Stick for Selfies with a button on the handle. See monopod for Selfie. Yak koristuvatisya Monopod: a kilka of ideas for vidminnyh selfies

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Our hour is full of lovers of this kind of painting like photography, the theme of "self-photography" is tucked in, or simply - Selfies. However, for an hour, it’s not enough to just pull your hand and press the shutter button on your camera. At most, a selfie-club is a unique device that allows you to take a picture of a photo, as well as record a video, which lays down the life of young photographs. It is a metal stick with adjustments of the genie and a vashnik for a smartphone or a camera on the kitchen. Ale is not a skinny know, how to use the Selfie mace correctly.

Available self-service pen and smartphone

A whole set of accessories for remote keruvans, which allows you to regulate the delivery for every hour. Yaksho vi shukayte perch, as you can vikoristovuvati by stretching out decilkoh years, not recharging yogo, for you there is a mini-jack. For the quiet, who knows how to change the hope, the stench can vibrate a pole without a trigger, which is silly, but it is more effective, as is two models. Ideal є vibration of a compact curved pole, for that 30 cm it is not bulky, but rather simple in vicoristan. If you fold the pole, you will be able to sit in a small summit and navigate in a chisinau.

For the cob, let's see how the clubs, and in the other words monopod, zagaly є. Basically, and at a glance, they are koristuvachiv, the best - with the Bluetooth function. These devices allow you to easily connect the tripod to your smartphone. It's also not a part of it - a remote control keychain, which shows a lot of new functions, such as turn on bluetooth, or vimknuti.

You could have taken with you for an hour of hiking. Deposits of all smartphones will require an extension of the pole up to 2 meters. Do not be afraid, the poles are not built on top of that great, unaffected by their significant size. Now, if you know everything about perches to motorists, you can now take a look at food: de buy a new pen?

Enemy from Momax Selfifit

Know and align the poles, we have chosen to match, so that you know the right model for your relish and budget. For the moment, if you are victorious, there is a compact design, which can be taken in a high school. However, if you podovzhute yogo, win can reach up to 73 cm in the amount. This allows you to robotize the signs in a good camp, if you are grouped in a number of numbers.

Another type, a smaller one, but all the same is a robot - a whole type of monopod with a wire. Wire tripods can be connected to the smartphone by attaching a 3.5 mm plug to the audio rose, while the phone has a stick as a headset and allowing photography from the buttons on the handle of the stick.

This view is also transferred, like a monopod with a built-in mirror. Mozhlivo, front camera Bula poshkojena і not pratsyuє. If you don’t want to fall into a mirror, you can also use a mirror to help you take a photo from the main camera, when you are in the mirror. Handy and creative, why is it wrong?

Its lightness, as well as the technology of tying with warehouse materials. Dіysno, tsya stattya is prepared from an aluminum alloy, including an internal plastic gasket. I will explain the great maneuverability and reliability. The whole boom is simple at Vikoristanna. Win not vimag software installations To that їх manіpulation is located in the boundaries of the accessibility of the skin corystuvach and does not lead to special information for its control. It is simple to connect the cable, after the press of the shutter release button, to finish for the shutter or record the video at the conclusion of the need for the skin cure.

Instructions for installing a smartphone to a tripod

  1. Zakrіplyuєmo pristіy in utrimuvachі monopod.
  2. Reconsider the camera's response to the shutter button.
  3. When you change a smartphone to a photographer, it means smartly to know yourself already from the frontal camera.

Note! If the smartphone does not respond to the onslaught of a button, it means the device is wrong, or it’s just insane with your phone.

Tse suicide is an ideal accessory, which allows you to self-perfection in a good state under new circumstances. Compact attachment: this model can be saved in Sumts, so it will give you the freedom to wear її, kudi b Ve not yshli. Machines and light materials: Pole for the preparation of aluminum alloy, which has a plastic inner gasket, which can be used for making it easy and light.

The problem of insanity: people who have been picking up a product, have made money, but they can’t use their smartphones, they can’t use their smartphones, they can’t use them, and they’ll be summed up with the line on the same description. It’s compact in shape, allowing you to easily insert it into your bag. If you are victorious, you can stretch out to great places, so that you can get a whole group of people who want to take a photo at once.

How many photographers are there from the mobile annexes?

  1. It's easy to finish everything on Android. If you have such telephones, for example, like Samsung, then it will be better for you to use the garniture tripods. We go into the standard camera mode, Tapa on the "Menu" button, there we know the "General settings", and in the new one the item "Photos from the keys" is selected. Qi and the function of the telephones of the virobnik Sonya. Since such a function is dumb, for it’s just not good, you can download third-party supplements from Play Market, Specifically: Camera 360 is actively being photographed. In addition, there is a need to take revenge on even more abundant defects in order to brighten up your Selfies.
  1. The Apple company is kind enough to see its video cameras on the iPhone trends. Everything is simpler here, most often the iPhone does not require any third-party supplements, or any fancy stuff. To deliver simply turn on the headset, or bluetooth, and the smartphone itself will be nobility, and this is a photographer. Beast to respect, as if on expensive iOS we can use a standard camera, then it’s a lot given annex You may want to add some quotes to your photos. For the rest of us, we can please add the following programs: Picr, or the popular Snapchat. As for you, the stench is not handy at Vikoristanna, do not get worried, even in App Storeє special distribution with supplements for fashionable selfies.
  1. On Lenovo phones, some of the creators have already gotten overwhelmed by the powerless corystuvachiv, plugging in to create more foldable, but in the bag you can make the purchased tripod inequitable. It is more beautiful for all the variance to change the performance with the very choice of the monopod. Often, you can use the monopod for smartphones that are not smart for smartphones, so there will be absolutely no skin at all.
  1. Having looked at the patronage of the clubs on the phones of the Microsoft company, they have already taken it long ago. Nokia Lumia, You can not write with the success of the notice. Navigate as You are a photographer, love to open barrels Selfies, etc. then you will only have a tight hand or a timer. Until then, it’s a great pity for those who love the Windows background, when they press the shutter button, they can’t recognize the picture, and the photo cannot be saved in the gallery. Unfortunately, photography technology has not yet reached telephones on the Windows platform. So, if the seller is going to sell you a mace, you know, it’s better to deceive you for everything.

With such a rank, having vivchivshi, like pristіy pratsyuє, you can give the right to take unique photographs and the opportunity to take pictures and your loved ones.

The yogi wag goes down to 120 grams, which only demonstrates the ease of the statistic, which will prevent the maneuverability. The pole can be adjusted at 270 °, so you can easily arrange it for your application. Central to the ideal building. This gives you the freedom to wear it on the go without bouncing around and grab the style just the way it suits you.

Tsei accessory is also a little more aesthetically pleasing. Dіysnо, thеіr handle іs wіkonan s gumi, і wіll be wіth a chrome-plated tip. Such a design is buried, it is not a slime that is clear, but a design is included in the kit, which is a kind of happy eye, if you look at it.

Yak koristuvatisya Selfie mascot, how can a camera be victorious?

Not bida! For cameras with single monopod devices, you can also use GoPro cameras - dexp. Їx can be bought for topping up at a glance The smell is handy and practical, as there is nothing to be seen as tripods for smartphones, such as yunteng.

The wine is compact, if you put it down and fill it up, if you add it. Regulations of the cut: you could fix the skin in a good bed, the model can be set up at 270 °. An even more natural accessory: the whole product is sup- plied with a gumi handle and a chrome-plated tip, but we have a design that makes it easy to marvel at.

Please visit English: The Qia model will be supervised in English. However, it’s not easy to manage, but you can master it, you’ll be able to learn how it stinks, it’s worthless. It’s worthy of the yogi vagi, it’s all 127 grams. Its characteristics show that it is compact and lightweight. Yogo is easy to take and easy to bear, so that you could identify important moments in your life, regardless of the fact that you are.

Yaky monopod more beautiful than vibrati?

  • Oltramax tripods are among the most popular in frizzy. Such monopody can boast of your additional battery Having charged the whole thing for six months, the charge will last for another trivial hour. The handle is also pummeled, not letting the club hang from your hands, but it is guaranteed to secure your attachments from the ear.
  • Monopod vyrobnikiv yunteng also does not appear among its competitors. It’s quite a bit to say that when you buy this one is not a penny, not a penny, you just don’t want to buy it from your hands. Besides, a mirror has been installed in the new standard. Such pristіy is loved by koristuvachi and photographers through its efficiency, practicality and high quality.
  • An offensive candidate for a short accessory under the KjStar model. Unimportant to her art and "impenetrability" she wondered at the bagat because of her simplicity of the victorian and the original design. Another plus is that it’s not really charging. Krym, її can be bought not so expensively, as the model is in front, so you can easily make out a replacement by yourself on KjStar!
  • Another unique device is the MoMax SelfiFit model. To praise a little thing among people for the life of the rulers, to see the urahuvannya of something that is easy to spend. Vona is known for its complete body and plastic head. However, the stick is very handy and practical in vicoristan. Varto for sure, which is included in the kit until you know the chokhol.
  • Well, well, absolutely, let's not forget about the professional monopod Dispho Multi-function. Having screwed the photographs into the team for a long time now, it is possible to put them into a tripod, like in a spravzhnisin cinema. Winning at the vicarystanna, I’ll bring my little boyhood. It is also suitable for the battery charge up to 55+ years in the battery mode. A miracle of technology, why is it wrong? However, in the new one, there is a minus in the fact that in the "horny" viglyadі it is maliy.
  • Naturally, do not forget about the main criteria for the choice: the aux-cable is handy, you don't need to charge your accessory. One minus for the one who can be discharged at the most suitable moment. Well, if you go to the functions of bluetooth, then you may feel discomfort, and even hurt your hands will be busy. Likewise, you will end up deplorably, if inadvertently the remote control will be ruined.

When extended, the extension stick can be extended up to 72 cm in length. There is a wealth of the world, which allows you to uniquely obmezhen, whether it is a photographed region є vuzko or wide. Qia model to be controlled by an additional remote control remote keruvannya a rose for the earphones of your smartphone.

Qia self-revision will provide the optimal recovery of your smartphone skin once, if you are victorious. I will be equipped with a yakisnoy system of poses, as I will seize and fix your phone in different positions. In addition, the handle has slipped, and the guarantor has been repaired, so that the club is kept straight.

Syogodnі, melodiously, I don’t have any good Monopod. Nicely, the sticks for Self will greatly forgive the ability to work in a visual photo without any outside help, and as the sprinkling video clips are sent to those who have poked them in! To the very same, we have dedicated this post to self-sticks. Today we will talk about those who use selfie sticks, for which the use of clubs is important, you should buy a monopod, and for what you need to be respected when buying a hand-held "tripod".

Optimal seizure: for an hour to pick up an attachment, it will optimally seize your phone for a lock, a non-removable handle and a bracelet. Simple control: a whole accessory of simple for the victorian, some of them can be controlled by the additional remote control of the remote control, connected to the socket of the smartphone's headset.

Vishcha rozgortannya: deyakі thoughts to show, how the model doesn’t get easy to rozgortati, but not everything, but it’s overwhelmed with respect. The whole world is laughing, zavdyaki short of suicide. Already a long time ago, the planetary mania sprang to sleep. Ale in order to grow up singing for yourself, which you do not care about, it’s not enough for the mother to do it last generation- there, too, take the right mace.

Three of the theory about Salfie-sticks

In the main, the monopod for its features is divided into two categories: for smartphones and cameras, and also for universals. From the design point of view, the data of the palits are: very, short, wired and wireless (use Bluetooth or WiFi frequencies), є to navigate the water. Well, if you choose to use a monopod, then in the first place I will be brutal with respect to those for whom there will be signs.

With this rank, the function of the camera timer is replaced. Samovryaduvannya - it’s not a good idea, like a tool, of the sign for “stretching” your hand, so that you can see it between attachments and car models. In the center of the palace there is a special building, signs for the distribution of a smartphone. If you choose the right model, you need to reconsider technical characteristics, Yaksho the width is sumy with your attachment.

Among the features that add to the advancement of partiality, the basic level of expansion of the palits. In addition, the range of summity for the case new models Smartphone can be inserted into the system. Vyrobniki of this kind of accessory to thwart the race, but to grow more and more intelligent.

You want to buy a monopod for your smartphone, so in the first place you will be able to respect yourself for mounting your smartphone to a selfie stick. Far from being visible for itself, it will be conductive (with a 3.5 mm plug, which can be inserted into a rose for earphones) or no mouth. Have any vipadku є its plus and minusi.

If you have a mouthless selfie stick, you need to keep the fact that it takes an hour every hour to get infected, and you can be discharged at the most convenient moment. To navigate if you can also eat something - do not get tired of it, so you can quickly use the timer function on your smartphone. The first important point is that such gadgets are afraid of water, from their side, which will be taken into the water with a smartphone, but all the same.

Wien allows you to rotate the image on a kut 270 degrees before being a kut. Vikoristovuyu a tripod is supplied, you can also depict a group of people at the destination. Yogo ergonomic and protective handle will secure it over time. In the beginning there are two slots for turning the smartphone in any direction. The stand, like a trim phone, can be rotated 270 degrees. Connected to the smartphone will be connected through 3.5 mm universal rose. The preparation is made from light, ale mous plastic, the stick can be used to make the handle for optimal heat recovery.

There are some nuances here about provincial monopods. A great plus, it is not necessary to charge and not to be afraid of driving the stench (in most cases). Ale є і minusi: not all monopods can be used correctly with a smartphone. All through a 3.5mm rose, and tied with a complete design. For example, self-sticks for the iPhone cannot be used with Android add-ons, or vice versa. To that, before buying, you need to check with the seller, which monopod will work with your smartphone. It’s not the least important moment - it’s provid, as at an hour you can get angry through the majestic kilkosti zginan, ala, like and in the first place, on smartphones є a timer.

Zavdyak compact design and details can be handily fitted in any world. The curtain will increase by 20 cm and can be transported with maximum comfort. The qia button, which is folded in a hand-made piece, is quite sensitive. Trimming the phone allows you to turn the cut of the zyomki for the bazhannyam.

To enter the game, just plug in the cable to the headset and press the button. A rough gum handle with small late-groove grooves will make it safe and secure. It is stored in a selection of aluminum sections, the stick can be extended up to 80 cm and allowing the extension of an extension up to 8 cm wide in support.

In the first place, if you need a monopod for the camera, in this way, I’ll pay respect to the material, the self-stick. Why, that is all simple, humorously early, and you will be taken with a camera into the water (you will not be able to use the action cameras), and you will be able to see the sea. And everything would be good, yakby not strong. So it is strong, in times, if the material is not obvious, your stick is to quickly squander the quality, the material can be corroded.

I will increase the readiness for aluminum, and the silikonov handle will provide better stability and stability. Just hang the stick, just turn the tip of the anti-old arrow: if you reach the bazhana dozhini, win zafiksuy, turning it in the opposite direction. Watertight, lightweight and compact; At the bottom part there is a threaded bushing for mounting to a tripod.

Mount for smartphone

This special mechanism allows people to wrap themselves in many kutas. The built-in mini-mirror of the rear view allows you to use the sign from the front panel of the phone. Wien the reach is more than one meter. The battery will be recharged in about a year and it will have an operational autonomy. Vikonan handle for gumi The box includes a haircut, a charging cable and a gumka, which must be inserted onto a mobile hand.

Now let's get to know yourself with the list of the best selling and shortest monopods. Our rating has two types of selfie sticks for smartphones and for cameras. First and foremost, from the beginning.

10th month: Tomkas monopod

Daniy self-stick is even popular amongst koristuvachiv women stati, and not for free. It is a good merit for the ringing of the short monopod, as well as for the breakage of the aluminum alloy and the silikon handle. At the folded camp of the warehouse, the total amount is 18.5 cm, and the maximum amount of food gains 82 cm at a minimum of 125 grams. The club was given є provid and pratsyuє with smartphones on Android, as well as with iPhone 5 and 6.

If your self-suicidal mania is now a hassle to tidy up, then the accessory, which, by the way, cannot be missed in the middle of your purchases. We are talking about expanding clubs with smartphones and smarts mobile phones So you allow us to know our photographs on the walls, as with normal minds you cannot shoot, because you don’t have a very good hand!

Yak pratsyuє self-portrait with self-portrait?

Like only the telephone of insertions into the device of the stick and synchronization with the remote control of the remote control, we are guilty of adjusting the clock of the club, and to see the honors of our guests. Axis of deyakі solution, promoted at approx. 15 EUR with delivery, including.

9th month: Tomkas monopod

Practically, the Danish gadget is identical to the front one, only with a more elegant design. Material of the telescopic tube is an aluminum alloy. The handle is pummeled, it’s obvious to lie in the hand. Dovzhin in the folded camp is 18.5 cm, and in the unfolded one is 67 cm. Yogo vaga is all 117 grams, and it didn’t waste its energy. Daniy self-stick can be used with Android add-ons and iPhones.

-th round. Mace plugin speed for Selfies

The sales of a powered steering attachment also include non-visible models, a part of which is less than a euro. In general, you will need to be able to use the self-timer function so that you can continue your journey behind the help of Misha. The axis is two models, which can be known less than 15 Euro.

Ideal accessory, why not kill suicide in any way! Brushing self-righteousness: the insights and methods of setting up the remote control panel. Here you can buy a model with a remote control in hand. Ready to start self-sacrificing suicide.

8th month: Usams monopod

At the front of the front maces, the Danish self-stick has acquired a mirror, which allows the main camera to turn on and display more signs. Ale is the only choice for the iPhone masters. Protect it from reaching a compact one, in the folded camp of the first dinner I don’t change 13.5 cm, but to fold it to 60 cm, not a smart phone’s head. Important device 130 grams. Another one of the gadget's advantages is water resistance.

7th month: Vamson monopod

Selfie-club, as it is seen by lovers of extremes. Vona is designated only for action cameras and a great showcase. Well, the monopod of vikonin from the meat material, in the folded position of the first meal, is approximately 18 cm, and in the unfolded one it reaches 60 cm. The number of the palits is growing black, only one, which is changing the color, the whole stub in the lower part.

6th month: Sjcam monopod

One more selfie-stick for action cameras and lovers. It’s easy, but they couldn’t think about it, but they are not small-sized vyrobnik of budgetary action cameras Sjcam, I have a great club for Selfie. Until this day, I may not know. I still go to the first basic characteristics, but the price is: dozhin in a folded bed - 22 cm, maximum dozhin - 80 cm, and a monopod of 130 grams.

5th month: Vodool monopod

For the first time we present to your uvazi Chergov self-club for action cameras. The Daniy Stick apparently copes with its function and is loved by the owners of GoPro cameras. The minimum size is 29.5 cm, while the maximum gain is 90 cm; The monopod is stored in three high telescopic tubes. The need, low price, high-quality functionality is all relevant to the given self-stick.

4th place: Benro monopod

Well, well, if it’s far and now it’s big, it’s a self-club, but the price is not small, but for its functionality I’m ready to give such a penny. Possibly for a price - $ 19 full price. And now, why shouldn't you be worth your pennies! Perche, 3 in 1: monopod, tripod and remote control for the camera. In other words, there can be vikoristovuvatsya, both with cameras, and with smartphones. Thirdly, for smartphones on the very mount (on the back) there is a mirror, as it allows you to use the main camera. But Benro's self-sticks are not overwhelming. Monopod vikoniy from yak_snyh materials and maє vіdminny design, the maximum amount to become 85 cm, and in a folded bench 20 cm at a vase of 200 grams.

3rd month: Xiaomi monopod

The mi axes have come close to three small monopods. The third place, on our thought, is borrowed by the company Xiaomi, there is also a powerful Salfie stick. It may be that it is not Yak and functional, as it is in front of it, but behind the guides, it is especially for action cameras, but it means not to be afraid of water and not to get corroded. And now let's talk about their specifics. The minimum amount of gain is to become 19 cm and to stretch up to 72 cm. The importance of 211 grams of monopod, but this means that I will pull the construction. There are two buttons on the remote control (which, before speaking, can be used): two buttons: the main one for switching modes.

2nd song: monopod Yunteng 1288

Another place for borrowing is a large professional monopod Yunteng 1288. Selfie-club to complete is universal, just right with action cameras and smartphones. The rodzinka of the given monopod of the є yogi dozhin in the unfolded stan is 125 cm, which has found a stick, like I trimmed in my hands. At the sight of one of the clubs, its design, the walls of the matsna, you shouldn't be prompted by your smartphone or the camera. Zvannya professional wine otrimav through his the most recent viglyad, So yak at ny є zatiskachі sections, yak at professional possession... It’s not only a kind of professional: in the lower part there is a hole for the tripod mount. In such a way, an extravagant monopod can be repositioned into a tripod. It's a pity that the set does not include a tripod. The weight of such a Salfie-stick is 300 grams, and in a folded mill it is 42 cm, which is not less.

1st month: BlitzWolf monopod

The leader of our self-club will become the BlitzWolf monopod. It’s a bit of a wait, when you use a monopod for smartphones. If you need a superb, functional, flexible, great and instantly compact, one-hour BlitzWolf self-stick. Win practically picking in his own all the most beautiful from the description of the clubs. Smartphones are smart with iPhones and are easy to use for action cameras. The minimum length of the stick is 22.5 cm, and if it is folded up to the length of 90 cm, it is 164 grams. Like Yunteng, BlitzWolf can also be used as a tripod by attaching the tripod backward, as it is also not included in the kit, but the option is transferred.

At the same time, we will stop talking about the little Monopods. I think that now you can create an adequate vibration when buying a selfie stick, but when you buy miraculous signs. Well, if you know that you are not less of a self-stick, then tell us about them! Mi bazhaєmo you in the distance of shopping and not less than vidminnyh photos.

Hang out with us, in front of the rich tsikavi.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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