Program for cleaning VKontakte. Get the CleanerVK add-on on Android

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Cleaner VK - a small utility, recognized for utrimannya in different vlasnoї storіnki in social measures In contact with. It can appear as a cordial for perfectionists and lovers of cleanliness in the workplace.


tse mobile supplement, How to install on phones and tablets with Android OS. After installation, you need to send authorized data and connect to your Vkontakte account, so that the program can start its work. After entering the side, you will scan and propagate a great set of tools for management. In fact, the VK website does not retaliate against the use of various tools to control its membership. If you are an active social worker, then sing-songly appreciate their good fortune.


How small is the utility? Axis short list of main її decrease:

  • Add forward payers to friends.
  • Transfer friends to prepayers.
  • View from the list of inactive friends.
  • Clear photo albums.
  • Clear the video.
  • View likes from posts, photos or videos.
  • Look out for sleep.
  • You can see the applications in friends, and so on.

We have shown here not all the tools that are in the arsenal of utilities. Ale navit tsey list vrazhє i zdatny zatsіkaviti more part of coristuvachiv.

Cicavo, that the future of the records in the wall is not easy to propagate, but from the forward filtering. You can sort by them together, by the date of appearance, by the number of comments or likes and so on. The same applies to photographs and video recordings. Groups before leaving them can be seen for the type or for the number of prepayers. Varto means filter friendly - you can easily filter it in the distance side otherwise, there hasn't been any activity on them for a long time. It’s more convenient for the relief of the boats, as they wormed their way to you with friends.


The program is highly specialized, it is recognized for the completion of a very narrow stake of the task of putting things in order on its VK account. From the other side, you can see the vicerpny functional for a similar kind of manager. At Vkontakte itself, there are no rich tools, because the stench is not good.

It is also possible to designate a smart and simple interface, even a flexible filter according to the most diverse criteria, and especially - the low speed of the robot is specially selected. It is important that the VK site does not block the account for suspected activity.

The program was created and supported by one person with the nickname Kozhokar Alexander. Cream Cleaner VK, the retailer offers a version of Cleaner VK Pro. Won cost 169 rubles no-cost version deakim expanding functionality.


Addendum є in official store Google Play, To that you can insert yoga directly. No root access required.

If you do not want to install the program from the APK file, you can download it directly on our website. First, go to the settings of your smartphone and allow there the possibility of installing programs from unknown gerels, for those who, behind the lock, are only allowed to install from the Google Play site. Requires Android 4.1 OS or more. Rozmir installation file total 3 megabytes.

Progressive people are kindly informed about those who have such social measures. With a regular visit to the site "in contact" for the compilation and improvement of business contacts, it is too early to blame the need to clean the wall. The wall "in contact" can accumulate power in the face of obscene messages, malicious records, spam. To optimize the social dimension, expand the special cleaning software in contact having scurried with yakim, you can quickly clean the wall.

Cleaning method first - script (extension) VkOpt 2.x

In order to clean the wall quickly, you need to install an extension to make the browser work. Slide to follow the instructions - for chrome ( for other browsers, look at the retailer's website).

After installing the VkOpt 2.x script, it is necessary to restart the browser for the extension to start functioning. Let's go to, on the main page. The “dії” tab will appear on the wall, under it the following commands are fixed:

  • otrimanna posila on the photo
  • wall cleaning

We need to clean the side, we choose a friend for that. After the vykonannya dії z'appear vikno with the proposition to see inappropriate information from one, or from both sides. As soon as I optimize one side, all the information on the other side will be lost. You can also clean the entire wall.

Cleaning method is different - vkbot program

Optimize the site in contact dopomozhe universal program vkbot. Її extensions functionality to help you clean the wall in one click. For whom it is necessary to get the program here Since then software product will be installed, you will need to log in. Let's sweat the advancing steps:

  • choose a profile
  • press the cleaning button
  • select the command "clear the wall"

After the next program, ask to confirm your actions. It is necessary to press OK. Then you can watch the process of cleaning the wall. After the completion of the process of the program, inform the koristuvach about those that the process of cleaning the wall is completed.

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