Base the formation of a spreadsheet document with layout improvements. The basics of forming a spreadsheet document based on the layout of Visnovok for a spreadsheet document 1s 8.3

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Blame such situations, if these data, for example, are in Excel files, and they must be entered into the program. Manually introduced can mean a colossal amount of time, and also great is the ability to get a pardon.

In that case, if you don’t have the ability to get a specialist to complete this business, hurry up with a typical work on keratin forms ah vіd firms 1С. You can take advantage of it either on the ITS disk, or by request Capturing Data from Spreadsheet Document.epf .

It is necessary for us to submit the data processing in the "1C: Acceptance" mode. At the “File” menu, click on the item “Vidkriti” and at the end select the file there, de vi її saved. You can also speed up using the hot keys "Ctrl + O".

As if the work didn’t work out, it’s better for everything, with your oblіkovogo record there is no right “Vidkrittya zovnіshnіh zvіtіv i obrobok”.

After a successful outcome of the payment, first for all it is necessary to indicate where the data will be taken. At the glanced butt, the data will be taken in. Seemingly simpler, zavantazhuvatimeme in 1C 8.3 we will have a price list in the Excel format. The instruction will be more similar to the waybill.

Let's make new document"Installing the prices of the nomenclature" or you can win the essential. The new one has more than two fields "Date" and "Price type". Our type will have a "Wholesale price" type. It is not necessary to fill in the tabular part. Won will be charged for the help of the fundraiser of the tribute.

In the form of the processing, select a double jumper for capturing in the tabular part. At the field, the previous creations are presented with the document "Installing the prices of the nomenclature". In the field "Tabular part" - "Goods".

Data can be entered not only in the tabular part of the documents, but also in the documents themselves and in the register of records.

After choosing a place for data acquisition, the compilation itself formed the necessary column headings in the spreadsheet document, which is listed below. Data entry can be entered manually, or copied from the old directory into a given tabular part.

At this butt Let's look at the best way to get involved - with an Excel file. Press the open button and select the file from the data. For output, formats are supported: *.mxl", *.xls, *.txt, *.dbf. Use all data from the file to process the spreadsheet document.

Checking and filling control

In one miraculous order “Sim once see, once vіdrezh” to that before the entanglement of data from 1C z spreadsheet documentїх it is necessary to reverify. For which press the button "Reserve control".

With the manifestation of any pardons, a reminder will appear, as if they were the number of such rows. In quiet middles, de bulo found inconsistency, will be assigned an acceptance with a reason.

In this case, the program did not find the nomenclature for the item "Bar 40*40*300". Before importing data, it is necessary to create or import the nomenclature in 1s 8.3 from a similar file with goods.

nashtuvannya zavantazhennya

Let's take a look at the report "Nalashtuvannya" tab. On this deposit, a tabular part of the data has been fixed, which are vindicated. The leather row of this table should be fixed on the basis of the relevant requisites. For customization, the following parameters are available:

  • "Reminder". The setting of the ensign means that this prop must be changed.
  • "Giving props".
  • "Description of types". You can take one type of value, so it's dekіlka (warehouse type of data).
  • "Mode of zavantazhennya" has three different types:
    • "Shukati" - the meaning is affixed only as it is known.
    • "Calculate" - the value is calculated on the basis of the assigned virus.
    • "Restore" - the meaning is given unambiguously.
  • "Meaning for the lockdown." In times where no data was found for insertion into the props, the value of the settings is restored.
  • "Umova zv'yazku / Viraz meaning" sets the field, which will be sent as a joke. For dovіdnіkіv priority є search for the code, the oskіlki most of the wines are unique. As the code is unknown, you can get rid of the lock for locking and shukati for the name. At such a time, in the end, when props are shuffled, it’s not to blame for duplicating rows.

After that, as you have successfully set up that re-verification and control of filling, you can take the data. Press on the request “Get data”. At povіdomlennyah z'appear іnformatsija about vykonannya tsієї operationії. Everything went well for our guy.

Let's move on to the document where we have taken the data. As you can tell, all the values ​​have been filled in correctly.

One more instruction from zavantage in 1C from Excel on the buttstock Nomenclature to marvel at the video:

How to capture a tabular document for the program 1C 8.3 Accounting?

In 1C 8.3, you can mass-wrap a list of items from a spreadsheet document, for example, from an Excel file.

For the purpose of capturing mi vicorist, it is necessary to use a work for kerning forms (8.2 and 8.3). It's universal and it's to blame for whether it's a configuration, it's written under a curated program.

In order to run a new file, you need to go to the "File" menu, give "Enter" and select the file from the directory, in which case it was saved:

Obrobka Zavantazhennya data from a spreadsheet document 1C 8.3 (keratin form)

After that, as the work was done in 1C, you can work with it. We need to appoint ourselves before us, where and what we are interested in:

Let's aim the butt at the "Nomenclature" indicator. We create a file with data in xls format.

Processing in mіє zavantazhuvat also files in the format:

  • if there is any other format, you can copy the data

Axis looks like this excel file with vih_dnimi dannymi, which is zavantazhuvatememo at the doc "Nomenklatura":

We did not begin to prescribe all the fields of the doc, the shards of which would be sufficient, in order to understand the principle of attraction. In addition, there are enough data to start practicing with these positions.

There are no such positions in the 1C information base, and mi tudi їх zavantazhimo.

Click on the “Vidkriti” icon (on a small sign like “Vibir dzherela”) and select the file from the data. You can simply copy the information. Dani zavantazhatsya in obrobka automatically. Now let's see if we have filled in our data correctly. For which one press the button "Reserve control".

Yak bachimo, we have pardons! Let's suck. We go to the tab "Nalashtuvannya":

First of all, correct pardons, brutally respect for one important detail. The program doesn't know for a fact what field it is to find the element of the dovіdnik on the vipadok, as if it's already there. That їy yogo needs to be shown. For example, if you look for the code, the fact that the vin is, as a rule, unique. At the column "Field to ask" at the row "Code" put a tick. Now, if a record with such a code is found, it will be replaced, otherwise created.

Important! If you don't specify the field in the query, you may get duplicate nomenclature. Especially if there is another request for a similar file!

Now we wonder why barking on the Odinitsya field. On the right, in the fact that loneliness in 1C 8.3 is saved in a good day, that rebate for locking up is chasing the loneliness for the name. And in fact, the word loneliness is written in the field “Any name”.

It's a pity, the workflow can only be searched for "Name" and "Code" (for the programmer, the ability to be wider). To show respect for the little ones more, sing, that in the “One” column there is a code. І in the summary, indicate what you need to search for the code. Clicking two on the column "Umov's call" on the contrary, "One" and minyyaemo on "Code".

Now we wonder why we should talk about "Posluga" at the list of pardons. Another important respect. The columns at the file line are roztashovuvatis strictly in that order, like the rows of fields of the day. And we have "Visual nomenclature" at the very bottom, and the file has the column "Commentary".

In order to raise the row "Type of nomenclature" uphill, draw blue arrows in the top of the form. For the help of the arrow "Uphill" we add the required row and put it under the "Commentary".

Tisnemo "Get the data" and for the first time everything goes through without pardon:

For materials:

Sound tabular document is formed on the basis of the layout as from the daily blocks. The layout is a template for molding a different form. Pobudova layout is carried out at the configurator in a special table editor. The retailer can create regions, change the height of the rows and the width of the columns, set the formatting of the middle and the entire spreadsheet document, include small ones, diagrams and links in the table in the layout.

The areas of the layout are designated for a one-time, one-time observation.

Deyakі seredki mіstjat lest the text, which may be but visions. Other mid-points to change the names of the parameters (at the apex shackles). The values ​​of these parameters may be specified in the software module. Viraz cannot be entered on the desktop in version 7.7. Version 8.0 has all program code there is no connection with the streaming context software module. Assigning the parameters of a spreadsheet document is carried out explicitly from the program module through the "Parameters" collection of the "Spreadsheet Document" object.

The area can be folded from dekіlkoh ryadkіv, shcho raztashovanі pospіl, or columns, or be a rectangular area of ​​\u200b\u200btables. You can get to the region by name or coordinates. It is also possible to go up to the edge of the regions, vicoristing the vertical border (as in version 7.7).

Zagalna scheme
1. Creating a layout in a spreadsheet editor (definition of areas, parameter names, formatting).
2. Creation of a new spreadsheet document (this item is not needed, as it should be displayed before the SpreadsheetDocumentField control element).
3. Removing the layout from the change (the method of Removing the Layout).
4. Trimming areas of the layout (method Trimming Area).
5. Filling in the parameters in the area (the power of the Parameters).
6. Viewing the area of ​​a tabular document (Vivest and Priednati method).
7. Establishment of authority in the spreadsheet document (page, headings, revision, etc.).
8. Display of a spreadsheet document on the screen (or maybe force the printer or save it).

An example of viewing a spreadsheet document

Below is the butt of the formation of a different form and a type of consignment note from the document module:

Procedure Druk(TabDoc) Export

//Create a new spreadsheet document
TabDoc = New Spreadsheet Document;

//deleting the layout for another stained bill of lading
Layout = Documents.ShowcaseInvoice.OtrimatiLayout("Basic");

//remove the "Header" area as a new spreadsheet document (!)
Area = Layout.Set Area("Header");

//Specify area parameters
Scope.Parameters.DocumentNumber = Number;
Scope.Parameters.From = Date;
Scope.Parameters.To = Account;

//we will populate the "Title" area of ​​the spreadsheet document

//View the "Header" area into a spreadsheet document

//removing the area "Row"
// return respect, what can be done before the cycle in order
Area = Layout.Otrimati Area("Row");

//Viewing rows of documents into a different form
For dermal StrComposition Iz Warehouse Cycle
//filling in the parameters in the area of ​​the row of the tabular part

//Viewing the formed area into a spreadsheet document


//visnovok area "Pidval"
Area = Layout.OtrimatiArea("PodVal");
Area.Parameters.SummaryQuantity = Warehouse.Result("Quantity");
Scope.Parameters.ResultSum = Warehouse.Result("Sum");

//Set the display parameters of the spreadsheet document
TabDoc.TilkiReview = true;
TabDoc.DisplayHeaders = true;
TabDoc.DisplayNetwork = Nonsense;

//Show the spreadsheet document on the screen


Basic Methods

The main methods for forming a sub-bag spreadsheet document are as follows:

To see a fragment (table document) of the drafted form, adding it from the bottom, starting from the first column.
Arriving to the second form, form a chergovy fragment (table document) right-handed, starting in a row, for example, the front fragment was shown using the Vivesti method
Allows you to define an area as an object of type "SpreadsheetDocumentRegionRegion". Through this object, you can set the formatting of the area: set the size and color of the font, the color of the background and the color of the image.
Allows you to select an area as an object of type "Table Document". This object can then be handed over to the Vivesti and Priednati method. The target object also determines the value of the parameters in the area.

In 1C 8.3, it is possible to mass-produce a list from a spreadsheet document, for example, from an Excel file.

For the attraction of mi vicorist, we call the work Capturing Data from Spreadsheet Document.epf for kerning forms (8.2 and 8.3) . It's universal and it's to blame for whether it's a configuration, it's written under a curated program.

  • If you are a programmer and you want to expand your own experience with Excel, report instruction on;
  • An example of a price list in 1C Trade Management can be known for.

To run the current processing, you need to go to the File menu, then Enter and select the processing from the directory, in which it was saved:

Obrobka Zavantazhennya data from a spreadsheet document 1C 8.3 (keratin form)

After that, as the work was done in 1C, you can proceed to work with it. We need to appoint ourselves before us, where and what we are interested in:

I want to point the butt at the dovidnik.” I created a file with data in the xls format.

Processing in mіє zavantazhuvat also files in the format:

  • If there is any other format, you can copy the data.

The axis looks like this in an Excel file with external data, which we are interested in using the “Nomenclature” indicator:

Take 267 video lessons from 1C free of charge:

I did not begin to prescribe all the fields of the doc, which is sufficient for the understanding of the principle of attraction. In addition, these data are used for the cob of work with these positions.

These positions are not yet available in the 1C information base, and we are still interested in them.

Click on the “Vidkriti” icon (on a small sign like “Vibir dzherela”) and select the file from the data. You can simply copy the information. My file with the butt can be captured. Dani zavantazhatsya in obrobka automatically. Now let's see if we have filled in our data correctly. For which one press the button "Reserve control".

Yak bachimo, we have pardons! Let's suck. We go to the tab "Nalashtuvannya":

First of all, correct pardons, I want to restore respect for one important detail. The program doesn't know for a fact what field it is to find the element of the dovіdnik on the vipadok, as if it's already there. That їy requires yogo to show. I will follow the code, because the wine, as a rule, is unique. At the column "Field to ask" at the row "Code" put a tick. Now, if a record with such a code is found, it will be replaced, in a different way - created.

Important! If you don't specify the field in the query, you may get duplicate nomenclature. Especially if there is another request for a similar file!

Now we wonder why barking on the Odinitsya field. On the right, in the fact that the singles in 1C 8.3 are saved in the okremu dovidnik and the work for the locks, they search for the single for the names. And in fact, the word loneliness is written in the field “Any name”.

It's a pity, the workflow can only be searched for "Name" and "Code" (for the programmer, the ability to be wider). How to show respect for the little ones more, sing, that in the column "Odinitsa" I have a code. І in the summary, indicate what you need to search for the code. Clicking two on the column "Umov's call" on the contrary, "One" and minyyaemo on "Code".

Now we wonder why we should talk about "Posluga" at the list of pardons. Another important respect. The columns at the file line are roztashovuvatis strictly in that order, like the rows of fields of the day. And we have "" at the very bottom, and the file has the column "Comment".

To raise the row “Type of nomenclature” uphill, draw blue arrows uphill. For the help of the arrow "Uphill" we add the required row and put it under the "Commentary".

Tisnemo "Get the data", and for the first time everything will pass without pardon:

Video lesson from the acquisition of goods from 1C from Excel files:

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