On the screen of the iPhone, the entanglement is spinning. IPhone on charging

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In the tsy statty it is described how the screen will hang, if it does not respond to the dot, or if it hangs for an hour.

Yaksho screen is dark or I don’t respond

As soon as the screen is attached to the darker, or it hangs, it may be necessary to restart the kerosene stove. Before the hour of the visit, the procedure will not be erased instead of the annex. You can restart it, if the screen is dark or does not respond to the onslaught of buttons. Go to the bottom of the page.

  • On the iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus attachment: press and quickly release the button to increase the purity. Let's press and quickly release the button to change the food. At the end, press and adjust the button, the Apple logo will not appear.
  • iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus: press on and on the button and press the button to change the filth in ten seconds or more, as long as the Apple logo does not appear.
  • iPhone 6s and earlier models, iPad or iPod touch: Immediately press the button "Dodomu" and the upper (or bichnu) button for ten seconds, or even more, as long as the Apple logo does not appear.

Yakshho pristіy all one doesn’t fit in, for don’t get stuck

Switch on the pristine until the liveness dzherel and overcharge for about a year.

Through a sprinkle of hilin, the screen of the charge will appear.

As the screen of charging does not appear for a year or two, for it appears the screen is connected to the dzherel vivilennya, turn the rose, USB cable that living adapter. Cross over, all the roses are hopefully connected, do not think that they do not mind. Try the shortcut USB cable or live adapter.

Yaksho pristіy to mix, ala hangs in the process of entangling

Apple logo appears abo chervoniy abo blue screen, visit the offensive.

Spoof iTunes programmatically secure for vlashtuvannya. As long as the loan is more than 15 quills, try to use the renewal mode and repeat steps 2 and 3.

Dodatkova dopoga

If you have any such problems, you should ask for a housekeeping service.

  • The screen will be darkened when charging, primus re-engaging or displaying instructions from the statistics.
  • The screen will become dark, a little bit beeped with the sounds, or the vibrations are heard.
  • Ekran pratsyuє, ale I do not react to the onslaught, skidding chi іnshі tin.
  • It is not possible for the primus to re-enable the pristіy, because the button "Dodomu" or the "Sleep / Awakening mode" of the evil is abused.
  • Pristіy hangs on the screen with the Apple logo, do not display in iTunes or show a one-color screen.

Date of publication: 09/26/2017

One of the simplest problems is that you can feast on your outhouse. Phone just do not get inі hang out battery icon (apple) or the black screen. Out of the obvious situation! In front of you, it’s necessary to turn over, yours charging attachment it's okay, try viprobuvati yogo on your attachment, as the result will be negative, then just buy a new charger and update your life!

If there is no opportunity to buy a new charging attachment, then try it yourself. charge through a usb-station, for example, through a computer!
Do not forget, scho in the cold annex Apple can vimikatisya, Oscillations of the battery will not show the least cold, you need to see it and insert the charging attachment!

I smarter, if your phone starts up and doesn't give a sign of life, just put it on charge and don't chink close to 20-30 khvili!

Problem with software insecure

Buvaє, Iphone stopsє normally pratsyuvati: then yakis pidvisannya at dodatkas, otherwise they can don't get in... In most cases, there is also a message not far away abo Jailbreak attachments. Smolder - do not panicuvati, more you can remake your phone for love! One of the ways to communicate the problem is to call the phone number " Hard reset ". And the axis yak tse zrobiti: Emboss buttons Homeі Power, go check 5-10 seconds and your phone will be re-assigned with a majestic image and successfully completed.

Ale if you don’t have an option, є 100% of the way. reflash attach via PC
Let's go ahead and get in touch with my program Itunes from the official website of Apple, give key through the Iphone cord to the pc and attach the buttons Powerі Home... Trim the buttons, leave the screen on accept button Power, ale Homé tune tse put the Iphone into mode DFU... After such an operation on a computer, there will be a notification that you should be in ovenless mode ready for renewal.

Have iTunes software all information about the Iphone is available, open backup copy that most important, renewal function! Onslaught on the update button and the check on the phone will not get a new firmware and will not get installed. Now, your pris_y will increase the practice on a new, clean firmware.

Hardware inequality

Do not start charging the battery, because the program has been installed so badly, it can be the cause of the apple icon before the hour is started. Buvayut i technical faults, as you put yourself in the mayzhe unhappy.

A wider problem will be sent to the fret of the button Power... With the active Victorian button, you can simply zapatati at your own nests and by the way it is possible to get rid of the case. Ale zhiti dali with a tseyu problem is possible, it is necessary uvіmknuti function AssistiveTouch how you can change the button Power.

The problem with the elements mother's pay so it itself does not mention the side of the Iphone vlasnikov. Bezlich microcircuits, clusters of memory of the telephone NAND FLASHі NOR FLASH, lantsyugi living in the annex, control the charge - everything can go out of tune with absolutely any koristuvach, і fit in with such a breakdown, only the master can write for the forefront diagnostics and real life! Itself is so bi-moviti, I can get it with a hardware breakdown battery pack- Replacement of the whole part is simple and cheap!

Vitannya! For a cob to describe the situation of the lecture, otherwise, from the title, it can be unreasonable, but the author is on uvaz. Moreover, not for a long time, I stumbled on the problem especially, so the picture is worthy before the eyes and to describe the situation, it’s not in stock :) nothing criminal, putting on the charge and pishov on their right.

I turn around in a dozen hour, and I’ll be even marvelous and inadequate behavior, I’ll attach - the iPhone squeezes in, the screen sleeps for a day (the apple appears and the entered password is glimpsed) and the display goes out immediately and the phone goes off. And everything is so perceived permanently. Start the experiment by checking out 20 khilin - nothing has changed (only), but it has been smashed and prodded because of an enviable persistence.

I’ll go ahead and say that the problem was sent to the virus independently, but without the introduction service center And to finish it in an easy way. Ale for the cob, about those who do not allow such a situation to be brutalized on the spot:

  1. Do not recharge the battery again, especially since the battery is no longer new.
  2. Do not get tired of zmusiti, in the frost of energy for the start you need more money.
  3. Vikoristovuvati original accessories - battery, as you say, thank you.

Vlasne, practically all the reasons were for me - it is altogether cold in the humble, the battery is still rocky exactly є (hocha trim), only the provid and charging the originals.

Who will you see? When connected to the charger, go so that all the energy, come, turn on, turn on the lock-up system and display. The energy is not running out of power, I can’t accumulate it, the iPhone will turn on as it is, but it’s just starting up and running. And then we must repeat again. The axis is also not closed. Yak viyti iz nyogo?

  • Vikoristovuvati tightened adapter. The one that is included with the iPhone is of the form of 1 amp and it is clearly not vista in such a situation. This means that it needs to be stronger, for example, from the iPad. There is 2.1 ampere on the input and the building date is more power, which must be checked for inclusion. Chi tse is infinite? Apple doesn’t seem to be wrong.
  • At the vipad, if the adapter is not handy, it is necessary to step on the operation - and to stop charging it for a day at such a station. In the whole regime, the screen does not burn out and does not get locked up in the system, and it means that there will be no energy savings, and all the time before charging the battery. Through khilin 20-30 vmikєmo iPhone і radіthat the vimikannya has come back.
  • Tsey option is clearly "for an amateur" and vimagatime from you deyakoi right. Polyagaє is guilty of the fact that the switch is connected to the annex for 2-3 seconds and there is no check in it, all at once. I charge the battery with such small portions until I start to clean it up to start the iPhone again.

The user wants to be sure that the situation is shown in the statistics, obviously not normal and in an amicable way, the accumulator needs to be remembered, but there are no surprises in the future. Ale here is already skinny virіshu sobi himself.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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