thirty times the number of bad points. Prizes for crowns and crowns (oneri): with a group without a goat for chotiri tuzi - 40 points, for three aces - 30 points; at zero for chotiri sіmki - 40 points, for three - 30 points. If there are a lot of cards for the gray in the suit: from chotiroh cards - 15 points, from five - 30 points, from six - 45, seven - 60, eight (more suit) - 75 points.

Chinese bridge

One of the options for gry. Opponents create pictures on the wrong side. That, hto create, a chance to give to the enemy and his own according to the choice of the picture, and later 44 (22 each), also close. Writing 11 cards (s 22) and spreading them on the critical ones, so that the enemy is bachiv (on the skin close, lie on the edge). Chotiri cards, removed earlier, will be left in your hands. Toy, hto zdaє denuded gru (visota і type); Your opponent can be less counterproductive or passuvati. If you want to counter the building, you can reconstruct or remember the application for a bigger temple. For the persimmon habar, see the adversary of the one who is building. The habars are stored from chotiroh (by the door, thrown off by the skin from the gravel); swag take that one, hto having thrown off the most recent card. In rosіgrashі take the fate of the picture from the hand and from the table. Obov'yazkovo vidpovidati in the suit, or else it is necessary to interrupt it with an older card with a goat, as the suit is not. As soon as it is played from the cards that are visible on the table, it is necessary to safely show it to be closed, so that it can lie under it, as it is possible to take the fate of the game (from the offensive swag). I will write down the rules - like a traditional bridge.

Bridge for two

Variant gris, broken up in 1954 by Kenneth Konstam, an English nobleman and creator of the new Igors. Gravtsi distribute pictures from scratch. The one who creates, dealt the chotiri razi 13 cards each - sob, the enemy and the steal. One of the packets of cards on the table is the tse of the titles of the yolop zakryty (the picture will be closed), and the one - the yolop sign (when the picture is displayed). I trade if I start with the one who is building, for which the first applicant does not have the right to passuvati. At the same time, with the application of the one that is being built, I am naked, with the call of the bovders, we will see it, or we will close it, we’re grateful. The price of the decision is obov'yazkovim, right from the fact that the auction is playing. Bidding will go on until the first pass. The first one to go is the opponent who won the bidding. Before the first move of the picture on the table, sort it out so that the idiot, the grave, roztashuyu against the possibility of trading. For the first move, a picture of a closed bovdur is displayed, so that it is played with 26 open cards, which is to lie on the table. I will write down the rules.

For the grievance, a standard deck of 52 cards from two to an ace of chotiroh suits is used. When distributing leather gravets, I will take away 13 cards. One of the gravitas is such a building. In a sports breech, the grave, which is a building, is designated by the number of the item. The task is to be repaired from the trade.


By the method of trading є making a bet, how to start and whistle, depending on the contract (number of habari in food 6, as far as goats to take a pair, how to play) and denomination of the contract (must abo "without a goat"). After an hour of trading in gravel, fixing it for the building, according to the order processing:
Pass- The application is not significant.
Mastova abo bezkozirnaya application- Order of the name and denomination. The skin offensive application is guilty of being in front of the front for the ryvnem and / or for the denomination. At the bridge, the seniority of the suits was taken in the order of growth: clubs, tambourines, worms, piku, without Kozir. The seniority of the suits will be deprived of the trade. With a senior suit, є kozirna (for the presence of a goat). The best suits are equal.
Contra- a request can be canceled at once, if the last significant application is mastered or the opponents' request is free of charge. Tse means goiters'yazannya not let the opponents take the declared number of habars. Penalty for the suspension of the control, so the very same and the premium for the vikonaniy contract, grow.
Recontra- can be at the vipadku, as the last application of the bullet of the counter opponents. І penalty for a seat, і premium for a visa contract before reconstructing an additional one, below being monitored.
Just on the cob of trade, all the gravitationalists said pass, you will need to get 0 points each and finish.
Trade after three passes after the next request. Once you have torn the gravel of no goiters, the pasuvati dal. Leave an application "N denomination"(with a quick control or reconsideration) to be called a final contract, meaning the goats' wager to take N + 6 habars with the goats (or goats free). The couple who played the trade, gravets, who were the first to declare the suit of the final contract (or without the goat, which is the non-kozirny contract) becomes rozigruchim, and yogo partner - "bovdur", like a viclade picture of the style of attack and participation in the task, not taking care. Oponenti rosіgruє bets name resilient.


The first go is to rob the opponent of the rozіgruvach, how to sit іvoruch. Put your pictures on the style and use your cards to control the player.
Gras are conducted on the hub. Kozhen grave of goiters' knitting to play with a pot should be the first to go to the whole swag. For the visibility of the suit, you can grab something like a pot, and put the goat unnecessarily. Vigraє hіd gravets, yaky will go to the oldest card from the tsomu khabarі. Kozir senior for a suit, as for a suit, a non-kazirn card is used - a young man for a card in suit.
The result is a number of habars, which are cut off by a skin pair, nevertheless because of the fact that one in a pair is cut off by a swag.

Pidrakhunok glasses

Number of points in front of the door "zonality".
The zonality of the sports breeches starts until the earliest and remains at the top of the serial number at the tourney. Є 4 types of zoning:
Everybody to zoni
Mi to zoni oponenti to zoni.
Mi in zoni oponenti to zoni
All near the zone

There are two ways to earn points in breeches by playing a contract with your pair, or by placing a contract of opponents.
Zigrany contract
The contract is vazhaєtsya zigranim, as well as rozіgruyuchiy typing not less than the borrowed number of habars (from the base six). At the end of the game, a couple who have played, I will take away points, an equal sum in the contract, an additional bonus and a prize for the loan of the trade.
The part of the international contract is to lay aside the suit of the contract: clubs and tambourines are played in young suits (minori, 20 points for a swag), a worm and a pie for seniors (majors, 30 points for a swag); first swag in a non-kozirny kontaktu kostuє 40 points, a rasht of 30 points each.
The part of the visa is [equal to the contract] x [number of points for the swag]. A non-grease contract will receive 10 points.
For playing a contract, additional prizes will be awarded:
As a part of the contract less than 100 points, the premium is 50 points ( private contract).
As a part of the contract more than 100 points, and less than 6 for the premium 300 points before the zone and 500 points for the zone ( game contract).
For substitutions and contracts for 6 and 7 rubles ( Maliy Sholemі great sholem) additional prizes are given:
Maliy Sholem(the partners substituted and took 12 khabarіv): the bonus up to the zone is 500 points, the zone has 750 points.
Great Sholem(partners substituted and took all 13 khabarіv): bonus up to zone 1000 points, in zone 1500 points.
For the loan of the swag from the minor contract, an award of 20 points for the leather swag. The major chi has 30 points in the non-top-notch contracts.

Even the side, which rozіgruє, couldn’t recruit a number of habars, they write down 50 points for skin mischief, whilst driving boules up to the zone, і 100 points, like in the zone.

Contra and redo Withdrawal from the counter of the contract gives a higher score for the contract, but no counter. In addition, the couple, who played, will record their own additional 50 points for an incorrect counter. Khabari will reimburse them for 100 points to the zone and 200 each for the zone.
When added, the penalty for control is set to:
Up to the zone 100 points for the first unpleasant swag, 200 points for the other and the third, and 300 points for the skin.
Zones have 200 points for the first unpleasant swag, і 300 points for a skin attack.
Try to change the eyepieces before reconstructing to fight.




Bridge is a tse gra, in a yak you play at the same table as chotiri, there are more and more people for an additional set of 52 cards. Gravity for lightness is indicated on the sides of the lights Pivnich (N), Skid (E), Pivden (S) and Zakhid (W). Kozhen gravets borrowed his place for home ownership or for a stallion. Gravitational letters and names: Північ, Шід, Південь, Захід. And this picture is the hand of Pivnoch, the hand of Descent, the hand of Pivdnya, and the hand of Zakhod. Zvychayno, Pivnich Grau in one pair with Pivdnem, and Zakhid with Descent. so that the stinks set the line Pivnich-Pivden (NS) and Zakhid-Shid (WE). Call at the bridge clubs, on the tournaments on the table there is a sign with the designated straight sides (stench, zoosum, not guilty of the geographic ones):




The bets start with a foal and move with a stretch of a whole rubber. Robber - an ending fragment of a gri, which can be stored in two games (div. Record). When the rubber is finished, a new foal is carried out. Gravts, as they put a couple, can’t know gravity one by one. For the third rubber, play one with one, but without putting a pair. Three rubbers set the endings of the gray cycle, in the case of skin gravity and skin. Yogo is called a tour.

At the sports breeches four gravts are playing at the leather table; the tables are numbered in order for the Judge to stand. 0n start one from the right position of the Pivnochi; іnshі directly vznachayutsya sodo Pіvnochі zvychayutsya rank. Chotiri gravitas at the leather table make two bets, for the parties:

Pivnich and Pivden against Descent and Sunset. At the guys who have team tournaments, the participants are the pariah commands, at which the warehouse of pairs is secured by stretching through the efforts of the session (except for the vipadks that are allowed to the Judge). In individual tours, leather grave will be a participant, and partners will change with the session.

If the gravitas were sitting at the table, another important moment is the distribution of cards. Gravets, who has taken off the senior card at the time of the foal, select the first place at the table N and the first: yes, the deck, and in the skin of the offensive distribution of the orders, go on the offensive right next to the old fire. In addition, as the deck will be shuffled and taken by the enemy right-handed from the distributor, the picture can also be created behind the old arrow, according to the same skin gravity, until the whole deck is handed out. Both cards are created, so all of the other games in the bridges (trade and gram cards at the khabar) go for the year's arrow, go to the right.


At the bridge, play with a deck of 52 cards, 13 cards for each suit. The seniority of the suits in the order of the fall: peaks, worms, tambourines, clubs. Without a goat, be older. It is easy for preference players to forget - so it’s like, ale piku is not a young suit, but an older one. club and tambourine - young suit abo minori, worm and piku - senior suit abo major.

The seniority of the cards in the suit: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. The seniority of cards in the leather suit is traditional: the lowest card is two, and the highest is an ace.

Maps from an ace to a dozen are called, yak і preference, honors, from a nine to a dozen - fosks. The ace, the king and the woman are the elder ones (figuri), and the jack and the ten are young.

Distribution of suits

Mastinu, in yakiy maєmo three or less cards, is called a short suit. With a number of two pictures in the suit, they call it a doublet, one - a singlet. The number of cards in the suit is renounced.

The suit, which can be stacked from one or more cards, is called the same suit, and all 13 cards, which I will take away the grave in the process of issuing, are called by hand. A short suit is to take revenge on troches larger than a triplet.

Chotiri karti in color - four, five - five, etc.

Equivalent distribution is a complete distribution, but there is no more than one doublet, tobto 4-3-3-3, 4-4-3-2, 5-3-3-2.

A regular hand is a hand without p'yatrok: 4-3-3-3, 4-4-3-2 and 4-4-4-1.

Scythe hand is a hand, for revenge, yak minimum, nine cards in two most common suits: 5-4-2-2, 6-3-3-1, 7-4-2-0, etc.

The way to distribute the cards of our hand according to the suits is called the distribution of the suits, for example:

p: xxxx year: xxxx b: xxx t: xx - distribution 4-4-3-2.

n: xxxxxx year: xxxxx b: x t: x - distribution 6-5-1-1 і etc.


The khabar is stored from chotiroh cards, handwritten with leather from gravings. Start swag (walk) gravets, like taking the front swag, wickedly be-yak a card on the steel. The first vikhіd (vyhіd at the first swag) to rob the grave, how to sit with the hand in front of the "table". Іnshі gravtsі on thru add on one card. Obov'yazkovo grate with cards to move. If the grave doesn’t have such a suit, then it can be grateful if it’s like a pot, so that it’s not necessary to beat it with a goat. Khabar bears that іz gravtsіv, as if to the senior card of suit to move. Yakshcho grave, which doesn’t know the color, having played with kozir, then the swag should be laid on youmu. Yakshcho kіlka gravtsіv played a kozir, a swag to match the one who poklav the senior gozir. Khabar with the power of a wager, and with partners, knowing a swag is not a big deal. Vigrani khabari warehouses in front of you one of two partners.

Application - tse goats'yazannya take the number of habars equal to 6 rubles of the application, for example, application 1p - goiters take 7 (6-habs with goat pike. kozirya) - 8 (6) +2) khabar_v.

See applications

a) pass - means - I do not bargain (on the offensive stakes, trade is allowed, for bazhannyam, declare be-scho);

b) proposing a contract. To add up to the number, which means, skіlky khabarіv ponad 6 goiters, to knit brothers at once with a partner declare, і suit, yak gozir (g without goat).

An offensive application is made for the forefront (the last of the suits on the same level in the growing order - clubs, tambourines, worms, piku, BK),

c) counterattack - firmness, but the enemy cannot take the declared number of habars. To become stagnant to deprive the enemy of proposing a treaty;

d) redo - it’s hard, that the statements you made the contract will still be won. Zastosovuє

Brij (more named - contract bridge) Is an intellectual card game for chotir. She greeted her as at the closest friendly companies, as well as on professional tours. For one z version, the word "bridge" resembles the name of the old Russian gri biruch... The bridge is young: the rules of the gree, vіdomі seogodnі, were formulated only after 1925 from the rock. Over the ten years that have passed since the beginning, it has already experienced the peak of its popularity. However, until the end of the day, the bridge is the most popular in the world of carte gras for chotiers. If you want to learn about the fundamentals of the seryoznoy, ale fantastically bursting gris, just read on.


The basics

Etapi gri

  • Learn from the simple. Bridge є with a carting groove on khabarі. To the whole group, they are admitted, simple, ale widely seen іgri, takі yak joker, king, thousandі preference... All the games in the hub are to take advantage of the rules and features. As long as the bridge is for you to be built unreasonable and foldable, try to learn one of the overwhelmed igor vische - if you again take up the bridge, aim to become a serious student for you.
  • Be sure to periodically sit for style and gravel class. If you want to find a competent gris, then you should know: you can go through the best school you can only in the company of charmed gravels with a bagatorial gree. Give a joke at your place of the bridge-club, for a place where there are carte tours and try to fit in there.
  • Vivch_t terminology. At the breeches, the vicorists are even more specific. For you, mabut, if it’s simpler, you don’t get into it and talk like it’s handy. If you want to collapse the distance, then you will have to master it, and if, for example, you eat in a serious company, then ignorance of terms will lead you to great embarrassment. Give me some strength for the hour of introducing the game jargon. You will not get to know about the shkoduvati, and the investment will pay off a hundredfold.

Not a skinny ludin є by a professional graver at the picture, all the same in the form of "Bridzh" the rules are still reasonable and accessible. The managers can overturn the power of success and show the enemy their strength that vminnya.

For fair lovers of excitement, do not oppose to play in it, once at a great hour. Intrigue is trivial from the ear until the end of the day. Who doesn’t want to be a professional and blissnuty know? Here, the skin is adrenaline, and the memory of all the moments of the greed is obov'yazkovo.


Everyone is fond of the "Bridzh" rules to achieve simplicity. Here you will not be able to lamate your head that will forget you folding circuits, Doshe deprive to understand the essence and enjoy the process.

The current sports game has become more common among the old kartkovykh zmagans, from which companies have passed generation. For the whole hour, the won passed without a line, the skin nagged like a change, to simplify the rules. Alle the classic version of the bag, add more. The rules were changed to write down the results, the number of cards and suits. Narazі gramє

Infected to know that "Bridzh", which was born and began to develop in the distant 1915 rock. Vin buv of official registrations in 1926 rots, and even in 1945 rots in the international alcohol industry called this single international carte group of this type.

Karty and Rozklad of suits

"Brij" is a game in a picture, the rules are known practically from the skin of a ludin. Ale for the newcomers, all the same, they can listen to the pleasures and recommendations of the well-educated people.

She is encouraged to play with a standard deck, which equals 52 cards. Take two logs, the skin of the wedges is shuffled okremo. From dozens to ace - older karty, and the rushtu is called fosks (tobto, youngest). Likewise є one color, yak є kozir. And from head employees gravitational є the maximum number of entries (points for one that two in the game).

A short suit is made up of 1-3 cards, two of which are called doublets, and one is a singlet. Yakscho a picture in the same suit on a day, a price. Dovga suit to be repaired from 4 cards. In the process of giving skin grave, 13 cards are given each, which I call my name - a hand. Razklad with one doublet can be named - rivnomirny. This is also the way to remember the rule of a short suit - you can't take more revenge on a triplet.


The rules of the gris in the "Bridzh" For the sake of the memory of you, you can finish it off quickly, unimpressed with those people who share their fate.

Traditionally, 4 individuals are racked, tobto two bets (ale є options from a zmіnoyu kіlkostі). The superniks are bound to sit alone against one. It is possible to identify your own misce by an additional agreement with both gravitas and vicorist foals. Whenever a skin is called, it is called the side of the light, it is not possible to sit (pivnich / pivden / zahid / skid). For greater efficiency, you are allowed to lay your eyes on the picture in a straight line, so you don’t get lost, as і roam in special clubs.

The basic rules of the gris in the "Bridge" for 36 cards are simple, some people still sounded to the deck, de such a number of cards. You can use these rules to transfer for a 52-card deck.


The aim of everything goes on two parts - the price of trade and price. If there is a bidding process, the superniks become between themselves an agreement and a contract. To document the goiters Tsi khabari can be yak iz kozir, so and without it. Zobov'yazannya for a couple of gravitas, as she could proponate the partners with the greatest contract.

Khabar and trade

In the case of the group I will call it "Bridzh" the rules clearly mean what the essence of it is. The khabar is stored in 4 cards, which can be skipped over all gravities. Naypershim її take care of the one who took the rest. All are far away, along the path of the year's line. Kidati picture on style can be deprived of one color, if you want, if it doesn’t appear, you can replace it on іnshu, a goat is not necessary for any vicarist.

Trade is to be respected for the people who are building, and all have gone beyond the old days. The word "pass" can be mittєvo seen from the participation in the trade. For the cob, the contract will be bare, and then the gravel of the crochet will take one little bit of khabar. The bargaining will end if you do not want to see any of them.

Agree a contract

Bagato novachk_v ts_kavlyatsya, like a grati at the "Bridzh". The rules are simple here;

After three "pass" the application is submitted, as it is called a contract. Yak has already been said, the grave will be guilty of taking away the number of habars. A couple, gravely like taking a swag, sign on to the price. The contract can be formed from a number of habars, which will change 6.

Rosigrash that record

The basic rules of gris in "Brij" in some moments of navigation can be similar to those of gris, in which case the skin of a person will take part in life.

The one who stood up to the best of the naked suit, I will take the right to be rosy. Ale the first go is obov'yazkovo blame for the growth of the supernik, so that it can be rocked from the left side. Having broken the first go, the partner is guilty of the viclast of his picture, showing off to them. Then go 13 habars, and only write for them.

The main recording is on okremomu arkushi the paper, which is divided into two parts ("mi" and "stench"). Write down points, trimmed for swag, for contract, bonus and win.

Sports gra

The group "Bridzh" has clearly formed the rules from the beginning. A lot of people have more than once been magical about the changes in the moments in them, but all the same, the classic laws of the day and up to the present.

Among the boys' teams it is possible to regularly hold tournaments, which I will call it "sports gra". Anti-trophies rules are not foldable for a wide variety of options. Here you can quickly shuffle the decks, which are bound by the same cards of the other tables.

Most people of this type have a lot of pratsyu computer program yaka zdatna vibrati optimal picture for distribution. I’ll get over it, that couple, as I’ll get a few points, typed for the whole load, went the best.

Vicinnya here calls for nothing. It is important for this group to quickly take the correct approach to the future decision.


The Chinese type of kartkovy "Bridzh" rules are also simple. The stench does not seem to have any special indications from the other options for the gris. Here the opponents gain the right to buy food as soon as possible. For a cob, it is necessary to distribute 4 pictures, and then in this order it is more than 44. Writing needs to be seen for yourself 11 from quietly, as they are built in another part, the first 4 will be in your hands for an entire hour.

Bridge for two

The group "Bridzh" has the rules of binding the cards before the cob of distribution of cards. Don't wait too long to see the sound along the way singing moments of the rules, so the optimal option would be on the cob of gris. Zagalom, tsya variation is even similar to the front. Only one change is displayed at a number of buildings and additional auctions.

Vibration is distributed to 13 cards for 4, enter the enemy and sob. The trade can also be repaired from the gravel, but the building, but in the first application, the right to passuvati will be added. If the application is open, the one who is building, vibrates the bovdura (when the criterion is displayed at once for the task, the curse is to be left out for everyone by stretching out the effort), with the help of which and continuing the load. Take the decision to take it in a general order. Bidding also prodovzhuyutsya doti, docks sound the first "pass". I will write down the rules.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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