Chi is not really scrolling in chrome. Robimo accepts smooth scrolling in Google Chrome browser

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Іsnyuly expands for a wide browser, as well as add smooth scrolling. Nayvidomishe - Smooth Scroll. However, tse is not obov'yazkovo. Bo є prikhovannaya optsіya, yaka left-scho has an experimental status, albeit with a ts'omu vіdminno pratsyuє.

In order to use it in the configurator, you need to type about: flags in the address bar of the browser. And immediately draw a picture in the screen:

There is a point on the list. "Smoothly scrolling"... Kilkoma in the button "umknuti" then restart the browser and voila.

Інші cіkavі functions chrome: // flags.

"Processing of all sides with the help of a graphics processor"

Vikoristovuє for the help of the graphics processor on all sides, and not just quietly, to take revenge on all sides. You can try to turn on the qiu function to accelerate the creation of web sites. True, only when you live on OS Windows. Mistsevym the author of the bule viprobuvan tsya function for linux - no good won’t be done, if I want to speed up the drawing of the sides, do the tabs turn on or show the empty screen. As soon as you turn it on, you will find this problem - vimknit її.

"Kilka Profiliv" - Asocion of the skin of the browser with a profile and a submission to the interface of the transfer of profiles in the upper right corner. The skin profile has its own bookmarks, expansion, supplementation, etc. Maybe it’s okay for quiet computers, for yakim kіlkka koristuvachіv. For example, in schools, universities, Internet cafes.

"Turn on front entry and automatic entry"

If you connect your profile to the Google account, you should be careful to re-enter your account name and the password will not be required. When you open a page, you will see an information panel at the entrance to Google, which allows you to easily navigate to the regional record. Also, the profile is not linked to the Google field record, the first and the automatic input is always included in the independent parameter.

It would be corny for quiet people to use a Google account and new services, and I will hand them over to someone who enters. In order to win the opportunity, you need to link your browser profile to your account. Try to use special settings. If you are already logged into the account in the streaming session, then the main menu of the browser є the item "synchronization with the account [email protected]". See the form in which you can vibrate if you want to synchronize.

Vzagal, there is more to finish the rich functions, ale tsi away from the most cinnamon.

Stick, for a long time ago, I already wrote on the topic, but then it was briefly and incidentally. Today I want a report to tell you, as well as in a fair way smooth side scrolling in browsers.

Moving on to the bottom of the page about special extensions for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers, which will help to improve the comfort of your surfing along the Merezha. Surely well, there will be great success in all modifications (clones) of the browsers.

Most of the users do not forget about such a user as the scrolling of the pages of the site. At most, the deyaki "shove in" people to see a special point in their eyes and put a tick on, touch their hands - that's all, some nalashtuvan ...

Zvychayno, more beautifully, not the standard mikannya scrolling, ale Shanovna - if you yourself do not care about your maximum comfort.

This year I will show you "tamnitsyu" - the standard smooth scrolling of the pages can be strongly polished.

Help smooth side scrolling

Do not be afraid, there is nothing terrible and folding in special extensions - you will easily become a helper for the smooth scrolling of the page.

Yet Another Smooth Scrolling for Mozilla Firefox

With a wide range of extensions, your smooth scrolling of the sides becomes soft and sound, you can get up to the world of intensity by wrapping the wheel of a computer target.

Korisna Dodatkova Information on the site:

You can install the Yet Another Smooth Scrolling extension from the Mozilla Firefox official add-on store (if you need to re-install the browser).

We are going to write it in yogo nalashtuvannya ...

... and fixing the chakluvati ruffling povzunki ...

I will not name the specific figures - I have my own skin relish and revelations. Using the method of a scientific tick, I will blame myself for scrolling the page.

Don't forget to emboss Zastosuwati. All Russian language and when the bear is hovering over the pozunit - there is a clue ...

More information on the site:

Go through all the expansion tabs - there is a lot of brown ...

Yakshho draughty pіdstribuvannya on the cordon - vimknіt yogo. Try changing the smoothness algorithm. At the “BlackList” point, you can add a site, which is not practical at all, but it is handy and practical.

A trifle of patience (s) and you don’t know your browser - you’ll accept it in a new look at the Internet.

Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller for Google Chrome

Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller- it is absolutely identical to the extension for the Google Chrome browser. I can't describe this report (I don't have a browser at a time), but everything is zerous and I can’t describe it.

I compensate for the puncture with a video clip with a report instruction on the adjustment of the Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller from the name of Viktor Tomilin - Vitya, thank you, people, because of all the good ...

Also, for Google Chrome, є SmoothScroll extension - it is also popular in the middle of the browser, but in its settings (as it should be created) you can turn your head down.

At visnovka statti, I want to spoil you, scho skin extension faster and more secure browser... As long as you have a tense and smart computer, you are not afraid of anything. Ale is too weak - think three times before the big numbers in the browser.

Dear visitors to the site!

You are using the miraculous Google Chrome browser and haven’t installed this extension yet. ChromiumWheelSmoothScroller, Raju get up and try it. I sing you, you will be honored, if you will not see him. You can install it from the extension store.

How to rob? Without new scrolling of web sides ( scrolling) For help, the wheel of Misha, or for the help of the arrows on the keyboard, is carried out by cuts, which is not even more comfortable and eye-stopping. If you just need to get up, as everything will change and you will take away smooth scrolling, Yaku, before that, you can finely adjust yourself.

When the extension is installed in a row, right-handed from the row introduced, remove the icon from the viewer steering wheel, Clicking on any left button of the Misha, you can easily turn on or turn on the option.

Adjust the expansion to be robbed by the vibrator of the item in the context menu when pressed with the right mouse button.

Check the following settings:

designation nalashtuvan for Misha and Klaviatury, as we will forgive the changes of the staff:

- Step Size- additional scrolling crocus in pixels. The bigger the meaning, the bigger the side of the side to scroll.

- Smoothness (Forepart)- cobble smoothness of scrolling. The more important, the more scrolling will be needed.

- Smoothness- the speed of scrolling. If it is more meaningful, it will be more important, the side will continue to collapse before you stop spinning the wheel.

- Acceleration Sensitivity- the amount of scrolling speed. Chim shvidshe you will spin the bears, the bigger part of the side will be scrolled.

Є below the option “ Bouncy edge"- the value of the" outward "side (in pixels) when the upper or lower edge is reached. Also gears " Black list"- a list of the address, on the side of some dodanok is not guilty of pratsyuvati (you need a rapt).

Need to say, scho zmіni nalashtuvan vіdbuvayutsya mittєvo There is no need for anything additional.

From and everything.

Good luck to you, until new events on the sides of the site.

Shcheb will be in the course of new products on the site, I recommend to subscribe to the periodic mailing list "Kazki Old User" on the portal.

Privit, shanovnі reading site site. Today I want to promote the theme of plugins for the popular Google Chrome browser.

In the last statistics, plugins for improving the efficiency of robots in the Internet have been opened. I think the stench has brought you grudge. Now we have come to polishchiti in conjunction with the browser. Scrolling smoothly in the sidebars in Google Chrome, subtle scrolling and reappraisal of the robot using CTRL + TAB.

1. - smooth page scrolling in Google Chrome

I don’t know what for you, but after switching from Opera to Google Chrome, it became not easy to scroll through the pages. At the kulgavy stench, it is overcooked with rivki, which is not even easy for reading. Singerly, the developer of the Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller plug-in may not have been able to see this kind of power, but having broken a new plug-in. Winning the great numbness of mastering and possibilities.

Adjusting the scrolling can be set okremo yak for the teddy bear, as well as for the keyboard for the help of others. The result is a fine-tuning of the views in the graphical view, which will help you to see it as a result of the setting.

For quick scrolling sensibility on my laptop, I set the following expansion settings:

Let's see the sign of the qih pozuniv:

Step Size- additional scrolling crocus in pixels. The bigger the meaning, the bigger the side of the side to scroll.

Smoothness(Forepart) - Cob scrolling smoothness. The more important, the more scrolling will be needed.

Smoothness- the speed of scrolling. If it is more meaningful, it will be more important, the side will continue to collapse before you stop spinning the wheel.

Acceleration Sensitivity- the amount of scrolling speed. Chim shvidshe you will spin the bears, the bigger part of the side will be scrolled.

Є more option “ Bouncy edge"- the size of the sideways from the upper or lower edge. Also, the transfer of the "Black List" is a list of addresses, on the sides of any additional items will not be used. Axis and everything, you can go to the offensive plugin.

You have galm scrolling sites in Google Chrome, there are a lot of reasons.

Naiposhirenіsha is a site that is re-entangled with advertisements, flash banners and other elements. Wihid - set up the expansion for blocking the re-insured object - i, I wrote about them.

Another reason is that the scale of the business has increased. Fight against the pressure of the keys CTRL "+" і CTRL "-". A magnifying glass appears in the address row when the scale changes, and after pressing on the yak, you can turn the size of the side to the cob mill.

The third reason is that the side was not up to the end. For such a vypad, it is necessary to check the end of the loan or to hand it over. There may be other causes, but I call them the main ones.

It’s not long ago that I didn’t know how to expand it in Yandex browsers, so I can recommend it if it’s working without problems - . Nyomu niyak nalashtuvans, a little more can you go.

2. - subtle scrolling

About the small, ale cinnamon widened, you can’t say much. Look at the scrolling side of the side, even thinner, wrinkle it from the side. Deyakі people zagalі want to tidy up the vertical darkness of scrolling, but it is still minimalist. A smuzhka three pixels wide will be enough for an assessment of the position on the side, otherwise you will not get it. I think it’s not just for netbooks, but for extraordinary computers. Viglyadaє garneau.

3. - reappraisalCTRL+ TAB

I, as the owner of a laptop, use a combination of keys every time, otherwise I just run my finger on the touchpad. Alle in Google Chrome, there are some tricky things in hand: CTRL + TAB - oversubscribing by the critical tabs forward, and CTRL + SHIFT + TAB - backward.

Guess the Opera browser. That miraculous browser has a twofold shuffle between tabs with a combination of CTRL + TAB keys. The combination can change between two tabs, as you need the most at a particular moment.

The Tab Stack implements the same, only in a nutshell. The principle of the robotics of this plugin is simple - if I activate the Win tab, first change the Winner. This rank of evil will be the most active tabs, and the right-handed person will be the Names of the active.

So what do you give you for practice? Often buvaє tak, scho wіdkrito a lot of inlays, аlе wіth pracyuєte tіlki s kіlkoma. In such a rank, to replace the necessary data, the moment of the tab will be evil, but not used on the right. The whole extension has only one setting - after a few seconds, the change of tabs will be changed. The hour can be set from 0.1 to decile seconds. Install this plugin and try it as much as you need it.

In contact with

Did you find any browser links and "streaks" when scrolling down? Do you want a smooth scrolling of the side with a wheelbarrow? Read the Todi in the tsy statti: How to smoothly scroll the side of the page.

Have a tsіy statti pіde mova about those, how to smoothly scroll the page in Chrome

Why is Chrome itself, and not like the іnshiy browser?

  • Well, in the first place, Chrome is the whole browser of my love, I am constantly reprimanding, I am writing about it.
  • In other words, I won't write about all browsers at once.

They liked to say to the saleswomen at the Council of Deputies: "You are rich, but I am alone .." Ale, I am happy to say that if there’s no reason to go to the last browsers. And all at once, about chrome.

Smooth page scrolling in Google Chrome

The chrome function in the Chrome browser has been implemented on the hardware level, ale є prikhovano.

What is it for? On the right in that, chrome rozrobniki do not know how to bring її "to the rosum".

Te-є, won nachebto і є, ale pratsyuє do not wait correctly. Tom, її was brought to the experimental functions.

You can enable the option "Smoothly scrolling the side with a stick in Chrome" by typing in the browser row: chrome: // flags / and pressing the "Enter" key

As a result, have some fun with experimental functions.

Dearly, I "went through" all the options and something there, the fault is the function "Smoothly scrolling the side of the wheel"

I write " Guilty bootie" but not " will"To the fact that the developers of Chrome are constantly changing the distribution and the option is given, then they appear, then they know. Well, for those they are" experimental. "

And if you don’t want to give your browser experiments and because the robot is unstable, you can quickly prepare and tested solutions, like allowing you to properly implement the option " "Without be, for any problems.

In this vipadku, I want to install a special extension for Chrome in the browser, I will call it "Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller"

Yak zrobiti smooth side scrolling

For the installation of the demand, go to the section "Rozshelennya". Dalі robimo yak to the little one. Clicking on item No. 4, go to "Nalashtuvannya"

Here you shake the English side of my tongue.

If you don't be friends with the Earth, then simply translate Chrome by shifting, and remove the axis of the picture.

I think now everything is zoosuilo without zayvykh tlumachen.

Experiment with the adjustments, and see if the settings for the extended "Smoothly scrolling side by side" are shown to you.

Dane of the expansion is very special to you, but we will accept it instead of making it over in the framing.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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