Rip up on lithium disks to see it. Rip up the disc on the curb - scho robiti

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Navigate to the end of the water and bent down so much to the curb, so I can tinker with my discs. The situation has been expanded. It’s not critical, it’s possible to drive so much more beautifully than the area of ​​a small Zusilla and we see undergrowth. The price is not foldable, you will not be able to turn the wheel of knowledge.

to be

  • Skloochisnik anyway, be-like іnshe miyuchiy and zezhiruyuchy zіb.
  • Emery paper.
  • Povst abo wool for polishing.
  • Primer.
  • Farba sіbna.
  • Withered varnish.

Vidalennya podryapin on lithium disks with their own hands

As I have already said, the wheel of knowledge and quality is not necessarily binding. If we want to, we will not be busy reconverting the balance of the mechanical flow, let us ask you for your decision.
First, you need to clean the disc from the brude and zezhity. For the whole of it is clear that there is a clearing device for the warehouse, which is just two rabbits at once.

Now it is necessary to see some dirty things. We take a great emery paper and go through the dots, docks of all visible views.

Further, it is necessary to smooth the surface and for all polishing with wool, or in order to increase the smoothing quality of the land using sandpaper.

Papered over the tire, clean it up from the farbi.

Primer-spray primer Vikoristovuchi the surface before applying the farbi. Bazhano put 3-4 balls. For the whole it is necessary to roll 10 quills and, if necessary, to scrape the surface with another emery paper.

Pislya hanging a primer, farbumo with a farboy. In 90% of vypadkom farbah, the most vivid medium of the farb will be uncomfortable, even if it doesn’t stand out from the farboi, as it is already on the disk.
Here you can add a farb, adding to the middle black or bila, choosing the required tone.
Є The option to make a big drive will turn up, but for the sake of being able to get all 4 wheels, I don’t look at that option.

The wheels of the car are the first to see inconsistencies, tied to the nasty road surfaces and the number of vibrations, bumps, and also to the sloppy style of the car. In addition, the colossal discs are sickly up to the unwelcoming inflow of atmospheric manifestations, cheeky words and mechanical things.

Yak bi was not there, in an hour the repair of disks would be required for any car. There are such situations, if the auto-graders undertake to update the number in the garage mind. However, we turn into specialization of car services for professional restoration of large discs - the most efficient and optimal solution.

See a lot of disks, you can get corrected

If disks require repair, if there are any defects on them, such as:

  • grunt;
  • the destruction of a zakisny sharu farbi;
  • trіshchini;
  • vidcoli;
  • dents;
  • axial abo radial zsuv;
  • vrata fragment.

Only literate people in order to carry out the retailer diagnostics can improve the date of new copies - you can easily update the discs in the car.

See car wheel repair

The modern possession of this new technology allows our customers to see the repair and renewal of wheel disks of the car:

  • Rolling of stamped disks. Vona is relevant only for virobes from steel and is a variation of the disc circumference on a special verstat.
  • Rikhtuvannya litih disks. Її to vikonuyut for the help of professional possession, designated for correcting the geometry of the very light-alloy wheels.
  • Argon welding of discs. There is a great improvement in the efficiency of the alloy wheel and the efficiency of this performance in the missions of production, in order to eliminate defects and to give a reasonable call to the wheel.
  • Powder farbuvannya disks. It is even more important for any disks for updating their geometries as the final stage of repair. Farba zdatna clean the wheels of light mechanical gear and unwelcoming flow of waste and chemical reagents into a trivial term.

Special features of stamping disc repair

For repair of stamped discs, rolling. Steel is an even more plastic material, so the first view of the disc can be added for additional editing on a special roller plate. You will be able to see high-quality maysters, which is an important moment in the process є correct installation of the disk, make sure that you do not get rid of it, and also do not fix the edge.

Features of repair of lithium disks

Repair of autodisks with aluminum in the presence of undergrowth on the rims of the fachivtsi, in addition to special penetrating trays, use of special penetrating trays, the use of powder and powder for the opening of the overhead ball. It is also necessary to correct the dent, so that special possession and tools need to be done - a chance to carry out a disk update, instead of using the radial and axial system. It is important to control the skin stage and the accuracy of the test.

Restoration of disks of a car in case of rejection of cracks, chipping and vibrating fragments is done by the argon method. However, such a trick, like a tricycle on the spokes, or because there are openings for the fastening of the wheels, cannot be repaired, neither can a guarantee be given, as the wheel does not break off on the great performance. Only the master can help you to gain the whole experience of your ear.

Features for repair of forged disks

Forged discs are the most advanced and mint in the case of stamped and cast alloy wheels. Smells come before all of them are given a little bit, and if they are not bad enough, all the power to the blow will be transferred to the driver of the car. I want it і rіdko, however і the stench comes out with cracks and chips. For the restoration of a wheel of a car with forged disks, a special possession and a high-quality master with the assistance of a robot are required.

Company "Disco-Kras" is ready for Viconati repair of large disks, be it foldable in nikorotshi terms. Competent fahivtsi, innovative possession, modern technology, available prices for updating the number in our tire shops in Moscow and Lyubertsy are the axis of those that clearly see us as competitors. Roll up!

Save colossal discs with a new stretch of decal seasons - on the right to finish the curl, even the first to create all unpleasant calls, pour onto the road of the car. The smell of the cymbal smell can be regularly updated, at all times the necessary repairs are necessary according to the worn-out podryapin and іdkolіv on the disks. About the tse and from the beginning.

If there is a need to repair car disks for additional refurbishment in the garage sinks, there are more hand-made emails and varnishes. Powder method of applying farbuval material without the appearance of a chamber of polymerization of ill-feeling. However, such a farba, with high quality and sophisticated technology of farbovanny, is able to put a frog on the surface of the part.

The quality of the discs on the car. It is easy to see the report, as you can turn the wheel disks into a view and see the podryapiny and vidkoli in the garage mind.

What is necessary for a robot?

First, before starting to update the discs and seeing the podryapin, it is necessary to get used to it. At the garage, it is necessary to tidy up, having cleaned the saw from the saw and smittya, for which, if possible, it is necessary to break the walls and down with water, so that the saws have been nailed down. So won’t be on the surface of the car parts.

Now you can choose the ones you want to visit robots:

  • water, a dash and a brush, scoop out the discs to the brood;
  • emery papyr of fine grain for use of other pads and grits;
  • white spirit for non-fat discs;
  • finishna Auto spatulas in order to close the troughs on the details;
  • acrylic primer і farba in spray cans (or in cans, if you plan to vikoristovuvati spray gun);
  • foresight varnish;
  • mittens, respirator and eyepieces.

For renovation of disks of a car according to usunennyu podryapin, it is recommended to vikoristovuvati a farb and a primer from one virobnik. Also, if є in the presence of a minimyka, then the discs can be cleaned with help.

From sanding to primer

All steps for the repair of podryapins and vidkoliv on disks are made before the offensive:

  • cleansing;
  • soil bath;
  • bezposredno farbuvannya;
  • varnish application.

Before the next step, the discs are of the car from the gum and the retailer, clean and pomit. It is also recommended to convert them for the appearance of irregularities and, if necessary, correct them, and moreover, the robot is more beautiful to trust the faults.

For cleaning the infusion is the stage of sanding the surface. Oshkuryuvannya zd_ysnyuєt for help with an emery paper, yak do help clean up the old farb from the disk. On this stage, it is also possible to fix it or drill with a special attachment.

In the process of robots with emery cloth, pick up the water, then pick it up from the surface of the old farbah. Shlifuvannya is necessary to carry out the changes in the abrasiveness of the paper, completing the processing with the most common shkirkoy.

As on the details є little podryapiny, trischinki or vidkoli, then they are repaired, smeared with a fine filler, as if they were going to hang up a zero emery paper (M 40).

The surface is prepared, and now it is possible to start before the onset of the repair stage - the application of the runt, which will help the Farbi verdicts to advance behind it, more efficiently lie on the disks and also the anti-corrosive zakist.

Important! Before the cob of the primer, the details need to be treated with white spirit.

Then the primer is applied in two or three balls, the skin needs to dry out. First, apply the primer on the surface of the disc, respectfully introduce instructions. In the process of priming, periodically blow off the balloon.

Farbuvannya and lakuvannya

More colorfully on the coming day, the paint is applied to them with soil. Farbuvannya is carried out practically as it is, like a primer, tobto in 2-3 thin balls with drying of the skin from them.

The stage of repair of discs with varnish is carried out in two balls, moreover, the discs will dry out enough, the discs will need to be left in a calm state for 3-4 days. All details can be finished with a special polish and can be repaired.

Є shche option

It is possible to repair large disks of a car and pick up a small amount of rubbish and undercoat, and replace the putty and soil with an epoxy paste. Such a store is made up of two components - the mouth and the hardened. For mittya, cleaning, sanding and grease, it is necessary to apply it to the pieces of food with rags and chips, then to see it and give it to dry (an hour to wonder at the packaging of a particular mouth).

The pasta is more beautiful than vicoristovuvati bila, but it didn’t see through the farbah, as it would be applied on top of it.

Drying of epoxy material can be done with ultraviolet lamps, so that the paste can be dried more quickly and well. If the repair of disks will be carried out without the knowledge of gumi, then it will be necessary to seal it with a mask.

For that, as the epoxy dries up, it is necessary to grind it with an emery paper of a different grain size, assimilating all the irregularities. We use the discs and also cover them with acrylic headlamp and varnish. For repairs, I won’t start to polish the discs with a polish.

The modern car has a folding system, which makes it easy to move. In order to renew the optimal standard, it is often necessary to go into the repair of new machinery.

All the processes to complete the folding and in some cases to navigate the uninterrupted without special possession and tools. Well, new tires and wheels can be added. A wide assortment and affordable prices will not overwhelm you with baiduzhim!

Classification of disks

Supporting structures of this type are not only technical, but allow to give the car a unique design. Car disks can be divided into several main types:

  • Stamped virobi. Discs of this type are of a steel construction, which are not very expensive. Some products are some of the most popular ones, as they sell them in a set with a leather car.
    One of the punching discs is those that, when hit, the stench does not break out, but bends. Tse allows virivnya їkh, having pressed the shape of the kolishnyu. Until a short time, it is possible to introduce a significant wag, which will change the analogous indicators of the other models.
  • Lithium disks are made on the basis of aluminum or magnesium alloys. There is a small amount of heat and a lack of heat conduction. Slide means that the material is daunting. To that, a sharp blow against the disc, or drinking it into the pit, can be brought to the first time. Renovation is also a bit uncomfortable and later on, replace the entire structure.
  • Forged wheels. It is excellent to show off the effect and does not give in to ruin under the blows. If you have a lot of material, you should spring even more, and bring it up to the transfer of all the energy to the traffic control system. Tse to produce up to high wear and tear of all warehouse parts.

Updating the structure of the disc

A lot of water droplets over the surface of the construction of solid surfaces, like curbs in a large number of vypadkiv. Vidremontuvati is also easy to finish. Zrobiti can be done in the main ways:

  1. Lakuvannya. Tsey pidhid vikoristovuyt mainly for lithium disks. Correctly applied varnish is perfect to close the podryapinu.
  2. Farbuvannya. Some operations can be seen with any types of disks, which in front of the front and outlines of the surface.

Obov'yazkovuyu mind before the disc's pokrityam zasobi zasoby є grease, virivnyuvannya (which is necessary) and the surface.

As soon as the disks of your car appear to have some dirty stains and the stench will force you strongly, then you can change with your own forces! Moreover, it should be budgetary!

We will need:
1) display on disks
2) two-component epoxy paste, color is not so important.
Ale vrahuyte, if the pasta is chervona / zelena / sіra, through the farbah shvidshe for everything, you will need a primer (there will be a primer).
I have Epoxy bila, without soil.
3) a skin with a grain size index of 300-400. І do not set up more with index 600, other.
4) masquerading line, for a reason not known to hum from the disk.
5) vlasne spray-farba and varnish. Spray Einszett Silber, behind the color, a douche close to the factory one.
So it is possible to vikoristovuvaty spray from Wurth. In this case, I have Wurth varnish. Ale, as it is difficult in food color, that is more beautiful to turn up to a colorist - the stench is taken.

With a skin (300-400), clean up the grunt, clean up the hump.

Wrapped over with a line of gum

I take epoxy paste, zmіshuєmo A and B in equal proportions, applied to irregularities, the excess of the mouth is carefully cleaned.

We are too dry to dry (what is more, more beautiful) I have left the wheels on the wheel of the lamp. In a persistent way, so shvidshe vysokhne epoxy, in a different way it is more beautiful to huddle.

Buv of bursts of roboticism and the onset of the offensive, missing in the photographs =) In general, the shlifuєmo with a dry shkirkoy dried up Epoxy, virivnyuєmo, everything is going smoothly, including on the dot, without wad.
Dali farbuєmo. At least the same dosage is given by the farbuvanny from the spray. If you are engaged in car modeling. Shake the balloon well, farbumo from 20-30cm, with fine soft balls, so that it does not overflow. Rotate the ball 2-3. Drying quilts with a skin ball 30. Before farbuvanny, it is advisable to moisten the filler without having drunk the saw on the svizhopofarbovanu surface.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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