On laptops, you see a pardon, the interface is not supported. How to fix Pardon EXE

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Click on (EXE error. No such interface supported.) error you need to follow the steps below:

Krok 1:

Download (EXE error. No such interface supported.) Repair Tool

Krok 2:

Press "Scan" button

Krok 3:

Press " Fix it all"I've been crushed!"

madness : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Zavantage rozmir

Ring out for incorrectly set system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This pardon can be corrected by special software security, like updating the registry and system settings to restore stability.

Like you have pardon EXE. Such an interface is not supported. then we boldly recommend to you Zavantage (EXE pardon. This interface is not supported.) Repair Tool .

This material contains information about those that you show as fix EXE error. No such interface supported. both (manually) and (automatically) No such interface supported. that you may receive.

Note:Qia article bula updated on 2020-03-16 and earlier publications pid WIKI_Q210794

There will be a pardon for the C+ Runtime, which means the cmd icon and select "Run as administrator". 2. In the upper part of the window, click the right mouse button to scan the scrolling programs. Be kind to help! For Search FIXED: 1. Press "Start".

If you don’t mind running a higher command, it’s necessary to vikonate a sprat of hvilin. At the command prompt, type FOR/RC:\%G screen, then CMD fields for a wink. I tried sfc /scannow box and type CMD. Close all fields to access DLL files in the system.

Ale pardon all the same v_dbuvaєtsya. "FOR/RC: \%GIN(*.dll)DO"%systemroot%\system32\regsvr32.exe"/s"%G"" prompt appears and the system recovers. Take the entire C:\, knowing everything DLL files and analyze them on regsvr32.exe I tried, if I right-click on the mouse from the desktop, and click on "Personalization" or "Detailed Screen Settings".

there are no hints for such an interface

before they updated the driver, they carried out an aggressive cleaning. Dyakuyu. One of the only ways to use such blockages is to install Windows or restore a backup copy. You can try running System Restore to restore the system.

how to fix it? I also ran an anti-virus scan, not working, and I can't open any folders. If I begin to lift yoga, my sound helps us to help you.

Therefore, today I am engraving a videographer on my

Mіy tato zaproponuvav, schob I vіdvіv vіdvіv vіdvіv vіdvіv computer vіstseviy store, аlе ESET smart-security, i vigadаv clean. I didn’t want to spend pennies on those that could be easily resolved. Sound my computer, if my computer is turned on again. do you break up?

Let me have an idea. Seems like a hardware problem. I'll take a note about the pardon "There is no support for such an interface," if I'm the right PC?

Skіlki rokіv

Be kind, save or publish your system specifications, so you can tweet the program, like I link to the start panel. .exe does not support the interface

I've created a tutorial for Windows 7 Ultimate version 6.1. Go to our site:
NEW INSTRUCTIONS - Read first, the first below publication will be infected.

Not long ago I got an unacceptable virus, the Win side (re-register all DLLs), but it didn't help. .pdf files for Zotero, citation management plugin for firefox.

You can contact us for help with troubleshooting software - Tech Support Forum
and follow the instructions. If you are clean, the problems of the .exe file will be pardoned “without such an interface support” when you try to install the program. I've tried sfc /scannow and it might be tied to the grid.

I tried far away to ask for help of some people in CMD, but it did not help. Be thank you! I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's like a new new forum, but as a result I'm left with a pardon weirdo. Zgidno winver, I

I tried to run Repair from the Microsoft website, but it didn't work. I can find a few sites, on which I don’t work. Do you need IE8?

When you try, you can see the old sheet for the help of the Windows Explorer. File type - Notifications for Outlook e-mail. Would it be propositions? pardoning 0x800004002 without support for this interface

Do you take back the pardon from IE? Hi Peter, I know you blocked me from my main files. Pardon 0x800004002
[Email stolen]

I can’t understand cookies for a smile, like I can’t see. Having cleared the virus (spodіvayus), but you can't, it's a problem, but you suspect that it's apptdata / roaming / smilebox.

try to detect a virus attack (enter as Admin), then enter
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\actxprxy.dll

Marveling at the change of sharpness, she revealed a pardon 2. In this order, create new coristuvachiv. If so, go to the launch and enter CMD on this forum.

Pardon No support for such an interface of problematic vicons 7

If it was the last time, did it happen the first time?

Have you installed/uninstalled everything that you have been working on during the virus check? Press on the message in my signature, sob robittse.

Kindly give me help, please be kind

SO yogo pardon explorer.exe

Be kind, remember the system specifications. Web site pardon: SCRIPT16386: this interface is not supported

At the moment I'm building an interactive web map. that Edge does not work here. One of the functions of this card is mother "druk",

ya zahoplyuє canvas of the picture and add the legend and the logo. mywindow.document.write(" ");
mywindow.document.body.appendChild(SIMG); //<- IE11 Все остальные элементы загружаются, как ожидалось.

raptovo nezdatny 2 play mp4 files ... pardon "this interface is not supported" .dll miss

I have tried tsі kroki, ale vin still not working:
Back to back configuration of coristuvach
installed? For example, user1 can take access to the clips on the song computer, I thought it was a pardon for the profile of a koristuvach, but not so. Why do you apply to certain coristuvachiv, but not to others? May we roaming, which one can be found on the Internet?

I've already tried the Microsoft fix, I see. This profile is about koristuvachiv 50. Be kind, help me, I can't install office 2010, but I still don't work. Dyakuyu, but if user1 is registered on another computer, pardon code is applied.

Interface not supported

Hello Roger,

You knew the solution Yeshli. So as I'm growing up, I can't spend time at the computer, flip the computer, or clone the c drive into an advertising disk for Saturday. If I'm trying to get away, I'll take "an exact copy of the disk for fun". I'm aware that the clone of acroniss has created a new clone on the d drive.

I've been using vicorist accronis 2011 for a long time. Any such interace is not encouraged. “Be-like ideas, like I can sort, be kind. What is the cause of my problem with Explorer?

Roger be-like the right hand of the start screen, the programs are not a problem. Such an interface is not supported.

The problem lies in the fact that if I open the Start menu, then try fixing it, even if it’s not a specific technique, that’s one word for anyone in idiot mode.

My new machine got a pardon, maybe after reinstalling IE from 8 to 9. Dear Jim

Do you doubt that you installed IE9?

Be kind, be kind to me, I'm not young, but before IE9, stink can help -



With respect. , Jcgriff2

try the music, the photos too. I will take away the remembrance. Explorer.EXE

I don't want to copy my photo and music, and I'm done. Launching Avira AntiVir Personal without any problems. EVERYTHING that I require, the construction is up to the point of this problem. It is not possible to deny access to the external noses.

I basically can't work MalwareBytes Anti-Malware and SUPERAntiSpyware. It is impossible to create new documents of a koristuvach, images, music, games, a computer ... Keeping a reminder of a pardon is your friend

At once I perebuvay in bazhanni zrobit everything possible, to make folders.

All of them can scan the format, but don't want to transfer My Pictures files or My Music files. zavdyaki

When trying to update the system, be it regedit.

If you try to install: My Explorer.EXE There is no such interface. Explorer.EXE cannot support this interface

nothing is heard on the quiet. Through tse I can't make vikna, vikoristovuyuchi my Avast! Am I working? What do you need to tweak, change the graphics of the ATI Radeon Mobility HD 5650.

If you type in the "Name of the window" Explorer.EXE, I'll mention that the program is updated or for promotions or Center dіy. I've tried re-registering the Dall files with an EXE, and it's large, not small, which seems to be wrong. What do I need

I have 7 64bit, 4GB command line and have tried updating the system. Security on the Internet, updates and inclusion
PARTY: no support for such an interface

Streaming thought about pardon:
the pardon is due to be sent to the register of oblique records of the coristuvach, or in the folders to the profile of the oblique record of the coristuvach. I even wanted to use all the versions, they were all stingy, but I was far away to bring it to the end. ADMIN do not hesitate to move yoga in the right place

I am more familiar with viruses. Be it a control panel: “There is no support for such an interface”

the symptoms were even more foldable, blaming the problems themselves.

I'm not trying, de tse robiti (zbіy BSOD, support for the interface "
Explorer.exe: runs in the background and is idle. the maintenance and repair is too bad), so I'll just put yoga here.

My computer: "There is no such interface"
h: “Ni. So open the folder. Be it a new appearance record of a coristuvach does not mean the same symptoms, but all new creations of the appearance of a record of a coristuvach. Help me, or the CD recorder will be smeared)

Points of interest:
The official record of the administrator is not changed and works normally. Don't stop IExplorer (I want vicarious Firefox.

I say tse, to that the official record of the administrator can Even Vundo)

Now it will be appreciated. I can use MicroSoft

Repair not possible:
There is no Win7 CD to install the repair. (the days cannot be created, the processes were dead, there is no need for it to be revanquished under the hour of self-advancement. Catalyst:
I got infected with the av antivirus 2012 virus and manually saw yoga.

The system worked normally, I didn’t reload the docks.
(I'm sleepy, not silent for... Explorer.exe "There is no support for such an interface")

It turns out that in the system every day the C++ middleware is valid until the next day the file is updated.

Hey guys, if I'm trying to expand the SP1 package (x86) from the official Microsoft Interest Center

Try to zawantage and install it:
Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 after the desktop that MSVCP90.dll is open daily. What, the devil take it, you see?

The onslaught of the music library from the open folder on my computer, for example. Plus, if I run my computer, I'll be reminded about the cob of work, more text. Such an interface is not compatible with Helppppp !!!

Possibly, the system file of reverification can be corrected. Rejected: this interface is not supported

Go to the "Services" tab, set the flag "Give access to all Microsoft services" and click "Disable all".
5. To confirm a clean connection on the computer, enter a password or press "Continue".

We use a third-party program that supercharges the productivity of Internet Explorer. At the "Selective Start" branch, press to clear the bottom. The article is recognized for Windows Vista, but not good for Windows 7. After starting the computer, turn over the request, click the "Restart" button.

Drop IE 8

You can also try vikonati pure zavantazhennya and marvel at "Vіdpovidі Microsoft" !!!

“We kindly ask you to Microsoft Answers!!! Be kind to help.

I repeat the test and marvel at the pardon. Press "Start", type msconfig into

Http://support.microsoft.com/kb/331796, which works under Windows Vista, hover below.

So div. razdіl, how to turn the computer in the normal startup mode
Hover over If you register two DLLs that use RegSvr32: actxprxy.dll and shdocvw.dll. First, you can try: "There is no such interface." Help me solve this problem. The solution is lower, the problem is solved.

I press on the hail sign, and words are a more simple method? OK.
6. On the "Zagalni" tab, press "Selective start".
3. If your problem is solved, please read the instructions... Do not read the interface

new Dell, same XP with Direct X9 and so on.
Otherwise, I can save them in some other way. My computer. However, I will remove the "Do not support interface" warning. Because the stinkers have hijacked yoga, or because the system is installed in me, otherwise.

(1) Zavantage (EXE pardon. This interface is not supported).

(2) EXE pardon. Such an interface is not supported.

(3) there are no hints for such an interface

(4) Pardon IE8: this interface is not supported

(5) There is no support for such an interface [pardon]

When installing programs, launching any accesses from the Windows context menu, a pardon is displayed - 2147467262 The interface is not supported. How to correct її, you can find out from this article. This problem can be blamed on all versions of Windows. But most of all it is blamed on Windows 7. There will be different ways to get used to it. If you don’t go alone - beat the other one.

Cause a Windows Pardon

The reason for the pardon 2147467262 may be a failure of the system files during the installation of the software. At whom the system was damaged before the program was installed. A reminder appears if the shortcut menu is activated by pressing the right mouse button (RMB)). These OS symptoms can indicate the presence of viruses on the computer, as they often damage system files.

Pardon 2147467262 for Windows - scho robiti

First, try simple exercises, as they may cause more temporal disturbances in the system. First of all, restart your computer and try the prompt and pardon "Interface not supported". The coming crochet will help you to signify, with some program the appearance of a pardon is tied. It is necessary for us to try to get involved with “clean” Windows. For whom, give the following recommendations:

Rezavantazhte computer and try again to inflict a pardon. If it shows up, then system services can't wait until it comes up. Ale, if system notifications are no longer announced, you can determine how the service calls. For whom it is necessary to put one tick on the service and re-vantag your PC. To speed up the process of searching for a causal service, you can choose not one, but a bunch of services. Golovna - remember the group, so that later I will appoint a non-worker from the group.

At the “Auto-upload” tab, select the skin program, as it starts at once with Windows and press the “Unplug” button at the bottom. When you enter the system using the method of pure entry, it is also necessary to turn it on in order to determine the reason for the pardon 2147467262. After that, find out how to solve problems with your service. Try also to reinstall or delete the program, as you installed it on the working operating system.

Update system files

Even though the previous method did not help clear the pardon, we will try to fix all possible errors in system files. For which Windows can you use utilities. You need a stable connection to the Internet, because the utilities will need access to the Microsoft server in order to download small files. Follow this instruction:

Even though this method did not help, just like the previous one, try to restore the system with the help of the exciting Windows disk. DVD, from which you installed the system. To boot from the disk, you will need to reset the disk drive's boot settings in the BIOS. Steps are similar to installation. Only when choosing a diy, it is necessary to indicate "Innovation of the system" as a replacement for the installation. Then follow the master's instructions.

Windows Fix Utility

Previously, a utility for Windows creators was available on the official Microsoft website. Vaughn allowed to fix a lot of problems on the computer and was called Windows Fix It. The utility retailers implemented the same functionality otherwise. Already for a long time the won is not available at the request address. In the remaining versions of Windows, the retailers assigned the possibility of a utility, which, if it was necessary, in the OS "Usunennya problems". In earlier versions, this paragraph was by no means looked at as if by koristuvachs. Alas, today, having launched the "Troubleshooting" for Windows 8.1, 10, the master is effectively becoming redundant.

A group of programmers broke up an unofficial version of this utility. Zavantage її possible at the address https://windowsfix.ru/. Oskіlki rozrobnik nevіdomy, before launching that installed, turn the utility on the virus. For Windows 10 OS, this is another utility, as a way to eliminate impersonal pardons and troubles. You can get it on the side http://www.softportal.com/get-42386-fixwin.html. It is not necessary to install, it is a portable program. It is more necessary to launch the file that is to be iconized. With the help of computer security, the utility should also be checked for viruses.

As the language has already written about unofficial solution methods, try to get it and run the utility from this forum - http://delphidevelop.ru/forum/29-312-1/. Possilannya to know at the first post. Kozhen, who, having tasted її, stverdzhuyut, that you can pardon far away.

Other ways to pardon

If there is a pardon with the code 2147467262 and if you cannot open the folders on your computer, try creating a new face record. You won’t be able to save a pardon on the administrator’s public record, but you will have access to files, which can be transferred to another disk, a flash drive or a bad one.

  1. If you don't want the standard "Start" window or "Creation Panel", press WIN + R at once and enter "netplwiz". Press ENTER;
  2. Press the "Add" button and create a new koristuvach by entering the required parameters;
  3. Rezavantage the computer and choose a new face record.

If you are leaning in the system, try opening folders where you know important data and transfer them. Having saved a copy of the files, you can try to restore or reinstall the system.

There is one more way that you can win a pardon 2147467262 - the interface is not supported. Vіn polagaє v reregistration of files in the dynamic library (dll). For yoga zastosuvannya you need to sequentially enter a large number of commands. For folding wines, you can compare with reinstalling Windows.

On some computers Vinyl has a pardon: explorer.exe "interface not supported". Chi not vіdkat points vіdnovlennya, not novlennya did not give positive results. After a pardon, the system began to behave terribly: they stopped working on the programs (the exe just didn’t win), the conductor didn’t show up - they started to work and didn’t go into the reason

The problem was with dll-libraries. The decision of the sprat. On one computer, one more help, on another - more:

The first solution to the problem "interface is not supported" in Windows 7

Create .bat. Run yoga as Administrator and then restart the computer:

Regsvr32 comcat.dll /s regsvr32 CSSEQCHK.DLL /s regsvr32 shdoc401.dll /s regsvr32 shdoc401.dll /i /s regsvr32 asctrls.ocx /s regsvr32 oleaut32.dll /s regsvr32 shdocvw.dll /s regsvr32 browseui.dll /s regsvr32 browsewm.dll /s regsvr32 browseui.dll /I /s regsvr32 msrating.dll /s regsvr32 mlang.dll /s regsvr32 hlink.dll /s rem regsvr32 mshtml.dll /s regsvr dll/s regsvr32 urlmon.dll/s regsvr32 plugin.ocx/s regsvr32 sendmail.dll/s rem regsvr32 comctl32.dll/i/s rem regsvr32 inetcpl.cpl/i/s rem regsvr32 mshtml.dll/i/s regsvr .dll /s regsvr32 mmefxe.ocx /s rem regsvr32 proctexe.ocx mshta.exe /register /s regsvr32 corpol.dll /s regsvr32 jscript.dll /s regsvr32 msxml.dll /s regsvr32 imgutil.dll /s regsvr32 . /s regsvr32 cryptext.dll /s regsvr32 rsabase.dll /s rem regsvr32 triedit.dll /s rem regsvr32 dhtmled.ocx /s regsvr32 inseng.dll /s regsvr32 iesetup.dll /i /s rem regsvr32 hmmapi.dll /s cryptdlg .dll /s regsvr32 actxprxy .dll /s regsvr32 dispex.dll /s regsvr32 occache.dll /s regsvr32 occache.dll /i /s regsvr32 iepeers.dll /s rem regsvr32 wininet.dll /i /s regsvr32 urlmon.dll / i /s rem regsvr32 digest .dll /i /s regsvr32 cdfview.dll /s regsvr32 webcheck.dll /s regsvr32 mobsync.dll /s regsvr32 pngfilt.dll /s regsvr32 licmgr10.dll /s regsvr32 icmfilter.dll /s regsvr32 hhctrl .dll /s rem regsvr32 trialoc.dll /s regsvr32 tdc.ocx /s regsvr32 MSR2C.DLL /s regsvr32 msident.dll /s regsvr32 msieftp.dll /s regsvr32 xmsconf.ocx /s regsvr32 ils.dll /s dll/s rem regsvr32 wab32.dll/s rem regsvr32 wabimp.dll/s rem regsvr32 wabfind.dll/s rem regsvr32 oemiglib.dll/s rem regsvr32 directdb.dll/s regsvr32 inetcomm.dll/s rem regs. s rem regsvr32 oeimport.dll /s regsvr32 msdxm.ocx /s regsvr32 dxmasf.dll /s rem regsvr32 laprxy.dll /s regsvr32 l3codecx.ax /s regsvr32 acelpdec.ax /s regsvr32 mpgs regsvr32 danim.dll /s regsvr.32 ocx /s regsvr32 lmrt.dll /s regsvr32 datime.dll /s regsvr32 dxtrans.dll /s regsvr32 dxtmsft.dll /s rem regsvr32 vgx.dll /s regsvr32 WEBPOST.DLL /s regsvr32 WPWIZDLL.DLL /s regsvr /s regsvr32 FLUPL.OCX /s regsvr32 wshom.ocx /s regsvr32 wshext.dll /s regsvr32 vbscript.dll /s regsvr .exe /setup /s regsvr32 msnsspc.dll /SspcCreateSspiReg /s regsvr32 msapsspc.dll /SspcCreateSspiReg /s regsvr32 licdll.dll /s regsvr32 regwizc.dll /s regsvr32 softpub3dll DLL /s regsvr32 MSTIME.DLL /s regsvr32 WINTRUST /regsKITP /s regsvr32 DSSENH.DLL /s regsvr32 RSAENH. DLL /s regsvr32 CRYPTDLG.DLL /s regsvr32 Gpkcsp.dll /s s regsvr32 Slbcsp.dll /s

Another way to solve the problem "interface is not supported" in Windows 7, knowledge on the Internet

1. Run the command line as Administrator.
2. Insert CD and press enter.
3. Enter DIR *.dll /s /b > regdll.bat and press the input (for copying all the paths to the libraries in the file).
4. Enter notepad regdll.bat and press enter, open notepad from cim file.
5. At the command line, enter path and press the input, copy the current paths and save where the file is.
6. Enter path=c:\windows;c:\windows\Command;c:\Windows\Program~\Accessories and press enter.
7. Revisit new paths by entering the command p.5.
8. Enter C:\WINDOWS\System32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\ and press enter, which will prompt "The system is unable to know the directions.", then enter C:\WINDOWS\System\Regsvr32.exe / sC:\.
9. When opening the file in notepad, replace all C:\ entries with C:\WINDOWS\System32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\ (C:\WINDOWS\System\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\) . Save the file.
10. At the command line, enter regdll.bat. Start re-registration. It will be a long time. With this, the system can "zamislyuvatisya" to finish the trial hour. If nothing changes in the command line for more than 3-4 minutes, then it is necessary to complete the Regsvr32 process in the dispatcher task (for a 64-bit system, it is also Regsvr32 * 32).
They can win a pardon. Just press "Ok".
11. After that, in the command line, enter savings at item 5 of the value.

On some computers there was a pardon: explorer.exe "interface is not supported". Chi not vіdkat points vіdnovlennya, not novlennya did not give positive results. After a pardon, the system began to behave terribly: they stopped working on the programs (the exe just didn’t win), the conductor didn’t show up - they started to work and didn’t go into the reason

The problem was with dll-libraries. The decision of the sprat. On one computer, one more help, on another - more:

The first solution to the problem "interface is not supported" in Windows 7

Create. Run yoga as Administrator and then restart the computer:

Regsvr32 comcat.dll /s regsvr32 CSSEQCHK.DLL /s regsvr32 shdoc401.dll /s regsvr32 shdoc401.dll /i /s regsvr32 asctrls.ocx /s regsvr32 oleaut32.dll /s regsvr32 shdocvw.dll /s regsvr32 browseui.dll /s regsvr32 browsewm.dll /s regsvr32 browseui.dll /I /s regsvr32 msrating.dll /s regsvr32 mlang.dll /s regsvr32 hlink.dll /s rem regsvr32 mshtml.dll /s regsvr dll/s regsvr32 urlmon.dll/s regsvr32 plugin.ocx/s regsvr32 sendmail.dll/s rem regsvr32 comctl32.dll/i/s rem regsvr32 inetcpl.cpl/i/s rem regsvr32 mshtml.dll/i/s regsvr .dll /s regsvr32 mmefxe.ocx /s rem regsvr32 proctexe.ocx mshta.exe /register /s regsvr32 corpol.dll /s regsvr32 jscript.dll /s regsvr32 msxml.dll /s regsvr32 imgutil.dll /s regsvr32 . /s regsvr32 cryptext.dll /s regsvr32 rsabase.dll /s rem regsvr32 triedit.dll /s rem regsvr32 dhtmled.ocx /s regsvr32 inseng.dll /s regsvr32 iesetup.dll /i /s rem regsvr32 hmmapi.dll /s cryptdlg .dll /s regsvr32 actxprxy .dll /s regsvr32 dispex.dll /s regsvr32 occache.dll /s regsvr32 occache.dll /i /s regsvr32 iepeers.dll /s rem regsvr32 wininet.dll /i /s regsvr32 urlmon.dll / i /s rem regsvr32 digest .dll /i /s regsvr32 cdfview.dll /s regsvr32 webcheck.dll /s regsvr32 mobsync.dll /s regsvr32 pngfilt.dll /s regsvr32 licmgr10.dll /s regsvr32 icmfilter.dll /s regsvr32 hhctrl .dll /s rem regsvr32 trialoc.dll /s regsvr32 tdc.ocx /s regsvr32 MSR2C.DLL /s regsvr32 msident.dll /s regsvr32 msieftp.dll /s regsvr32 xmsconf.ocx /s regsvr32 ils.dll /s dll/s rem regsvr32 wab32.dll/s rem regsvr32 wabimp.dll/s rem regsvr32 wabfind.dll/s rem regsvr32 oemiglib.dll/s rem regsvr32 directdb.dll/s regsvr32 inetcomm.dll/s rem regs. s rem regsvr32 oeimport.dll /s regsvr32 msdxm.ocx /s regsvr32 dxmasf.dll /s rem regsvr32 laprxy.dll /s regsvr32 l3codecx.ax /s regsvr32 acelpdec.ax /s regsvr32 mpgs regsvr32 danim.dll /s regsvr.32 ocx /s regsvr32 lmrt.dll /s regsvr32 datime.dll /s regsvr32 dxtrans.dll /s regsvr32 dxtmsft.dll /s rem regsvr32 vgx.dll /s regsvr32 WEBPOST.DLL /s regsvr32 WPWIZDLL.DLL /s regsvr /s regsvr32 FLUPL.OCX /s regsvr32 wshom.ocx /s regsvr32 wshext.dll /s regsvr32 vbscript.dll /s regsvr .exe /setup /s regsvr32 msnsspc.dll /SspcCreateSspiReg /s regsvr32 msapsspc.dll /SspcCreateSspiReg /s regsvr32 licdll.dll /s regsvr32 regwizc.dll /s regsvr32 softpub3dll DLL /s regsvr32 MSTIME.DLL /s regsvr32 WINTRUST /regsKITP /s regsvr32 DSSENH.DLL /s regsvr32 RSAENH. DLL /s regsvr32 CRYPTDLG.DLL /s regsvr32 Gpkcsp.dll /s s regsvr32 Slbcsp.dll /s

Another way to solve the problem "interface is not supported" in windows 7, knowledge on the Internet

1. Run the command line as Administrator. 2. Insert CD and press enter. 3. Enter DIR *.dll /s /b > regdll.bat and press the input (for copying all the paths to the libraries in the file). 4. Enter notepad regdll.bat and press enter, open notepad from cim file. 5. At the command line, enter path and press the input, copy the current paths and save where the file is.

6. Enter path=c:\windows;c:\windows\Command;c:\windows\Program~\Accessories and press enter.

7. Revisit new paths by entering the command p.5.

8. Enter the same type of entry, as if the message "The system cannot know the directions" appears, then enter C:\WINDOWS\System\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\.

9. In the open notepad file, replace all C:\ entries with C:\WINDOWS\System32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\ (C:\WINDOWS\System\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\). Save the file. 10. At the command line, enter regdll.bat. Start re-registration. It will be a long time. With this, the system can "zamislyuvatisya" to finish the trial hour. If nothing changes in the command line for more than 3-4 minutes, then it is necessary to complete the Regsvr32 process in the dispatcher task (for a 64-bit system, it is also Regsvr32 * 32). They can win a pardon. Just press "Ok".

11. After that, in the command line, enter savings at item 5 of the value.

Other publications:


“Interface is not supported”, how to wake up?

Hello friends. The axis has already passed the end of the month, as I upgraded to the new windows 10. Well, what can I say, the new system is still less powerful, and as I looked, visually looked good. Navit a cat, which is not suitable for us, only through those that are slightly similar to a cat from windows 98, do not call out.

But all the same, the axis recently, I got stuck with the first problem on the new windows 10. When I tried to launch it, be it a program, I started to have a pardon - "The interface is not supported." To be honest, I have a suspicion that this pardon was due to the installation of one utility, as I launched just before the appearance of the problem. Otzhe, I did not become a new system of calling.

Later, after starting a shukati way to fix the pardon "Interface is not supported", I in the first place, obviously, restarting the computer, but did not bring any result. Then I checked that I should try the system before I got up early, and then it appeared, when I tried to start the system update, the message appeared again in front of me.

Ale zv'yazku z tim, scho I have on the computer є other oblіkovy record, I switched to the new one, schobіrіt, chi є there is such a problem. Being taken aback, I launched the browser, it started to get more and more interesting, but it means that everything is fine here (on this oblique record). And so, as everything works here, it means that having re-created the oblique record, the problem is lost, but the variant of the pardon “Interface is not supported”, I don’t think, that on my profile there are more than a lot of other programs, it’s important to take care information for me. Therefore, I started searching on the Internet for the sake of recommendations, if they could help me with these problems.

Looking ahead, I’ll say that I’m far away, but with whom I tried a lot of different options, but only a few turned out to be oppressive. That's why, at once, I will share with you those joys, as I was helped by the pardon "Interface is not supported"

Correction of pardon "Interface not supported"

1. The first way is the simplest and the most convenient. The only way you can do this is to get the fix file already prepared by Microsoft and install it on your computer. Ale minus, tsgogo variant є those scho tsey fix summіsny only z windows 7 and 8.1.

And so, as I upgraded to the new ten, I had a message about those that this operating system was not supported, well, I continued the jokes. (For those who have windows 10, we’ll immediately move on to another point, since you have a SIM card to read it too).

Now downloading the offensive archives, in which the registry file should be located. Having launched yoga, we will reassociate exe-files. Then, like the last time, do not forget to restart the computer to stop all the changes.

Especially for me, everything only worked after the typing of both files, and then it started running the first batch file and restarting the computer. So try it, test it, share the results in the comments.

3. Well, come on, the third option, the creation of a new koristuvach. As if nothing helped you with the descriptions of the above words and the pardon "Interface is not supported", all the same it appears, in the same way, it will be the creation of a new oblіkovogo record.

For whom it is necessary to press on the computer with the right mouse button and select the “Management” item.

At the vіknі, vkazuєmo im'ya new oblіkovogo record, and for the password. Also, don't forget to uncheck the box "Allow me to change my password" and press "Create".

That's all, by restarting the computer, you can already get started with a new oblіkovogo record. After transferring data, for reasons, you can її tidy up in the same menu “Koristuvachi”, de choosing an inappropriate appearance and using the “DEL” key, or for the additional item “Vidality”.

Axis of those ways, yakі me zdalsya right robіtnikami. Obov'yazkovo try all the work on a whim and you will definitely get rid of the pardon "Interface is not supported". If you feel like it, if there are too many comments, I, as always, will try to solve and help you with your problems.


Pardon: “Interface not supported” in windows 7 (explorer.exe) » MS windows »

After installing some programs (Photoshop, Illustartor and others), when trying to change the screen size by clicking the right button on the desktop, the explorer.exe pardon "interface is not supported" ("No such interface supported") in other cases, for example, navit when changing the icons on the pictograms “My Documents”. At whom, the functions of the control panel (the "remote program" of the zocrema) have ceased to work. For some, exe-files stop running, bat-files and even more. The problem was fixed in libraries (dll). In order to use, it is necessary to re-register all libraries, or simply create a new koristuvach. However, sometimes the creation of a new coristuvach is problematic in that plan, so that you can get a lot of money to save on the in-line coristuvach windows 7.

It is necessary to re-register the dll in the following way:

  • About every change, create a backup copy of the system.
  • Run the command line with administrator rights (for which, right-click on the desktop->create->shortcut, enter cmd in the field, then right-click on the shortcut->run as administrator).
  • Enter CD and press enter.
  • Enter DIR *.dll /s /b > regdll.bat and press the input (to copy all the paths to the libraries in the file).
  • Enter notepad regdll.bat and press the input, the notepad will open from the cim file.
  • At the command line, enter path and press the input, copy the current paths and save the file somewhere - we will need it in the rest of the paragraph.
  • Type path=c:\windows;c:\windows\Command;c:\windows\Program~\Accessories and press .
  • Pereviriti new ways, entering the command p.5.
  • Type C:\WINDOWS\System32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\ and press enter to see the prompt "The system can't find the directions.", then type C:\WINDOWS\System\Regsvr32.exe /s C :\ .
  • In the open notepad file, replace all C:\ entries with C:\WINDOWS\System32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\ (C:\WINDOWS\System\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\). Save the file.
  • At the command line, enter regdll.bat. Start re-registration. It will be a long time. With this, the system can "zamislyuvatisya" to finish the trial hour. If nothing changes in the command line for more than 3-4 minutes, then it is necessary to complete the Regsvr32 process in the dispatcher task (for a 64-bit system, it is also Regsvr32 * 32).
  • After that, in the command line, enter the next step to save the value.

As soon as the hour is over, pardons are blamed - we skip pressing the “OK” button

Other publications:


FAQ #196 Vіdpovіdaєmo on your request! - "Hacker"

Sound, if a similar pardon is blamed, the problem will be checked with DLL libraries. Shchob її use, it is necessary to re-register them. For which it is necessary to run the command line in the name of the administrator and viconate:


In this order, we copy all the ways to the libraries at the batch file. Now let's see what we have on path:

View the command save yourself in a text file and enter:


Let me change my ways

C:\WINDOWS\System32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\

How Windows says "The system is unable to know the destinations of the paths", input

C:\WINDOWS\System\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\.

View our batch file in Notepad and replace all C:\ entries in the file with

C:\WINDOWS\System32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\

Save and run regdll.bat. Re-registration time for a long time, you can hang, see a mountain of pardons, for an even more important occasion - drive in the Regsvr32 process, and for a 64-bit system - even Regsvr32 * 32. When completed, enter the path with your parameters, as if you had previously saved it. So often, you don’t have to log in to the console, or save the batch file, try to get started in the safe mode and start the process through the task manager.

For whom you can speed up with the command of the mind

With a similar rank, you can create a turning circle, so that you encode the row you need:

echo "base64" | base64

Like a bachish, nothing foldable, but having written a simple edging on the same python, you can work more similarly, without going back to other online decoders.

At the principle - so, so, so, make a couple. Axis, for example, MyScript Calculator can draw the formula independently, and, as the retailer claims, after that, the addendum begins to work its magic of converting symbols and numbers into digital text format and gives the result in real time. Three operators that are supported, є:

Basic mathematical functions: +, -, x, ÷, +/-, 1/x Other functions: %, √, x!, |x| Steps / exponents: ℯx, xy , x2 Arches: () Trigonometry: cos, sin, tan Reverse trigonometry: acos, asin, atan Logarithms: ln , log Constants: π, ℯ, phi

Not less than the program PhotoMath, it allows you to correct the simple camera pointing at the formula. The retailers are constantly improving and increasing the functionality of the programs, but do not check for special miracles. Especially yakscho in you there is another rіk vezhі or something more.


For whom it is enough to speed up with a similar command:


Or you can speed it up with the dd utility:

Dd if=/dev/cdrom | md5sum

When recording a DVD, it is necessary to add additional data. It is due to the fact that the same service information is written when recording on a DVD, so for rewriting DVD-disks with the dd utility, it is necessary to accurately specify the size and number of blocks. In order to recognize, how many significant blocks (extents) are in the ISO image, we can:

Echo $(($(ls -l disk.iso | awk "( print $5 )") / 2048))

The result will be the number of blocks, and this number will be passed to the dd command. Suppose we took 159381, then the command would look at the axis like this:

Dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=159381 | md5sum


We need to edit the ProviderOrder parameter:


Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\logon

We are to be cackled

Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon

It is installed in Enabled and it is reset.

Especially suitable for these purposes is WkHtml, which can be set by initial commands:

cd /opt wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/wkhtmltopdf/0.12.1-dev/wkhtmltox-0.12.1-c22928d_linux-wheezy-amd64.tar.xz tar -xpJf wkhtmltox-0.12.1-c2 wheezy -amd64.tar.xz rm wkhtmltox-0.12.1-c22928d_linux-wheezy-amd64.tar.xz

Run by command

/opt/wkhtmltox-0.12.1-c22928d/bin/wkhtmltoimage --width 1000 --height 1000 --crop-w 1000 --crop-h 1000 --format png --quality 80 http://xakep.ru/ /tmp/snap/xakep.ru/WkHtml.png

The tool should be manually tweaked in different scripts - there are a lot of different tweaks. As a matter of fact, I don’t like this tool, the axis is a list of analogues:

  • webscreenie;
  • PhantomJs;
  • Python-webkit2png.

Try to install BlueMan, vin є at the repository:

apt-get install blueman

If BlueMan is currently running a buggy adapter, click on the console:

apt-get install bluetooth echo "0000" >> /etc/bluetooth/pin /etc/init.d/bluetooth start hcitool scan

At the same time, we install the module for Bluetooth robots, then we set the password for the devices that connect, then we start the daemon, and we do not have the permission to access the Bluetooth devices. After installing the module, you can use bluetooth from the console or through the shell, whichever is more appropriate.

Try to speed up Foreign Linux - a dynamic binary translator and emulator that allows you to run unmodified Linux binary packages under windows without any drivers or modifications that implement the same other pidhide, lower strings for Cygwin At the moment, FLinux has the following tools available:

  • basic utilities: Bash, Vim, nano;
  • middleware: Python, GCC;
  • pack manager: pacman;
  • terminal games: vitetris, nethack;
  • utilities for working with networks: wget, cURL, SSH;
  • X medium programs: xeyes, xclock, glxgears.

I specialize in vicory for which there are two instruments. The first one is remmina, which should be put in the repository, there may be a lot of different plugins, which can be delivered:

RDP, VNC, NX, XDMCP, SSH, Telepathy

May be a simple, no-nonsense interface, it's also easy to manage. And the other one is forever young rdesktop, about which one does not feel only the one who lives in the bunker. The syntax is something like this:

Rdesktop -u user -r disk:home=/home/user -g 1280x975 -k en-us -d domain

Here, let's close the connection to the distant work table, we also add the home folder, which, by the way, is needed by the robot. Let me tell you, it’s not handy, ale povіr - tsvichki on the right, aliasіv and zabindenih scriptіv on the hotkey.


As analogues, I can request the following packages:

  • knoda;
  • Berkeley D.B.

Also, if you need to add data to the database resource, or bring up the call to the screen plus VBA typing, look up to these solutions:

  • MDB Tools;
  • Linux MDB driver
  • Kexi.

The biggest must have, in my opinion, is "The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws". Crim the necessary basics, the methodology of testing with web programs is described, which downloads you a lot of skills on topics. And zagalom - on the strength of the top hackbooks: one and two. Often the stench is repeated, but the vimness. Є a lot of something tsіkavogo, scho obov'yazkovo can not take your police, but fill up the stock of knowledge.

Easy! For a warm-up and on the cob, you can marvel at the bWAPP project, in the new one, the greatness of the number of different bugs is noted. See for yourself:

  • SQL, HTML, iFrame, SSI, OS Command, XML, XPath, LDAP and SMTP injections
  • Blind SQL and Blind OS Command injection
  • Bash Shellshock (CGI) and Heartbleed vulnerability (OpenSSL)
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Tracing (XST)
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • AJAX and Web Services vulnerabilities (JSON/XML/SOAP/WSDL)
  • Malicious, unrestricted file uploads and backdoor files
  • Authentication, authorization and session management issues
  • Arbitrary file access and directory traversals
  • Local and remote file inclusions (LFI/RFI)
  • Configuration issues: Man-in-the-Middle, cross-domain policy files, information disclosures,...
  • HTTP parameter pollution and HTTP response splitting
  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks: Slow HTTP and XML Entity Expansion
  • Insecure distcc, FTP, NTP, Samba, SNMP, VNC, WebDAV configurations
  • HTML5 ClickJacking, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and web storage issues
  • Unvalidated redirects and forwards, and cookie poisoning
  • Cookie poisoning and insecure cryptographic storage
  • Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF)
  • XML External Entity attacks (XXE)
  • And much much much more…

On the official website of the project, it is described what can be seen. Likewise, shamelessly raja, there is a number of boot2root-images for all bad people.

For whom you can speed up with a similar syntax:

Tar -zxvf file.tar.gz --wildcards "file/bin" -C ./

Tim himself from the archive file.tar.gz unzipped only the file/bin folder into the stream directory.

Can you put a virtual machine on a server without a GUI?

So, for example, you can speed up QEMU. QEMU refers to programs that emulate the hardware environment. The main functions are similar to VMware, VirtualBox, Bochs and Virtual PC. Wanting deyakі fіchі vіdіznyayutsya. For example, there are two types of emulation:

  • Full system emulation - a virtual machine is created, which can have a “own” processor and a different periphery;
  • User mode emulation - a mode that is less supported by Linux, allows you to run a different processor program, compiling for another platform.

In another version, QEMU takes over all the turbota to translate processor instructions and convert system cycles. This mode can emulate not only x86, but processors of other architectures: ARM, SPARC, PowerPC, MIPS and m68k, which is cool to finish. QEMU is available from the Debian repository.

sudo apt-get install qemu kqemu-common kqemu-source

Now select the QEMU QEMU Accelerator Module. Win allows you to cheat part of the code without intermediary on the real processor, bypassing the virtual one, thereby accelerating the work of the guest system. Zavdyaki youmu launch virtual OS zbіlshuєtsya razi.

sudo module-assistant prepare sudo module-assistant auto-install kqemu

Let's try to get the module:

sudo modprobe kqemu lsmod | grep kqemu kqemu 124196 0

To avoid doing it manually, add the kqemu row in /etc/modules. To start a virtual machine, the command is enough

Qemu -hda test-disk -cdrom ubuntu-server.iso -m 512 -boot d -localtime

Possibility of QEMU may be boundless, and the documentation to replace the anonymous sides of the information, describe the entire process and all the subtleties is simply impossible. To that, as if you have given you a given instrument, raja yogo obov'yazkovo try it and zastosovuvat in your projects, since the wine is not so folded, as if you are looking at the first glance.

How to transfer windows to SSD without installing Linux and saving data? If so, on the HDD, the responsibility is saved for other distributions of windows and installations of the swap from /home.
  1. For cob minds, we can have one hard disk 1 TB, divided into three parts (C: D: E:). It is necessary to deliver an SSD-disk and divide it into three divisions. After transferring, you may come out like this:
  2. HDD replacement for disk C: will be divided into two: /dev/sda1 -> /swap; /dev/sda2 -> /home; divided D: E: we don't chіpaєmo.
  3. SSD, /dev/sdb1 -> zavantazhuvach Win7, which will rewrite grub; /dev/sdb2 -> C:; /dev/sdb3 -> / (Linux)
  4. For the cob it is necessary to create a backup of all important and critical data. If you are lucky, you can create an image of the disk, so that you can sing Clonezilla for whom you can beat Clonezilla, they wrote about the yak in the front issue ][.
  5. Now you can reschedule the reschedule. For whom we need Acronis Disk Director. After launching that designation of two disks HDD and SDD, we select the vantazhuvach vіndy (it split from 100 MB on sda) and we select to transfer the volume to the SSD. So it's self-sufficient and with a disk: After the re-advancement, our Windows is guilty of barking and not taking advantage, which is logical. Don't shy away, put in an exciting disc, let them try to follow the right paths to the point of being exciting. Naygolovnіshe - do not go further, the system docks do not start normally.
  6. Since there won't be any problems because of windy windfalls, the distance will crumble. Let's start installing Linux. We need to put /swap on the cob of a hard disk sda, then everything that was left out of the large disk C:, let’s see /home, put everything else on the SSD and install grub on the new one.
  7. After re-advancement, you can take away the Bazhan card, as if planning. Two operating systems split on two disks. Tse give indiscretions increase in the robots both OS, but add some other inconsistencies, due to them, that data cannot be spent and put similar experiments on a combat vehicle. Yakshcho є mozhlivist, raja before the cob to work out on the guts or want to use on virtual machines.
SSD or HDD in a laptop for a smart job?

A. SSD will give a significant increase in speed to comparable HDDs, plus, as a result, you can win the server rank of SSD, insured for more cycles of overwriting, you can reach even good performance over the years. Plus, the quiet of the robot is the smaller vaga of the laptop.

How to remove grub and restore windows 7

Well, what can I say, the new system is still less powerful, and as it looks to me, visually looks good. Navit a cat, which is not suitable for us, only through those that are slightly similar to a cat from Windows 98, do not call out.

Ale, after all, the axis recently, I got stuck with the first problem on the new Windows 10. When I tried to launch it, be it a program, I started to have a pardon - "". To be honest, I have a suspicion that this pardon was due to the installation of one utility, as I launched just before the appearance of the problem. Otzhe, I did not become a new system of calling.

Later, after starting a shukati way to fix the pardon "Interface is not supported", I in the first place, obviously, restarting the computer, but did not bring any result. Then I checked that I should try the system before I got up early, and then it appeared, when I tried to start the system update, the message appeared again in front of me.

Ale zv'yazku z tim, scho I have on the computer є other oblіkovy record, I switched to the new one, schobіrіt, chi є there is such a problem. Being taken aback, I launched the browser, it started to get more and more interesting, but it means that here on this oblіkovuyu record), everything is fine. And so, as everything works here, it means that having re-created the oblique record, the problem is lost, but the variant of the pardon “Interface is not supported”, I don’t think, that on my profile there are more than a lot of other programs, it’s important to take care information for me. Therefore, I started searching on the Internet for the sake of recommendations, if they could help me with any problems.

Looking ahead, I’ll say that I’m far away, but with whom I tried a lot of different options, but only a few turned out to be oppressive. That's why, at once, I will share with you those joys, as I was helped by the pardon "Interface is not supported"

Correction of pardon "Interface not supported"

1. The first way is the simplest and the best. The only way you can do it is to download the fix file prepared by Microsoft and install it on your computer. Ale minus, tsgogo variant є those scho tsey fix summіsny only z Windows 7 and 8.1.

And so, like me, I had a message about those that the given operating system was not supported, well, I continued the jokes. ( For those who have Windows 10, we immediately go to another point, as if you have a SIM card, then read it further).

The axis is sent to the string of this file. You will be left with less to install yoga and then restart the computer after completion.

Zavantazhuyemo archives for sim posilannya u whether-yaku folder on the computer and unpacking yogo. Dali, run in the name of the administrator the file " interfacenotsupportedfix.bat", check for the completion of the process and restart the computer.

Now downloading the offensive archives, in which the registry file should be located. Having launched yoga, we will reassociate exe-files. Then, like the last time, do not forget to restart the computer to stop all the changes.

Especially for me, everything only worked after the typing of both files, and then it started running the first batch file and restarting the computer. So try it, test it, share the results in the comments.

3. Well, come on, the third option, the creation of a new koristuvach. As if nothing helped you with the descriptions of the above words and the pardon "Interface is not supported", all the same it appears, in the same way, it will be the creation of a new oblіkovogo record.

For whom it is necessary to press on the computer with the right mouse button and select the item "".

At the vіknі, vkazuєmo im'ya new oblіkovogo record, and for the password. Also, don't forget to check the box. Please change your password", and the pressure is "Create."

That's all, by restarting the computer, you can already get started with a new oblіkovogo record. After transferring data, for reasons, you can її tidy up in the same menu “Koristuvachi”, de choosing an inappropriate appearance and using the “DEL” key, or for the additional item “Vidality”.

Axis of those ways, yakі me zdalsya right robіtnikami. Obov'yazkovo try everything to work according to your will and you will definitely get a pardon "". If you feel like it, if there are too many comments, I, as always, will try to solve and help you with your problems.

“Interface is not supported”, how to wake up?

Support the project - share your efforts, darling!
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