Viewer from the list of the anti-virus AVZ. Correct and optimize for additional programs AVZ Yak update the system for additional utilities avz

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Anti-virus programs, to navigate when you see the awesome software security, it is far from expecting the system to be updated again. Frequently, when I see a computer virus, I will remove the empty working style, I will have access to the Internet (or blocking access to any websites), a non-functional bear, etc. Viklikano tse, as a rule, tim, have become overwhelmed with incomplete systemic actions, for example, the adjustment of the koristuvach, changing the shkidlivaya program.

Utilita bezkoshtovna, pratsyuє without installation, at all functional and worked me out in new situations. Virus, as a rule, make changes to the system reestablishment (adding to the auto-enrollment, modifying the parameters in the launch of the program). If you don’t dig into the system, I’ll hand it over to the virus, I’ll quickly go to the AVZ with the “system update” operation (if I want the anti-virus to use it, it’s impossible to convert the disks to the hard drive).

Start the update, start the utility. Onslaught mo file - system update

and before us see also at the end

check marks and embossed "Viconates for Operations"

The microprogram will update the system's response to exe, com, pif, scr files.
Shown to zasosuvannya: If a virus is seen, it stops running programs.
Qia microprogramme update prefixes for Internet Explorer
Shown to zasosuvannya: when the address is entered as, it is replaced by
A microprogram was given to update the start page in Internet Explorer
Shown to zasosuvannya: replacement of the start side
Qia mikroprogram updated a joke in Internet Explorer
Shown to zasosuvannya: When the "Push" button is pressed against IE, it turns to a third-party site
The microprogramme is updating the adjustment of the working table. Renewal of all the active elements of ActiveDesctop, tapestries, the blocking of the menu, which is responsible for the adjustment of the work table.
Shown to zasosuvannya: You saw the bookmarks of the adjustment of the working table at the window "Power: screen"
Windows transfer mechanism is interchangeable for koristuvacha, which is called Policies. I use the technology to get rid of richly awkward programs, and some of the fine adjustments are saved in the register and awkwardly displayed or modified.
Shown to zasosuvannya: The function of the provider is blocked and the function of the system is blocked.
Windows NT and Windows NT systems in Windows NT (2000, XP) allow you to set up as soon as possible when the auto-mail is displayed. We are curious about a number of awesome programs, and the humiliation of awesome programs should not be brought up to the point of humiliation.
Shown to zasosuvannya: For an hour, the system is locked up and third-party systems are introduced.
A microprogram is given, a number of adjusting the provider to the standard one (throwing off the settings in the first place, changing the high-quality programs).
Shown to zasosuvannya: Changed the setting of the provider
Restoration of the administrator of the system process to allow the start of the add-on, so that the order of the shkidlivy programs
Shown to zasosuvannya: AVZ is not aware of the owners of system processes, they are faced with problems due to the launch of system components, in the future, when the working style is re-installed.
Deyakі shkіdlivі programs, zokrema hrobak Bagle, uhkodzhuyut set up an entangled system in the stolen mode. The microprogramme renews the establishment of the entangled in the abducted regime.
Shown to zasosuvannya: .
Blocking the dispatcher of the plant will be stuck with high-speed programs to capture the processes of seeing and seeing. As an example, the microprograms given by the microprograms know the blockade.
Shown to zasosuvannya: Blocking the manager of the plant, when trying the wiklik of the task manager, you will see the "Manager of the tasks of blocking by the administrator".

Utilita Hijack This zberigє at the restrі a number of their nalashtuvan, zokrema - a list of vinyatkіv. To mask it from HijackThis shkidlivy program, you need to save your files in the list of vignettes. At the present moment, a number of awesome programs have been presented, which are very versatile. The microprogram AVZ visonuє cleared the list of victorious utilities HijackThis

Shown to zasosuvannya: Take a look at those who use Hijack This does not display all the information about the system.
13. Clearing the Hosts file
The cleaned up Hosts file is created before the Hosts file is banged, seeing all the significant rows and adding the standard row " localhost".
Shown to zasosuvannya: Take a look at those who have changed the Hosts file with a shkidlive program. Typov_ symptoms - blocking of updated anti-virus programs. You can control the Hosts vm_st using the help of the Hosts manager to the file inserted into the AVZ.

The viconu analysis of the establishment of SPI and in the case of the development of pardons, the authorization of the known pardons is automatic. This microprogram can be launched again in a number of times. When you visit the microprograms, it is recommended to restart the computer.

Shown to zasosuvannya: Having a great view of the programmer has access to the Internet.

The microprogram is given for XP, Windows 2003 and Vista. The principle of robotic scaffolding on skid and reimagined SPI / LSP and TCP / IP customization with the help of standard netsh utilities, which can be logged into the Windows warehouse. To brutalize respect! Zastosovuvati skidannya adjusting is necessary if you need it if you have obvious problems with access to the Internet, when you see great programs!

Shown to zasosuvannya: With a view to the great programmer, you have access to the Internet and display the microprograms “14. Automatic correction of SPl / LSP parameters "does not give the result.
Updating system keys to the registry, which are prompted for the launch of the provider.
Shown to zasosuvannya: For an hour, the system is blocked and the provider does not start, but I will manually launch explorer.exe.
Rozblokuє editor of the restru
Shown to zasosuvannya: It is unwise to start the editor of the registry, when you try to see it, it’s starting blocking by the administrator.
A backup copy of the SPI / LSP setup, which is based on the standard, is based on.
Shown to zasosuvannya:
Clean the MountPoints base and MountPoints2 from the register. The operation is not very helpful if you have a case, if you are infected with the Flash virus, the provider cannot see disks
To update, you need to select one or more items and press the button "Select Operation Values". The onslaught of the "OK" button is closed.
On a note:
Updating marno, as in the system of pratsyuє Trojan program, but the visonus readjustment - it is necessary to have a chance to see a very demanding program, and then to introduce the adjustment of the system
On a note:
To use more Hijackers, you need to select three microprograms - "Skid to adjust Internet Explorer to standard", "Update to Internet Explorer start page", "Skip to adjust Internet Explorer preferences"
On a note:

If a micro-program can be displayed, it will be possible to develop a sleep without a shkodi for the system. Vinyatki - “5. Updating the adjustment of the working table "(the robot with microprograms skins all the adjustment of the working table and the need to re-select the design of the working table and the tapestry) and" 10. Updating parameters locked in SafeMode ”(a microprogram is given for rewriting the keys to the registry, which are prompted for locked in SafeMode).




Іnіvertіnі like Swiss nіzh programs. The hero of my statty is the same "universal". Grab yogo AVZ(Anti-virus Zaitseva). For help bezel-less anti-viruses and viruses are possible, and the system is optimized, and the problems are corrected.

AVZ facilities

About those who have an anti-virus program, I have already told you. About the AVZ robot as a one-time antivirus (more precisely, anti-rootkit), it was said well in advance, I’ll show you the best bik program: rewrite and update nalashtuvan.

What can you "put" behind the help of AVZ:

  • Update program launch (.exe, .com, .pif files)
  • Throw off the Internet Explorer customization on standard
  • Update the work table
  • Know that the rights are obmezhennya (for example, when the virus is blocking the launch of the program)
  • See a banner abo vіkno, as you sign up before logging into the system
  • See viruses that can be launched at once from a program
  • Rosblokuvati dispatcher zabdan and editor reєstru (yaksho virus zaboroniv їх launch)
  • Clear file
  • Protect the autostart of programs from flash drives and disks
  • View unused files from hard disk
  • Fix problems with the Robot desk
  • І rich

It is also possible to upgrade Windows for security (more cleanly to clean up all viruses), and also to optimize the system by cleaning the auto-safeguard.

The AVZ store page is located.

The program is koshtovna free.

A collection of your Windows from non-retention diy

AVZ program maє even rich functions, well, the robots of Windows can use it. Tse unfailingly, so at the time of the pardon it can be dashing. Prokhannya respectfully read the text and the proof, first there is no need to work. The author of the article does not have any explanations for your actions.

Well, mother can do everything "turn yak bulo" by sending unprotected robots from AVZ, I wrote a lot.

Tse obov'yazkovy croc, according to the essence, the stem of the "way to the entrance" at the time of the non-coastal ones - the beginning of the update point can be updated, the Windows restore to the early stage.

The Windows update system is a common component of all Windows versions, which can be repaired with Windows ME. Skoda, wow about the new one, please don’t guess and spend an hour getting Windows and programs up and running, if it’s possible more than ever to develop a teddy bear and eliminate all the problems.

As soon as a part of the system files is visible (for example, a part of the system files is visible), then "System update" is not possible. In the last vipadkas - if you incorrectly tweaked Windows, "tinkered" with the registry, installed the program, like Windows does not get bogged down, incorrectly skimmed with the AVZ program - "System Update" can be helped.

Writing AVZ robots, I leave my daddy's folders with backups:

/ Backup- there is a backup copy of the register.

/ Infected- Copies of previous viruses.

/ Quarantine- Copies of the approved files.

As a result of the AVZ robots, there were problems (for example, if you thoughtlessly ran with the AVZ tool "System Updates" and the Internet stopped working) Backup.

How to set an update point

Іdemo in Start - Keruvannya Panel - System - System Zahist:

Onslaught "Zakhist sistemi" at the "Sistema" window.

Onslaught on the "Create" button.

The process of setting the renewal point can be trivial for a dozen hilines. We can show up on the screen:

The point of renewal will be terminated. Before the speech, the stench is automatically set off when the driver program is installed, but do not wait. To that, in front of not uncomfortable actions (adjustments, cleaning systems), it is better to open the renewal point once and again, if you can praise yourself for the transfer.

How to update a computer for an additional update point

There are two options for starting the System Update - when Windows is running, behind the additional disk with the installation.

Option 1 - how do Windows start

Іdemo in Start-up - Use programs - Standard - Services - System update:

Run Vibrate your renewal point that onslaught Dal. A list of update points is displayed. Vibiraєmo that, yaka is required:

The computer will automatically rewire itself. Pislya zavanazhennya all nalashtuvannya, yogo register that part of important files will be updated.

Option 2 - as Windows does not get bogged down

The "installed" disk from Windows 7 or Windows 8 is required.

I will add it from the disk (it’s written) and I will vibrate:

Vibraєmo "System update" replacement of Windows installers

Regular system and writing of viruses or unimportant devices with a computer

Until all the days, you will have fun with viruses, for example, for help. In general, there will be no sense - correcting the adjustment of the launches of the virus to the "breakdown".

Updates to the launch of the program

If you have blocked the launch of any programs, AVZ will help you. Obviously, you need to run AVZ itself, and it's easy to redo.

See a list of ydemo in Control panel- put a kind of look at the look, crim Category - Folder options - View- check the box Prikhovuvati expansion for registered file types - OK. Now the skin file can be seen expansion- a number of symbols of the last point of the name. Make the program call .exeі .com... Run AVZ antivirus on your computer, de-start the program, change the extension cmd or pif:

Todi AVZ will start. Let's take the onslaught at the very moment File - :

Slid to mark the points:

1. Updating parameters for launching .exe, .com, .pif files(Vlasna, you see the problem with launching the program)

6. Vidalennya all Policies (obmezhen) flow koristuvach(for people who have problems with this point, it also helps the virus to start the program, if the virus is caught even more)

9. Vividness of the improvement of system processes(It is even more important to note that the point is that it was necessary to navigate if you changed the system with an antivirus, it could have been overloaded with a virus. It will also help with the problem, since the Workstyle does not appear when the system starts up)

Pidtverdzhuumo diyu, appears visibly from the text "Renovation of the Viconano system." If you want to restart your computer - a problem with the launch of the program will be seen!

Update on the launch of the Worktable

A common problem is to reach it - before the system starts up and the Robot Style does not appear.

Run Working style it is possible like this: onslaughtєmo Ctrl + Alt + Del, launchєmo Manager of the plant, there is an onslaughtєmo File - Nove zavdannya (Viconati ...) - introduced explorer.exe:

OK- The working style starts up. Altogether, the time-consuming solution of the problem is that when the computer is turned on, it will be done all over again.

Don't worry about it, you need to update the key to start the program explorer("The Provider", which is responsible for the standard peer-review of folders and the Robot's table). In the AVZ onslaught File- for each item

Vykonati significant operations, pidtverdzhuєmo diyu, onslaughtєmo Good. Now, when you start the computer, the workstation will start normally.

Rozblokuvannya Dispatcher zavdan ta Registr Editor

Once a virus has blocked the launch of two great programs, you can clean up the fence with the AVZ programs. Just mark two points:

11. Rozblokuvannya dispatcher zavdan

17.Rose blocking the editor of the register

That natisnit Vykonati of the significant operations.

Internet problems

Cleaning the system of unnecessary files

Programs AVZ instead of cleaning the computer from unnecessary files If the program for cleaning the hard disk is not installed on the computer, then go and AVZ, thanks to the abundance of possibilities:

Report on points:

  1. Clear system cache and Prefetch- clearing the folder with information about those files that are zapped for a quick start of the program. The option is marn, so Windows itself can quite successfully run behind the Prefetch folder and clean it, if necessary.
  2. View log files in Windows- it is possible to clear the development databases and files, so that you can remove from your own records about the items that are displayed in the operating system. The option is brown, as it requires a dozen or more megabytes of space on a hard disk. Tobto, vigoda vid vikorystannya mіzerna, opts_ya marna.
  3. View memory dump files- in case of critical pardons, Windows distorts its robot and shows BSOD (blue screen of death), at the same time it takes information about running programs and drivers from the file for further analysis with special programs, so that it can be found guilty. Option mayzhe marna, some of them will allow you to play only a dozen megabytes of free music. Clearing files in memory dump systems is not a problem.
  4. Clear the list of Remaining documents- as not surprisingly, the option clears the list of remaining documents. The whole list can be found in the Start menu. You can clear the list manually by pressing the right button on the item in the Start menu and vibravshi "Clear the list of left elements". The option is correct: I have noted that the list of recent documents has been cleared to allow the Start menu to display the file. The system cannot be screwed up.
  5. Clearing the TEMP folder- The Holy Grail for quiet, hto shukє the reason for the existence of a vіlnogo song on the C: drive. On the right, in the TEMP papa, there is a lot of programs to store files for the team-hour victorian, and then “take care of yourself”. A typical butt - archivator. Unpack these files and forget to see them. Clearing the TEMP system folder is not a mischief, there can be a lot of problems (in especially neglected cases, there are a lot of gigabytes in the game!).
  6. Adobe Flash Player - clearing team clock files- Flash player can save files for team-hour victorian. Їx can be seen. Inodi (ridko) option for additional help for troubleshooting Flash Player glitches. For example, due to the problems of video and audio production on the Vkontakte website. Shkodi vid vikoristannya mute.
  7. Clearing the terminal cache- I know for a fact that the option clears the clock files of the Windows component under the name "Connected to the remote desktop" (access to computers using the RDP protocol). Option nachebto shkodi does not start, the song is zvilnyaє for a dozen megabytes at a short time. Sensu vicori is dumb by the way.
  8. IIS - Visible to the HTTP Punches Log- Dovgo will explain, scho tse take. I’ll say lease, it’s better not to turn on the IIS log opts_yu cleared. At the same time, the shkodi doesn’t start, koristi also.
  9. Macromedia Flash Player- duplicate itemє "Adobe Flash Player - clearing team hour files", if you want to finish the old version of Flash Player.
  10. Java - clearing cache- yes, I have a couple of megabytes on the hard disk. I do not blame Java programs, because the inheritance of the included options has not been reversed. Not raja vmikati.
  11. Cleansing cat- This item is absolutely zoosuilo for its name.
  12. See the protocols of the system installation- Windows keeps a log of updates. Updating the opt-in cleans up the magazine. The option of the marne, to that I will play a great mischief.
  13. See the Windows Update protocol- similarly to the next point, only other files can be seen. Tezh marna opts_ya.
  14. Clear MountPoints base- every hour the flash drive is connected, or the hard disk does not have icons on them at the Computer window, so the option can be helped. Raju turn it on if you have problems with connecting flash drives and disks.
  15. Internet Explorer - clearing the cache- Clean up Internet Explorer time files. The option is safe and brown.
  16. Microsoft Office - clearing cache- cleans the clock files of Microsoft Office programs - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and others. I can't change the security options, because I don't have Microsoft Office.
  17. Clearing the system cache and writing to a CD- Korisna option, which allows you to see the files that you prepared for recording on disks.
  18. Clearing the system folder TEMP- on the view from the TEMP folder (div. point 5), the clearing of the entire folder is not safe, that is the time to start playing. Don't turn on the Raja.
  19. MSI - clearing the Config.Msi folder- at the tsіy papacy sberіgayuyutsya ізні files, set up by the installers of the programs. The folder is great, if the installation programs did not correctly complete their robot, then the cleaning of the Config.Msi folder is correct. Tim is not the man, I’m moving ahead - I can find out problems with the programs that I have seen, how to run .msi-installers (for example, Microsoft Office).
  20. Clear the protocols of the plan- Planning manager Windows zberigє magazine, de record information about the managerial office. I do not recommend including an item, because there is no way to do it, but then there are problems to add - Planuvlik zavdan Windows є to add a glitchy component.
  21. See Windows Installer protocols- Vigrash mistsya nesuttuviy, sensu vidalyati is dumb.
  22. Windows - clearing the icon cache- Korisno, if you have problems with the labels. For example, when a worker appears on the table, the icons do not appear immediately. Improvement of the system stability option not entirely.
  23. Google Chrome - clearing the cache- Duzhe korisna opts_ya. Google Chrome has saved a copy of the links from the introductions for all dads, who are faster than the ones on the site (links from the hard drive are replaced by the Internet). Inode size of the folder for the reach of pivgigabytes. Cleansing the corisne through the sound of the memory on the hard drive, the stability of Windows, and Google Chrome is not infused.
  24. Mozilla Firefox - clearing the CrashReports folder- Whenever there is a problem with the Firefox browser, there is an emergency shutdown, the files go wrong. Tsya opts_ya vidalyaє zvіtnі files. Winning the free space of a bet of ten megabytes, so that there are not enough cories from the option, ale є. The stability of Windows and Mozilla Firefox is not infused.

Regardless of the established programs, a number of items will be reviewed. For example, if the Opera browser is installed, you can clear your cache.

Cleaning the list of startup programs

A quick way to speed up the computer's upgrade and the speed of your robot is cleaned up in the autostart list. If the unused programs will not start, then the computer will not only turn on more quickly, and even more quickly, it’s more likely for the resources to be racked up, since they have become involved, since the programs will not be taken away from the background.

AVZ can see practically all the loopholes in Windows, through which the programs are launched. You can look at the autostart list in the Service - Autostart Manager menu:

To the perezіchny koristuvachevі nasіlki tense functional absolutely nothing, to that I call do not include all spil... It's enough to wonder just two points - Startup foldersі Run *.

AVZ displays autostart not only for your koristuvach, but for all other profiles:

In razdіlі Run * more beautifully, do not turn on the programs, but be at the razdіlі HKEY_USERS- you can also destroy the robot of the same profiles of the operating system. In razdіlі Startup folders you can include everything you don’t need.

We green the rows by the anti-virus as seen. Here you enter as Windows system programs, and third-party programs, such as digital signature.

Chorny is designated by all of the programs. It doesn’t mean that such programs are with viruses, but for some reason, it’s just that not all programs may have a digital signature.

Do not forget to stretch the perch column shirshe, I will probably call the program programs. Zvychane zvyattya checkbox Timchasovo enable the autostart programs (you can then check the checkbox again), see the point and the pressure of the button with a black cross, you can see the record for yourself (anyway, until that moment, as the program I know myself to write to autorun).

Power supply: as a matter of fact, it is possible to switch it on, but what is it? Є two paths of release:

First of all, є healthy gluzd: you can make a decision for naming the .exe file with programs. For example, the Skype program will record for automatic start when the computer is connected. If you don’t need it - check the box next to skype.exe. Before the speech, a lot of programs (і Skype in the middle of them) can tidy themselves up from auto-mailing, enough to pick a checkbox from the appropriate item in the setup of the programs themselves.

In other words, you can check the Internet information about the program. On the basis of її її from autostart chi nі. AVZ will ask for a joke of the information about the points: it’s enough to press the right mouse button on the point and vibrate your love for the point:

Having turned on the unused programs, you can speed up the start of the computer. However, all the switches are not required - you can start before you turn on the opening indicator, turn on the anti-virus, etc.

Turn it on without these programs, you know for sure about it - you don't need a stench in autorun.


In principle, those that I wrote about in the statistics are similar to stuffing flowers with a microscope - the AVZ program comes for optimizing Windows, but it’s a collapsible and tense tool that should be used for viewing newcomers. However, it’s necessary for the Windows nobility thoroughly to pick up AVZ, and it’s possible to do it for a little - and, in fact, I’m growing up.

As long as you є like food or respectful - on the statute є block of comments, if you can write me. I will follow the comments and will try to explain it to you as soon as possible.

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Read about the simplest ways to neutralize viruses, zokrem, how to block the working style of Windows 7 (the birthplace of Trojan.Winlock viruses). Some of the viruses are recognized by the team, not to take advantage of their presence in the system, but rather to demonstrate that it is as quick as possible to see the message, except for the introduction of a special "code for unlocking the summons", for a mobile phone through a payment terminal There is only one goal here - the money of the person who needs to pay, moreover, one can get a decent penny. On the screen, there will be a glimpse of the terrible changes about the blocking of the computer for the registration of unlicensed software security, or the introduction of unnecessary sites, and also, as a rule, it’s a good idea to make a hard-boiled man. Krym, the virus does not allow the visibility of the work in the working environment of Windows - the block of the onslaught of special combinations of keys for the click of the Start button menu, the Viconati command, the manager is too busy. The bearer of the teddy bear is unhappy to move beyond the boundaries of the virus. As a rule, the picture is spared when Windows is locked in safe mode. The situation is to be created without a disturbance, especially as a dumb computer, the possibility of being locked into the operating system, or even for a changeable nose (LIVE CD, ERD Commander, anti-virus scanner). Protect the views of the overwhelming majority of the messages є.

New technologies, implemented in Windows Vista / Windows 7, have significantly made it difficult to take over the system and control with high-speed programs, and also gave the criminals additional flexibility, but they just got bogged down, they didn’t miss out on the anti-virus software. There is a possibility of locking up the system in a safe mode for the additional command row and launching from its software control and updating. Obviously, for a zvichkoy, through to finish the wretched implementation of the mode in the previous versions of the operating systems of the Windows family, there is a lot of creepy things they just can't be fooled by. A darma. The command row of Windows 7 does not have a simple work desk (which can be blocked by a virus), but you can run more programs - the editor, the manager of the factory, the utility of updating the system and too little.

Visualization of the virus for an additional update of the system to the update point

Virus is a pricey program, and as long as it’s on the hard disk of a computer, it’s not possible to automatically start when the system is locked, and it’s not so easy, it’s like a file, for example, a text file. If you see the problem of blocking the automatic launch of high-speed programs, then the installation of a high-speed program can be added to the list. The main way of automatic start-up, vikoristovuvaniya by viruses - a special way to record the record at the reestr, open every hour in the system. As soon as you can see the records - the virus can be used in foreign languages. The easiest way is to ensure that the system is updated according to the data of the control point. A checkpoint is a copy of important system files that are stored in a special catalog ("System Volume Information") and, in addition, a copy of files in the Windows system registry. Determination of the return of the system to the point of update, the date of completion of the transmission to the virus infection, allowing the system registry to be reset without silent entries, such as the corruption of the virus and by itself, enable it to automatically start, tobto. get rid of the infected virus without virus protection of the anti-virus PZ. In this way, you can easily and quickly get rid of an infected system and a large number of viruses, including quietly, when you block the Windows desktop. Naturally, the virus-blocker, which is a vicarist, for example, modification of the old hard disk sectors (MBRLock version) cannot be seen in this way, some of the systems are displayed at the point of updating to an additional Windows command, which is not written in the usual way without recording a disk. Oskіlki vіrus zavanazhutsya shte before zavanazhuvach Windows. To mitigate such an infection, you will be able to see the infected from your nose and from the infected records. For some of the older viruses, it is certainly not large and small, it is possible to get rid of the infection by using the system to the point of renewal.

1. Press the F8 button onto the cob. On the screen, you will see the menu for enqueuing Windows, with the available options for enhancing the system

2. Vibrate option for Windows backup - "Safe mode from command row prompt"

After the completion of the locking and re-staging of the keystroke, replace the wizard to the Windows desktop, displayed in the cmd.exe command processor window

3. Run the "System Update" for which you need to type rstrui.exe and enter ENTER in the command row.

Switch the mode to "Vibrate the update point" and in the offensive window check the "Show the update point"

If you want to select a Windows update point, you can look at the list of programs that will be loaded when the system starts up:

The list of programs that will be loaded is a whole list of programs that have been installed after the system update point is set and that there may be more reinstallations, some of the records in the restore will be linked to them.

By pushing the button "Finish", the process of updating the system will start. When you are finished, you will be able to rewrite Windows.

If you re-enroll on the screen, you will be informed about a successful or unsuccessful result, and if you are successful, Windows will turn until I have retrieved the date of the update point. As long as the blocking of the robotic table is not possible, you can quickly push it in by pushing it in more, aiming it lower.

Visualization of a virus without an invoice of the system to an upgrade point

The situation is possible, if in the system on the day, for other reasons, given the points of renewal, the renewal procedure was completed with a mercy, otherwise it did not give a positive result. For such a problem, you can speed up the diagnostic utility Configuring the MSCONFIG.EXE system. Yak in the foreground, it will be necessary to lock Windows in the safe mode with the command row interface and in the command row interpreter cmd.exe, type msconfig.exe and press ENTER

On the tab "Home" you can vibrate the following modes for starting Windows:

When the system is locked up, it will be victorious to launch the deprivation of the minimally necessary system services and the program of the koristuvach.
Vibrating start- Allowing to set in manual mode the change of system services and the program of the keystroke, which will be launched every hour of pre-assignment.

For usunennya virus most simply speed up the diagnostic launch, if the utility itself assigns a set of programs, it will automatically start. If in such a mode of blocking the working table with a virus, it is necessary to go to the offensive stage - meaning, as in the program є by the virus. For the whole, you can speed up the vibrating start mode, which allows you to start the program in manual mode.

The "Services" tab allows you to enable or disable the launch of system services; A tick in front of the name of the service means that the system will not be started before the hour. At the bottom of the MSCONFIG utilities window there is a field for setting the "Do not display Microsoft service" mode, if enabled, it will be deprived of the service of third-party virobniks.

I respect that the number of times a virus is infected with a virus, which is installed as a system service, with standard security settings in the middle of Windows Vista / Windows 7, is still small, and if a virus is reported to the list of programs automatically "start"

So itself, like on the "Services" contribution, you can see if there is an automatic launch, whether it be a program, but in the list that MSCONFIG is displayed. As a virus activates in the system by the way of automatic launch of special keys in the registry from the folder, or in place of the "Auto-enrollment" folder, with the help of msconfig it is possible not only to know the identity of the infected file.

The msconfig utility є forgive the manual configuration of the automatic start of services and programs that run in a standard order for operating systems of the Windows family. However, the authorization does not work well for you, allowing you to run shkidliv programs without setting standard startup points. You can get a kick out of such a virus with great ymovirnistyu can be described in the way of bringing the system to the point of renewal. As soon as it is uncomfortable and victorious msconfig did not bring about a positive result, we can speed up the direct editing of the registry.

In the process of struggling with the virus, Koristuvachev often has to be reset or reset. It is possible to explain the situation, if the system is locked up and it is okay to fix it, or not to go to the restoration of the koristuvach. The computer "hangs" through the broken logical structure of the data in some system files, as soon as the robots are not completed correctly. For solving problems, as it is, as in the foreground drops, you can switch to the safe mode for the additional command row and the command to flip the system disk

chkdsk C: / F - viconati inversion of the C: drive with corrections of new grants (key / F)

Oskіlki at the time of chkdsk startup the system disk of the system services and programs, the chkdsk program cannot be set to a new exclusive access for testing testing. This will be seen as soon as possible because of the changes that will be supplied to the test during the offensive resetting of the system. When you update Y before the reestablishment, the information will be entered, so that the start of the disk rewrite will be prevented for an hour when Windows is re-installed. When you change the information, you can see that you can see it, you can re-install Windows without having to get involved.

Usunennya the ability to launch the virus for the additional editor of the registry.

To start the editor, like in the foreground, it is necessary to lock Windows in the safe mode from the command row, type regedit.exe from the command row interpreter and press ENTER Windows 7, with standard bug fixes in the systems, start , which were fixed for the previous versions of Microsoft operating systems. The viruses installed their drivers and services, reconfigured the WINLOGON service with the connections of the power-hungry modules, and redirected the keys to the registry, so that all the shortcuts and the like - all of the methods in the middle of the Windows 7 server ... Zvychay, zmіni at the registry, as to prevent the launch of the virus, vikonuyutsya deprived of the context of permissions, the current flow koristuvach, tobto. at razdіlі HKEY_CURRENT_USER

In order to demonstrate the simplest mechanism of blocking the working table with the help of the command to replace the shell of the corystuvach (shell) and the unhappiness of the removal of MSCONFIG for the purpose of detecting and seeing the virus, it is possible to carry out an offensive experiment - to replace the tool ... The zvichny robochiy st_l is opened by the Windows provider (Program Explorer.exe), when the shell of the koristuvach is launched. Tse take care of the values ​​of the Shell parameter in the razdіlakh reєstru

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon - for all karystuvachiv.
- for flow koristuvach.

The Shell parameter is a row of programs, which is a vicorist, there is a shell at the entrance to the system. Call at the distributor for the flowing corystuvach (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, or fast - HKCU), the Shell parameter for the day and for the shortcut.

So viglyadaє razdіl reєstru HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon with standard Windows 7 installation

As soon as the row parameter Shell is accepted, which is "cmd.exe" value, then when the flow-line keystroke enters the system, replace the standard shell of the keystroke on the basis of the provider, the shell of cmd.exe will be launched and replace the beep-on-screen command in Windows row.

Apparently, with a certain rank, it may be launched, whether it’s a high-profile program or a corystuvach, to replace the worker on the table with a porno-banner, a blocker and a gidot.
To make changes to the distribution for all corystuvachi (HKLM...), It is necessary to have the administrative privileges, to the viral programs, as a rule, modify the parameters for the distribution of the flow crankcase register (HKCU...).

Yaksho, in the course of the experiment, run the msconfig utility, then you can change, but in the program lists, cmd.exe is automatically launched, which is the shell of koristuvach vidsutnya. The revision of the system, obviously, allows you to turn the turn-off camp of the register and to allow the automatic start of the virus, if not for some reason, it is unfortunate that it should be deprived of the direct editing of the register. To turn to the standard working table, it is enough to see the Shell parameter, or change its value from "cmd.exe" to "explorer.exe" and reestablish the coristuvach (go out of the system and know again) or rewrite it. Reduction of the restru can be done by running the regedit.exe editor from the command line or using the REG.EXE console utility. Command Row Stock for Visual Shell:

REG delete "HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon" / v Shell

Aiming the butt from the replacement shell of the koristuvach, on the current day, one of the most popular priyomiv, so that the viruses in the middle of the operating system Windows 7. Achieve a high level of security with standard system adjustments and do not allow for high-profile programs to remove access to the distribution of the reestr, as vikoristovuvalis for infection in Windows XP and the previous versions. Navigate as a current koristuvach є a member of the "Administrator" group, access to a large number of parameters in the registry, so that you can be infected for the infection, you can run the programs from the name of the administrator. The very same shkіdlivі programs modify the keys to the registry, access to which is allowed to stream koristuvachevі (part HKCU.....) To that very large number of viruses in the middle of Windows 7 can be used to launch the viconuable files (.exe) from the directory of the temp files (Temp) of the streaming server. When analyzing the points of the automatic launch of the program in the registry, in the first place, it is necessary to respect the programs, which can be found in the catalog of the clock files. Call the price catalog C: \ USERS \ im'ya koristuvach \ AppData \ Local \ Temp... The exact path to the catalog of the team's files can be looked at through the control panel at the authorities of the system - "Zminni sredovischa". Or in the command row:

set temp
echo% temp%

In addition, a joke at the register behind a row of a reference to the directory for the time files or the change% TEMP% can be used as a supplementary one for the detection of viruses. Legal Nicoli programs do not automatically start from the TEMP directory.

To remove a new list of possible points of automatic launch, you can manually choose a special program Autoruns from the SysinternalsSuite package.

Simplest ways to visualize blockers of the MBRLock family

Shkіdlivі programs can restore control over the computer not only when the operating system is infected, but when modifying the recordings of the sectors of the locked disk, which will be disabled. Virus viconu will replace those who are hiding the active sector of the active distribution with their program code, so that I will replace Windows with being blocked by idle programs, as I will vivodil be on the screen when you see a zdirnik who will win a penny for miners. Oskilki viruses will be removed from the system before the system is locked, it can be bypassed only in one way - by using the original drive (CD / DVD, the original disk is just) from any operating system sector, it is possible to get around it. The easiest way is to speed up Live CD / Live USB, as a rule, we can use a lot of anti-virus companies (Dr Web Live CD, Kaspersky Rescue Disk, Avast! Rescue Disk, etc.) Reconfiguration of the file system for the manifestation of high-profile programs from the visible or leaks of infected files. As far as there is no way to get up to speed, it is possible to get around and forgive the installed version of Windows PE (installation disk, emergency update disk of ERD Commander), as long as it is possible to restore the system as normal. Make sure there is enough downtime and access to the command row and the viconati command:

bootsect / nt60 / mbr

bootsect / nt60 / mbr E:> - update the zapped sectors of the disk E: The letter for the disk is to blame here, which is the fault of the installation of the zapped system virus.

for Windows, you can change Windows Vista

bootsect / nt52 / mbr

The bootsect.exe utility may be found not only in the system catalogs, but in any known media, you can visit the middle of any operating system of the Windows family and allow you to update the program code for intangible file systems, The / mbr key, as a rule, is not required, some of them will update the program code of the main encrypted write MBR, which virus cannot be modified (you can - do not modify it yet).

Simple and handy cleaning of AVZ, as you may not only be able to help, but also use the system. What are you waiting for?

On the right, in the fact that they piled up viruses (buvak, that AVZ їх drive in in thousands), the programs are being introduced to the right, everything was fine-tuned, and Windows seemed to be not called correctly.

Most often, in such a case, it is easy to install the system. If I’ll show you practice, it’s not necessary, because with the help of the help of these utilities AVZ You can update it in a practical way, whether it’s simple to use programs and data.

I will give you a picture, I will give you a new list of the ones you can use for AVZ.

Material taken from the assistant on AVZ - (copy and paste into the address row of the browser).

In a given hour in the base є takі mіkroprogrami:

1.Updating parameters for launching .exe, .com, .pif files

The microprogram will update the system's response to exe, com, pif, scr files.

Shown to zasosuvannya: If a virus is seen, it stops running programs.

2.Skidannya adjustment of the prefixes of the Internet Explorer protocols on the standard

Qia microprogramme update prefixes for Internet Explorer

Shown to zasosuvannya: when the address is entered as, it is replaced by

3. Updates to the start page of Internet Explorer

A microprogram was given to update the start page in Internet Explorer

Shown to zasosuvannya: replacement of the start side

4.Screening of Internet Explorer settings for standard

Qia mikroprogram updated a joke in Internet Explorer

Shown to zasosuvannya: When the "Push" button is pressed against IE, it turns to a third-party site

5.Installation of the work table

The microprogramme is updating the adjustment of the working table.

Renewal of all the active elements of ActiveDesctop, tapestries, the blocking of the menu, which is responsible for the adjustment of the work table.

Shown to zasosuvannya: You saw the bookmarks of the adjustment of the working table at the window "Power: screen"

6.Vidalennya all Policies (obmezhen) flow koristuvach

Windows transfer mechanism is interchangeable for koristuvacha, which is called Policies. I use the technology to get rid of richly awkward programs, and some of the fine adjustments are saved in the register and awkwardly displayed or modified.

Shown to zasosuvannya: The function of the provider is blocked and the function of the system is blocked.

7.Vіdalennya povіdomlennya, wіth WinLogon hour

Windows NT and Windows NT systems in Windows NT (2000, XP) allow you to set up as soon as possible when the auto-mail is displayed.

We are curious about a number of awesome programs, and the humiliation of awesome programs should not be brought up to the point of humiliation.

Shown to zasosuvannya: For an hour, the system is locked up and third-party systems are introduced.

8. Renovation of the guide

A microprogram is given, a number of adjusting the provider to the standard one (throwing off the settings in the first place, changing the high-quality programs).

Shown to zasosuvannya: Changed the setting of the provider

9.Visibility of the improvement of system processes

Restoration of the administrator of the system process to allow the start of the add-on, so that the order of the shkidlivy programs

Shown to zasosuvannya: AVZ is not aware of the owners of system processes, they are faced with problems due to the launch of system components, in the future, when the working style is re-installed.

10. Update customization in SafeMode

Deyakі shkіdlivі programs, zokrema hrobak Bagle, uhkodzhuyut set up an entangled system in the stolen mode.

The microprogramme renews the establishment of the entangled in the abducted regime. Shown to zasosuvannya: The computer will not be locked into the hijacked mode (SafeMode). Zastosovuvati tsyu microprogram slid only in case of problems due to the hijacking of the abducted regime .

11. Rozblokuvannya dispatcher zavdan

Blocking the dispatcher of the plant will be stuck with high-speed programs to capture the processes of seeing and seeing. As an example, the microprograms given by the microprograms know the blockade.

Shown to zasosuvannya: Blocking the manager of the plant, when trying the wiklik of the task manager, you will see the "Manager of the tasks of blocking by the administrator".

12.Cleaning the HijackThis Utilization Alert List

Utilita Hijack This zberigє at the restrі a number of their nalashtuvan, zokrema - a list of vinyatkіv. To mask it from HijackThis shkidlivy program, you need to save your files in the list of vignettes.

At the present moment, a number of awesome programs have been presented, which are very versatile. The microprogram AVZ visonuє cleared the list of victorious utilities HijackThis

Shown to zasosuvannya: Take a look at those who use Hijack This does not display all the information about the system.

13. Clearing the Hosts file

The cleaned up Hosts file is created before the Hosts file is banged, seeing all the significant rows and adding the standard row " localhost".

Shown to zasosuvannya: Take a look at those who have changed the Hosts file with a shkidlive program. Typov_ symptoms - blocking of updated anti-virus programs.

You can control the Hosts vm_st using the help of the Hosts manager to the file inserted into the AVZ.

14. Automatic redirection of SPl / LSP settings

The viconu analysis of the establishment of SPI and in the case of the development of pardons, the authorization of the known pardons is automatic.

This microprogram can be launched again in a number of times. When you visit the microprograms, it is recommended to restart the computer. To brutalize respect! This microprogram cannot be launched from the thermal session

Shown to zasosuvannya: Having a great view of the programmer has access to the Internet.

15. Skidding SPI / LSP and TCP / IP settings (XP +)

The microprogram is given for XP, Windows 2003 and Vista. The principle of robotic scaffolding on skid and reimagined SPI / LSP and TCP / IP customization with the help of standard netsh utilities, which can be logged into the Windows warehouse.

To brutalize respect! Zastosovuvati skidannya adjusting is necessary if you need it if you have obvious problems with access to the Internet, when you see great programs!

Shown to zasosuvannya: With a view to the great programmer, you have access to the Internet and display the microprograms “14. Automatic correction of SPl / LSP parameters "does not give the result.

16. Updating the key to launch Explorer

Updating system keys to the registry, which are prompted for the launch of the provider.

Shown to zasosuvannya: For an hour, the system is blocked and the provider does not start, but I will manually launch explorer.exe.

17.Rose blocking the editor of the register

Rozblokuє editor of the restru

Shown to zasosuvannya: It is unwise to start the editor of the registry, when you try to see it, it’s starting blocking by the administrator.

18. Outside the re-opening SPI

A backup copy of the SPI / LSP setup, which is based on the standard, is based on.

Shown to zasosuvannya: Heavy duty SPI adjustment, not overriding scripts 14 and 15. Zastosovuvati lease at once consumed!

19.Clear MountPoints base

Clean the MountPoints base and MountPoints2 from the register. The operation is not very helpful if you have a case, if you are infected with the Flash virus, the provider cannot see disks

To update, you need to select one or more items and press the button "Select Operation Values". The onslaught of the "OK" button is closed.

On a note:

Updating marno, as in the system of pratsyuє Trojan program, but the visonus readjustment - it is necessary to have a chance to see a very demanding program, and then to introduce the adjustment of the system

On a note:

To use more Hijackers, you need to select three microprograms - "Skid to adjust Internet Explorer to standard", "Update to Internet Explorer start page", "Skip to adjust Internet Explorer preferences"

On a note:

If a micro-program can be displayed, it will be possible to develop a sleep without a shkodi for the system. Vinyatki - “5.

Updating the adjustment of the working table "(the robot with microprograms skins all the adjustment of the working table and the need to re-select the design of the working table and the tapestry) and" 10.

Updating parameters locked in SafeMode ”(a microprogram is given for rewriting the keys to the registry, which are prompted for locked in SafeMode).

Launch an update, with a chance to add a new link waste... Then the onslaught is the file - system update. Until the speech, you can be viconati

By all means ticks, as you need and onslaught to launch the operation. Everything, chekaєmo vikonannya :-)

In the upcoming articles, the problems are clearly presented, and we can help us with the update of the system with microprograms. So good luck to you.

AVZ is a priceless utility, designed for joke and visualization of viruses, as well as for updating the adjustment of the system and writing the most advanced programs.

Preparation for robots

1. Add the AVZ utility from the official website:

2. Unpack the archives

3. Run from archive file avz.exe

4. Go to the menu File that vibrate Updating bases

Natisnit Start for the cob to the process of updating :

Where is the process of updating the anti-virus databases:

If the base is updated, show up at your door. Natisnit OK:

Perevirka on Virus

To reconvert viruses, if you want to indicate all disks of your computer, if you are right to check the box Vikonuvati likuvannya Press the button below Start:

System update

Even the cinnamon utility function of AVZ is to update the system. I’ll stand at this time for a great show of great programs, so that you’ll stick it in your tracks. To launch an update system, download File -> System update:

Select the required check marks and press the button Vykonati significant operations:

Confirm Namir:

Cleared browsers for AVZ help

Vibrate at the main menu File.

Viber item Meister joke about the problems:

At the floor The step is not safe Viber All the problems.

Natisnit Start.

Designate the following points as your ensigns:

  • Clearing the TEMP folder;
  • Adobe Flash Player - clearing time files;
  • Macromedia Flash Player - clearing caches;
  • Clearing the system TEMP folder;
  • Clearing caches of installed browsers;

Push the button Correct the problems.

The current antivirals have grown overgrown with small additional functions of the flooring strongly, so that they can eat during the week. At the end of the day we will tell you about all the key features of the AVZ antivirus robot.

Let's take a look at the presentations on practical stocks, which is AVZ. The main respect of the zychayy koristuvach is to merit on the offensive function.

Reconstruction of the system for the presence of viruses

Whether antivirus is guilty of being able to appear on a computer, it’s very easy to program, and it’s going to work with it (just to see it). Naturally, the function is in AVZ. Let us be surprised at the practice, which is a kind of reversal.

  1. Launched by AVZ.
  2. A small window of utility will appear on the screen. In the area marked on the screenshot below, you will find three tabs. All the stench is brought before the process of joking inconsistencies on the computers and revealing the different options.
  3. On the first deposit "Pokhuku region" You need to check the boxes and folders and folders of the hard drive if you want to scan it. The crumbs below you, punch three rows, which will allow you to add additional options. Possible signs are put on the contrary of all positions. To allow the creation of a special Heuristic analysis, to scan the previously launched processes and to create a potential security program.
  4. The message goes to the tab "Typei files"... Here you can vibrate, as a result of utilization of the scanuvati.
  5. If you change the change, then it is enough to mark the point "Potentially not safe files"... Yakshho virusy let the root gliboko, todi slid vibrati "All files".
  6. AVZ is easy to scan and archives, which can not boast of a lot of anti-viruses. In the case of the contribution, it is possible to turn on or change it. It is recommended that you tidy up the checkmark next to the row of inversion of archives of the great obsyagu, if you want to reach the maximum result.
  7. Zagalom your friend's tab is guilty of viglyadati so.
  8. Dal we go to the last break "Parameterize a joke".
  9. At the very top of the v, beat the vertical tilt. Zsuv yogo rise up the hill. Do not allow the utilization of reactivity on all adolescents of the object. In addition, it includes the conversion of API and RootKit overrides, keyloggers and SPI / LSP adjustments. The back view of the last tab is approximately the same.
  10. Now it is necessary to tune the action, as AVZ will be robust when this is detected. For a wide selection, it is necessary to put a checkbox on the opposite row. "Vikonuvati likuvannya" in the right region there is a window.
  11. Against the skin type of hazard, it is recommended to set the parameter "See"... The winch of becoming a lishe clutter type "HackTool"... Here we can easily overwrite the parameter "Likuvati"... In addition, put the signs on the other two rows, which are removed below the path of threats.
  12. Another parameter is to allow the disposal of a non-secure document from a specially introduced copy. You can take a quick glance at the whole place, if you can see it smartly. It is especially important for you to be able to see the list of infected individuals, if they are not like that (activators, key generators, passwords and so on).
  13. If all the parameters are adjusted and the joke is displayed, you can scan them. For a full slide, press the button "Start".
  14. The conversion process will grow. Її progress will be displayed at the special galuzy "Protocol".
  15. In a dozen hour, how to lie down for a tribute, it will be changed, the scan will be completed. The protocol will report on the completion of the operation. Immediately, the next hour will be indicated, the analysis of files, as well as the statistics of reconversion and emerging threats.
  16. Pressing the button, as it is indicated on the image below, you can hit in the immediate window all the grown-ups and unsafe objects, as it was revealed by AVZ before the hour of revision.
  17. Here you will be told to go to the file that is not safe to describe that type. If you put a sign on the order from the name of such a PZ, you can move it to quarantine or from a computer. When the operation is complete, press the button "OK" at the very bottom.
  18. Having cleared the computer, you can close the programs at the end.

System functions

Apart from the standard conversion to the presence of awkward PZ, AVZ can display unimpeachable functions. Let's see if you can be a cinnamon ordinary koristuvachev. At the main menu, program the onslaught on a row "File"... As a result, a context menu will appear, all available additional functions will be found.

The first three rows are displayed for the launch, the pause and the pause of the scan. There are analogs of the open buttons at the AVZ main menu.

Doslіdzhennya systems

This function allows you to utilize all information about your system. It’s not a technical part, but a hardware one. Prior to such information, maintain a list of processes, development modules, system files and protocols. For that, yak you will press on a row "Doslіdzhennya sistemi" show up okreme vіkno. You can use the new information as AVZ information. If you have installed all the necessary orders, you need to press the button "Start" at the very bottom.

The message is shown in a window of safety. At the newest you can vibrate the way of finding the document with detailed information, and also specify the name of the file. Respect that all information will be saved in the HTML file. Win as a web browser. Having said the way and im'ya for the saved file, you will need to press the button "Save".

As a result, the process of scanning the system and collecting information will start. For example, the utility will be displayed on the screen as soon as you will be prompted to look at all the selected information at once.

System update

For an additional set of functions, you can turn the elements of the operating system into a cob view and remove the adjustment. Most of the shkidlive programs will be secured to block access to the editor of the registry, to the Manager of the plant and to register your value in the system document Hosts. Rozblokuvati such elements can be done with additional option "System update"... For a whole lot of natisnut on the name of the option itself, for which it is indicated by ticking the boxes that need to be revised.

Press the button "Vykonati znachenii operatsii" near the lower region of the window.

On the screen, you will see a window, de slid confirm the message.

In a dozen hour, you will see a news about the end of the visit to all the buildings. Simply zakryamo po_bne vіkno by pressing the button "OK".


The list of parameters has two rows, which can be used by robots with scripts in AVZ. "Standard scripts"і "Viconati script".

Pushing on a row "Standard scripts" You will be shown a shortcut from the list of ready-made scripts. You will need to remove the check mark if you want to launch it. At the bottom of the button "Viconati".

Start the script editor for another vipad. Here you can write it independently or to secure it from your computer. Do not forget to write or add a button "Viconati" have a whole lot of wіknі.

Renovation base

This point є is important from the list. Having pressed on the open row, open the updated base of AVZ windows.

It is not recommended to set up in the whole window. Fill all yak and push the button "Start".

In a dozen hour, you will be notified on the screen about the completion of the updated base. You will be left out of the question.

Revision of quarantine folders and Infected

Clicking on the given rows in the list of options, you can look over all the potentially safe files that AVZ has detected while scanning your system.

Windows may have enough files or updates, so that the stench does not become dirty.

Beastly respect, that the files were added to the folder, you need to check the boxes in the settings of the scanned system.

The price is limited to the option from the list, as can be known to the pereichny koristuvachev. As you can see the name, the given parameters allow you to save the antivirus configuration to the computer before the front of the anti-virus configuration (the method of a message, the scan mode and so far), as well as the option to save it back.

If you save it, you will need to transfer it to the file, as well as the folder in which you need to save it. When the configuration is locked, just see the required file from the configured settings and press the button "Vidkriti".


Well, it’s obvious and the button is visible to everyone. Ale varto zgadati about those who, in some situations - in case of especially unsafe software security - AVZ blocking all methods of closing, except for the central button. In other words, you cannot close the program by pressing the keys Alt + F4 for at the onslaught on a banal chrest at the codend. This is done to ensure that viruses cannot be used to get correct AVZ robots. If you press the button, you can close the anti-virus for the necessary melodiously.

Apart from the descriptions of the options, in the case of the transcript є also іnshі, ale stench, shy for everything, not to be known to the wicked koristuvach. We didn’t respect them for them. As soon as you still need help with food for non-descriptive functions, write about it in the comments. And mi ruhaєmos dal.

List of services

If you need to poke a new change of services, as you propose AVZ, you need to press on a row "Servis" at the very top of the program.

Yak and in front of the front, we get through it all quietly, as there can be a problem in a simple day.

Process manager

Having pressed on the first row from the list, you will see the window "Process manager"... You can browse a list of all the files that can be viewed on a computer or a laptop at a given moment. At the end of the screen, you can read a description of the process, the knowledge of the virobnik and the next path to the file to be checked.

You can also complete the same process. For the whole enough vibrate the necessary process of the list, for whom to press on the button at the viewer of the black cross on the right side of the window.

Tsei service є vidminnoyu replacement for the standard dispatcher of the plant. Especially the value of the services of nabuvak in situations, if "Dispatcher Zavdan" blocking by virus.

Service manager and drivers

All other services are on the list. Having pressed on a row with a similar name, you will see the screen by the services and drivers. Changing between them is possible with the help of a special transfer.

At the end of the day, a description of the service itself, status (included), and a quick way to create a file is provided to the skin point.

You can vibrate the necessary item, so that you will be able to access the options for displaying or displaying any more visible service / driver. These buttons are located at the top of the working area.

Startup manager

Tsey service will allow you to adjust the settings for autostart. Moreover, on the view of standard managers, the whole change includes system modules. Having drawn a row with a similar name, you will stab it like this.

In order to turn on the vibrating element, you will need to remove the check mark from the name of the order. In addition, you can see the necessary records. For the whole, simply vibrate the required row and emboss the edge on the button near the black crosshair.

To brutalize respect, as long as it is impossible to turn around. To that, be even more respectful, so as not to erase the vital important system records of auto-mailing.

Hosts File Manager

We guessed trochi vische about those that vius inodi prescribe vlasnі values ​​in the system file "Hosts"... And in some cases, there is a small block of access to new ones, but they could not correct the changes introduced. Daniy service will help you in more situations.

Clicking on the row of the list, readings on the image, see the manager's screen. It is not possible to add the power of meaning here, but then it is possible to see it. For a complete view, a row is required with the left button of the bear, for which the button is visible, as it is located at the upper area of ​​the working zone.

If you want to appear a little at the end, whoever you need to confirm. Press the button for everyone "So".

If the vibrating row will be seen, you will need to deprive it of the last.

Be careful and do not see the rows, which you cannot see. U file "Hosts" You can prescribe your meaning yak virus, and th іnshі programs.

System utilities

With the help of AVZ, you can also launch the most required system utilities. Possibility to change the link can be done if you point the vkazivnik of Misha to a row with a name.

After natisnuv I will name this chi іnshoї utilities, you run її. If you want to, you can make changes to the registry (regedit), adjust the system (msconfig) or re-revise the system files (sfc).

All the servants about who they wanted to ask for. It’s unlikely that we’ll know a protocol manager, expanding and providing additional services. Some functions are more suitable for more casual people.


The function of the ball has been broken down to fight against the most sophisticated viruses that cannot be seen using standard methods. It’s easy to enter shkіdlivі programs up to the list of incomplete PZ, which will be protected from your operations. If you want to use the function, you will need to pull on a row "AVZGuard" near the upper area AVZ. At vіknі, scho vipadaє, slid natisnut on the point "Enable AVZGuard".

Be sure to close all the third-party programs, if you want to include the functionality, you can also consume the stench before the list of incomplete programs. If a robot has such a program, it may be destroyed.

Our programs, as they will be meaningful, will be stolen from visible modifications. And the robot will not be up to date with the software. Tse allow you to quietly see the necessary files in addition to the standard scan. Let you turn on AVZGuard. For a complete knowledge, it is embossed on an analogous row at the upper part of the window with programs, for which it is embossed on the button for enabling the function.


Designated in the name of the technology will monitor all processes / drivers that are launched, updated and modified. For її victoriannya you need a collection of available services.

Embossed on a row of AVZPM.
At the menu, scho vipadaє, klatsmo in order "Install the driver for advanced process monitoring".

In a matter of seconds, the required modules will be installed. Now, when changes occur, whether there are any processes, you will not be able to see them every day. As long as you don’t require any more monitoring, you will need to be in the front window, just look at the row, the meanings on the images below. Tse allow vivantage all AVZ processes and installed earlier drivers.

Zvertaєmo your respect, that the AVZGuard and AVZPM buttons can be gray and inactive. This means that you have an x64 operating system installed. On the OS with a good distribution of utilities, it's a pity, not to work.

On the whole, the article went to its logical conclusion. We have tried to tell you, as a vicarist you can find the most popular functions in AVZ. If you have lost food after reading the lesson, you can ask them in the comments until I write it down. For the satisfaction of the skin nourishment, we will try to give it as much as possible.

Launching the AVZ utility can be useful if Kaspersky Lab's technical support is installed.
For additional utility AVZ you can:

  • Obtain about the results of the system's progress;
  • viconati script, nominated by a special technician of technical support of "Kaspersky Lab"
    to quarantine and view files.

Utilita AVZ did not overpower statistics, did not process information and did not transmit it to Kaspersky Lab. It looks like you can see files in HTML and XML formats on computers, which are available for viewing without storing special programs.

The AVZ utility can automatically open the Quarantine and save it in a new copy of the received files and metadata.

Places in Karantin are not processed, not transferred to Kaspersky Lab, and are not sent to computers. We do not recommend changing files from Quarantine, the stench can be sent to your computer.

Yaki danis to take revenge at the sound of utilities AVZ

Sound utilities AVZ revenge:

  • Please see the information about the release date of the AVZ utility.
  • Information about the anti-virus bases of utilities AVZ and the main adjustment.
  • Information about the version of the operating system, the date of the establishment of the right of the koristuvach, with which the utility was launched.
  • Result of a joke of rootkits and programs-re-accessing the main functions of the operating system.
  • Result of a joke about the processes and about the processes.
  • Result the joke of the most popular high-profile programs for their characteristic authorities.
  • Seems about pardons, know about the hour of reversal.
  • Result the joke of the program-perehoplyuvachіv podіy klavіatury, mіchі chi vіkon.
  • The result is a joke on the basis of TCP and UDP ports, which can be used with high-quality programs.
  • Information about the adoption of the keys to the registry, the name of the files on the disk, and the adjustment of the system.
  • The result is a joke of potential urgency and problems of the safety of the operating system.
  • Information about the parameters of the operating system.

Yak viconati script for additional utility AVZ

Victory utility AVZ with the help of the specialist of the technical support of the "Laboratory of Capersky" within the framework of your own operation. Self-sustaining projects can lead to a complete operational system and spend money.

  1. Add the AVZ utilities file to vikonuvanny.
  2. Run avz5.exe on your computer. Yaksho filter SmartScreen Windows Defender to run avz5.exe, natisnit More detailsViconati u be-yaku vipadku at vіknі Windows hijacked your computer.
  3. Go to distribution FileViconati script.
  1. Insert a script into the field, which you typed as a special technician of technical support of the Kapersky Laboratory.
  2. Natisnit Run.

  1. Check out the end of the robot and see the following recommendations of the technical specialist of the "Laboratory of Capersky".

Dedicated to AVZ, I want to share with you the knowledge of the possibilities of this wonderful utility.

Today's news about how to update the system, as it is often possible to vryatuvaty your computer life, if infected with viruses and other zhahi life, and also violated a number of systemic problems that can be found in some people who are quiet and quiet.
It will be brown on the skin.


Before Tim, how to start, traditionally, I want to propose to you two formats of material, and itself: video format or text. Video axis:

Well, the text below. Wonder yourself, which option is closer to you.

Home describe the functionality of the programs

What about the update? There are a number of microprograms and scripts, which additionally help to turn into the working station of the other functions of the system. Yaki Napryklad? Well, let's say, turn the editor to the registry, clear the hosts file, or skip the IE settings. I give zagalom with a complete description (it’s not a fault for a bike):

  • 1. Updating parameters for launching .exe, .com, .pif files
    The microprogram will update the system's response to exe, com, pif, scr files.
    Shown for storage: when the virus is seen, it stops being launched by the programs.
  • 2. Skidding the parameters of the prefixes of the Internet Explorer protocols on the standard
    Qia microprogramme update prefixes for Internet Explorer
    Shown for storing: with the entered address of the type, you can change it to
  • 3. Updates to the start page of Internet Explorer
    A microprogram was given to update the start page in Internet Explorer
    Shown for storing: view of the start side
  • 4. Skidding Internet Explorer settings for standard
    Qia mikroprogram updated a joke in Internet Explorer
    Shown for storing: When pushing the "Push" button in IE, it turns out to be a third-party site
  • 5. Updating the work table
    The microprogramme is updating the adjustment of the working table. Renewal of all the active elements of ActiveDesctop, tapestries, the blocking of the menu, which is responsible for the adjustment of the work table.
    Shown for storing: You have seen the bookmarks of setting up the work table at the window "Power: screen", on the work table side writing or little ones are displayed.
  • 6. Vidalennya all Policies (obmezhen) flow koristuvach.
    Windows transfer mechanism is interchangeable for koristuvacha, which is called Policies. I use the technology to get rid of richly awkward programs, and some of the fine adjustments are saved in the register and awkwardly displayed or modified.
    Indicated for storing: Blocked functions of the provider or the functions of the system.
  • 7. Visibility to see WinLogon
    Windows NT and Windows NT systems in Windows NT (2000, XP) allow you to set up as soon as possible when the auto-mail is displayed. We are curious about a number of awesome programs, and the humiliation of awesome programs should not be brought up to the point of humiliation.
    Indicated for storage: For an hour, the system is blocked and third-party accounts are introduced.
  • 8. Renovation of the guide
    A microprogram is given, a number of adjusting the provider to the standard one (throwing off the settings in the first place, changing the high-quality programs).
    Shown for storing: Changed the setting of the provider
  • 9. Vividness of the improvement of system processes
    Restoration of the administrator of the system process to allow the start of the add-on, so that the order of the shkidlivy programs
    Shown for reloading: AVZ is not aware of the owners of system processes, they are aware of problems due to the launch of system components, when the working style is re-installed.
  • 10. Updating the customization from SafeMode
    Deyakі shkіdlivі programs, zokrema hrobak Bagle, uhkodzhuyut set up an entangled system in the stolen mode. The microprogramme renews the establishment of the entangled in the abducted regime.
    Shown for zasosuvannya: The computer will not be hooked in the stolen mode (SafeMode). Zastosovuvatyu tsu microprogram next to no more problems from the entrapment of the abducted regime.
  • 11. Rozblokuvannya dispatcher zavdan
    Blocking the dispatcher of the plant will be stuck with high-speed programs to capture the processes of seeing and seeing. As an example, the microprograms given by the microprograms know the blockade.
    Shown for storing: Blocking the manager of the plant, when you try the task manager wikl, you will see the "Blocking task manager by the administrator".
  • 12. Clearing the HijackThis Utilization Alert List
    Utilita Hijack This zberigє at the restrі a number of their nalashtuvan, zokrema - a list of vinyatkіv. To mask it from HijackThis shkidlivy program, you need to save your files in the list of vignettes. At the present moment, a number of awesome programs have been presented, which are very versatile. The microprogram AVZ visonuє cleared the list of victorious utilities HijackThis
    Shown for storing: Look at those who use Hijack This does not show all the information about the system.
  • 13. Clearing the Hosts file
    The cleaned up Hosts file is created before the Hosts file is banged, seeing all the significant rows and adding the standard row " localhost".
    Shown for storing: Take a look at those who have the Hosts file changed by a shkidlive program. Typov_ symptoms - blocking of updated anti-virus programs. You can control the Hosts vm_st using the help of the Hosts manager to the file inserted into the AVZ.
  • 14. Automatic redirection of SPl / LSP settings
    The viconu analysis of the establishment of SPI and in the case of the development of pardons, the authorization of the known pardons is automatic. This microprogram can be launched again in a number of times. When you visit the microprograms, it is recommended to restart the computer. To brutalize respect! This microprogram cannot be launched from the thermal session
    Shown for storing: Pislya vividly shkidlivaya programmer access to the Internet.
  • 15. Skidding SPI / LSP and TCP / IP settings (XP +)
    The microprogram is given for XP, Windows 2003 and Vista. The principle of robotic scaffolding on skid and reimagined SPI / LSP and TCP / IP customization with the help of standard netsh utilities, which can be logged into the Windows warehouse. You can read the report about the settings skid in the Microsoft knowledge base - Zvernit respect! Zastosovuvati skidannya adjusting is necessary if you need it if you have obvious problems with access to the Internet, when you see great programs!
    Shown for storing: Writing a great programmer access to the Internet and viewing microprograms "14. Automatically correcting SPl / LSP adjustments" does not give a result.
  • 16. Updating the key to launch Explorer
    Updating system keys to the registry, which are prompted for the launch of the provider.
    Shown for storing: Wait an hour for the system to be blocked and the provider will not start, or start explorer.exe manually.
  • 17.Rose blocking the editor of the register
    Rozblokuє editor of the restru
    Shown for storing: It is unwise to start the editor of the registry, when trying to see about those who start blocking by the administrator.
  • 18. Outside the re-opening SPI
    A backup copy of the SPI / LSP setup, which is based on the standard, is based on.
    Shown for storing: Heavy SPI fixing, no scripts 14 and 15. Storing only when you need it!
  • 19.Clear MountPoints base
    Clean the MountPoints base and MountPoints2 from the register.
    Indicated for storing: The operation is not very helpful for a person who is infected with a Flash virus, but the provider does not receive disks
  • On a note:
    Updating marno, as in the system of pratsyuє Trojan program, but the visonus readjustment - it is necessary to have a chance to see a very demanding program, and then to introduce the adjustment of the system
    On a note:
    To use more Hijackers, you need to select three microprograms - "Skid to adjust Internet Explorer to standard", "Update to Internet Explorer start page", "Skip to adjust Internet Explorer preferences"
    On a note:
    If a micro-program can be displayed, it will be possible to develop a sleep without a shkodi for the system. Vignettes - "5. Updating the adjustment of the working table" (the robot has been updated with the microprograms, all the adjustment of the working table and the vibrating of the working table and the tapestry) and "10. Updating the adjustment of the working table and the tapes" in ovenless mode).

Krisno, what's wrong?
Now about those yak koristuvatisya.

Zavanazhennya launch, vikoristannya

Vlasne, everything is simple.

  1. Kachaumo zvidsi (abo zvidki shche) anti-virus utility AVZ.
  2. Rozpakovuєmo archіv with her go where you go
  3. Directly into the folder kudi we unpacked the program and run it there avz.exe.
  4. Vіknі programs vibrate "File" - " System update ".
  5. Apparently by ticking the required points and pressing the button " Vykonati significant operations".
  6. Chekaєmo and we are happy with the result.

The axis is from the right.


You need to say that it’s good to go with a bang and release a number of people who have gone. So bi-moviti, everything is done by hand, smartly, just that effective.

Dyakuєmo for respect;)

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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