You can see everything with the keyboard buttons. Hot keys on the keyboard - a sign of the new generation

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It takes an hour to work with documents in a text editor MS Word most often to copy, insert or reshape fragments of text or images. Well, so, you were given a file, in which there are a lot of links and you need to copy everything, so that you can insert it into the program or a document. The sight of a bear with an overstretched left button is not called by hand, but only by means.

The axis is at once with you and the number of ways is easy to see, for the help of which you can quickly see the entire text in MS Word.

Vikoristannya poєdnannya klavish

Quick access in new programs, including Microsoft Word, Significantly, I will say goodbye to the robot. I can't remember all the combinations, but I can't get enough of it, and it’s okay with these friends, as we see them, as you will see them most often.

For the vision we need, we need to press the "Ctrl" key and the English letter "A". Here is a keyboard layout, tobto, you have a Russian abo English mov for typing text, not important.

In addition, since everything will be displayed in blue, press Ctrl + C, then copy it, or Ctrl + X, just copy it and paste it into your document. I will need to get all the visuals and delete.

Vidіlyaєmo text behind the help of keyboard and bears

Place the cursor of the bear on the very ear of the hand, then press and press the Shift key on the keyboard (dovga button with the arrow, which will turn up the hill). Shorten to the bottom and place the cursor in the text.

In order to see everything, you can release the Shift key.

Shvidke vidіlennya, vikoristovuy bear

Yaksho Vi sounded like a bear, more often than a teddy bear, less claviature, that everything is possible to see, clicking three times quickly with the left button of Misha in any mission of the liv field.

Live the field - the whole part of the leaf from the raised side. Hovering over the new cursor, the shape of the cursor is nudged from the sticks to the arrow, to the right. As soon as you hit a bear once, you will see a row, you will see a row near the cursor, a sub-click, the paragraph of the cursor navpaki will be highlighted.

And the axis is clicked with a bear on the left field three times, then the whole document is seen.

Without the participation of the keyboard, everything is possible with the help of the pop-up menu of the text editor itself. On the deposit "Golovna" in the group "Redaguvannya" Click on the "View" button. Then select the "View All" list.

How to see parts of the text

In order to see the text of the typed fragment in the document, press the Ctrl key on the keyboard. Do not use Ctrl, see the required parts of the text as a bear. Now you can see it, virizati or copy it.

I am grateful, given a way to know you. Viber is one of the descriptions, and the problem of quick vision of the text as a whole will be seen.

Check out the article:

Instructions based on the text you see, with the help of one additional lack of keyboard.

When robotic with a text document, be it a scandal and a sign of inevitably seeing the text for copying, changing fragments and changing the format. The main and most popular text editor Microsoft Word allows you to play the video, both for the help of Misha, and for the help of the keyboard. Pratsyuvaty mishheyu to be built all zvichnіshe and sruchnіshe, albeit far from so. If, when typing a document, it is important to have a friend, it’s worth saving an hour when typing a document, but it’s not necessary to constantly change the robot’s tools from the keyboard to the keyboard and back. It is necessary to use hot keys to see the text, and in the same way, if you have no mischief, for example, you’re out of the picture, or you see it on a laptop that doesn’t look like it’s annexes. Seeing the text can be, naturally, behind the aid of a touchpad, ale, mabut, only a musician-virtuosity, the first time I see it, I will need a part with a touchpad.

Methods of seeing the text

What would your robot be text documents Bula is bright and handy, we will propose to you quickly with the offensive combinations of hot keys.

  • To see the entire text of the document, press Ctrl + A (A English layout);
  • To see the text, correct it from the song and to the end of the document, use the keys Ctrl + Shift + End; From the song to the end of this side - Ctrl + Shift + Page Down (PgDn). Remember, the cursor is guilty of being in the same place where you see it.
  • To see the text of the song before the document cob, use the keys Ctrl + Shift + Home;
  • To see the given side of the document, one hour onslaught with the keys Alt + Ctrl + Shift + Page Down;

For remarkably small fragments in the text, there are also keyboard buttons, as well as arrow keys.

  • To see the row from the cob to the end, press down the Home key, і, fit її, press Shift + End, to see the row from the end to the cob, press down End, Shift, press down її, + press Home;
  • Rows upward are seen for the additional pressure of the Home keys, and by pressing Shift + Arrow Up, down - for additional pressure of the keys End + Shift + Arrow Down. Smooth down the price of the keys, as long as you do not see the need for a number of rows.
  • A paragraph from the cob to the end is visible to the keys Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow, from the ear to the cob - Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow. The cursor is guilty of being on the cob, for example, in the last paragraph.
  • Around the word from the cob to the end is seen with the command Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow, from the top to the cob Ctrl + Shift + Left arrow. The cursor is also located either on the cob or in the end of the word.
  • An okremiy sign (letter, number, symbol, space) can be seen behind an additional key Shift + Arrow Right or Shift + Arrow Left in the presence of the position of the character by moving to the cursor.

Seeing text in tables

Okremoy respect you need hot keys to see tables and parts for additional keyboards.

  • View all tables in one go by pressing Alt + 5 when Num Lock is on. The cursor is guilty of being in either part of the table.
  • The next step is to see behind the additional key Tab, in front - Shift + Tab.
  • A number of mid-range midpoints are seen by pressing the Shift keys and the onslaught of arrows to the right, or as many times as needed.
  • To see the hundredths of the pochatkova or stop the clip, press Shift + Down arrow / Up arrow.

Microsoft Word also has a visual mode, you need the F8 key to activate it. For the additional mode you can see:

  • the onset of the forward sign to the onslaught of the keys Arrow Right / Arrow Left;
  • word, speech, paragraph or the whole document.

Pratsyuє won the same principle, but misha - as a result of the onslaught of the burden to see the text. When entering the video mode F8: once I see a word, two times - a sentence, three times - a paragraph, and once I see the whole text in one piece.

In general, the commands for seeing the text are placed between 5-6 keys of the keyboard: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Home and End, arrows, as well as some additional options for special types of video.

Thanks to our article about the text, we will allow you to eliminate any changes in attachments introduced, to allow you to view the screen of a portable bear with a robot with a laptop, and to let go of the torments of the touchpad. The knowledge of hot keys of keyboard can quickly speed up an hour of your robot with the text.

For robots on Windows OS, it is often required see all files in papi for a group of elements for a given copy, relocation (in an abo), visible. In the Instructions for Wikipedia, the method of viewing files for additional keyboard and optical miscibility.

They are cunning, I don’t know the lack of knowledge, and spend an hour at the computer. There is a lot of folding here, just read the material to the end and start immediately before practice.

View all files in the streaming test

samiy shvidky way- victorian of the combination of clavish. To see all the files in the papa under the additional keyboard press Ctrl + A.

Porada: the combination can also be victorious for, for example, in Word or fields in the browser.

An alternative method of supervising the vicarious mischief, ale with him, Vikonautte more krokiv. Vykonayte such diy:

  1. Go to the folder through the Windows 7, 8 provider (my computer).
  2. Stretch "in order" at the top area of ​​the menu.
  3. Viber "see everything."

View group files

Yaksho in papa is required see a group of files that have been updated last, Vibrate the first object, press Shift and click on the arrow keys (up, down) to the last element of the group.

If the files are too big, then for the first time, by pressing Shift, click the bear (with the left button) for the stop. Duzhe zruchno, like Vee koristuetesya for a smart choice of singing types, for example, a picture (jpg, gif).

You can see all the files in the father or in the group behind the help of Misha. Place the cursor in the empty space and press the left button. Lead Misha, by all means, about the images.

To select the files in the correct order, press the Ctrl key and select the items by clicking on them with the left button. You can use a combination to create a butt like this:

  1. Vibrate a group of files from the outputs of the Shift keys
  2. Let Shift and press Ctrl at the onset of the onset of the left button, then by themselves additional (tidy up) vibrani of the objects.

As a result, you will include all folders and files at once and you can create them in a visible array.

Do not vibrate if you do not vibrate more than one file or a folder

For whatever reason, you cannot vibrate the entire group of files in the Windows provider using the described methods, so try:

1. Write. Go to the "View" tab, press the "View folders" button and OK. Restart your computer, then try again. If you don’t go, go to Croc 2.

2. To set the point of the system's renewal, and then. Go to the Shell section (go to the lower part of the image). Know the keys to the names of Bags and BagMRU, click on them with the right button and press the "visualize" button. When confirmed, vibrate "so". Restart explorer.exe or the computer and change the status of the windows, all files in or folders.

Axis and all aspects, for which you can see all files in papi for їkh group, with different options. If you are uncomfortable with something about'єkti, skip to the type of folders, or edit the file folder, as it is written in the file.

Most often for the text to be seen, there are a lot of computers that can be used to pick up a computer bear. However, situations arise when a text fragment is needed in a document, for the first time it does not want to be seen. It’s not necessary to replace the whole text, but it’s not necessary. In general, you can help seeing the text behind the help of the keyboard, as it allows you to achieve an accurate result, sparing you for an hour and securing your nervous system. Likewise, seeing the text from the keyboard appears to be crimson when seeing large-scale tests, as it allows you to carry out an operation on a shorter scale, below the victorious mischief.

Yak see the text behind the additional keyboard
  1. Place the cursor on the ear of the fragment. It’s not scary for the first time. If you can adjust the position of the cursor with the arrows "left" and "right" on the keyboard.
  2. For that, as the cursor will be positioned on the cob to see the text, press the Shift key on the keyboard and arrow keys "Right". The cursor will move more quickly, immediately seeing the text on the cob of its own way. For that, as the required fragment of the text will increase the vision, press the button with the arrow and then the Shift key.
  3. Click to select the selection of the context menu on the keyboard, or to play directly on the text that is seen, the right click with the bear and the context menu to select the item "Copy". As a result of the visions, the text will be copied, placed in the clipboard and ready to be inserted.
So also ісnуть різні additional possibilities according to the text seen behind the help of the keyboard, in some cases they appear even more brown.
  • For a quick view of all the text in in the form of a document you can vikoristovuvati again klavish Ctrl + A(A - English from the word all - everything).
  • To see the text not character by character, but word by word (in simple words), before pressing Shift, press the Ctrl key on the keyboard. With such a rank, Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow you see the words right-handed at the cursor, and Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left- evil.
  • the result of the keyboard Ctrl + Shift + "arrow up"і Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow You can see the text in paragraphs below the cursor.
  • Received keys Shift + PageUp and Shift + PageDown The text in the document is displayed vertically upward and downward.
  • the result of the keyboard Shift + Homeі Shift + End You can see the text from the cursor up to the cob of the row and up to the last minute.
  • the result of the keyboard Ctrl + Shift + Homeі Ctrl + Shift + End The text is displayed as the cursor is set to the ear and until the end of the document.
The memory of the dania of the present key is even simpler. For the most part, it is necessary to practice at the seen texts in meaningful ways, and not unambiguously evaluate the passages of the "hot keys" when operating with fragments of text documents.

You can see all the text at once in Word documents, On the site or in any text editor?

Press down and press Ctrl, press down on key A. The entire text is visible. A lot of combination of keyboard work in other programs and browsers, not only in Microsoft Word. Quick access "CTRL + A" (latin letter A) replaces the menu "Edit"> "View all". To brutalize respect - absolutely everything will be seen, including pictures and images. If you want to, you can take a picture by tightening the "Shift" key and vibrating only the required fragment of the text.

If you do not want to see everything and everything on the side of the site or document, more quickly you can use this method:

  • pick the bear button, see one fragment of the side;
  • then move the cursor over the offensive fragment;
  • Click on the "Ctrl" key and, do not show it, click on such a fragment. Pressing the "Ctrl" key must be accepted.

It is even more important to press the "Ctrl" key when you see the decal fragments in the text for one hour, and only then, until you see the offensive fragment.

The Danish method allows you to see a few fragments in the text. In addition, in a simple way, manually in MS Excel tables, one hour select the table of table tables, as they are far away one from one.

As long as you are using Mac OS, just use the "Command + A" combination - it works just like the combination of keys for Windows.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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