MTS Connect, program for roaming.

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

The MTS Connect messenger has become available for download on Google Play and the App Store. Yesterday, I installed this cost-free add-on on my Android smartphone and then protested.

First, go to the description of the enemy, a small intro.

At weekend calls The red dial design of the MTS Connect program is displayed. I realized that you will not spend a call through a new one and in roaming.

The best was the quality of the transfer of promotions from MTS. On the screen at the moment of opening the window, the program will display the HD icon. When calling with Beeline, the strangeness was quiet, with him once for a few seconds the sound disappeared (perhaps, through the Wi-Fi signal - I have 2 access points at home). However, as a whole, on a generally accepted level, I was more successful for such IP-telephony services, as, for example, IP-Phone and Comtube (it is often impossible to contact for such vzagali).

When I made a call to Centela's number +7495542 through the program, I didn't get a call - "The call is over." So it seems that the license plate number for the program is simply not registered (input pass).

1. The MTS Connect program periodically "wails", seeing a pardon. You need additional treatment.

2. Guy Dynamik at Rovem (Yaka at Mene during Spekvynі on Mobіlnіy Merezhі IT for Smartphone Huawei P2 on Mіnіmumі, ale Spe_vommovnik at Cyoma Almost Bіlsh Nіzh Vіdmіnno) at once) Spe_kvalnya on MTS Connect Stattto SPIKOVYY, AGAIN Garyachkovo Tisnuto Bіchna Gajdalka, Vivodyachi її may maximum. Thus, post-regulation will bring all the comfort of communication.
3. Judging by the data of my smartphone, an addendum MTS Connect even though it's not critical, but still battery get help.


I’ll be honest: in this option for yourself, use the messenger and the MTS Connect IP client, I don’t work and I’m going to see it for the shortest hours. Speak along a new path listing navit without trying it is not enough, and WhatsApp with Viber is too much. The exchange of roztashuvannya is still not clear. When I signed up with a double package, I was cheated, my tariff without roaming and so it’s all over Russia (according to which I don’t zhdzhu), it costs a lot of trips for the cordon - here the doors were covered with the current exchange rate of the ruble.

I don’t worry about changing the voice method of calls by mobile phone to the phone on MTS Connect. The Internet (like mobile 3G / 4G, and Wi-Fi) is far from being very stable, and using this supplement was less comfortable for me.

1. The main cost of MTS Connect is to pay for trips for your basic mobile tariff with some savings on roaming services.
2. Also (similar to "Multifon" from Megafon) with this add-on, you can organize a permanent telephone call over the cordon at home tariffs and with additional cost-free entrances.
3. First stop: MTS Connect can provide you with the ability to receive a call with a strong call and a primary mobile number (which is assigned to AON at the receiving side) in areas with a weak reception of the MTS network.

Update (on the same day, 24 December 2015)

The suspicion about those that input calls with enabled Wi-Fi go through the mobile network, and not MTS Connect, regardless of the instructions in the installed programs, accept them with Wi-Fi-connected (only Wi-Fi), they were right. Tobto in roaming such a realization can lead to a waste of pennies. I gave it for the test, having installed the MTS Connect on the lashings, using the MTS Connect way, in any case, incl. and over 3G/LTE. The smartphone has reached the mobile Internet. By calling the new Beeline. Now the design of the entrance to the week has changed - the window of the MTS Connect program has appeared.

Then I reconnected to Wi-Fi, switching the program to the “Only Wi-Fi” mode and going back to the router. The signal, which was already above the average, became the maximum. axis now incoming call pishov Wi-Fi via MTS Connect! So, the ability to receive calls through the Wi-Fi network here directly lies in the presence of the maximum signal, the strength or other factors (if you want to go on a weekend), the solution is to accept the addition itself to the choice order without your participation.

In order to get that mother’s unique opportunity at any time, in any place, for the first need, to go to the Internet and be in the same area, the MTS mobile operator has created a universal tariff plan MTS Connect-4.

What is the MTS Connect-4 Tariff?

The modern world has the opportunity to go to the Internet, whether it be a mist and at any hour, it is sooner necessary, lower a bag. For a better communication with social networks, as well as for the possibility, it was further possible to practice and exchange information with small ones and great obligations, the MTS mobile operator created the universal dialing "MTS Connect-4". At the warehouse set you can find:

  • SIM card;
  • 4G modem (for optional Wi-Fi router).

Dovidka! Earlier on the vibir it was possible to add a 3G modem, but in a couple of days they cleaned up the equipment.

A unique feature of the MTS Connect-4 tariff is the ability to regulate the var- tity of services in a fallow type of skin specific type. On the authority of the court of justice, turn two options for paying for services for unlimited Internet service. For the first time, payment is fixed and is charged once a month. The priority of this method of payment is the possibility of planned payment and for people who plan their budget. In another way, the fee will be spent depending on the actual amount of traffic. І in this way the variance of traffic is as low as possible and allows you to regulate the presence of costs and your traffic.

Respect! The main novelty of the MTS Connect-4 tariff plan is the regular rotation of fees, which are charged for the replacement of the mobile Internet. As a minimum, twenty thousand dollars to turn to the client for example a month.

Specially created for access to the Internet, the tariff "MTS Connect-4" is wonderfully designed for the clients of the mobile operator MTS, who, in their own time, control their time.

How to enter settings for a kit?

The preparation of this installation for the installation of the universal tariff “MTS Connect-4” does not require any special knowledge. Everything is simple. There are two possible options for the kit - from connecting a 4G modem or a Wi-Fi router.

Let's look at the first option.

To get started before installing the patch, you need to place a 4G modem in a valid USB port. On the working table of the gadget (computer, laptop, tablet, etc.) there is a dialogue window, in which information about the setup and installation will be described. The subscriber needs to follow the prompts by pressing the "Install" or "Dal" button. After the completion of the installation process, the dialog box will appear with the message "Connect". It means that the program is installed. With help, it is easy to control vitrates and detect excess traffic.

Respect! The program allows you to change the strength of the USSD-commands (given the ability to work with tablets).

Let's look at another option.

For a Wi-Fi router, you should place a SIM card, which is included in the kit. Select the router socket close to the outlet, the shards of the wines must be connected to the power supply. We will need to connect the attachments. To enter the setup, follow the standard login and password for new subscribers:, admin/admin. If all the standard settings are installed, the subscriber will be asked to change the standard data for security promotion and identification of non-negotiable third-party connections.

Respect! It is possible to complete the MTS Connect-4 set, which can be equipped with a complete set. To її a warehouse to enter a router-modem, which supports 4G-calls. For connection to the possession of the first installation option.

How to start koristuvatisya tariff?

As a matter of fact, we have chosen the new tariff for MTS Connect-4, so we have divided it into several options for the manual and manual connection of the tariff package.

The axis is a list of ways, how to do it with ease and without suspense:

  1. through a link to the official website of the mobile operator with the help of an Internet helper;
  2. Through the introduction of a short number on the telephone: * 111 * 307 #;
  3. Through the power of SMS-alert with text 307 to number 111;
  4. The variant has been transferred, if there is no possibility of speeding up the same way by inducing more ways. Then you need to go to the operator's salon-shop, de sales assistant will help you change the tariff plan for MTS Connect-4.

Information for new koristuvachiv! Tim, who previously served as a mobile operator MTS and who previously signed up for a tariff plan, next received a set from company stores. Tariff plan options include cost-free Internet access for a whole month. Also, the client should have an obov'yazkovy iznizhka at different vicariances of additional functions, proponated by the tariff.

How to change the tariff?

For the “MTS Connect-4” tariff plan, select the tariff plan that suits your needs best on the official website of the MTS mobile operator, and connect it. Know the USSD-command from the helper before setting it, when you enter it, the tariff will be changed. Tariff "MTS Connect-4" is automatically changed to a new one.

Important! If the tariff is changed, the previously connected additional options are saved.

Variety of services and additional options

The main benefit of the new tariff plan MTS Connect-4 is the possibility of connecting additional options, which can be chosen for a specific type of connection to the Internet and to reduce the amount of money spent on the mobile Internet.

Below is a description of the main options.

Function "Internet for a day"

If you do not use the Internet regularly, then the “Internet for a day” option will become your ideal proposition. This service allows you to connect the mobile Internet by the term for 24 years. Your order has 500 MB of available traffic.

The main feature of the tariff is those who hope to be able to regulate the traffic. The fee is charged only in quiet weather, if the subscriber tries to get into the border. When you leave your mobile device, I will debit 50 rubles once for mining. As if by the advance of the offensive, it was not possible to open the sides of the Internet, which are being registered, the account is left invariably. The choice of the option "Internet for a day" is possible for the field to change one of the lower manipulations;

  • The first way is to enter a combination of numbers *111*67# and the "Call" button;
  • Another way is to send a short SMS alert with text 67 to number 111.

For a remote service, it is enough to send a message with the text 670 to the number.

Function "Internet Mini"

Tsya service is ideally suited for schennogo splkuvannya in social networks and the transfer of vikoristannya merezhi in small obsyagas. Variety of services - 350 rubles per month. Qiu sumu has 3 GB of internet access. For the transfer of the limit, an additional fee is charged. To enable this option, you need to enter a short combination of numbers *111*160# and the "Call" button, or speed up by a special office.

"Internet Max" function

The “Internet Max” option is a good option for power supply in the distance, and is suitable for more traffic from a larger account. The price of the service is 700 rubles per month. Qiu bag has 12 GB of internet access. In order to connect this service, it is necessary to enter a short combination of numbers *111*161# on the extension and the call button, otherwise it will be speeded up by a special office.

Internet VIP function

The "Internet VIP" option is designed for people who use the Internet to exchange information in especially large areas. For example, the exchange of graphic images in high quality. Service price - 1200 rubles for 30 days (1 month). Qiu sum includes 30 GB of traffic, which can be won during the daytime. At night, the subscriber's limit is turned on. To win a service, you need to enter a short combination of numbers *111*166# and a call button on the extension.

Too much traffic

For those who want to see too much traffic, enter a short combination of numbers on the extension: *111*217# and the call button. You will arrive before SMS with one note. You can also review the excess from the Special Cabinet.


Connect tariff MTS Connect 4 to promote mobile phone salons, as well as shops and salons of dealers of this operator. Such kits allow you to organize a meeting with the Internet at any geographic point of Russia. І under whom victorious, the merezhі of all generations! Let's take a look in detail, what includes such a kit, how to set up and how to set up tariffs for access to the local area of ​​the Internet through the MTS mobile operator.

Description of the MTS Connect 4 tariff

The kit includes a wireless Wi-Fi router that supports 4G or one of the standard 4G modems. Until recently, 3G-modems were included in the warehouse, and the connection with the vodkrittam was already the fourth generation, their sales having been put into practice and pinned. Having bought the MTS Connect modem from the kit, the mobile phone connection will be canceled by the latest kit for connecting with the Internet: a subscriber attachment and an MTS Connect 4 SIM card.

Yak nalashtuvati tariff MTS Connect 4

Coristuvach purchase a complete set and do not waste the daily folding procedures on the right hand, but you can coristuvatysya with all the possibilities of the all-worldly measure.

For whom it is necessary:

  • If a 4G modem was bought from the warehouse, then the coristuvach is responsible for installing attachments to the USB port, acquiring a piece of air to install the Connect Manager program and drivers for securing the modem. Dali, having pressed the “Connect” button, in just a few seconds, set up the first exit to the Internet. The program has a wide range of capabilities: control of a special balance, the amount of vicarious traffic, the option to override and remove SMS and USSD commands;
  • Once the subscriber has selected the kit, before which to enter the wireless Wi-Fi router, it is necessary to insert a SIM card and connect to the extension of life. Let's connect to the access point that was organized by the router. Such a connection is easy to set up for an additional panel, which I will attach. Access addresses to the panel - As a standard login, you need to enter "admin", the password - "admin". In order to provide access to non-summary Internet connections to the security panel, after the first connection, it is recommended to change the password to a folding one;
  • If you bought a combination router / modem, which supports 4G, then the connection to the Internet is required for the first way described above. The advantage of this option is building is not only to enter the Internet for the help of a personal computer, but also to create an access point to a wireless fence. In this way, the modem can give access to the local Internet to all mobile devices (laptops, tablets, phones).

Detailed information about all possible ways to connect the modem of the MTS mobile operator to various types of attachments can be found on this site. MTS subscribers rarely encounter difficulties during the first hour of connecting to the mobile broadband Internet kit MTS Connect at the first exit. The company implements a high degree of ownership, therefore, breakdowns are difficult when connected to a small installation.

What additional activation is required for MTS Connect? Ni. For sales of MTS Connect kits, you need to have the same activations. Therefore, after the purchase, I will add more than enough to connect to a personal computer or a laptop and go to the local network.

MTS Connect 4 - tariffs and prices

By itself, the tariff for this set is absolutely not reasonable for koristuvachiv servicemen of MTS. And the range of options for this tariff is much wider. There are 4 different types:

  • "Internet for a day". This tariff option is suitable for such coristuvachas, as they are coryed by the servants of the all-world local fringe only a little. "Internet for a day" allows you to download more than 500 Mb of traffic in one go. Even though the limits have already been reached, the access to the measure for the help of this package is fixed. In cases, if the subscriber does not have enough traffic, you can turn on the turbo button, and in this way continue to connect with the services to the measure;
  • "Internet-Mini". For the additional option "Internet-Mini", the subscriber can take 3 GB of traffic for renting in installments for a month for a modest amount - 350 rubles. It allows you to review news, review photos, read and correct messages in popular social events;
  • «Internet-Maxi». The option provides 12 GB traffic for subscribers day and night. The whole package - to get a rational solution for coristuvachiv "light cobwebs" for 700 rubles;
  • «Internet-VIP». The option allows you to unlimitedly use the Internet during the night and take away traffic from 30 GB during the daytime. Variety of Internet-VIP - 1200 rubles per person.

The tariff options allow the skin to receive the necessary package, depending on the material requirements. But if you want to buy the MTS Connect 4 kit, it's important to know that all 4G add-ons are sold with the "Internet-VIP" option. That is why the starting tariff includes 30 GB of traffic per day and nightly unlimited traffic. In case you don’t have a chance to choose more suitable for the new option, the next one after the connection month of the wine is also paid and serviced up to the monthly quota with the choice option.

If such a tariff is not suitable for you, then it is recommended to ask for further advice about the connection of the required tariff options. Can you win the MTS modem for work with other operators? You can at some point not only change the tariffs, but also unblock attachments, remember the SIM card for using the services of connecting to another operator.

Tariff MTS connect 4 - subscriber advice

In Runeti, you can find out a lot of subscriber reviews about the work of MTS Connect 4, positive and negative. As a rule, they themselves coristuvachi, accessibility to access, as a rule, is entirely sovereign. The truth is through a thin, dart-free access to the local border, swidkist can “float”.

This is explained by the advancement of base stations in the present day and other technical nuances. For example, subscribers from the central districts of the city may have problems accessing the local area of ​​the Internet through 4G revantage. And the deacons live at the farthest places, or at the points of the filthy reception. Obviously, there will be no positive feedback from such experiences. Before all that has been said, it remains only to add that other operators may have the same problems. It's a pity, the connection does not have to fall due to the capabilities of the operator.

Spivrobitniki MTS podbal about all their clients. For subscribers who are actively pursuing the Internet, we have expanded the MTS Connect-4 tariff. A SIM card with a TP can be checked out from a tablet or a modem. Subscribers can choose an Internet package depending on their needs.

With access to the global network, MTS clients can make calls within the Russian Federation and beyond the cordon. Additional options for lowering the voice call rate are not covered by the tariff. Vartist services, we hope, for the skin region its own.

Tariff "MTS Connect 4" for assignments for work with a global network. After connecting the TP, the option "Internet 4 Mb/s" is activated. The option is primitna tim that dіє bіla all Russia. The volume of non-obstruction traffic. With this, the speed is 4 Mbit per second. When a subscriber connects to file sharing, the bandwidth is reduced to 512 Kb/s.

There is no subscription fee for using the "MTS Connect 4" tariff plan. If you have an Internet package, then you need to pay 770 rubles for a new one. For bajannyam, subscribers can connect other packages to the Internet:

  • Mini - 3 GB;
  • Maxi - 12 GB;
  • VIP - 30 GB per day and unlimited at night;
  • Internet for a day - 500 Mb for extraction.

MTS clients who use the Internet to download large files are advised to take a look at the VIP package. The service cost is 1200 rubles per month.

What is the cost of dzvinkіv in the middle of the region of residence, then varіst 1 hvilini on the be-yakі stіlnikovі warehouse operators 4 rubles. The cost of a voice call with local numbers is 5.5 rubles.

The tariff allows you to call in the near and far abroad, but the variability is too high. It is cheaper to call to SND - 35 rubles per call. More expensive call to the USA and China. Khvilina z'єdnannya dorіvnyuє 70 rubles.

Characteristics of TP

Type number federal
Subscription fee for the tariff 0 r.
Services that are on the territory of the home district
Internet traffic (without additional options) 3 rubles/Mb
Links in the middle of MTS 4r.
Problem with any mobile operators for the region 4r.
Call to Moscow number 5.5 UAH
SMS alerts by region 1.95 UAH
Services that work in all regions of the Russian Federation
Links in the middle of MTS 5r.
Contact with other country operators 14 people
SMS in Russia 3.8 UAH
Serve as a link to international recognition
Calls to operators Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and int. 35 people
Calls from subscribers of Nіmechchini, Poland only. 49 people
Z'ednannya from the PRC, the USA just. 70 UAH
Strengthen your strength to the far and near abroad 5.25 UAH
Available internet packages
"MTS Tablet" 400 r/mіs.
"Mini" 500 rub / min.
"4 Mbit/s" 750 rub / min.
Maxi 800 r/mіs.
VIP 1200 r / mіs.

How to connect

Subscribers, who have been forced to use the tariff plan "MTS Connect-4", need to change over from the old TP. For whom is it necessary to visconate 1 of 5 days:

  • speed up with the USSD command *111*307#;
  • Register an account on the website and change the tariff;
  • Install the "My MTS" program on the mobile device, change the package in the settings;
  • Contact the customer support center at the number "0890" or "+7-495-766-01-66";
  • Take a walk to the nearest salon zv'yazku. Sellers will inform you about changing the tariff plan.

MTS does not collect payment for transferring to the TP. Commission at a glance of 100 rubles is charged by the remaining 30 days, the tariff is changed 2 and more times. In order for the service to be available, the subscriber needs to top up the balance for the sum - 770 UAH.

Yak vimknuti

Tariff "MTS Connect-4" can be connected in 4 ways. To deactivate the TP it is necessary:

  • Change the official rate in the special cabinet;
  • Get help from the operator. You can call from the call center by calling “0890”;
  • Install the “My MTS” program on the mobile device and switch the tariff for additional functionality;
  • Look at the website for the new TP code, and then enter yoga on your smartphone.

When the tariff plan "MTS Connect 4" is enabled, the traffic that is left out burns, and the amount for the purchase of the package is not returned. For the sake of savings, it is recommended to check in for the last month.

To enable Internet packages, you need to dial the appropriate combination:

  • Віп - "* 111 * 166 * 2 #";
  • Maxi - "* 111 * 161 * 2 #";
  • Min - "* 111 * 160 * 2 #";
  • Internet for a day - "* 111 * 670 #".

If you blame the foldedness of the zastosuvanni combinations, you can go to the special office of MTS. Enough in the settings to set the value "turn off".

One more "Skype hack", the first time at MTS. For the role of "vbivtsі" do not pull, but the addition of cicavia and its own niche can. The main feature is the integration with a SIM-card and the MTS tariff, the program is conceived as an addition to a decent contract, and not as an independent product.

We published a forward glance on the 18th of March, you can read about the addendum in a flash. Now the product has appeared in the App Store and Play Market, you can marvel at the "live" and get to know the robot of this MTS Connect. Words for roaming were not used in the headline, but in the international roaming of MTS Connect, bring the maximum retribution to your master.

The MTS Connect service is still available only for subscribers in the Moscow region, in other regions the service is expected to be launched in 2016.

Position specifics

Linking an addendum to the contract and the MTS telephone number to the strong and weak side at once. It was clear that the operator has a wide range of possibilities to grow such a product, we can use it, but an independent retailer has no such possibilities. On the other hand, the program for ip-telephony is not guilty of actively “pulling” voice traffic on itself, allowing the operator to earn income. Ideally, the program is to replace a competing product such as Skype or Viber, but if you don’t, we’ll add it too much for a koristuvach. І zovsіm good, as the program will stimulate the client to work more on the services of the operator. Chi far rozrobnik reach shukany? Maybutnє show, but try, at least, cicava.

If there are weak sides, then the main minus is binding to a SIM card with an MTS contract. For the owner of the call, the call from the program does not work in any way in the sound call from the phone of the master. You can install the program on any device, but without an MTS SIM card, it won’t work. Moreover, MTS Connect cannot be loaded into the device using two SIM-cards, as the MTS card is inserted in another slot. Why was it so robbed? Two reasons are obvious. First, linking to sim cards guarantees the correct calling. In a different way, on the tariffs of the Smart line, the program manager will take an additional package of credits, for which it is equal to the main one. Given the addition of a SIM card, it is possible for some people to be able to earn one "reconciliation" tariff, the operator does not see it. In essence, linking an addendum to a SIM card works like a fence to clone a SIM card.

What is the program

You can read the news about the appearance of the program in the App Store and Play Market, the site with a full description of the program. Available functions:

  • Calls via the Internet
  • Chats and group chats
  • Transfer any type of file
  • Exchange of cash advances
  • Statuses, photos and avatars

The program allows you not only to make calls via the Internet to any phone number, but also to receive all input calls to the original MTS number via the Internet. This is a special feature of international roaming, which allows you to avoid the hassle of additional sim cards, setting forwarding just a little. Take off the full weekend and inbound calls for home tariffs in the area of ​​available Wi-Fi. І navit pose with a Wi-Fi coverage area, as a term you need to get on the phone. The program is more cost-effective to manage traffic, one megabyte can be used for three or five minutes of moving.

Another corny scenario is the transfer from the basement to the basement, or in another area with the filthy coverage of MTS. As if in such a zone, leaning on the booth of a robot, then you have to change the operator or rely on the installation of a femtocell, as a result of a great organization. The service allows you to solve this problem simply and elegantly, without having to call on the street and get nervous about missing calls.

About pennies

The program itself is cost-free, there is no subscription fee. Calls from the programs are charged according to the subscriber's tariff plan, and calls from the programs do not take part in the cost-free bills of the merezhi. As an idea, 20 free credits from Super MTS for calls from the programs are not guilty and will be paid in full. Regardless of the actual location of the subscriber, calls from the programs are paid for at the prices of the home region.

The subscribers of tariff plans "Smart" will get a package of bills, included to the tariff. For example, on the “Smart” tariff, up to a package of 500 wires, one more package of 500 wires for calls from the program will be given. The bags are sifted independently one kind of one, when you drink an excess of whilin, you will be shown an excess of okremo over the skin of two bags. Generous gift? Not only. There is no incentive to switch to the equally expensive tariff of the “Smart” line, and in the cheap “Smart mini” package, there are no frills. Mozhlivy, zvichayno, and variant of the package: Koristuvachev "Smart +" for 900 rubles. / Month now vistachatime hvilin at the great "Smart" for 450 rubles.

Voice Internet traffic (dzvіnki) in the program is cost-free and is not debited from the package, but is used for chat, transferring and transferring files. Theoretically, I can find a different tariff without a subscriber with a cheap promo package for the Internet and an add-on MTS Connect in order to “close” the gaps at the cover of the style line.

How to connect

Get the program in the App Store or Play Market, supported by Android (version 4.0 and higher) and iOS (version 7.0 and higher), then run the program. In the ideal mood of a coristuvach, nothing more is needed. At the first registration on the number, the “MTS Connect” service is connected. If you want to write an authorization pardon, you can try to connect the service manually with the command *111*6#.

I have an add-on on Android running from the fourth or fifth time, no reason. After the first successful registration in the system, there were no more such zatiqs. During the process of trying to register a few times, an SMS notification with an authorization code was received, where and when you enter the code - unreasonably. As soon as it was explained from the comments of the support service, it is not necessary to enter the usual codes, everything can be entered automatically. Without a doubt, the codes have lost their rudiments like the first version of the software.

I repeat: there may be an MTS SIM card in the device, on which number the program will be registered. After reading a lot of skarg for the unproductiveness of the supplement in the devices on two sim cards. As a summary: the MTS sim card is always guilty of being in the first slot, for the hour of the first registration of the program, another slot is better called, or if you want to turn it on programmatically.

As you can see, the program is still primal, otherwise it does not work correctly on the server. Bad reviews are also vistacha. If you decide to show up, do not put in the installation for the rest of the day before the trip.

I have also sent a screenshot to the antivirus, it also needs work. I didn’t remember any shyness, but I’m on the alert for people. Harazd, on the right, is new and difficult, to finish it with a year. Surely, it didn’t work out before the release itself, it’s not just that they were stuck for 10 days with the release of supplements after the official announcement.

After reading a lot, complain about those that the program has a “Login” button. You can, obviously, download the program manually through the add-on dispatcher, but without these “dances from a tambourine” I don’t run into serious problems from the output. The program after pushing "back" and through a whirlwind of inactivity itself turns on the server. You can see the appearance of the icon in the smooze status and the fact that when you step into the program for a few seconds, you will be connected. This mode does not require additional batteries. Shvidshe, the problem is directly opposite: to turn on the receiver quietly, who enters via the Internet, the supplement also through the sprat of whilin work at the background turns on and the entrance is clear to pass through the stylist's lace. If you just turn off the screen without going to other programs through the menu, then continue to work. I don’t know, it’s intended that way, the specifics of the robot with the singing version of Android are not very small? For the logic, when the mode is on, I accept that I can enter via the Internet, the supplement is guilty of being plugged in if there are any cases of coristuvacha, otherwise such a mode is not just simple, but it can also appear shkidlivim.

Yaskravo-chervony "firm" color troch dratuє. Once again, I have improved the configuration, divided "Changing the background, font size and sound". Unfortunately, it’s impossible to remember the worst. Ale tse already drіbnі prichіpki, aby normally pratsyuval.

Damage from robots

Once I got stuck with the phenomenon of “one-way conduction”: I felt miraculous, but in the new pipe there was silence. The quality of the transfer of the movie is good, but due to the improvement of the small amount of traffic that is being transmitted, the quality can be taken into account. At 3G measure, it can be unstable: zaїkannya, failures, pauses in roaming up to ten seconds. With a reliable connection, 3G works practically without a hitch.

Through Wi-Fi (providnikovy іnternet) everything was transferred well, z'ednannya via LTE also pleased with the ideal stability. Through EDGE, the addendum does not work, although, theoretically, the throughput of a good EDGE connection could be used. Ale, there would be a lot of claims through pauses and zatriki, calling for an order of magnitude longer hour (Ping) at the edge of EDGE.

Reception of inputs via the Internet is normal, with external calls from the supplement to the first long beep, a short melody sounds. It is convenient as a notification of the fact that you telephone through the Internet, and not pardon through the stylist's line without intermediary. I do not indulge in ip-telephony (it is not necessary) but, having tried it, it may be more ideal for the quality of the day, having only once. First call via good Wi-Fi. When connecting through a 3G stylnikovu mesh, you will feel like sound artifacts in the process of moving you, better for everything. To that one who spodіvsya on zv'yazok "not the best for telephony" can be a little disappointed.

The list of contacts of the program is expected to be normal. І put a special marker on the contact, the number of any registration with the MTS Connect service. Reshta send a request to get the MTS Connect program to your phone. You can enter as a list only those middle addresses of the address book, the numbers of which are connected to "MTS Connect". For three obvious reasons, I didn’t see such records on the address book, but, maybe, work.


MTS Connect can be considered as a supplementary tool and expansion of the possibilities of an MTS contract. The pluses are the ability to call any number and call at any time at home tariff and three of your number, an additional package of whilins on Smart tariffs, the ability to receive everything via the Internet, who enters your number. At the minuses - obov'yazkova tying to simkarti, which commemorates the ability of a koristuvach. For example, don't go for inserting a cheap SIM card into the device with an inexpensive Internet package and calling through it. And it’s not a fact that such a trick was passed from the device on two sim cards. The scheme, obviously, was completely stolen in the light of whether there were legislators’ chimes at the part of the fence of the installation of a number, binding agreements with the stylists, but we recently wrote about initiatives in these regions. І, by analogy with other programs, a lot of people were able to take advantage of cost-free calls between MTS Connect corylists.

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