Install the NFC function. Self-made NFC for telephony - nevdaliy experiment

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The axis is already ponad p_vtora rocky i є happy volodar Android phone HTC Desire... Axis I wanted to upgrade my phone. Besides the installation of custom firmware, you want to be able to build it out of the box. And here I’m guessing about NFC and contactless payment methods. "From bulo, it would be great to shove the misplaced receipt right into the phone" - I thought. The metro is the main type of transport, which I mean. Ale even more often trampled vipad, if I forgot to shift the old ticket from one ticket to the other, and brought up again to stand at the chambers to buy a ticket. If you have a mobile phone, get it from me, and I never forget it.

The technology, yak bullet, is used to connect two annexes to a childless hedge. You can transfer files and save mobile data from the process. Let’s just one little bit, those who are lyudin’s maє buti entrust you with you. Ale, krіm tsiogo, tse funktsіya, yaku you bazhate on your phone.

You can either reconsider the adjustment of your own attachment, or else, like a zavzhdi, vicoristovuvati program, like a bullet, I’ll be broken up specially for tsyogo. Check out the list of how to set up and go to the page Droplets».

I’ll tell you right away that the experiment didn’t go into ... but everything is in order.
To whom the tsikava tried to open the NFC of a proprietary ticket at the telephone - please go habracut.

I tried a handful of picks and just shove the old ticket pid back kryshka the phone, ale the ticket, we see a lot of money and a lot of money, but the phone itself is for 2-3 minutes, apparently kryshka mobile phone just not conceived.

The program has a dumb one. As soon as you finish, there is no need to take the program on your own. You also don’t need to worry about those that the program is also powered without rights. Don't ask for money. If we have more methods, you know, Tim is more beautiful, why is it wrong? What method do you use?

† The technology of nano-coating is equipped with a bar for the use of water, which additionally helps to clean up from the world of water, such as a bottle of water, breezes or light boards. There are no indications for zanurennya at the water chi pіd injected water pіd in the grip of chi іinsh rіdin; Chi is not waterproof.

Then I guessed, as if the squad was viping their backpack at once from the well-known subway ticket. The ticket has been worn by my own account. From all over the cardboard box, only a thin piece of wire from the antenna is missing from the middle. We thought that the ticket wouldn’t be successful;

So I took the receipt and the letters from them from the bathroom to the room. With a stream of warm water, as you turn, carefully scrape the cardboard ball onto the slip. Cardboard is soaked and easily removed from the ticket.

The minimum payment is required for the whole plan by extending the advertising period. For 6 and 12-month credit plans, the triviality of the advertising period is available for purchase and not for 6 or 12 months per period. The triviality of the advertising period is the amount of purchases that do not change for 24 months.

It’s not an hour before the purchase. Vikoristovu to be deprived of for adjusting for the development, and not for childless telephones or their attachments. Yaksho vie dodte offending objects in the cat, for the skin two right-hand speeches, one or less meaning will be bezkoshtovny.

After a couple of twigs, I was in my hands with a clean and even thin ticket.

I’m hanging on to the phone. Ticket miraculously accommodated to the back of the phone call.

Get familiar with the minds that are provided for details, such as vyatka, interchange, methods of submitting an application, parsing and a list of postpasters. If you want really technical speeches, it's not for you! The whole technology, as it is poklikana to simplify and forgive light for us, draw those transactions that are robim, exchange content and attachment keys.

Active add-ons add є read, and passive add-ons є tag. Then the reader will be called from the tag. The reader will decipher the signals, and then progress will be made. Deyaki tags will be overwritten;

I picked up the phone and took it to the metro. Pidіyshov to the tourniquet, dropping the phone, pushing it to the reader and not getting anything. Yak idiot I became a keruvati phone by reading it - but I didn’t see anything.

"A melodiously good ticket for a trip" - I thought and went through the travel ticket and went to the rearrangement, which kind of information about the number of trips to the ticket and the term of the year. I finished reading the phone to read it, but I didn't read anything either.

Transaction - payment for goods. ... Winning the donation, ale obsyag danikh bezvychay much less, and the effort required for the donation is too much. Web site display before submission contact information to your phone. Є Let us be passive and grunt from the magnetic field.

You can change the victorian tag to that. Intersections, some of the tributes, which can be transmitted, etc. it’s not a fault of all the problems that do not give the same skin problems. However, at the time of writing, the reality of the field is in the fact that you can’t fix it.

Todi I have known the call from the phone and I have added the surplus of a proizable ticket to the chituvach - VIN PRATSYUVAV! When I was writing, I passed the ticket through the tourniquet more than once, and I didn’t finish my trip.

Tobto. The ticket will be absolutely robotic (to navigate, as if by using the water jet). Ale through the back of the phone, the phone didn’t want to read it. I’m trying to apply a ticket before the reader through the back of the phone call without a phone, I think to direct the phone if it’s pereshkodi. Ale vin is not readable.

More often possession, as a rule, found in stores and commercial supplements. This allows you to read and send radio messages to an electronic tag for identification, authentication and delivery. Similarly to advertisements, as you can hit on the bus zupintsi, the stink is the same, but you can look at it again, just take out the additional information.

Here is the brand of your phone that yogo operating systems keep in mind that, as you can use it, you control the reading of tags on your phone, but there are more of them to read tags without any additional software security, or you may need to add programmatically secure from the store of programs for telephones.

For what? And it’s all we know that it’s wonderful to read a ticket on the display 2-3 cm from the reader (to that one can not use the wallet from the bag), but why didn’t you want to read it through the back of the phone?

Tsikava dumka habra-spilnoti schodo tsyogo, nevzhe rear panel the phone has a special pokrittya chi warehouse, which does not give a signal?
Chi є shche іdeї, how can you shove a receipt at the phone? Vidpovіdі on kshtalt - just stick the tickets with scotch tape to the phone - do not accept.

If you just want to be amazed at being in the tegu, є kіlka dodatkіv, which will allow you to get started. You can set a number of tags, as you can start playing for you. Intercourse - there is a lot of creative tags and scenarios that you want to create.

In addition, if you got the right tags, you got the correct program to secure it on your phone, and when you were out of service at the statistics, you decided to get overwhelmed by the zerous writing of the victorian program. Protect trochas to fool your head.

UPD: Dyakuimo all for help. The comments have given even better ideas and please.
Prodovzhuvatim experiment. I will write about the results.

Dmitry OSIPOV ( YouTube channel) connect the antenna to the NFC module. The cost is only 10 rubles. She has a microcircuit and SMD components, captured for the black headlight. Imovirno, it is possible to connect without the middle to the arduino without the NFC module. But no theory. You need to change it.

It’s because of them that they can be found in the amount of money, as they smell, which can be available only for reading, or they can be rewritten, the productivity of the part and whether it’s special functions. Do not worry too much about it, if you don’t want to edit the technical one, change the type of tag to that of the memory, as shown in the picture.

Spindle axis different types tags on the display. Reading the text is one thing, and I wouldn’t be surprised at the video below, in which there will be a visit, and there will also be more reports about the program of tags and bachelorhood from the victorian. Gradually throwing a wiklik and shukaє new opportunities, John has developed an assortment of products and business performance and even more prydtrimuvati grow up and take a carnation from maybutn.

We know the library. Zavanazhuєmo. Zakidaєmo at the folder. The key is behind the circuit. At the tsіy bіblіotetsі, on vіdminu from the classic, є perevaga. If you add a row, you can improve the performance of the antenna. Tse dodati two chi one centimeter vіdstanі. Connect the antenna, requiring you to solder the darts to the module.

I don’t know, if I’m zupinitiya, it’s a good idea to spend an hour with ideas. However, if it’s so relaxed, you can find it in a fox, like a dog, in pubs or you can enjoy yourself in local restaurants. As soon as your office has a tag, for whatever you push the phone, just put it in silent mode, you need a handful of it to unlock, and then torknutis.

So, dyakuyu, they corrected it according to Jan, read it right. ... Possibilities of versatile. It allows the passive way to react to the active initiator of the call, to navigate without the lusty dash of vitality.

  • Photographs from a fair demonstration from a day.
  • Tse to be called a wiretapping one dot.
  • Qia procedure is done for short distances up to a few centimeters.
Perevaga: a mobile phone does not connect to the great corporate hedge, but only to the printer, which can be seen from the world without any problems.

You need to solder two darts. Polarity is not significant. Protest. Lіvoruch svіtlodіod, flashy when undergoing NFC mitts... The antenna is also wired in parallel to the internal antenna. Tobto dvі one hour. Pass the test successfully. At the same time, the far-offness of the small moths is changed. Bila mintka of the most distant. Trinket spratsovuє on vіdstanі vdvіchі less. Mapa metro. There is little information on the Internet. How to trick the topic out of the way, on the channel є kіlkka video.

Yak drukuvati right on the phone?

With such a rank, you can not be the owner of the company, but shortly go to the printer of the company. More than half of the people who live in smartphones and more than a third of them do not know, as the stink itself can be drugged. mobile annexes... Think about avia tickets, travel plans, hotel reservations, how people vvazayut for beautiful mothers in their hands, and not just on their mobile phones.

Printer driver for mobile phones and carriers

Abo we knew kogos, hto having installed the printer driver. With mobile phones, and it’s easy to carry attachments, such as eyepieces, don’t be clear about how to document. You haven’t had a chance to use your mobile phone before. Tim for an hour, I'm sorry telephone telephony long ago by pushing smartphones with gigabyte schematics and chotiri-core processors.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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