How to grow little ones light in paint. How to create a transparent background in Paint? How to clean up or change the background in Paint? Correction of contrast and intensity

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help in case of likhomantsi, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and zastosovuyut antipyretic preparations. What is allowed to give to children of the chest? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

It's a pity that amateur photographs are far from pleasing to the eye, but you really want to capture unforgettable moments of life on them. However, it is not uncommon for such signs to appear either supermundanely dark, or, on the contrary, overly bright. Abo Color on them to have absolutely unnecessary (there is a frequently tramp in the vicarovani cheaper kolorovo): the tree is a member of the green-greenery, Siriy Asphalt Chemomily V_Tensive Bliskinim Kolorom, the sky with Blakit Nabuwa, Zeplek Vіdtіnok, Zezhka Zakharoga St Skirovka, Yak Niva Zyomki in the sauna, and not in a quiet cafe, then. Not less cover, if the cicada frame comes out rozmit and rozmit and does not cope with the necessary damage, but the beautiful architecture of the case in the picture fills the mass of geometric and optical creations, or through a close angle when zyomtsі a large part of the photograph is occupied by the heads of the objects, here on the side. In addition, a lot of cameras with vicarious spalls give the effect of red eyes, and when scanned, the signs often become darker and brighter. Especially rozmov tse old, or not zovsіm old, but already blurred photographs, as if they also wanted to “revive”. And you can but dodatkovo drank and podryapini, emulsified emulsions, defects and manifestations and other things. Causes of everything as a marriage to professionalism, the recent hour of zomka and unfavorable weather minds, so is the choice of cheap and inaccurate cameras and good photography.

The bag in most cases has to be edited, so the photo correction functions are practically available in all modern graphic packages. Our today's lesson is devoted to the Paint Shop Pro package, the automatic correction tools that allow non-professionals to significantly increase the number of pictures. Prote in the arsenal of the possibilities of this package is є i zabı, razrahovani on professional photographers and designers, which allow you to achieve phenomenal results. And within the framework of this article, we are based on correction methods that are accessible to a wide audience and do not neglect any additional professional knowledge.

To correct photos in Paint Shop Pro, use the toolbar photo(Photo) what the team sees View => Toolbars => Photo(View => Toolbars => Photo), here are selected all the main possibilities for the renewal of signs, insurance for amateurs. In addition, in the command menu there is a command Adjust(Regulation) that allows access to commands from the panel photo(Photo), so and to the whole range of more smoothly implemented, and not less brown ways of correction. Flooring and need є i tools straighten(Straightening) and Perspective Correction(Perspective Correction) from the Tools toolbar.

At the skin, the correction capabilities are adjusted - the mode of forward review in the bag, all the changes made at once, become visible on the correct images or on the visible area. In addition, at rich dialogue windows you can speed up with the button Save Preset(Save the settings) to save the cost of adjusting, so that in the future you can save up to other images.

Use of geometric creations

Geometric creation can be subdivided into perspective and optical, created by the lens through its imperfection.

Optical curvature, or distortion, in this other world, bring all the objects. Distortion is manifested in the fact that the scale of the image in the center and along the edges is not the same. Professional photographers, mindful of tse, go to different tricks, prote and їm in the bag should be brought to the attention of znіmkіv optical defects, shards will not be able to protect them in case of zyomtsі.

If there are promising defects, then the most easily corrected defect is similar to the price plan, the camera was wounded under the hour of the survey, which manifests itself in the fact that the objects in the photograph appear to be ripped apart under the cut. This is the problem of the lack of knowledge of amateurs, and in Paint Shop Pro it is over the top of the obviousness of the special tool.

A lot of great zusil vmagaє correction of promising creations on the great panoramic pictures and on the pictures with architectural spores. On the right, with the presence of special equipment in order to take the buds as a whole, it will be possible to beat the yakomog more wide-angle lens and heal the camera uphill (in this case, half a frame will take asphalt) For the usunennya of this phenomenon, a correction of perspective is necessary.

correction of distortion

There are two main options for distortion: Barrel Distortion(Barrel-like distortion), with such objects on the image they look as if they were swollen (Fig. 1), and Pincushion Distortion(Cushion-shaped distortion), if the extreme verticals and horizontals are bent in the middle (Fig. 2).

It should be noted that Paint Shop Pro is a single graphic package, distortion correction is implemented very simply (in Adobe Photoshop it is possible to reach much more folding way). Here for tsієї meti recognized teams Barrel Distortion Correction(Barrel distortion correction) Pincushion Distortion Correction(Correction of pincushion distortion). Їx can be clicked from the command menu Adjust => Lens Correction(Adjustment => Objective Correction), so from the toolbar photo(Svitlina).

For the butt, open fig. 3 with a clearly pronounced barrel-shaped distortion, click on the button Barrel Distortion Correction(Barrel distortion correction) and set parameter value Strength(Strength of injection) in this butt, a value is taken, equal to 85 (Fig. 4).

image straightening

As due to the photographer’s lack of information, the objects in the photograph turned out to be ripped under a certain cut, then it’s clumsy to straighten them out for an additional tool straighten(Vipryamlennya). In essence, there will be a significant turn, but on the vіdmіnu vіd ny straighten(Stretching) ensures maximum clarity when straightening the image, so that everything appears on the screen, it takes a second and guarantees a hundred hundredth result.

Fig. 5 with a clear brazenness of the objects taken to the right. Select a tool on the toolbar straighten(Stretching) the result was the appearance of a horizontal cut in the photograph, surrounded by markers (Fig. 6). Move and slightly rotate the sash so that the veins stretch in parallel to any part of the image, as if the fault is stashed strictly horizontally (Fig. 7), and click on the button apply(Zastosuvati) the image will be rotated to the direction you kut (Fig. 8). Now take the tool Crop (Crop) and crop the background parts of the image, which appeared as a result of straightening the photo (Fig. 9 and 10).

Mal. 8. The result of straightening a photo with the Straighten tool

perspective correction

Previously, we already talked about optical curvature, which is possible with zyomtsi. And now let's look at the distortion of perspectives, what is the space for photographing architectural disputes. Because of the possibility of a promising correction of Paint Shop Pro, this operation is no longer foldable and it can turn into a non-professional. For horizontal and vertical corrections, you can speed up the commands Effects => Geometric Effects => Perspective-Horizontal(Effects => Geometric Effects => Horizontal Perspective і Effects => Geometric Effects => Perspective-Vertical(Effects => Geometric Effects => Vertical Perspective). And in more folded vipadkas varto turn up to the instrument Perspective Correction(Correction of perspective), which gives the corystuvatic functions of the trapezoidal and other perspective creations of the image plot.

Let's try to correct the image shown in fig. 11, de mayut mіsce and created perspectives, and obvious frailty of the image. To the back of the head, directly imaged by the tool straighten(Stretch) (Fig. 12 and 13).

Now let's move on to a promising correction. On the other hand, we can make a vertical correction with approximately the same parameters as in Fig. 14, shards in a row of perspectives for correcting the prospects of which one is sufficient. Subtracting the result of the readings in fig. 15. It would be necessary to simply crop the photograph, but in our case, unfortunately, one vertical correction of the perspective will not be enough to win the instrument Perspective Correction(Perspective correction) and carry out a trapezoidal perspective correction. activate the tool Perspective Correction and surround the contours of the perspective as far as fig. 16 subtracting the result of the readings in fig. 17. Crop the image with the Crop tool (Fig. 18), and then increase the contrast by clicking on the command Enhance Photo =>(Photo enhancement => Automatic contrast enhancement) from the Photo toolbar with the parameters set in fig. 19. The result of the correction of indications in fig. twenty.

And now let's look at a larger folding butt (Fig. 21), which will be necessary and optical, and geometric correction, as well as straightening the image. In such situations, it is necessary to quickly correct the distortion in this butt by the command Barrel Distortion(Barrel-like distortion) with the parameters set in Fig. 22. Let's speed up with the tool straighten(Stretch) to straighten the image (Fig. 23 and 24) and only after that go to the perspective correction tool Perspective Correction(Perspective correction) as shown in fig. 25 (Fig. 26) and draw a picture (Fig. 27).

Vision to the effect of red eyes

As a rule, when zyomtsі zі spalakhom vinikaє nebazhany effect of the mirror light in the eyes of creatures or people of the same ranks is the effect of red eyes (in practice, it is similar to glowing in the dark eyes of the intestines, only here the eyes shine not green, but red). There is no way to avoid such a situation on all hundred screens, although current models of cameras allow you to reduce this effect to a minimum.

Therefore, the possibility of using the effect of red eyes can be found on the various graphics packages themselves, and in Paint Shop Pro it is implemented very simply and it can be practically mittevo, allowing you to avoid the effect of red eyes like a human being, and a creature. For tієї meti recognized team Red Eye Removal(Usunennya effect red eyes). Її you can click it from the command menu Adjust(Regulation), so in the splicing list Enhance Photo(Replenished photograph). It is significant that the team Red Eye Removal You can help in that moment, if you just need to change the color of a person’s eyes to a sign.

Let's try to speed up the ability on the butt of fig. 28. After seeing the Red-Eye Removal veneer, it is necessary to choose one of the following methods for forming the chin and iris of the eye: Auto Human Eye(Automatically forming human eyeglasses), Auto Animal Eye(Automatically forming eyeglasses for creatures), Freehand Pupil Outline(Painting to the contour of the eyes of the hand on the basis of the rectangular area) and Point-to-Point Pupil Outline(Painting the contour of the eye by points at the look of a closed laman). The two remaining options can be used to remove the effect of red eyes, like for people, and for creatures, in general, the first two methods are more effective, like using the effect of red eyes more and more opportunities. The remaining two options are recognized for non-standard situations, if the shape of the chervonim zinitsa is strongly frizzy as a round one, then the first two methods cannot successfully put on the chervony color.

In this case, the situation is simple, so we are guided by the method Auto Animal Eye(Fig. 29). Add to list color(Color) is significant in a different color of the eyes, we will form a contour around the first eye for which it is enough just to paint a rectangular contour with a great order, to draw together the yogo expansion and position, to make it so that the contour ideally blends with the arch of the window. Then, if necessary, adjust other parameters: Pupil lightness(Yakravіst zіnitsi), Glint lightness(Yakravist spalahu), Glint size(Rozmir spalahu) and in. A similar procedure is carried out with another eye (Fig. 30). Subtracting the result of the readings in fig. 31.

Mal. 31. Residual evocative appearance of the image after the use of the effect of red eyes

And now let's try to use the effect of red eyes on the butt of a photograph of a child (Fig. 32). from the menu Adjust(Regulation) choose a command Red Eye Removal(Usunennya to the effect of red eyes), at the vіknі, we will install the option Auto Human Eye(Automatically molding human eyeglasses), in the list Hue(Vidtinok) Significantly the color of the eyes, in the list color(Color) choose the color of the iris of the eye. Then, as if in a forward fall, we will form the necessary contour near the first eye, dominating the effect of red eyes. Immediately, if necessary, quickly see and change the eyes and eyes. A similar operation can be done with another eye (Fig. 33) subtracting the result of the readings in Fig. 34.

Mal. 34. Residual evocative appearance of the image after the use of the effect of red eyes

Color correction, regulation of brightness, contrast, richness and sharpness

As we have already foreseen, already by no means will they put into the hands of photographs ideal for the color, through the sudden capture of the color is often unnatural. Okremі fragments of the photograph in the dark may appear unsinged or they will not be visible, the cicada frame will be outlined or insufficiently sharp or over the surface of the outline of objects. In addition, the images are often blurred during scanning, the colors in the photographs may fade depending on the hour. And Paint Shop Pro hopes the possibility of a quick automatic correction of bugs is shown in photographs of defects of a similar kind.

Photo correction in one click

The simplest and smartest way to correct the image of the command line One Step Photo Fix from the splice list Enhance Photo(Replenished photograph). As a result, the color balance, brightness, contrast and density will be adjusted automatically and overnight. This option gives good results not for any image, but to try it in no way badly.

As a butt, take rice. 35, on which photo-correction in one click helped us significantly improve the image's natural look (Fig. 36).

Mal. 36. Beautiful looking image after automatic photo correction in one click

Correction of contrast and intensity

Some of the lack of contrast and saturation of the image is one of the most widespread defects, and in Paint Shop Pro, even those can be corrected automatically in less than a second, so that the subject matter is larger than the official one.

Give respect to the photograph shown in fig. 37, de contrast is clearly insufficient. To correct the situation, open the menu Adjust => Brightness and Contrast(Regulation => Yaskravist and richness) command Automatic Contrast Enhancement(Automatically increase contrast) or select a command Automatic Contrast Enhancement(Automatically increase contrast) from the splice list Enhance Photo(Replenished photo) with the parameters assigned in Fig. 38. In the result, the contrast is clearly moving up, and the photograph is gaining the look shown in fig. 39.

Mal. 39. Beautiful looking image after automatic contrast correction

And now, on a specific application, we wonder what results can be achieved only for the automatic adjustment of the intensity and contrast ratio. The visible sign (Fig. 40) of crushing in the oven with obviously insufficient lighting as a result of richly effective natural elements is simply indistinguishable. Try to speed up with the command (Automatically increase the number), adjusting the parameters appropriately to fig. 41. The command can be selected from the command menu Adjust => Hue and Saturation(Regulation => Vіdtinok i nasichenіst), so in the splicing list Enhance Photo(Replenished photograph). The sign will become like that in fig. 42.

Mal. 42. The bright look of the image after automatic correction of the value

Even more beautiful image of the picture will help to improve the contrast ratio with the parameters assigned in Fig. 43. Subtracting the result of representations in fig. 44.

Tone and color correction in the near future

Before that, how to proceed to the color and tone correction of the image, it is necessary to determine whether the colors on the new representation are too much, and those are clearly insufficient. It is not easy for non-professional workers to work, so we are led by the simplest options for color correction.

Automatic change of color balance is the most simple and quick way to capture the color, or bright illumination of the image, as it turns out, that the photo was taken with piece lighting. Korisny wine and, if necessary, move the balance of the names of colors, for example, in case of an unfortunate dawn in the dark hour. And if it is possible to see it in photomontage, if it is possible to correct the hour of capture.

Give respect to the photograph of Nicole Kidman (Fig. 45), which clearly shows an imbalance in the yellow color. Let's try to improve the situation a little, if you want to often succumb to the light of the image. Hurry up as a team Adjust => Color Balance => Automatic Color Balance(Adjustment => Color balance => Automatic color balance) or select a command Automatic Color Balance from the splice list Enhance Photo(Replenished photo) 46. ​​Otrimane of the image become such as in fig. 47.

Mal. 47. Cool looking image after automatic color balance correction

Let's take a look at the third situation and try to change the balance of colors for the photo in fig. 48, de wanting to see the horn-bearing colors in the distance of the mountain in the exchanges of the dreamy sun (in fact, the sun has already begun to shine, and the sign of the deaths of the deshcho was worse, lower wanted). Select the Automatic Color Balance command from the Enhance Photo splicing list and adjust the parameters as shown in Fig. 49. The result will be fig. 50.

Mal. 50. Cool looking image after automatic color balance correction

In larger folded faces, it is possible to go into correction of all color shades, which is possible with the best command color balance(Color balance) team Adjust => Color Balance => Color Balance(Regulation => Color balance => Color balance). Let's try to speed it up on the butt of rice. 51, why would we like to introduce a white color on the pediments of the church and change the dose of blue color in the entire image. Vіdkriєmo vikno commands color balance(Color balance) and consequently improved color balance for light-colored plots of photography Highlights(Fig. 52), midtones Midtones(Fig. 53) and dark plots Shadows(Fig. 54). Don't forget to set the ensign Preserve Luminosity(Keep brightness) to save the meaning of bright photography. The result of the conversion of the readings in Fig. 55. It’s not bad for the image to be full Automatic Saturation Enhancement(Automatically increase the number) from the splicing list Enhance Photo(Replenishment of photography) with the parameters set in fig. 56. Otrimane as a result of the image is shown in fig. 57.

Buvay, scho on zroblenykh znіmkah, especially when zyomtsі zі spalahom, all or deakі kolori look unnatural. I automatically correct the colors in such vipadkas without giving a bad effect. In which case you can improve the manual color correction Manual Color Correction, I hope I will try to find an alternative to automatic color correction. It allows you to easily improve the quality of the most complicated images, at the same time ensuring the accuracy of the transmission of any critically important quotes.

Vіzmemo in the quality of vihіdnogo rice. 58 in this vipadka is clearly unnatural (too richly red) looking like a coat of arms, which is wised, hired, Tim, that the capture with a spalah was carried out from the other side of the country. Let's try to correct this shortfall. For whom the outline of an individual is accurately visible with a tool free hand selection(Viewing areas in the hand), setting the new option Edge Seeker with the following parameters: Feather — 0, Smoothing(Zgladzhuvannya) 0, Ensign Antialias inclusions, ensign Sample Merged vimkneniya (Fig. 59). take a tool dropper(Pipetka) and remember (or rather write down on paper) the parameters of the unnatural dark-red color of the coat in the form of a cob color (Fig. 60).

Potim click on the button Manual Color Correction(Manual color correction) toolbar photo(Svitlina). Vіknі Manual Color Correction click on color Source(Dzherelo) and enter the parameters of the memorized color. pіdvititi peremikach Preset Target Color(Assignment color), select option Skintones(Vidtinki shkiri), depending on the color block with a list of colors and choosing the option Indian Skin Light(Shkіra іndіytsya svіtla) (Fig. 61). ensign included Preserve Saturation(Pochatkov's nasichenist) and too much vimknenim the ensign Preserve Lightness(Pochatkova yaskravist) (Fig. 62). Seeing as seen by the team Selections => Select None(Seeing => Nothing seen). We take the result, representations in Fig. 63.

Mal. 62. Remaining option for setting the parameters in Manual Color Correction

Mal. 63. The old look of the image after the completion of manual color correction

Manual color correction is good not only for fixing photographic defects, it can be speeded up and just for adding to that other element of the image that needs to be seen. For example, for example, fig. 64, shows a unique white gold ring with pearls Gruosi. Let's try, speeding up the mode of manual color correction, to turn white and embellish gold in yellow. Visible ring (Fig. 65), click on the button Manual Color Correction(Manual color correction) and finally the color correction is similar to fig. 66 Preset Target Color(Assignment color) select options Metals and Gold). The result of the indications in Fig. 67.

Too many darkened photos

If you have ever scanned photographs, then you have singsongly repeated this procedure more than once through those that the photograph came out either brighter or darker. And another situation is possible, if not far away the minds of the nyomka, for example, when the nyomka is carried out in the dark, the photographs come out too dark. Drukuvati such signs are marno, shards of the greater part of the objects simply will not be visible on them.

In principle, whether such photographs can be corrected and given a pleasant look. There are a lot of ways to work with such photos in Paint Shop Pro and it’s hard to make a single decision.

Let's go to more simple ways.

If it is necessary to strongly illuminate the photo in order to get the details attached, then it’s easier to hurry up with the team Histogram Equalize(Histogram virivnyuvannya). It overrides the brightness of the active sphere and may be too dark, for some defective contrast, or it appeared too dark. Let's try it on the butt of rice. 68. Open menu Adjust => Brightness and Contrast(Adjustment => Brightness and contrast) and choose a command Histogram Equalize(Histogram virivnyuvannya). Subtracting the result is shown in fig. 69.

Mal. 69. The old look of the photo after adding the Histogram Equalize command

However, this method does not guarantee the required result, the shards of color in the photograph may become unnatural. You can try it in another way. For the butt, we will perform an automatic photo correction in one click by selecting the command One Step Photo Fix from the splice list Enhance Photo(Replenished photograph). As a result, dark fragments of the image are attached, but it will be clear that the high-pitched tone of the photograph is not far away, shards on the new poster are a clear enumeration of the blue color, especially indicated on the color of the girl's coat (Fig. 71). To correct the situation, speed up the mode of automatic correction of the color balance by selecting the command Automatic Color Balance(Automatic balance of colors) from the split list Enhance Photo(Photo complete) instrument panel photo(Photo) and change a part of the blue color, as shown in fig. 72. At the bag, the photograph will become not so dark, and the colors of the colors on it will look more natural (Fig. 73).

Mal. 71. Beautiful looking image after automatic photo correction in one click

And now we wonder what kind of success can be achieved with the ability to correct histograms, as it allows us to improve the whole range of available letter intensities in a clear image, basing on the balance between shading and lighting parts of the image. The unique advantage of these options is the ability to balance the expansion of intermediate tones on the scale between dark and light. For the butt, it is visible in the quality of the external image, shown in fig. 74. Click on the button Histogram adjustment(Histogram correction) toolbar photo(Photo) or we call the team Adjust => Brightness and Contrast => Histogram Adjustment(Regulation => Brightness and contrast => Correction by histograms). We have adjusted the parameters of the histograms to fig. 75. Here you shouldn’t overdo it, because for a larger image, the real increase in brightness can be less with stronger gamma correction, lower by 30% with higher values, the images will look bigger. At the bag, the photo becomes more lighter and more details of the image appear on it (Fig. 76).

Іsnuє y іnshiy way koriguvannya rіvnіv. Go to such an option, if the appointed methods are more ineffective, and produce less unnatural lightening of the image, not showing darkened details at the same time. Such a situation can be seen in the photograph, presented in fig. 77. Zocrema, try to make a histogram not to give the necessary effect, but for us, for example, it is absolutely necessary to see the contours of a girl for photomontage. Therefore, we speed up the team Adjust => Brightness and Contrast => Levels(Regulation => Brightness and contrast => Rivnі). We have adjusted the parameters equal to approximately the same as in Fig. 78 the essence of action in lighted photographs lies in what is necessary on a equal footing input levels(Vhіdnі rіvnі) mіstiti syriy bellow to the left. After that photograph, it will become lighter and richer, and the details of the image will appear on it (Fig. 79).

Approximately the same result can be subtracted and for the calculation of a simple command stop Brightness/Contrast(Sharpness and contrast). Let's take the same photograph as shown in fig. 77, and speeding up the team Adjust => Brightness and Contrast => Brightness / Contrast(Adjustment => Brightness and contrast => Brightness / Contrast), having adjusted the parameters to fig. 80. Subtracting the result of representations in fig. 81.

Renovation of old and faded photographs

In the course of time, photographs grow old, grow bright and fade. To enhance the color scheme and її optimization in faded photographs of the assignments, the mode Fade correction(Correction of blemishes), for the help of the simplest way, rotate the photos of the intrusions: they change, correct and balance the color of the image, as well as automatically correct the clarity and contrast.

For the butt, it is already possible to finish the dark photograph (Fig. 82), click on the button Fade correction(Correction of fading) on ​​the toolbar photo(Photograph) and the last way we set the value of the correction (for example, as in Fig. 83). Farbi is inspired, and the image, perhaps, will become like that in fig. 84.

When restoring old photographs, it is not uncommon to see folds, cracks, cracks and other similar defects, everything is richly folded. If these defects are evident, a copy of the photo retouching by the cloning method is necessary, which we knew in one of the previous lessons. Ale and looked at by us at this time, we can significantly speed up the work and ensure a better result. True, there are no standard methods here, and for the old skin mark, you will have to pick up the waterway of yoga inspiration.

Finishing often in such situations at the first stage can help photo-correction in one stroke, which allows you to quickly restore color balance, brightness, contrast and richness. Vіdkriєmo as a butt of fig. 85 One Step Photo Fix(Photo correction for one crochet) from the split list Enhance Photo(Replenished photograph). Taking away the result is correcting the injury (Fig. 86). Until then, the situation has been created polypshiti and correction of equals. For whom hurry as a team Adjust => Brightness and Contrast => Levels(Adjustment => Brightness and contrast => Rivnі) and adjust the parameters rіvnіv approximately equal to fig. 87 as a result, the sign will lighten up a little and let you sort out a part of the writing in the lower part (Fig. 88). Now it is necessary to increase the clarity of the sign. The best work for the help of the team Clarifi(Clarification) Adjust => Brightness and Contrast => Clarifi(Regulation => Clarity and contrast => Clarity), which allows you to enlarge the photograph without a sound to increase the sharpness of the effects and contrast contrasting details (Fig. 89 and 90). This command is even more useful when renewing old photographs, as well as photographs taken away with filthy or rosy lighting. And farther on, I’ve already been brought to the children by hand and seen the undercuts and followed the saw and the wood.

Mal. 86. Beautiful looking image after automatic photo correction in one click

And now let's take a look at the other situation (Fig. 91), here we will have to take a little bit of another route. On the back, also, according to the possibility, the color balance, brightness, contrast and abundance of the team One Step Photo Fix(Fig. 92). And then, in order to clarify some of the details of the image, we can increase the contrast for the help of the command Automatic Contrast Enhancement(Automatically increase contrast) from the splice list Enhance Photo(Replenished photo) with the parameters assigned in Fig. 93. Subtracting the result of representations in fig. 94. I'm sorry One Step Photo Fix, Then the clarity of the line will increase even more and the okrem fragments of the icon will become more pronounced (Fig. 95). The only thing is that the situation is more developed and the icon of the icon is more widely chosen, and the sharpness of the image is improved. For tієї meti in Paint Shop Pro, you can twist three commands: Sharpen(zagostriti), Sharpen More(Scream stronger) and unsharp mask(Sharpness Mask) from the menu Adjust => Sharpness(Regulation => Rіzkіst). In this case, after the zastosuvannya of the team Adjust => Sharpness => Sharpen(Regulation => Rіzkіst => Zagostriti) znіmok having taken a glance, the indications in fig. 96.

Mal. 92. Beautiful looking image after the first automatic photo correction in one click

Mal. 94. Beautiful looking image after automatic contrast adjustment

Mal. 95. Beautiful looking image after another automatic photo correction in one click

We constantly photograph - our children, relatives and friends, nature, domestic vihovantsiv. Sometimes the quality of our photographs does not call us to the authorities, but sometimes it simply confuses us. To that nutrition - how rich the quality of photography is not simple, but even more relevant.

The Corel Photo-Paint program has a wonderful plug-in - a simple and intuitively intelligent laboratory for correcting images.

This plugin transforms the photo.

At every stage we will improve the quality of our cob photograph. Zrobimo її more contrast, thickened.

Let's prepare our photo for further graphic work with it. For example, in order to insert your photo into a ready-made frame template.

Otzhe. Runs Corel Photo-Paint, starting with version X3. See our photo, if we want to please.

On the Menu Line, we know the command - Nalashtuvannya.

And then we will select the plug-in - Image Correction Laboratory.

Axis of what we want:

We'll have two photos in the future - one - vacation, Insha - Robotic review- on it you will see the results of our color correction.

Let's take a look at the upper panel at the laboratory's window.

1. rotate photo 90 degrees against the year's arrow.

2. rotate photo 90 degrees behind the year arrow.

3. Panorama is allowed Rukhati images at the window of the external photo.

4. more photo- or from the keyboard - F2

5. change photo or from the keyboard - F3

6. Photo display outside the window of the weekend or F4.

7. True 100% fermentation Photo.

8. I'll revisit one day- Working look. There is no way out in this variant.

9. Revision in two windows- outside photo and working review.

10. Separation review - in one vіknі Pochatkovo photo i Robotic review. You can redraw the line under the image quite well.

Let's turn to our external image.

We pressed the button - Create a picture and Auto setup.

let's take a look at the report working buttons at the laboratory:

1. Create a picture. Obov'yazkovo press the button before editing, so that you save the first version of the photo, and then re-upload the skin once, if you remember to change the photo.

2. Auto tuning. Corrects the color and tone of the image according to standard automatic functions.

3. Skidannya until the weekend. We're upset if the result of the Auto-Tuning is not in our power, or we didn't save the photo, and the final result is not satisfactory.

4. Tab - Saving options z'yavlyaєtsya, after that, how do I see the button - create a picture. Here the thumbnails of the image are roamed, as we edit and save.

Klatsannya on be-miniaturku - and in vikni Robotic revisited to appear given the chosen image.

Why should we save different editing options?

Please select the most suitable image option.

Let's bring a bag. Most often, the quality of photography can be obtained already for help Auto settings.

And do you want more?

Now let's look at the right tab at the laboratory laboratory.

Here we can hand koriguwati change the color, tone, size, brightness and inn. parameters to send a photo.

Just change the runner in the parameter graph. І the result will be immediately displayed I'll have a look at the worker's window.

Mostly for the composition, you need the stylization of photography.

Since our image has a singing color tone, we can add to the new new farbi or, on the contrary, change the farbi and muffle it.

We are back to back - Availability. Let's move the runner to the left side.

Potіm troch zrushimo temperature roller towards the orange color.

Adding brightness and contrast to photography. Rollers troch move to the right side.

І constantly bachimo and control over changing photos I'll have a look at the worker's window.

more trochs Intermediate tone.

We save this option.

For two other options, we can experiment with different color tones.

On the axle - Vidtinok- on the back of the head, a crushing roll to the left side to the erysipelas color.

We take a photograph in pale violet tones. Save this option - button - Create a sign.

And in the right direction vodtinku we have a strong pishov to the right. So we save this style of photography.

Next option - Mayzhe znebarvleniy, but not to the gray vіdtinku, but rather in the style of sepia. Take care.

Here we still turn to our option, which we took away Auto settings.

Just click on the thumbnail, like we have a friend behind the rachunk after the saved source.

trochs dodamo cim variant of photography bright, contrast.
Temperature and density slightly changed.

Now we can choose photo option, Yaka is the most powerful of us. We look at miniatures and marvel at the robotic review.

If we see the button - OK, then we will save that image, as if in a robotic review.

After this practical lesson, you yourself will boldly choose the necessary brightness and tonality for photography.

It goes without saying that the leathery skin of a personal computer has to be forced from time to time to work with photographs or pictures. Obviously, on a PC, there are sing-songly well-known Photoshop celebrity vartos on the PC, in which you can sing as-yak-like manipulation of images. But what about the team, who doesn’t have any programs, or who can’t use it? The simplest way out of the situation is to speed up the standard Paint. You can successfully replace more professional and collaborative programs in different situations. In this article, you will find tips on nutrition about those in Paint, clean up or change it to something else.

Easy way to change the background

Let's describe how to remember the background in Paint using the greenscreen method (that's the "green screen" method). Regardless of whether you need to see the background of the image or replace it with a succulent fill (visor), you can use the vicarious guessing method. It’s a shame that in the new one the background change is described not in the standard Paint, but in Paint.NET, which is not supplied with standard add-ons, and it is necessary to make sure that it is installed OK.

cob roboti

Before that, in the Paint Windows 7 program, remember the background, see the next image, and you will correct it. To struggle by pressing the right key on the file and choosing in the drop-down menu of the second item (Call for help - Paint). Please note that BMP, JPFG and GIF are included in the total number of formats, but you can’t improve it with others.

In that case, as if the image is being moved, it is necessary to go to the left lower corner and increase the 800-hundred-thousandths increase by clicking on the large scale, placing it on the toolbar and selecting the number 8.

Selecting a color palette and painting the contour of the image

On the color palette, there was a trace of yellow-green (also called lime) color. Sounds to choose the yoga itself, the shards are necessary contrasting in terms of appearance to the decision of the little zabarvlennya, and it is rare to complete the tone in the images.

After that, for the additional tool "Line", a visualization of the object will be carried out, which will be seen. In that case, as the image is placed on a white aphid, for farming daily pixels, you can use “Olivets”. Zavdyaki tsomu navkolo pictures z'appear wide line of green color.

Then it is necessary to click on the lime color with the right mouse button and, using the “Select” tool, name the areas against the background of the rectangular color. Robiti tse treba neatly, try not to enter the object. About zalyshayutsya zayvih trikutniks especially boast not varto, the stench climbs later for the help of the “Gumka” tool. After activating yoga, it is necessary to select the smallest possible square in the menu.

After all the manipulations, the object will come out, just like the screen will be green. In order to click you, in order to change the background in Paint, it is necessary to set the image to 100 pixels (1 in the proximity menu) and click on the farboy bucket on the panel (the Color Fill tool). Then, in the palette, choose the next color and click on the green background. After that, the background will become less.

Moving image to new background

In order to visualize moving the image to a different background, you need to select a white color in the palette and use the "Fill" tool to fill in the entire lime background. After that, the combination of keys “Ctrl + A” is pressed - and the other (bottom) button is activated on the split. Having changed the fact that the new background was created in another program, you need to copy the image (key combination Ctrl + C) and paste it into another window (key combination Ctrl + V). The work is ready! Save up a little.

sprat of nuances

When editing the details of the image, it will be much easier to process it, as you can zoom in on the image. You can enlarge it by selecting the sub-item “Scale” in the “View” menu, or simply by pressing the “Zoom” button, I will draw it on the line.

Follow the vrakhovuvaty, scho great rozmіri izobrazhenya yearn for more than an hour for encirclement. To change the size of the image, you need to press “Ctrl + A” and drag the marker up at the bottom. It is important to take into account the proportions, so that the image does not appear to be created.

In the process of work, pardons will inevitably be blamed, and that will happen to edit the lines. In order to be able to move forward smoothly, it is recommended to constantly trim your fingers on the same keys “Ctrl + Z”.

As the image may look like a curved cordon, it can be speeded up with the “Curve” tool. For this next, click the button on the toolbar, cross the cob to the end of the cordon with a straight line, then we need to pull it to the left or to the right, describing the curve.

In order for the green screening method to work, in Paint Winwows 7, the visionary background is guilty of inserting in the settings for inserts. If you do not set this setting, the background will be added to the cob image. The paste settings control panel will appear on the left side of the edited image, below the head panel, if one of the selection tools is selected.


If you blame the need to transfer any object to a different background, then you will inevitably have to deal with questions about how to clean up the background in Paint. It's even easier to fight:

  • for the additional tool "Charivna stick" a background observation is carried out;
  • a part of the video is visible behind the help of the Delete button or the command "Clear video" from the "Edit" menu, as a result of which the background of the "checker's board" appears, mentally showing transparency;
  • vykonuetsya sberezhennia otrimanogo izobrazhennya (bazhan in some GIFs), yak in the distance you can vikoristovuvat on your own judgment.

Pokrokov's instruction in Paint: how to create a visionary background

croque first. In the menu "File" select the item "View" and click "Browse" to open the picture.

Croc is different. Before that, like working Paint, in the toolbar, you need to select "Charm stick" and set sensitivity for it on equal 50 wedges. With foldable backgrounds, it is necessary to set sensitivity on a level of 25-40 cm.

Crook the third. You need to click "Charming wand" on a white aphid, which after that turns into a pale-blaky one.

Crook quarters. It is necessary to delete the visions in this order with the Delete key on the keyboard, or through the "Edit" menu - the "Clear Vision" item.

As a result of this background, we will become clear, wanting in Paint to win the mother of Shakhova. However, on the basis of the robot over it, as if creating a background in Paint, it will not end.

Krok five. After all the above described manipulations, the areas in the image will be overwhelmed as before. In order to make them clear, it is necessary to repeat the front steps for them.

Krok Shostii. I'll save the picture with a visible background by selecting the "Save" item in the "File" menu and entering the name of the file, and choosing the required format (PNG or GIF) in the drop-down list.


We looked at how to create a clear background in Paint, as if there is no Photoshop under the hand. Regardless of fortune-telling, foldedness, vporatis z tsim can bring inaccuracies of coristuvachi. With proper care and accuracy, the result will not be done by robots that work in Photoshop.

Menu "Corrections" in Paint.NET to replace the different commands, recognized for the correction of the color change of the image. There can be more commands in this menu depending on the number of connected external plug-ins for Paint.NET. A little lower than the hover, the minimal view of the "Correction" menu looks like it only looks in the installed Paint.NET editor.

To illustrate the skin command from the "Correction" menu item, we will highlight the image hovering below. See the image below. In the description of most of the commands on the other side, there will be a butt - little ones, omissions from the left, a way to stop those and other Paint.NET commands from the "Correction" menu.

Autoview color matching in Paint.NET

Menu item "Auto-checkout" in the "Correction" menu of the Paint.NET graphic editor, the assignments for viewing the color of the image. Too dark or, navpaki, too soon, the pictures will be displayed in the normal range. This command does not have parameters. The result after the stagnation of the alignment of the rivniv to the external image can be reduced to a little lower. This command is equivalent to the correction "Rivne" with the parameters for locking i, trimmed with the button "Automatic Rivn".

Brightness and contrast adjustment in Paint.NET

Menu item "Sharpness and Contrast" appointments in order to make the colors for the little one darker or lighter, the mules to make them more contrasting. The dialog box of the function can have two parameters: "brightness" and "contrast", clear.

So you will look at the outside of the image, as if we were working on it.

So you will look at the outside of the image, as if to create a better contrast.

And so you will look at the outside of the image, as if we were doing it brighter and more contrast at the same time.

Image size by window size in Paint.NET

team "For the expansion of the world" scale the image in such a way that it would be more likely to move into the working area. It’s handy for great images, so that the whole little one can be proponed. With this command, the team does not increase the scale of the little one over 100%, which can be noted by victorious її on a small image.

Adjusting color curves in Paint.NET

The "Curves" command is recognized for the visual control of the color of the visual curves. To this menu item "Curves" is assigned the instruction side.

How to create a black and white image in Paint.NET

Menu item "Zrobiti black and white" we give ourselves a simple way to describe the color on the image and create it in black and white in gray tones. The butt of zastosuvannya tsієї korektsії over the external image can be moved a little lower.

Change of vision and presence of the little one in Paint.NET

team "Vidtinok and richness" wink to change the number of colors in the image or change their colors. The cream of which, for the help of this command, can be changed in this way the very brightness of the colors. However, to change the clarity of the next highlight, the special command "Brilliance and contrast" is described above, so the result of the variation of the function can be different.

How to stop the team "Vidtinok i nasichenist" before the final image? If the value of the "visibility" parameter is 88 and the value of the "population" parameter is 158, then the result will be the same as a little lower.

How to make a photo negative in Paint.NET

team "Invert color" for its action it is similar to the transformation of a photograph into a negative. Tsya team replaces the color on the stretch. So, if you stop the image before the image twice, then you will take the image out again. If you zastosuvat tsyu team until the visible image from our butt, then the result will be such as a little lower.

Gamma and color range of an image in Paint.NET

The team "Rivni" wins in order to change the color scheme and the range of the tickets on the image. The team "Rivnі" is assigned an okrema storіnka.

Coarse color images in Paint.NET

The "Ogrubinnya" command allows you to change the number of available colors, victorious in the image. Sound for the skin color channel: red, green and blue, vicarious 256 possible values ​​(from 0 to 255). For the help of the "Coarseness" command in Paint.NET, you can change the number of values ​​from 2 to 64, for the skin color channel. The change in the number of colors is given to the image effect piece by piece old or retro pictures. Zastosuvannya command "Ogrubinnya" for our butt will give an offensive result.

How to create a sepia effect in Paint.NET

The "Sepia" team converts the image in black and white, and then adds a sepia tone. From history, one of the meanings of the term "sepia" is tse farba. Natural sepia was prepared from cuttlefish ink bear. Tsya farba was painted by artists in the middle of the 17th century when painting paintings. Natural sepia was used for toning photographs in brown color. The effect of sepia in photography is the transformation into sulfide, which becomes more resistant to aging. That is why there are a lot of old black and white photographs of brown, so they have more chances not to grow up and survive to this day. Zastosuvannya team "Sepia" in our butt can be hit on the offensive little one.

you need

  • - computer with the ability to connect to a new camera
  • - Microsoft Office Picture Manager program from the Microsoft Office software package
  • On vibir:
  • - program Paint.NET or be it any other graphic editor


Transfer the necessary photo / picture to your computer and save it in any place on a hard drive, in any way possible and accessible to you.
To improve the brightness of the picture, speed up one of the two methods below.

Method First. You need the Microsoft Office Picture Manager program from the Microsoft Office suite.
1. Open the Bazhan picture in your program. You can also start by clicking on the file with the right mouse button and selecting the item "Call for help ...".
Hint: If Microsoft Office Picture Manager is a program installed behind the lock to view graphic files, then you will simply double-click on the picture, so that it will show up in the required program.
2. Find the "Change babies" icon on the toolbar, or select the menu item Baby - Brightness and contrast ...
On the right, you can see the area of ​​the patch.
3. Speed ​​up with the button “Change the brightness”, so that the program selects the optimal settings. If the result does not control you, then you can press it with the double button.
Correct the clarity of the picture, bringing it to the optimum, in your opinion, equal, for the help of five different bells and whistles. The Microsoft Office Picture Manager program allows you to increase / decrease the brightness and contrast of the picture as a whole, as well as adjust the parameters for light or dark parts of the picture.

Method Other. You will need to be a graphic editor. For example, the Paint.NET program is cost-free, and the possibilities for doing so are wide.
1. Open the Bazhan picture in your program. You can do it by selecting in the program in the "File" menu the item "Open ..." or simply by dragging the file from the folder into the program with the mouse.
2. Vіdredaguvati zagalnu skravіst pictures for help tsієї programs you can use dekіlkom ways. Select one of the following items in the “Regulation” menu:
- Brightness / Contrast. Here you can promote the boldness of the picture.
- Vidtinok / Nasichenist. The point "Yakravist" in the menu to make the picture lighter in general.
- auto levels. It is possible, the program can independently populate your picture, and you are in control of the result.
- Curves. Tsey divided the menu of assignments for more additional information and allows you to make minor corrections in the lightness / shading of the picture or photography. You can try out the settings yourself.
Hint: You can zasosuvat dekіlka ptіv z vyscheperelіchenih one hour to achieve the desired effect.

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