Test of poly-hi-fi acoustics of the middle price category. Have a humor sound

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A set of active acoustics, near the great screen, allows you to open into the booth or an apartment like a mini-cinema. The acoustics are of the same kind, very strong, the sound is also very strong. The speakers are installed in the small parts of the apartment, they can be heard in the room, without sacrificing the quality of the sound, to navigate the great cities. Models of the middle and premium price segment can be used not only for households, but for professional ones. Nayposhirenisha speaker system for home use includes five satellite speakers and one subwoofer. In addition, such a set is called the 5.1 system.

Try to get back, as the models turned out to be the best in our traditional rating. The sets of acoustics boules are razdіlenі on chotiri class: inexpensive, middle class, premium and super-premium. We have also added the category of acoustic sets with 7.1 volumetric sound. Such systems are easy to paint when you hear filmmakers and igor, if you accept hearing.

With the growth of the miscellaneous, the following characteristics and indicators were found:

  • Sumarny tautness of acoustics;
  • Dimensions and weight of columns;
  • Push the subwoofer;
  • Material for the body;
  • Part of the kit. Optimal performance of price and quality
  • The soundness of the sound (sub'active, for the words of koristuvachiv).

Naykrashcha inexpensive acoustics: budget up to 10,000 rubles.

Rozdil vіdverto cheap, altogether unconscionable acoustics for quiet, but it isn’t necessary to get overwhelmed by sounding. It is not easy to check out this technique of miracles. Cheaper models are good for transmitting the sound to the cob, which can be used for a lot of underdeveloped cranks. The parity of quality assurance.

3 Defender Hollywood 35

Naykrascha price
Country: China
Average price: 4004 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.3

The third place in the rating of the shortest inexpensive sets of acoustics of the loan is Defender Hollywood 35. The appearance of rice is the manifestation of the regulation of the muckiness for the subwoofer, the center, the front, and the order of the remote controls. The sphere of storage is an area of ​​up to 25 m2. The price of the best for the Hollywood line for specific parameters. The case of all the elements of the tree, with the magnetic screens, so that they can be pulled close to the TV, or the monitor, by the way, responds to the transition. The kit includes a cable that allows you to connect to DVD. Controlled by a remote control and a subwoofer.

The witnesses of the corystuvach see two main passages: a high purity of sound and the ability to change acoustics in all areas. The controllability is reached with the additional flexibility of a skin element. Two types of inputs admit one-hour access to the player and the computer. In short, there will be no more 3: a lack of a control panel, short darts of speakers and a lot of power to put the element on the wall.

2 Yamaha NS-P150

Found an available set of acoustics
Country: Japan (go to Indonesia)
Average price: 8990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Another place among the three best loans is the Yamaha NS-P150 home passive system, which can be stored in 3 dynamics: one for the central channel (65 Hz - 38 KHz) and 2 types (60 Hz - 38 KHz). The building of vikoniy from MDF with fixings for a chervone or a black tree. There can be 2 types of distribution: on the police and on the wall (the kit includes fasteners and gvint klemi). The frequency range is sufficient for home cinema and listening to musical compositions. Naykrashcha the sphere of storing - expanding the functionality of the front speakers.

Koristuvachi call the Yamaha NS-P150 a beautiful passive speaker system of the economy class, as it is victorious for the center of that tilu. Dovira koristuvachiv wiklikє brand that is optimal for the delivery of prices and quality. The best sounding middle and high frequencies. Up to the plus points, it is also aesthetically pleasing to the name of the viglyad. In short, they call it a small amount of wire, not the most beautiful sounding at low frequencies and the ability to readily (saw at once).

1 BBK МА-880S

More quality and value
Country: China
Average price: 6370 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The first place in the rating was deserved by the BBK MA-880S, a relatively inexpensive, ale-bright set of active acoustics. The virobniks have spoken about the gimmicky design to the kit. Hulls selected from MDF against black wood. The wiggle system is awfully stylish. Vaughn will fit into an apartment. The 5.1 surround sound set has two frontal, one central and two type speakers, as well as a phase inverter subwoofer. In total, the set type is the maximum pressure of 150 watts. There is a whole lot in the minds of the apartment.

3 interfaces є multi-channel line input and USB Type-A. Swear a kit behind an additional remote control. It is easy to use a Dolby ProLogic decoder in the system, which is a storage for stereo recording on five channels, which allows you to open the sound. It is also possible to insert memory pictures into the acoustic system without the need for a second, and from them music can be produced. In the viewers of koristuvachi, they say that the speakers sound wonderful, for an apartment as a whole. Especially the stench is to quiet for an hour when I look at films. Ale to charm the weak bass and short darts.

Naykrashch_ set of acoustics of the middle class: budget up to 40,000 rubles.

The middle price segment is due to the great versatility of acoustics. You can know not only simple inexpensive systems, but a few more complexities, so you can gladden them to find the rosy corystuvachi. The purity of the sound and the quality of the sound of the high, but still not ideal.

3 Samsung HW-N650

Droplet connection
Country: Pivdenna Korea
Average price: 25970 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The soundbar was rated as a subwoofer, so it looks like a great sound and deserved popularity among buyers. The set of the viglyadє is unobtrusive, ale bitty. All in all, the soundbar and subwoofer can see a pull up to 360 W, which can be whipped up to show the clear and boomy sound of a small apartment. A set of acoustics having trimmed the 5.1 surround sound system - an additional mouthless subwoofer can be added to the soundbar. By hand, it’s possible to bring a complementary set of acoustic acoustics, to make the effect volume.

The frequency range is not ideal - 42-20000 Hz. Yak bachite, the bottom of the troch is formed. However, the sound of the mensh is not strong and juicy: it’s not a big deal to wrinkle the music lover. The people who know are rich enough to praise the acoustics for the garnet sound, I would like to take into account the weakness of the "low" ones. The system is swiped through the remote control. You can connect the kit behind an optical cable, or HDMI, lay it down from the perevag. Also є line input and USB Type-A. Obviously, in speakers of this type, you can set up a connection with a smartphone and navigate to a USB flash drive.

2 Canton Movie 75

Studio sound for a small penny
Country: Nimechchina (go to China)
Average price: RUB 33,990
Rating (2019): 4.7

Deservedly another place borrowed a compact set of acoustics, a large sound 5.1 and a pull up to 600 watts. Tsyogo tsilkom whistle not on the room, but on a small apartment. A set of acoustics will increase the understanding of the "good quality". The virobniks did their best and made the flooring, and thought out that serious system, so that you can be deprived of paying for the customers. The ones who know should not praise the soundness and performance of the sound, I would like to mean that some scenes do not have high bass, but rather high frequencies of the sound. The sound can be called studio with a correction for the part of the kit.

The system is designed to provide sound with a frequency of 38 to 25000 Hz, but, unfortunately, it did not cover the area to remove it. However, the set of acoustics of the straightening is important for peer-review of films, so the specialties are conveyed as follows: you literally see yourself as a participant. Columns can be mounted on the floor, or right on the wall, so that they do not occupy the cinnamon squares of the room. Until then, you allow to dissolve more natural sound. The adjustment of the system allows the creation of a unique sound, which will respond to all the parameters. It’s a pity, I’ll only hand over keruvannya, like all adjustments: there is no remote control in the kit.


Lowest frequency range (28-33000 Hz)
Country: Great Britain
Average price: 24 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Gold is taken away by a budgetary, albeit significant set of acoustics from the system of volumetric sound 5.0. Even more radial frequency range, which can be seen: 28-33000 Hz, which goes far beyond the boundaries of human possibilities. Buyers mean that the sound of the Wiysh is completely unbalanced and detailed, but it is even more important. You see those who cannot feel them. The names of the speakers look seriously and solidly, but the quality of the coverage is not scrupulous - as often as you grab it, it’s just a stretch of rock.

Raznimannya gilding, and tse varto vrahovuvati when buying additional cables. It’s a pity, it’s a matter of fact. Get a separate receiver, add a set to a single system and bring the sound from different dzherel to it. It's a pity that the creators of the model have done without a subwoofer. However, judging from the vidgukov, the kit can do without a whole lot of taut and detailed bass. You can buy a subwoofer for a subwoofer and get an okremo, but in a large number of vines you can not know it.

Naykrashch_ set of acoustics premium class: budget up to 80,000 rubles.

The acoustics are of the premium class. Itself in nіy reach the most beautiful higher value and wonderful quality. Such systems are easy to satisfy the most demanding hearing. Їх parameters should be completely cleaned up, and all consumers should be covered.

3 Wharfedale Movie Star DX-1

Ideal for filmmakers and Igor
Country: Great Britain
Average price: 42590 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The rating of the premium acoustics was restored, the model was launched for the establishment of the ideal acoustic picture for an hour to look at the films. The compact set allows you to make the sound from films without taking a lot of trouble. Stylishly decorated and ideally biliy color allow you to enter a model for a primitive, if you want for lovers and a black version. The model is spokіyno typeє a frequency range from 30 to 20,000 Hz, which is generally enough for a human being. The urge to whistle, to remember the sound to finish the great room. The ability of a mouthless wisdom allows you to have fun with javelins and not to suffer with them.

With victorian Wharfedale Movie Star DX-1 for films or computers, enemies will become the most beautiful. The sound comes out weishenim, rich-faceted and full of volume, but see yourself as a participant of the podіy. It's a pity, when listening to folding music, the enemy can be captured. Signs of mimetic specialization are given. In the high purity, there is little performance, but it is inappropriate. From the side, a set of non-indications for music lovers.

2 Jamo S 809 HCS

Wide frequency range (from 36 to 26000 Hz)
Country: Dania
Average price: RUB 67,990
Rating (2019): 4.7

Another rank of the rating occupying a set of acoustics with giant front speakers and stylish design. The model looks like a volumetric sound of 5.0 with a frequency of 36 to 26000 Hz, practically covering the entire range of sensitive, except for the lowest bass. There is a lot of pressure to keep quiet: to whistle the 420 W applications completely, so that you will not be able to protect the powerful home mini-cinema with an area of ​​up to 50 m2 with an audible sound. Do not quiet down the subwoofer. In the case of buyers, they write that the basses are juicy and without it. Ale for povnoti zanurennya we recommended to use a subwoofer dodatkovo.

A set of acoustics adapts Dolby Atmos, allowing you to connect a special terminal to the new reality. If you could use a new model without a new type of flooring, a lucid and bright sound, be it like filmy and igry you will be covered with new headlights. Acoustics cope with music much more beautifully, lower than the previous participant in the rating. The sound is transmitted to the finish accurately, with the nuances of the sound, which is attracted by the deyakim genres of music. However, through the visibility of the subwoofer, it is not possible to accurately transmit the sound in genres that have a large number of basses.

1 MT-Power Performance 5.1

More pressure (up to 1190 W)
Country: Great Britain
Average price: 57750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The leader in the rating of the smallest sets of premium-class acoustics is quite inexpensive, the ale chudova model with a 5.1 surround sound system. A novelty on the market, won the heart of lovers of sound sound. Price for most acoustics in the category: a set of buildings up to 1190 W of pressure. So the model is easy to cover with the sound of great primitives and halls: you can easily cup it into a home cinema from 50 m 2 or more. The system is in the form of a frequency range from 35 to 22000 Hz, whereby the whole spectrum of sensitivity can be displayed.

The zovnishn_y viglyad set instills a glimpse into the povagu. On vibir є chotiri colori with a good deal of black / white color. Model to decorate an apartment, hall, mini-cinema. The sound quality of the set is inspired by the design: taut, glib and penetrating. The sound of the annex is practically ideal: to find the environment to keep quiet. Varto vrahovuvati, so for the connection to the kit you need a good receiver and cables with gold-plated plugs, so that you can ensure that it is as safe as possible and cleaner.

Nykrashchі acoustics kits super premium class

Acoustic assemblies of such a level cost inexperienced pennies, protesting for the price of giving customers not only a miraculous sound, but a hostile one. Models of the central category of volodiyut are ideal sounds, different style, as well as powerful features and bells and whistles, as you can see.

3 KEF E305

Lowest sound (max.frequency 45000 Hz). Unprecedented design
Country: China
Average price: 88200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The audio system of the insole type KEF E305 to the 5.1 standard is the vibration of innovators, which can assess the naturalness of sounding and the vividness of the design solution. Acoustics KEF E305 kindly say: say "egg" or "Great Nabir", and please let us know at once about how the model is in English. For better rated speaker systems, premium class!

The main feature of the kit is the detail, the scope and the accuracy of sound production. The Hi fi system earned the rating "Nice sound" for its characteristics: a great frequency range (33-45000 Hz) and a high sensitivity (86 dB). At the attachment to vikoristovuyutsya technology, power in the prime models. For example, the Uni-Q coaxial dynamo has a tweeter and mid-frequency head. Yak result, koristuvach nasolodzhuetsya gliboky harmonic sound: system and drive noise and zgladzhu amplitude kolivan.

On a tsyu metu pratsyuє acoustically invisible, ale, with a tense subwoofer. Yogo low-frequency viprominuvannya does not dominate over the other sound field. Rigid ribs in satellites ready for use noise canceling plastic. Koristuvachi mean, the most beautiful sounding - in the middle and high range. The fragility of the sound is absorbed when there is a change in the muteness.

Another feature, as it immediately falls into the air, is an unassuming design: a dome-shaped subwoofer case with a downward-facing viprominuach, egg-like viprominuvac in a compact design. Inappropriately changing satellites on the walls. Yak version, dynamics are installed on stays (not included in the kit). In the distance, there is a solution - a single original design and a victorious classic color: loose white and dark black. The set will organically fit into any interior design.
Up to the smallest of the virobniks, they are able to carry a small kut to the nagging of columns, but to fold the foldability when displacing and adjusting.

2 Bose Acoustimass 10

Most popular kit. Vibir koristuvachiv
Country: USA
Average price: 89 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Vidomy American virobnik "Bowes" is not a gift to enter the top of the best available audio acoustics. Ten versions of the legendary series Acousticmass came in such a way, as it is necessary for the skin coristuvache, which is necessary for a good sound. The first words are far from being empty (and not absurd): you can feel your own in the whole divoving set, which is like having a magnificent, wider version of the fifth version.

Nasamper, at every drop in significant size and mass, a subwoofer - as much as 16 kilograms of low-frequency "happiness" and fair enough and "savory" bass. Feel the drowning does not overwhelm a living person and for an hour I will look around the speakers: a standard set of two type, two frontal and one central dzherel even at a sum of 250 watts of pure tension. The price is no worse than a lot, but with the first included set, it is very clear, but more and not necessary. The last few hilinas became astonishing, but Bose prophesied a titanic robot and poured a mountain of cattle into a lot of money.

Acoustics miraculously cope with their customers and without additional drivers, they are supplied in three colors and have a priority vibration among their competitors.

1 Focal Pack Dome 5.1

The best sounding quality
Country: France
Average price: 139,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Acoustic set, which is the strength of the change in the perception of the quality of the ideal sound. This is the same vipadok, since the great price will be more compensated for by the high accuracy of the folding, the superiority and perception of the sound, which will be heard. The speakers and the active subwoofer may have an aluminum body, styling and gloss, the building will fit into any kind of interior. A standard set of five speakers produces sound with a frequency of 80 to 28000 Hz, so that one who could not know the wad (for an adequate adjustment of the equalizer). Well before the subwoofer, then win pratsyuє at frequencies from 47 to 200 Hz.

Vikoristovuvati such a set is worthwhile for the great spacious primitive, and the dimensions are clearly on the price. The height of the dermal column becomes 1.9 kilograms at dimensions 144x172x143 millimeters (width, height, and glybin as a rule), and for the subwoofer - 11 kilograms. Hope to change the booth system - the sound of a small room is even worse for the suspects, and for the health of hearing, it will not be a good rank. The final transfer of the polyaga is in the options of the obrobka set - for the vibe, the guests are presented with the set from the chervony, the white taverny. Ideal vibe for great maidanchiks.

Nykrashі set of acoustics with sound 7.1

The sound 7.1 is the best for home acoustic kits of the gray scale. Such systems are expensive, but they do not allow to optimize the maximum efficiency of the system, which is practically the same as in cinemas. Among the models of the whole category, there are both special sets, as well as compact, albeit effective soundbars with fine adjustments of the sound of a koristuvach.


Compact Sound Projector
Country: Japan
Average price: 89 990 rubles
Rating (2019): 4.7

Soundbar-sound projector, built-in to protect the volume of sound due to the presence of one speaker or subwoofer. Unimportant to the slight tug (107 W) and the frequency range (40-22000 Hz), try to manage to get rid of the lively sound that is hostile to reality. In the case of buyers, the tables were changed by the system, so it is better to write vinyatkov. If you want a strong bazhannya, you can hair up to 20 Hz below. Witm, basіv tsіlkom vistachaє for wow-effect.

Sound for the standard 7.1. The sound projector of the building should direct the sound of the sound so that the stench was consumed before the hearing speaker from the small sides. For a rakhunok tsiogo to take care of an efect of an obligation 7.1. For the correct robot, it is necessary to correctly install the soundbar and vibrate, it will never sound like the sound is heard from the wall or the furniture is correct. Schodo yakosti: koristuvachi actively praise the purity of sounding like music, so і fіlmіv or іgor. Tobto the system is universal, especially when it comes to creating content.

2 Samsung HW-N950

The most beautiful sounding value and quality
Country: Pivdenna Korea
Average price: RUB 81,950
Rating (2019): 4.8

Tsey soundbar is a novelty on the market, which has already deserved it. A solid Korean company has tried to create such a product, which would be practical for people to occupy a place in a home cinema. Easy adjustment and dull nasty sound of effort to rob a set with a non-beautiful vibration for everyone for the price and quality. On quality, it is not possible to navigate a low frequency frequency (34-17000 Hz): making the sound all the same is to quench the harmony and glybin. The effort of 512 W to allow the "sound" to be carried over a large room.

A set with a soundbar has two speakers and a subwoofer, which will not provide a 7.1 sound, but it’s less likely to lie down from the top of the display, as it’s in front of the top participant in the rating. Columns and vidobrazhennya khvil vid stele and stin wonderfully add one alone, literally filling the room with a melody or a sound superwire. Dolby Atmos and DTS: X output is even quieter, even if you can get a gorgeous sound. The system is based on an additional remote control, and the connection is possible through digital optics or HDMI.

1 DALI Opticon 5 7.1

Elite acoustics of miraculous quality
Country: Dania
Average price: 255 900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Elite acoustical system, amazingly awesome to see the best music lover. Wide frequency range (26-32,000 Hz) with 99% sensitivity. At the same time, the sound is clear, crystal clear, the flooring is glib, and it’s easy to drown. Such a system is ideal for home cinema, as well as for the first time: listen to the music, play in the game and so far. All repairs have an acoustic system of sta tim, without which it would be difficult to detect a connection.

In reality, there are three designs - a biliy, a black one, and a tree. In the case of the skin scent, the set of acoustics of the vigle is even more decent and solid, very logical. Raznіmannya pіd cables gilded, so that you need to see a variety of darts and not a small receiver but a player. There are very few doors to the premium equipment, there is a lack of positive emotions in terms of quality and sound. In general, the Wart acoustic system is used in the best middle of all premium models of 80,000 rubles and is expensive and quiet, very affordable.

Acoustic systems are stored in stocks, which can be used for listening to music or watching videos.

With the vibration of the design, I respect the dimensions of the beasts, the functionality and technical characteristics of the sound: sensitivity, effort, opir. Obviously, reconsider the appearance of the guarantee coupon and instructions from the technical service.

Yak vibrati speaker system

  • I have a lot of respect for the material of the speaker case. Nayakіsnіshim vvazayutsya columns, vikonanі from MDF. Models from chipboard are tendency, do not transfer to the vologue. A popular version of obrobka is plastic, the whole material is worthwhile.

Virobi, vikonanі z metal. Alumina is most often used for rafting, which will ensure the good mechanical power of the body.

Such a virobi may sound a bit hard and generous, a little vague, one minus is unnatural sounding.

  • Look at the type of acoustic system. In the active outbuildings, stronger dynamics are built up, filters are divided at the exits of the subsidies. Plus passive outbuildings - no need for voltage supply to the skin column.
  • Give respect to the tightness of the speakers.

For accommodation 20 sq. m. you need an acoustic system with an intensity of 60-80 W, for a room of 20-40 sq. m. m.

For large-sized applications, speakers with a power of up to 500 watts are required. For the thickness of the speakers, you need a sensitive fit.

  • For the purity of the sound, the sensitivity of the system is appreciated. Bazhano, the characteristic reached 75 dB.
  • Pay attention to the frequency range of the models, as the best model can receive sounds in the range of 16-20000 Hz. As acoustics is needed for a home cinema, the frequency range varies from 100 to 2000 Hz.
  • Obov'yazkovo marvel at the type of connection. The most popular are speakers with mini jack cable. Vykoristovuєtsya also connection for auxiliary cables of the tulip type. Models capable of wireless communications: Bluetooth, NFC.

  • Look at the complete set of goods, at the appearance of a guarantee card and technical instructions. Bazhano kupuvati virobi at the overripe virobniki.
  • Obov'yazkovo marvel at the dimensions of the structure, it can be compact and transportable. The less important virib is, the less space is borrowed from space. The greatest cost savings are made for wall-mounted acoustic systems.

  1. The kit often includes remote control panels, stench to give the ability to adjust the loudness of the sound and change the adjustment on the sound.
  2. Buy acoustic systems equipped with radio listening capability. Return respect to the player with a slot for memory cards.
  3. For additional information displays, the sound parameters are adjusted and changed, the technical characteristics of the model are adjusted.
  4. Pay attention to equipping the acoustic system with an output to, this option will be a good option for those who love hearing even more music.
  5. The design is technically superior to that stand, with yoke reinforcements. Choose models of the sub-logic type, the systems look like they are attached to the walls.
  6. Wonder if the design is equipped with low and high frequency controls.
  7. Give respect to the type of pidsiluvach. Zovnіshnі pіdsilyuvachі - okremі pristroї, such a system is connected. Internal subwoofers - a set of microcircuits that will be used at the speaker for a subwoofer.
  8. Buy virobi, like vikoristovuyut technology of magnetic screening.

  1. Look at the design of the acoustic system. Laconic designs are used for equipping modern interiors, classic style makes for a beautiful, modern dressing.
  2. Give respect to the color viroba. The model is guilty of visually supplementing the interior, fitting into the global style of the accommodation, matching the furniture, decorating the walls, lining the walls.

The best acoustic system

Cerwin-Vega XLS-15

Cerwin-Vega XLS-15

Acoustic system, equipped with low-frequency and mid-frequency speakers, woofer. Pidsilyuvach ensures efficient work. The signal is practically not created, so that there is a different filter.

Zagalna sensibility of the columns of the temple. For zakhistu system є zabіzhniki. The gap in the wall allows you to mask the column well. With competent operation, we save the technical characteristics of the long time.


  • nominal intensity - 250 to 500 W;
  • specified type of acoustic design;
  • rosemary - 470 by 430 by 1030 mm;
  • vaga - 38.5 kg;
  • sensitivity - 92.3 dB;
  • passive eating;
  • number of speakers - 3;
  • equipped with a zahisny zapobizhnik;
  • frequency - vіd 36 to 20000 Hz;
  • magnetic screening;
  • the recommended intensity is 400 watts.


  • more detailed sound volume;
  • garna thick;
  • okіsne vykonannya case, stylish design;
  • technical safety.


  • Basi listen badly.

The best closed-type acoustic system

Magnat Monitor Supreme 102

Magnat Monitor Supreme 102

Acoustic pair vicorists as an element of a home cinema. The sound comes out soft, in a wide frequency range. The model is maє mіtsny case, which poglâє mozhliє resonances and vibratsiї.

Vidtvorennya basiv zalisha bazhati the best. Virobi works in the frequency range of 42-36,000 Hz.


  • construction type - passive;
  • kit 2.0;
  • equipping two smugs;
  • sensitivity level - 89 dB;
  • opir - 8 Ohm;
  • total exhaustion - 120 W;
  • frequency range vіd 42 to 36000Hz;
  • magnetic screening;
  • dimensions 25 by 15 by 19 cm;
  • vaga - 2.8 kg.


  • clear sound;
  • high yakіst vikonannya;
  • using technology of magnetic screening;
  • high opir;
  • available price.


  • basses look bad.

Best sound system for TV

Samsung HW-E550 Sound Bar

Samsung HW-E550 Sound Bar

The model has a high sound intensity - 310 W, equipped with a wireless subwoofer, HDMI, Anynet +, USB, Bluetooth and other functions. The soundbar is placed horizontally above or subdivided into two vertical speakers.

In the rest of the day, I'll look out for a two-channel speaker system. Features - Yakіsne regulation of equal volume, optimization of sound adjustments. Vibrating the laconic style, scribbling lightly on the wall.


  • type – sound bar active;
  • total exhaustion - 310 W;
  • number of columns - 1;
  • case closed type;
  • equipped with Dolby Digital, DTS decoders;
  • rosemary - 290 by 370 by 290 mm;
  • wireless subwoofer connection;
  • line input (stereo); USB Type A;
  • equipped with a remote control panel.


  • compact expansion; ease of installation;
  • yakіsny and volumetric sound;
  • handy and simple remote control;
  • rich functionality, rich output;
  • yakіsne vikonannya corps.


  • nalashtuvannya are not taken care of if they are raised or removed;
  • the subwoofer will require sound output.

Best speaker system for computer

Edifier S2000

Edifier S2000

The design is distinguished by a stylish design, the surface of the vikon is covered with piano lacquer, the case of the speakers is made of fiberboard. The original sub-stationary block is built from the Burr-Brown BB1732 DAC.

Acoustically designed to be displayed on the front panel. Speakers vikoristovuyutsya for home studios, for the brightness of the sound approaching active studio monitors.

The design is equipped with special legs. Yakisna komplektatsiya, the delivery set includes two speakers, lace cord, remote control and technical instructions.


  • form of acoustics - 2.0;
  • type - stationary;
  • frequency range - vіd 20 to 20000 Hz;
  • body material - wood;
  • zahist - magnetic shielding of speakers;
  • equipment (two speakers, remote control, lace cord, instructions, packaging);
  • dimensions - 172 by 296 by 215 mm.


  • security of yakіsnogo sounding;
  • digital input;
  • dartless remote control;
  • equipped with screw clamps;
  • nice looking, stylish design.


  • high varity.

Best acoustic system for home

HECO Victa Prime Center 102

HECO Victa Prime Center 102

Passive acoustic system with a hard-wired switch (150 W), phase inverter, magnetic shielding. Opir syagaє 4-8 Ohm. Attached to the frequency range 35 Hz-40 kHz.


  • type - passive, phase inverter;
  • warehouse set - 1 column;
  • intensity - 150 W per channel;
  • 2 smugs;
  • sensitivity level - 90 dB;
  • magnetic screening;
  • two speakers;
  • rosemary - 480 by 155 by 265 mm;
  • body material - MDF, wood;
  • masa - 7.8 kg;
  • frequency - 50/60 Hz;
  • set (column, instruction);
  • processing option - vinyl.


  • high pressure and efficiency of work;
  • equipped with a Guchnomovite;
  • get involved with the police;
  • sound garne;
  • competent equipment;
  • yakіsne ozdoblennya.


  • nadto accents top;
  • the phase inverter is located behind.

The best acoustic system of the open type



Trismugov's sublogic model of the open type. For the material of the case, MDF is used, the surface is finished with cherry.

High intensity - 250 W, suitable for equipping large-sized premises. Model with a passive type of podsiluvach, compact dimensions.


  • output stereo signal;
  • equipped with 3 smugs;
  • type of pidsiluvach - passive;
  • opir - 6 Ohm;
  • frequency range - from 35 Hz to 40000 Hz;
  • sensitivity threshold - 92 dB;
  • pressure - 250 W;
  • vodkrite acoustically designed;
  • 3 speakers;
  • body material - MDF, vinyl;
  • rosemary - 1263 by 322 by 413 mm;
  • vaga - 31.5 kg.


  • clean and voluminous sound;
  • compactness, transportability;
  • yakіsne folding;
  • varity is available;
  • stylish design, garne zovnіshne ozdoblennya;
  • High tension.


  • due to the volume of the sound, they are not suitable for small rooms.

The best acoustic system for a conference room

Cambridge Audio G5

Cambridge Audio G5

Bezdrotova acoustic system with battery and Bluetooth support. Compact design, body of small depth, front panel covered with mesh.

Speakers with line input are connected to a standard stereo system. The battery charge lasts for 24 years.


  • configuration - 2.1;
  • pіdsilyuvachi - class D;
  • enter and exit (linear mini-jack);
  • Bluetooth wireless technology;
  • USB sockets for charging;
  • hour of autonomous work - up to 24 years;
  • rosemary - 270 by 121 by 55 mm;
  • weight - 1.3 kg.


  • clear sound;
  • equipped with audio output;
  • functionality;
  • selection of advanced technologies;
  • competent equipment.


  • a low charge to the charge, it does not last long.

The best sound system in the car



Model є dvuhsugovoy component acoustic system z 150 watts. Attached to frequencies from 60 Hz to 21 kHz. Sensitivity reaches 91 dB.

The system is equipped with two tight speakers. The metal case is wear-resistant and high-comfort. The model is breathed in by a high intensity and an efficient robot.


  • system type - component;
  • two smugs;
  • tension - 150 W;
  • frequency range 60 Hz-21 kHz;
  • sensitivity - 91 dB;
  • rіven support - 4 ohms;
  • equipped with 4 speakers;
  • okremium crossover;
  • metal case;
  • color - titanium.


  • yakisne implementation of low and high frequencies;
  • corps of vicons made of precious and wear-resistant metal;
  • high tightness of the model;
  • garne decorated; stylish design;
  • Dovgovichny dynamics.


  • it is less suitable for equipping machines.

Best soundless speaker system

Creative T15 Wireless

Creative T15 Wireless

The speaker system is equipped with 4 high-frequency speakers, which ensure a clear volume of sound. BasXPort technology enables high frequency hearing.

The model supports the Bluetooth interface. Living in the middle, secured by a Line-in entrance, a special entrance for . The instruments are hand-stitched in volume and timbre.


  • type - 2.0;
  • 1 smuga;
  • eating in the form of merezha;
  • line input (pin mini jack);
  • wireless Bluetooth connection;
  • size - 90 by 200 by 180 mm.


  • harder sounding basses; yakіsne dvdvorennya zvukіv srednіh frequencies;
  • handy tools for adjusting the thickness;
  • nahil front panel ensures optimal sound delivery.


  • The kit does not have a jack5 cord for connecting to a computer.

Yaku acoustic system buy

First of all, what should be respected when choosing - exhaustion. The frequency range of the model is protected, depending on whether it is deposited, however, high and low frequencies seem to work well. Among effective models are Mystery, Edifier.

There are systems of closed (Edifier) ​​and closed (Magnat) types, most models are passive systems. The following models look beautiful with a stylish look and stylish design: Cerwin-Vega, Magnat, Samsung, Edifier.

Compact dimensions and a small vault are used for the acoustic systems of Magnat Monitor. Functionality is virobi HECO, Magnat, Edifier.

All models can be complete set, equipped with necessary accessories. Acoustic systems, zaproponovani in the rating, stіykі and technically superior.

Just think about it: the term Hi-Fi, which, in fact, remains within the reach of progress in the audio engineering room, has reached 90 years! It was clear that at the time of the appearance there were more theoretical studies, and the mass production of such equipment was far away. Prote 70 years ago already appeared first in the world of specialized audio engineering, the American magazine Audio.

And the axis of 1962 began to turn, metaphorically hanging, the cob of the kіntsya, and itself - Justin Gordon Holt, the founder of another American genre, Stereophile, in the turn of the term high end audio, giving birth to the cym ninishnє tsіnove rozsharuvannya. A good sound, having become more precious, available systems have become overgrown with ... hmm ... functionality. I marvelous figures of tightness on the boxes.

It would be ok, what's wrong here? Let's put it this way: for a person who loves music and with whom he is safe - practically nothing, maybe even earlier, you can afford to bathe your own audio equipment. Nothing has changed for the sympathetic "musical preserves": the practical Asians have mastered the release of the audio-broadcaster, to judge approximately the same quality with a copy of the art. And the axis is a good cob segment of Hi-Fi, unfortunately, looming, as it seems, at the paddock.

To allow the risk, which happened to be similar, among those, and from the banal reasons, characteristic of whether the golden mean is the most favorable price / quality ratio, and, as a last resort, the least profitability. The main income falls on the mass segment, premium models are most often swayed to demonstrate their abilities and support the status, and the axis on “robotnik horses” is no longer depleted of strength. Maizhe at all. For rare exceptions. One of them is the British company Cambridge Audio.

Budget Hi-Fi components from Cambridge Audio

Balanced set of main speakers, "intelligent" subwoofer with hand-held adjustments - ELAC Debut welcomes both movie lovers and music lovers

"Debuty" is noteworthy, which, regardless of the lower variance, before the warehouse of the series, two subwoofers, caliber 10 and 12 inches, as well as Atmos-speakers, which allow you to equip them with the most modern home cinema. Krym tsgogo, in a series of regular є central channel, a pair of sub-logic models and two or more bookshelf speakers, which allow you to choose from 16 (!) possible options for completing.

Well, the subwoofers have subwoofers with subwoofers not of class D, but, let’s say, not particularly musical, but BASH technology is played, in some end cascades of class AB, they are powered by a live unit based on ShІM. In addition, in the models S10EQ and S12EQ, after the index, there is an auto-calibration system for the acoustics of the application, with a mobile attachment not only for vaping (via Bluetooth), but also as a ... calibration microphone!

What to go out?

And to go out, if you want to buy a stereo system or a DC for a bus, you can pick up a variant of a speakerless speaker :-), otherwise it would be cheaper, it would be a bus.

Let's take a man, how to chirp with music, but in any case did not give respect to the quality of the sound. І axis, having heard a lot about Hi-Fi and High-End-techniques, I believe it is especially true that such a “correct sound”. The new one, as a rule, does not have a lot of pennies; Just for such a person, our test of outdoor speakers will be more similar, and just in this price range you can find speakers that can demonstrate the correct Hi-Fi quality to the sound. So, to get a small drop in the depths of the bass. Ale, from the other side, there are acoustics, as a rule, they play better on a small volume, lower subdogue, and it will be easier to place them in the room. A dozen columns - a rich choice. Upevneniy, scho among them there are even more good copies.

Assessment criteria

We may be on the right with the classic “working horses”, and pidhіd to testovannya є tsіlkom traditional. The frequency response and KHI will show us how badly the design of the speaker is hacked from a technical point of view. Together with the design features of the model, we make an assessment of the design.
Listening, make your own adjustments to allow you to reveal the nature of the sound of the speakers. Good depth to the bass and at the same temple, the clarity is rarely found in the format of the policemen, it does not fit over the world strictly to this parameter. And the axis of the appearance of a clean tare equal upper register to small columns is full of force. The importance of this parameter is supernatural for the natural, natural presentation of musical material. Yakіsny sound on low pitch is also important and shows equal, practically linear speaker dynamics. The timbre authenticity allows you to enjoy the new beauty of the sound of a skin-enhanced instrument. Even musical instruments are created in order to enjoy their sound, and not to gain intellect that you play yourself. All tse folded in otsіntsі sound. The rest of the rating is wrapped in proportion to the price: the higher the price - the lower the rating.

Acoustic Energy 301

Sound: 4
Construction: 4
Price: 4

- High detail
- Timbre authenticity

- Zalitry povіtrya

Exploring the 300 series, the designers supported visual minimalism. In a stark view, all details are included on the frame of screws, grill fasteners. The front wall of the column is covered with black human-like coatings, which are angry behind the color with diffusers of viprominuvachi. The decoration of the columns is also minimalist - black or white varnish. Model 301 included a firm 28 mm tweeter with a mother's dome and a traditional good midrange/woofer speaker with a bent diffuser, reinforced with anodized aluminum with a diameter of 110 mm. This speaker is a far cry from the legendary AE1 monitors.

Bookshelf acoustics Acoustic Energy 301

Tsіkavo, scho company vyrіshila vykoristati schіlinny port of the phase inverter, vining on the front panel. It was possible to protect the expansion of the column with the transparency of the placement near the wall.

The presence of a skilka-something commemorative sound allows the columns to turn around, to wind up loudly to make a stream, to give musical compositions to the cicavo. Kindly remember the smallest details, and the timbres are even closer to natural ones. The entire frequency scale is well balanced and for equal, and for dynamics - sound sound.

The versatility of the upper register is not bad, but it doesn’t stick out for a clear sound with a sufficient amount of air. On folding compositions, the diversity of musical material is reduced. On a small volume, the nature of the sound may change.


AFC is quite equal. The decline in the LF region is equal. Mid depth bass. КНІ cіlkom is low right up to the lower boundary and it is practically not possible to lie in the river of equal thickness. The impedance is unstable.

Bowers & Wilkins 685

Sound: 4

Construction: 5

Price: 5


- Sound space

- Swedish bass


- Smaller timbres

The model is the young line of Bowers & Wilkins. Mayuchi laconic modern design, the line was declining by the deuce of technology in the flagships themselves. As you can imagine, it costs less expensive and efficient solutions, such as Nautilus tubes for the tweeter, Kevlar diffusers, and the port of the phase inverter with the surface of the golf ball. Tweeter with an aluminum dome with special material, which helps to reach the volume of the sound. MF / LF-dynamics vicorist static coil, to smooth out the upper inter-frequencies.

Bookshelf speaker Bowers & Wilkins 685

The crossover of the model of minimization, if possible, is of the first order. The body of the AC is coated with plivkoy, and the front panel is covered with a velvety material that is received on the dot.

The sound of the model is clear, bright. Reporting on a good level. Bass picks, shvidky. Localization reading. Enemy dynamic range.

The timbres of the instruments are trochic at mid frequencies. In whom the area of ​​the upper register is already active.

It adds a sound of lightness, spaciousness. Models of power promoted emotion, virility.


Marked irregularities in the region of 2.5 kHz and 6-7 kHz, which disappear when the column is rotated by 30 °. Prote frequency balance in your troch shifts to the low-frequency region. KND is extremely low. The impedance is very unstable.

Canton Chrono 503.2

Sound: 4

Construction: 5

Price: 5


- Pure upper case

- Accurate transmission of timbres


- Bass is weak at low volume

Chrono 503.2 – reference German column: miraculous brightness, 100-hundred-thousand-thousand-ton skin specimen brightness control, Made in Germany. Ignorantly on the statement of the glossy finish, the column is pasted over with a plywood, and the front panel is only splintered with a glossy one. The volume of the column is not too great, but the speaker is far away from the enemy - 180 mm. Zrozumіlo, v_n equipment traditional for Canton aluminum diffuser. Suspension of fluctuations in the shape of the wind for the most linear and long piston stroke of the diffuser. The dome of the 25 mm tweeter is made from a lung, almond metal aluminum and magnesium. For supremacy of vіn thefts with metal gates. On the bottom, there are two openings for fixing on a rack or a bracket.

Bookshelf speaker Canton Chrono 503.2

The musical material is presented more carefully. Frequency balance may be ideal. The timbres of the instruments are transmitted with high fidelity, and the details are not treated with respect. The increase of emotion is not to be feared, but the loudspeakers are able to accurately convey the musical idea of ​​the composition to a wide dynamic range. Bass picks, neat, as if in its own place. However, the vine is not too deep, but at a low thickness, it creates its own position more. On the back, it’s a little too high, but the stench is equally pronounced, if it’s necessary, and in the required quantity. The upper register is even purer, which, without a doubt, is appreciated by lovers of modern electronic music.


The frequency sound is equal, wanting to reach the deposit in the ear of the listening room - the straightening of the speaker is equal to the vuzka. The directivity factor is also low, and there is a good margin at low frequencies. The impedance is unstable.

Chario Syntar 516

Sound: 3

Construction: 4

Price: 4


- emotional tribute

- Reading localization


- Spreading timbres

Italian vikonan column in classic design with veneer trim. Before the walls are bent into the body, HDF boards are covered with natural wood on both sides. Tse rob the column more dovgovіchnoy. Folding and further processing of the hull is carried out by fakhіvtsy manually in Italy. Ready-made copies are seriously tested for compliance with the necessary acoustic parameters. The tweeter of the Silversoft Neodium model has a vicorous special membrane, covered with aluminum powder, like in the columns of the company's top line. Tsіkavo, scho on twitter vіddanо i znachnu part of the midrange range - starting from 1 kHz. The shape of the midrange/woofer-dynamic diffuser, which was bent, was selected by the designers specifically for the improvement of psychoacoustics and for a long period of time.

Bookshelf speakers Chario Syntar 516

The phase inverter port ends with a simple opening, looking at the bottom asymmetrically. High gummies on the bottom of the hull allow the port to clean up efficiently.

The sound of the speakers is present, on one side, softness, lack of quaver, on the other - a clear, active upper register. The timbral picture of the troch is expanding, the most important details are being veiled. At this time, the AU tries to accurately, emotionally convey the mood of musical compositions. The bass is deep and trochy prevailing in the deep sound picture. With a good localization of the musical scene, there is no clarity, clarity. Tse pomitno on folding compositions. At a low volume, the bass is weaker, but the sound becomes more dynamic and emotional.


The best frequency response is based on a listening rose of 30°. Unevenness is relatively good, equal recession at low frequencies. KND dosit good right up to the lowest frequencies. The impedance is fairly stable.

Dynaudio DM 2/7

Sound: 5

Construction: 5

Price: 5


- Timbre authenticity

- Pure upper case


- Suvorist at serving

The DM line is a chain of cob acoustics in terms of the Danish company Dynaudio. The column is designed in the style of the company. The front panel is specially designed to work together to effectively dampen body resonances. The hull itself is heavily damped and shaped with traditional veneer. The firm tweeter is equipped with a 28-mm dome made of textile, filtered by a special warehouse. The midrange/woofer speaker diffuser is stamped with magnesium silicate polymer, which is already well recommended. The sound coils of the drivers are wound on a Kapton base with a light aluminum rod. Together with tight magnetic systems, it allows you to reach miraculous dynamics and sensitivity.

Shelving speaker Dynaudio DM 2/7

Special respect was given to the maximum linearity of the impedance for minimizing the fallow of columns from the substation.

The presentation of musical material by a column of roses is natural. Vіdmіnna timbral rasdіlna zdatnіst rob the sound stage more plausible. Kindly look through the space of the distribution of tools.

Bass is strong and good design. The upper register is clear and audible. The sound is reminiscent of a high level of detail and an air of zabarvlennya. On a small volume, the AU is played so self-inflicted, like on a high one.


The frequency response is drawn in the arc equal to the female with an ice-marked skew at the high frequency. Straightening is wide. THD is low and stable. The impedance is stable. Clear results.

Magnat Quantum 753

Sound: 5

Construction: 4

Price: 4


- Timbre accuracy

- Clean music scene


- Trochs of roaring sound

The column from the Quantum 750 line of the mid-price range of Magnat looks like a primer. The front wall is crushed with tovstoy (40 mm), so that it radically fights against the resonances of the body. A solid podium with a thickness of 30 mm is also supported by a solid construction. It’s clear that the front panel and podium are polished to a shine, and the grating is matte on the surface. The F-max tweeter is equipped with a dome with a suspended textile compound and may have extensions of the operating frequency range. Diffuser MF/LF-dynamics made from ceramics/aluminium. The sound box is well ventilated. The design of the aluminum speaker box is optimized for optimal flow through the wind and reduced resonances.

Bookshelf acoustics Magnat Quantum 753

The bass-reflex port with a large horn is placed on the rear wall. Crossover optimizations for the phase and amplitude of the signal are selected from additional high-power elements.

Speakers play emotionally, dynamically, swiftly. With this, the timbres of the instruments are miraculously transmitted, and the musical stage does not intercede with third-party humours - the stench is pure and deep. Localization dzherel the sound of a miracle. Details are also highly equal.

Equal to the high frequency, it plays on the sound of the presence of lightness, and at the same time the upper register is more accurate, unobtrusive.

Bass of the middle depth, selection of the swedish. Deshcho not vystachaet telesnosti, schіlnosti supply. At a low intensity, the fuse of the speakers is ruined, the emotion fades.


The unevenness of the frequency response is minimal, but the frequency imbalance in the high frequency frequency is є. KND changes in the range of 1% and is markedly deposited in density, but there are no obvious resonances. A good margin of KNI for low frequencies. The impedance is unstable.

Martin Logan Motion 15

Sound: 4

Construction: 4

Price: 3


- Energy tribute

- Shvidky that schіlny bass


- Weak on a small scale

The speakers attract the eye with their marvelous natural decoration and pretty black steel grille. The lid to the body of the troch is healed back. There is one more surprise before the end - a line tweeter (a sign of an expensive device). The front panel of the vikonan speaker is anodized with black color aluminium. At the tone of the panel there are vicons and a diffuser of double mid/bass dynamics - also made of black anodized aluminium. It is possible to use the power supply through a crossover with a reduced topology, the selection of polypropylene capacitors and electric motors with a low cost factor, as well as hand-wound inductances.

Bookshelf acoustics Martin Logan Motion 15

The scheme has a thermal and a strum zakhist added. The phase inverter port is placed on the rear wall. AC body made of MDF boards with a thickness of 19 mm.

The peculiarity of the columns is for those who stink and do not like to grow in small and medium volumes. In such a mode, the robots in the frequency range are overwhelmed by the head rank, only the midrange, and the dynamics become inconsistent.

With the increase of the volume, the swedish springy bass is established and the highs are detailed. Prote the lower middle all the same continue to resurrect. Submission of musical material to the cotton. In case of this, you need to watch carefully, you don’t notice the daily external overtones, wind up in the pack - the sounds of the hour sound out there, de stinks were small b buti.

The model is well-proportioned to try out the timbres of the instruments. In any case, a slightly line tweeter is kind of good, which is more characteristic of the lower mid-upper range.


Remember the unevenness of the frequency response in the HF sphere. The decline in sensitivity to low frequencies is sharp. Straightening is wide. CND may be small in the midrange region, but it is less than 1%. The impedance is fairly stable.

MK Sound LCR 750

Sound: 5

Construction: 5

Price: 4


- Focusing sound

- Garniy timbral dozvіl


- Do not accept short records

All acoustic systems of the American company M&K Sound are painted in black without embellishment. And the main embellishment of the product is its compliance with the highest standards of sound. Series 750 is a compact speaker set for home cinema. The first speaker in the series (not like a subwoofer) is the 750 LCR model. The column is also unimaginable, especially in our test. First, shut down the acoustic design to reduce the bass output. In another way, using two MF/LF speakers will expand the dynamic range of the speaker. Thirdly, the panel of the tweeter is rotated by 4.7° at the rear of the hearing panel, which, more or less, improves the dispersion of low frequencies. The dome of the chiming tweeter is made of a seam, covered with a polymer.

Bookshelf acoustics MK Sound LCR 750

Dynamic diffusers in polypropylene, with mineral refill. Particularly noticeable is the phase-focused (Phase-Focused) crossover, which significantly improves the overall parameters of the column. On the back wall, there are impersonal openings with openings for different options for mounting the speakers.

Miraculous control of musical material. Sounding mayzhe monitor, equal. All instruments are like on the valley: the stench is clearly defined and space, and timbre. Nothing zayvogo not vtruchaetsya at the infamous musical picture, all the nuances are a little clear. And the shards, be it emotionally zabarvlennya vіdsutnє, the sound of the AU is not so hoarse, like that of rich other models, and I will lie more like the musical composition itself.


The frequency response irregularities of the column are insignificant. The best results give a 30° turn. The directivity factor is also low and at the bottom of the low frequencies it grows even more smoothly, shifting less than 5% to a low volume. The impedance is stable. Even better results.

PSB Imagine B

Sound: 5

Construction: 5

Price: 3


- Natural transmission of timbres

- Rivne dynamics


- High-frequency region is scrambled

Canadian company PSB promotes Imagine line of rock. In just one hour, she won the Red Dot award for design and the faceless positive feedback from various experts. The body of the column is made with a geometrical retina of decals of elliptical cylinders. Mustache walls - bend. I create the appearance of the primer, the quality of the construction. A 25-mm tweeter looks like a primer - a dome made of precious titanium, a coil is cooled by a magnetic motherland, a hard neodymium magnet. Diffuser MF/LF-dynamics vikonaniya іz polypropylene with clay-ceramic lining (mineral). Port of the bass-reflex view from the stylish side. The column is neatly trimmed with natural veneer.

Bookshelf acoustics PSB Imagine B

The sound of pickings and good balances in frequency. Beautiful localization and natural transfer of timbres to sway the musical scene as real, alive. Equal dynamics allows the loudspeakers to play naturally, sharply inspire on a small volume. Musical matter is pure. Deshcho encircling the high-frequency range, for the chest of which lightness is often used, passing into intimacy.

Speakers can miss the most important details, but save vibrance, richness of sound. The bass is hot and not deep, but better design. Even worse is the middle frequency, timbre richer and correct.


Duzhe equal frequency response vimiryan vzdovzh acoustic axis. Rotation of the speakers killed in the event of hearing problems - repair the HF. KNI stable and low to the lower frequency range. The impedance is stable.

Rega RS1

Sound: 5

Construction: 4

Price: 4


- Pure upper case

- Wide dynamic range


- Little sound disturbance

The English company Rega has launched a single series of RS loudspeakers to promote purchases. The purpose of their creation is to harmoniously complement the other sound technology, which is also developed within the walls of Rega. Tue, the speakers are available for buyers and okremo in the form of technical equipment. The RS1 model is compact and, depending on the size, is taken from a small size MDF. Irrespective of the price, the AC is on top, here it is neatly decorated with veneer, and strict design. The quality products are designed by Rega engineers and are hand-picked within the boundaries of the company itself. The 19 mm tweeter is equipped with a stylish chamber of a special shape for the shortest damping of sound waves on the tweeter dome gate. Mid/bass speaker with paper diffuser.

Bookshelf acoustics Rega RS1

The equal frequency response of the dynamics makes it easy to integrate it with a tweeter, the simplest crossover with a harmonic phase synchronism. The phase inverter port is placed on the rear wall.

The speakers transmit the timbres accurately, but behind the small rahunka the musical stage becomes less clear. We do not speak the upper case, moreover, the wine is even clean. Details є, but the trochs are veiled. Musical material is served roaringly, loudly

The bass is quite accurate, but sometimes you don’t stick out your voice. Localization dzherel the sound of the deshcho rozmit.

Foldable music is given to the columns, but the sound material is reduced. However, on a small volume, the speakers play even more erratically.


The unevenness of the frequency response of the region of the upper middle and the HF form the special character of the sound of the speakers. The columns are turned evenly, as if rotated by 30 °. KND is unstable, but overall low, less than 1%. The impedance is very unstable.

Triangle Color Bookshelf

Sound: 5

Construction: 4

Price: 5


- Vidkrity live sound

- Accurate transmission of timbres


- Little extra bass

Even more attractive-looking columns of the French virobnik Triangle are worn in three colors of lacquer - white, black and red. The Color line stands out for its bright, life-like style among the current products of Triangle, and it occupies the space of the cob line.

A shelf model of a vicorist tweeter with a titanium membrane and a mid/bass speaker with a paper diffuser. Vzagali dynamіk dosit tsіkaviy, yogo pіdvіs wide, corrugations and in the basis of their materials. The paper diffuser is covered by a special warehouse. Pilozahisnyy cap of vikonaniya at the sight of the kuli. The design of the crossover is vicorist based on the top Magellan line. The phase inverter port is located on the rear wall of the speaker.

Bookshelf speaker Triangle Color Bookshelf

The sound of the model is more alive, natural. The timbre authenticity is already high. The presentation of the sound material is natural and unimpressed.

Dynamics completely repeats the live ledge. The bass is deep and wonderfully designed. One day you find out that it’s too rich.

Musical matter is already pure and exclusively reportable. None of the nuances hang out of the field of the speakers.

The stench cope with the compositions, be it folding. The same sound does not get lost at low volume.


Obvious is the imbalance in the frequency response of the bik HF. Rejoice, like a dream, - turn the AC by 30 °. KND is generally low, although at the midpoint of the wines it is noticeably higher, but it is overrun in the ranges of 1%. The high density calls for more comfort to the upper bass. The impedance is unstable.

Wharfedale Jade 3

Sound: 5

Construction: 5

Price: 4


- Garn detail

- Reading localization


- Trochy weakened dynamics

The British company Wharfedale traditionally does not fail, nor forces, nor materials to put on budget lines. І model Jade 3 confirms the price. Our test has the largest and most important policeman, and the only 3-smugovy. The hull with curved sides is a sign of the top lines in other breeds, but not in Wharfedale. І shape of the body, and additions to make the body sound as acoustically inert as possible, avoiding the irritating sound. High frequencies take on a tweeter with an aluminum dome. At a distance of 3 kHz, you can replace the midrange speaker with a cone with an aluminum-cellulose composite. And already in the region of 350 Hz, the initiative is to change the woofer, equipping with a wicker diffuser from sumishi vugillya fiberglass. The combination of such materials with a wicker structure brings the diffuser to an ideal piston, except for problematic resonant phenomena, and powerful metal diffusers.

Bookshelf speaker Wharfedale Jade 3

Dynamics work at closed obsyazі. Crossover for the column is optimized on the computer for maximum linearity of phase signal transmission.

Wharfedale speakers sound traditionally beautiful. All instruments are clearly spaced. The musical stage is pure and spacious.

Bass speakers serve neatly, unassertive, not afraid to harm the balance of the wild sound picture. The same can be said about the upper register.

The softness of the presentation of the musical material melodiously subsides with the miraculous detailing of the sound. In addition, the speakers do not play well and at a low volume.


The frequency response of the model is equal, but on the high frequency, which is peculiar to itself - a decline and a sharp decline. The bass is deep. KND mayzhe ideally equal and borderline low. Duzhe solid stock for low frequencies. Impedance is stable.


It is required to indicate that everything is less than the results of the testing of columns in our test laboratory. In May, all models showed a wonderfully equal frequency response and even a low KHI in the bass area! Let me explain that all companies have already taken computer simulations for development, for the help of which it is possible to sound, perhaps, everything is good, which, for example, the Boston Acoustics company has brought us more than once. Navit form the body no longer plays such an original role, smut - properly loosen the damping elements. Therefore, ratings for the design of all models are either good or excellent.

Two models from our test stand out especially. Ze MK Sound LCR 750 and Dynaudio DM 2/7. The companies that they have created are oriented towards the development of professional acoustics and lead a whole line of development in their youngest lines. The main principle is the maximum accuracy of the transfer of musical material. I everyday embellishment. These two models fully comply with this principle and, in fact, monitor acoustics of a professional level, with a lot of advantages and shortcomings. Not all listeners can be worthy of sounding themselves, more precisely - for the neutrality of sounding. This product is for special music stars and musicians, or for home studios. Hurt the model with a sympathy prize.

May all the companies have taken on the development of computer modeling, for the help of which it is possible to sound, perhaps, everything is good

Well, if you talk about the harmon and more comfortable sound, then the rich speakers of our test successfully ran into these tasks. Accurate transmission of timbres, accurate localization, accurate bass - all this is important for all speakers that are tested. The difference is less in the nature of the sound. And here the choice appears richly: in the test you can find a rich, rich sound (PSB Imagine B), a very thinner sound (Wharfedale Jade 3), and a carefully chosen presentation of the material (Canton Chrono 503.2), and a repeated image (Rega RS1, B&W 685), and get some aggressive pressure (Martin Logan Motion 15). I would most like to see the French column Triangle Color Bookshelf. Mayzhe be some kind of musical material stench perevoryuyut holy sound. Columns vmіyut do not fail the main idea of ​​​​creation and with the help of the tax, the material is even more beautiful, lively and dynamically. Їx it is already acceptable to hear that cіkavo. The Triangle Color Bookshelf model takes the title out of the test.

In this hour of understanding, "budgetary" does not mean a lot of audio equipment - filthy. Modern technologies of production are on such a high level that you can choose a suitable option from the budget segment.

Elac Debut B5 - another generation of titled regimental acoustics

Impedance: 6 Ohm | Sensitivity: 86 dB/W/m | Speaker terminals: Single | Rosemary: 34 x 18 x 23 cm (H x W x D) | Twitter: 2.5cm fabric dome | Mid/bass: 5.25 cm aramid fiber Type: outdoor speaker | Acoustic design: with phase inverter Frequency range: 46-35000 Hz Number of smog: 2 | Number of speakers: 2 | | Intensity max: 120 W.


  • easy installation;
  • good sound;
  • Mitzny Corps.


  • not vistachaє scale and dynamism.

Tsya polichna acoustic system with a diffuser from aramid fiber took away the choking of sounds, like fahivtsiv, and koristuvachiv. Vaughn demonstrates a variety of high frequencies, gradually smoothness of the middle range, that rhythmicity and a roar sound hostile. The model of another generation otrimala new dynamics, for robots and other creations, especially the zhorstkіsh and mіtsnіshi case with MDF. The wines of the previous version with the previous version are reduced by damping, which means that the damping has become significantly less.

Acoustics is not close to the installation plan. The best speakers sound on the most distant wall - about 30 centimeters, but at the specific skin level, to achieve the most effective balance, you need to experiment a little. Another impeccable merit of these speakers is the possibility of creating a wide open musical stage independently from the top of their turn to the eye.

Dali SPEKTOR 2 - new acoustics with clear sound at an affordable price

Impedance: 6 Ohm | Sensitivity: 85 dB/W/m | Speaker terminals: Single | Rosemary: 29 x 17 x 24 cm (H x W x D) | Tweeter: soft bath 25mm | Woofer: 13 cm, countryside fiber Type: loudspeakers | Acoustic design: with phase inverter Frequency range: 54-26000 Hz Number of smog: 2 | Number of speakers: 2 | | Intensity: 100 W.


  • wide musical scene and wide dispersion of viprominuvachivs;
  • saving the sound handwriting on a small pitch;
  • good tremaє bass.


  • total two options for processing.

Acoustics is a bigger version of his front. It is breathed in by a wider range of low frequencies and a greater sound pressure. The speakers provide a dynamic, good sound and fit perfectly like a stereo system to accommodate medium-sized speakers, but there is no room for acoustics.

The cabinets of the speakers are made from fiberboard with a finish, clear or hot. A special technical “feature” is a wide straightness diagram. Designers were far away from the reach of the front panel and high-yield speakers. In addition, the stench is more “friendly” to the subsidiaries that are connected, and for the formation of a normal sound pressure, it does not require too high holding pressures. In numerical tests and glances at fakhіvtsі, one more merit is given to acoustics. It shows to achieve a stable impedance, regardless of the equally low indicators of sensitivity. Tsya akіst helps to see a good sound, working in pairs to navit with budgetary options for subsidiaries or AV receivers.

Monitor Audio Bronze 2 - the best Hi-Fi speakers for the price-performance ratio

Impedance: 6 Ohm | Speaker terminals: Single | Mid-Frequency Driver: 16.5cm C-CAM | Twitter: 25mm C-CAM | Sensitivity: 90 dB/W/m | Rosemary: 35 x 18.5 x 25.5 cm (H x W x D) | Type: full acoustics | Acoustic design: with phase inverter Frequency range: 42-30000 Hz Number of smog: 2 | Number of speakers: 2 | | Intensity: 100 W.


  • rich, warm sound;
  • miracle high frequencies;
  • garna dynamics.


  • daily possibility of listening to night mode;
  • the audio system is capable of being installed.

"An unparalleled classic in a revolutionary vikonann" - this is how the fahivtsi speakers of Monitor Audio Bronze 2 are called in glances. They have modified offensive heads, they have no more firm diaphragms, they are made from aluminum-magnesium alloy with high-yield ceramic coatings - C-CAM, and otherwise - innovations. The midrange/woofer speaker removed the curved diffuser from the additional frames, in which the main opening from the pilosacic cap. These innovations promote the rigidity of the design, increase the area of ​​​​vibration and ensure a clear control of the upper part of the range. A new ventilation system appeared at the tweeter with a gilded dome, which reduces the damping rate, improves dynamics, and effectively suppresses mechanical resonances.

Fahіvtsі vіdznachayut, scho zagal tsya classic dvosmugovа polіchna аudіоsistema because of the breadth of its range and the size of the sound does not compromise small-sized acoustics. Won zdatna pratsyuvati at the warehouse of stereo systems without a subwoofer, and also, zrozumіlo, vіdmіnno go like a frontal stereo pair of a home cinema.

B&W 607 Black - a compact model with amazing sound for small spaces

Impedance: 4-8 Ohm | Terminals for stovpchikiv: Bi-wurable | Mid/Bass Driver: 13cm Continuum | Twitter: aluminum 25 mm | Sensitivity: 84 dB/W/m | Rosemary: 30 x 20.7 x 23 cm (H x W x D) | Type: full acoustics | Acoustic design: with phase inverter Frequency range: 40-33000 Hz Number of smog: 2 | Number of speakers: 2 | | Intensity: 100 W.


  • dynamic, energetic sound;
  • pure sound.


  • powerful to the point of rotting.

Damping speaker cabinets made of MDF in an elegant black and white design with thin metal speaker surrounds. The speakers are equipped with a low-frequency, finished with a productive speaker, the size of which is 130 mm, with a proprietary diffuser Continuum. Such woofers of the building create swedes and deep basses, which are practically more comfortable in the world. The woofer is mounted on a cast cat, which excludes the appearance of the sound being blown to the highest pitch, and the most powerful magnetic system ensures a high level of sensitivity and mittevu reaction to changes in sound signals.

Pay attention to the Flowport phase inverter. Yogo design is patented. Vіn raztashovaniya on the rear panel of acoustic systems. All the same, insanely, vplyvaet likeness to the sound and rob the speakers of the demand.

Mission QX-2 - a wonderful design and such a very loud sound for its price

Sensitivity: 88 dB/W/m | Impedance: 8 Ohm | Max. Thrust: 120W Twitter: 38 mm ring radiator | Speaker terminals: Single | Rosemary: 32 x 22 x 31 cm (H x W x D), | Type: full acoustics | Acoustic design: with phase inverter Frequency range: 25-22000 Hz Number of smog: 2 | Number of speakers: 2 | | Intensity max: 120 W.


  • energetic, penetrating sound from the garnier basses;
  • good dynamics and drive;
  • bezdoganny akіst folded that ozdoblennya.


  • more space is needed for "breathing".

Nice design with beautiful aluminum plates at the upper and lower parts of the cabinets and a bit of an aggressive look of the speakers – but not all that add to the standard of the acoustics model and make it popular. The main thing is the sound of goodness, as if the traditional driver placements were reached, if the tweeter is known to be under the midrange / woofer speaker.

I will add the dynamics of which I will build even more immutably. The tweeter was beeping at the sight of a 38-mm caliper with an original core, which is in phase. Zvorotna hvila in the diaphragm is straightened by a special body camera, which turns off the appearance of resonances. And the mid/bass head has a diffuser made of high-quality materials without a pilose cap. Such a constructive solution to make the sound more clean and fresh.

KEF Q350 - perfectly clear sound without embellishment

Speaker terminals: Single | Driver: 16.5cm UniQ mid/bass with 25mm aluminum dome tweeter | Sensitivity: 87dB/W/m | Impedance: 8 Ohm | Rosemary: 35.8 x 21 x 30 cm (H x W x D) | Type: full acoustics | Acoustic design: with phase inverter Frequency range: 63-28000 Hz Number of smog: 2 | Number of speakers: 2 | Intensity max: 120 W.


  • high clarity and detail to the sound;
  • vіdmіnne vіdvorennya voice;
  • whimsical design.


  • vimogility to expansion;
  • deyakі folding at pіdborі pіdsilyuvacha.

Vitonchenist - so in one word you can characterize the acoustic system. Take a look at the system and you will always know that the skin, the smallest details, are resolutely adjusted to reach the maximum purity and detail of the sound, as in this system, sterility is not unimaginable. Columns follow the principle, what was submitted for entry, then it was approved. The stench conveys to the listener a skin nuance to the sound, a skin note, without changing anything and embellishing. You can talk about bezemotsіyne sounding. Good tse chi filthy skin hearer virishit yourself. The installation of the innovative Uni-Q vibrator is crushed exactly, which between the ranges of dumbs is erased.

To the limitless advantages of acoustics, you can see the scale of the sound, which is building-like to fill the entire space with a clean, detailed sound. There are also shortcomings. Speakers are vibrated by the installation. If you put them close to the wall, there will be outside noise and a characteristic rumble. And the sound of the acoustics is miraculous, which is indicated by its popularity, expressed by the number of sales.

Dali Oberon 1 – high-fidelity acoustics small in size with unobtrusive character

Sensitivity: 86dB/W/m | Impedance: 6 Ohm | Max power: 100W Woofer: 13cm wood/fibre | Twitter: 29 mm, soft bath | Rosemary: 27 x 16 x 23 cm (H x W x D) | Speaker terminals: single Type: external acoustics | Acoustic design: with phase inverter Maximum frequency 26000 Hz Number of smog: 2 | Number of speakers: 2 | Intensity: 100 W.


  • high yakіst zvuchannya for small rosemіrіv;
  • garne of voice parts;
  • high yakіst sbirannya;
  • good sum_snіst іz pіdsilyuvachi.


  • the depth of the bass is covered.

Police mini-columns, unimpressed in their modest dimensions, building a miraculous vibrancy of sound. The retailers of tsієї audio technіki could turn її small rozmіri into goodness. On the right, the small damping of the speaker cabinet at the same time from high-quality speakers ensures a wide sound picture with accurately arranged images. Tsya AU vіdminno fit like for small kіmnat, so і like tilovі channels home cinema.

Mission LX-2 is one of the best budget Hi-Fi speakers for home

Sensitivity: 85 dB/W/m | Impedance: 6 Ohm | Frequency Range: 60-30000 Hz Maximum Attenuation: 80 W Woofer: 13 cm fiber composite Tweeter: 25 mm microfibre dome | Size: 30 x 19 x 26 cm (H x W x D) | Speaker terminals: single.


  • garna dynamics that penetrating sound.


  • you will need to select a remote control or an AV receiver.

To finish the extraordinary acoustics, which belongs to the famous brand, it has taken away everything that is best in itself, which made it one light leader in the market of inexpensive acoustic systems. She makes music the way it is, without the usual cunning tricks. The sound is reliable, with a minimum of noise, good treble frequencies and resonant bass.

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