Instructions for the restoration of purchases. Restructuring Instructions

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By the way, by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine from the 30th of December 2018 r N1752, from 2019 the participants have purchased the guilty restructuring programs in the United Information System in the order of the deputy, who cannot submit an application.

Dear readers! Skin vipadok individual, so check the information from our lawyers.Dzvinki bezkoshtovnі.

Why is it necessary for the participants (post-chiefs) to re-structure on the website of the United Information System?

From the moment of acceptance until 2018, the restoration is being carried out on the official website of the state procurement, only the deputies need it. Ale in 2017, FZ-504 "About the introduction of changes to FZ-44" was adopted. As long as the law is given, from today 2019, the restoration will need to be carried out for the participants in the purchase (, for the contractors).

Until the fall of 2018, the rock in the electronic form took place only, for the current year's deputies they can carry out the electronic, power it up. Since 2019, all purchases have been transferred to an electronic form, so that you will not be able to preserve their greater insight.

Purchases in electronic format are carried out at the hardened maidanchiks, the list of which is signed by the Cabinet of the Ministry of Ukraine.

So, since as of today, all of them have switched to the electronic format, then a single register of participants in purchases has appeared in the VIS, which reveals the views about the owner. The Federal Treasury will be issued for its formulation and administration.

In the case of the restoration in the VIS, there is a general procedure for everyone, without her a lot of opportunity to participate in the auction.

The leader of the collection will be re-staged in the VIS, and the accreditation of the participant to the electronic maidan is carried out in an automatic mode by way of information exchange.

The managers of the restoration in the VIS will be automatically accredited at all maidanchiks. With the whole term of the dii yogo accreditation to lose the amount - 3 rocks. Not earlier, not before the end of the accreditation period, you will need to undergo a re-establishment for a new term.

If it takes 4 months before the end of the restoration, it is necessary to correct the updated information on the new term. If the participant does not go through the restoration again, then three months before the end of the term її dії dії yogo let the brother's opportunity to participate in the auction.

Yak registered in the VIS according to 44-FZ

Zgіdno st. 24.2 44-FZ (entered into force on 1 June 2019), the restoration of participants in the VIS and their accreditation will be available in electronic form on the submission of information and documents submitted in the same term, such as the Russian Federation visa.

Information about the participants in the purchase, which were registered in the VIS, will be transferred to the United Kingdom. The single register of participants is a list of registered enterprises, physical and legal entities, which can take part in state purchases. Such a register will be kept from today 2019 by the Treasury, and the list of changes will be on the website of the United Information System. It is transferred before the distribution at the open access, and with it you can get to know the skin eagerly for free.

The procedure for restoring post-owners in the VIS for a cob in 2019 will be allowed to pass the following crocs:

  1. The postmaster undergoes the restoration procedure in the VIS in the electronic viewer.
  2. VIS transmission of views to electronic trading majdanchiki.
  3. Operators of trade maydanchiks are responsible for accreditation of the participant not over the coming working day.
  4. Restratsіya trivatime three rocky.

Please pay for the restoration in the VIS and the accreditation for the electronic maidan is not allowed. Alle z lipnya 2018, according to the Decree of the Order of 2018 No. 564 electronic maidans, you can charge a fee for participation in electronic procedures. The boundary size of the payment of regulations is in the range of 1% per cent (ale not more than 5 thousand rubles). For an hour the contract is laid down for the SMP, the boundary value of the payment cannot exceed 1% of the NMCK (no more than 2 thousand rubles).

The participants, who have previously passed the accreditation on electronic maidan, can also register in the United Information System from today to the chest of 2019. The possibility of such a restoration will be given before the end of 2019.

Also in FZ-44, we know clause 13 of Art. 4, to show up as an "independent administrator". Winning is due to the meta and restructuring of the participants in the single information system. Yogi zavdannya to enter:

  1. Monitoring the availability of a single information system and maidanchiki and the selection of such properties.
  2. Registration (including video recording in real time) in the sphere of purchasing.
  3. The collection of such information about the lack of participation in the participants contract systems, including electronic prodosity, which are formed by the participants of the contract system and signed by them with the help of the EDS.

Transfer of necessary documents

The transfer of the supplied documents for the restoration in the VIS is similar to the one that is necessary for accreditation to the electronic trade maidan. Zokrem, the post-chief should know:

  1. Statute of a legal entity or passport ІП.
  2. Vipiska s USRLE / vipiska s USRIP for, Yaka maє obmezhenі terms dії (no more pіvroku up to zvernenya for restoration).
  3. Documents to approve an update of the kervnik(For example, vipiska under the statute, or a mandate about this sign).
  4. Documents confirming the status of the owner(Yaksho signature is issued mute on a ker_vnik).
  5. Documents to confirm the right to pass the restoration in the VIS(The credibility of the certificate of the legal report or the admission).
  6. Decision about the capture of great lands from the values ​​for the maximum amount please.

Restructuring procedure: covering instructions

The re-establishment in the United Information System is to blame, but it has been done by the organizations that plan to take part in the systems of state and municipal purchases. Zagalny order dіy, straightened for restoration in the VIS, viglyadaє by the offensive rank:

  1. registration of an electronic digital signature of a qualified (strong) type(Allowing not only the distribution of plans for purchases and plans-graphs in the VIS gateway, but let the robot, according to the written instructions, change protocols in carrying out electronic trading procedures, as well as electronic forms of contracts). It is necessary in order to be able to handle all legal activities in the VIS. Immediately after the registration of the ETSP, the information entered before the Established Register of Participants of State Purchases will be reviewed. The presence of a participant in state procurement procedures in such a register allows you to log in to carry out new trade procedures. Instructions for rejecting and establishing the ETSP on;
  2. restoration of a trusted representative companies on the site "state servants".
  3. without a priori restoration in the VIS within the framework of a special cabinet. You are welcome to visit the stages and be carried out without the mediation on the website

Vlasne reєstratsіya viglyadaє with an offensive rank:

  • at the upper right corner of the information portal VIC next to the option to enter the special cabinet(In the proprietary menu, it is necessary to turn to the tab of the special cabinet according to 44-FZ);
  • a special account to be registered on the certificate of organization(So ​​it’s the first robot to work only from the qualified ECP). It is a win-win, if you pay more attention to the signing of that contract, you will pay for a special organizer, because of the smell of a specially folded authorization;
  • at the first entrance to a special cabinet, the functional of the site is promulgated;
  • re-establishment of the organizing certificate, for a specially approved individual, will be read by the regional record of the organizer administrator in the SIS only when all the necessary information about organizing is stored;
  • we conclude step by step the revision of the seen ECP certificate For whom it will be necessary to sign a special restoration form with it.

Entry data (login and password) will be sent to the administrator for instructions when restoring the email address.

The graveyard at the time of the IP restoration

Nuances of restoration of post-chiefs in the VIS

You can introduce the following nuances of the restoration of post-managers in the VIS:

  1. Re-stratation to be displayed in electronic format pay without a fair.
  2. The information about the participant and the documents submitted by him will be submitted to the single register.
  3. The restoration is carried out on three rocks The procedure has been repeated to be carried out no more, not more for the period before the end of the restoration.
  4. If, before the end of the restoration, it was lost to three months, then the participant is not right about participation in new purchases.
  5. During the restoration, it is inadmissible to supply information and documentation, Not transferred to the RF Uryad.
  6. The re-establishment of offshore companies in the VIS is not allowed.
  7. Transfer of documents for the restoration of prescriptions in the Resolution and additional types of viconuvati are not allowed.
  8. Participants purchased, as they went through the restoration in the VIS, can brothers the fate of all, Scho to be carried out on electronic maidanchiks.
  9. Participants of the purchase, which have passed the accreditation, or not registered in the VIS, can submit applications before the end of 2019. It is impossible to submit an application for new participants of the purchase, who had three months before the end of the accreditation for the Maydan.

ECP and vimogi to her

For the restoration in the VIS from the participant, you need to know the qualified electronic signature. Niny unqualified signatures for participation in the auction will not get stuck.

The signature must be obtained at the auditor center, which can be accredited to the Ministry of Communications. The digital signature has been strengthened to support special encryption programs, so that information will not be saved and insensitive.

For the help of the power of the signature, a new signature will be approved. Won’t be victorious not only during the restoration, but in the process of robots and purchases. The ETSP allows registration and distribution in VIS documents.

ETSP certificate to take revenge on such data, yak PIB of the owner, name of the organization's requisites, ETSP certificate number, requisites, and a unique key, as long as it is allowed to rewrite the information on the site.

Transition period

A new procedure for admitting participants to the VIS transmission is a transition period, when the next stages are scheduled to pass:

  1. Z Lipnya 2018 Rock by Sichy 2019 Rock accreditation of participants in purchases on electronic maydanchiks for participation in the auction will be sold in a number of copies (hereinafter part 49 of Art. 112 44-FZ).
  2. Z sichnya 2019 to rock Participants in electronic maidanchiks are accredited only when they are sent to the VIS.
  3. Accreditation of participants on ETM guilty of carrying out the restoration in the VIS according to st. 24.2 44-FZ (part 48 of article 112 44-FZ).
  4. Z sichnya across the chest 2019 rock accredited participants at the electronic maidan for participation in electronic procedures are guilty to undergo a restoration in the VIS (for part 47 of Art. 112 44-FZ).
  5. Up to 31 breast 2019 roku submission of applications for participation in the auction welcome persons accredited earlier than 1 June 2019 to the electronic maidan. Restructuring in the VIS at the time of the frame is not known under Part 50 of Art. 112 FZ-44. For some people, before the end of the accreditation for the Maidan, it took three months.
  6. Z 1 sichnya 2020 rock restoration in the VIS camp is an obov'yazkovoy for all.

In such a rank, in 2018, the participants of the state purchases were not guilty of being restructured in the VIS. Such a vimoga before them gained legal force from the current date of 2019, from the moment the old procedure of accreditation in the system of contract purchases was applied. Until the end of the day, the participants in the blame for the boule undergo accreditation for leather from 6 electronic shopping majdanchiks. In 2019, the їхnya will automatically accredit the results of the restoration in the VIS. The restoration is displayed in the electronic view for a similar algorithm accredited to the ETM. For the passage of the restoration, the person in the general order is guilty to issue an electronic signature according to the qualifications.

The creation of a regional registration on the website of the State purchased with a further transition to participation in electronic trading can only be provided with a certificate for the robot on the whole service and installed software security on the working computer. I will look at the relevance of those who have selected the reports that were registered on the State Purchase Order.

Re-strata on the website of state purchases is possible when the next two days are announced:

  1. Otrimannya certifikata for zdіysnennya dіyalnosti on
  2. Installation and setup of software security on a PC, with the help of which a robot will be carried out on the site.

Evidently the first time, everything is reasonably simple: the order to the Federal Treasury with the information about the established company and will be issued a certificate for the restoration of the new koristuvach at the State Purchase Department. On the other hand, please go to another point.

PC preparation

In addition, when the computer is victorious, the computer is guilty of being directly connected to the Internet, on the new computer it was installed on the offensive:

  • Windows XP SP3 / 7.
  • Internet Explorer 7 / i vische.
  • Net Framework 2.0.
  • CryptoPro CSP 3.0 / i vische.
  • Component for formulating a signature (Sign).

The procedure for setting up software:

  • An updated version of the installed utilities, since the stench does not appear to be meaningful to vimogs, and the PC is re-installed.
  • IE supports TLS 1.0. For the whole, in the browser menu, one can walk along the path "Tools" - "Powerfulness" - the "Dodatkovo" tab. At the top of the list is the "TLS 1.0" field.
  • Install CryptoPro.
  • Establish the necessary certification. For a complete registration of server certificates from the official website of the State Purchase Order (all of them) and vibrate for the skin of them "Install the certificate". An onslaught of "Dal", a checkmark "Pomite certification in vibran skhovishche", an onslaught on "Obzor", an onslaught of "Downgrade to the center of certification" and an onslaught of "Ready".
  • Dodaimo site of State Purchases in IE before the transition of prior universities. At the same time, it is passable along the road "Servis" - "Vlastivosti oglyadach" - "Bezpeka" - "Nadіynі vuzli" - "Vuzli". Knіmaєmo ancestor bilya "For all universities, it is necessary to change servers https" and in the column "Add to the university zone" is entered: і
  • Installer component and rewrite browser.
  • Nalashtovuєmo zchituvachi. From the "Tool Panels" launch of the CryptoPro, the "Control" tab and onslaught on "Nalashtuvati zchituvachi" are displayed.

Plugs into the USB port of the Flash drive. Onslaught "Dodati" and "Dali". In the graph "Virobniki", the vibraєmo "Company Crypto-Pro", in the graph "Available readings" - Disk drive X (X is the letter of the drive on the PC). Onslaught "Dali", vkazuєmo im'ya zchituvach, onslaught "Ready" and restarting the computer.

  • Vstanovlyumo vlasniy certificate. To insert a Flash-accumulator, add it to the CryptoPro Tools Panel, launch CryptoPro CSP, and go along the Servis path - "Install a special certificate" - "Look".

Vibrating document in * .cer format and onslaught "Dali". At vіknі, the foreman "Computer" will be installed and we will switch to the automatic popping of the container. The system generates a message for the rest of the characteristics of the vibration certificate and there is a form for entering a password. The password, which was denied in the treasury at once with a certificate, is shown. At the screen, the vibraєmo "Insert the certificate into the container" and "Ready".

Slide to mean that step 8 can be done again when entering the special cabinet. I still need to endure it often, so as to set the key of the State Purchase Order (certificate) from the first time, do not wait.

The reason for this is the lack of robotic service, through which it is often done in front of the criminals on the site of the drink, as a pardon when published on the State Purchase Order.

At all, the preparation of the PC will end.

Restoration on the site

At the next stage, the guilty is to restore the list on the portal of state servants, and then on the site of state procurement. In both cases, the account of a legal entity can be accessed through a crypto-provider, like you have created a Flash-accumulator.

Apparently, as long as the PC did not get in the way of the proper order, the button "Zareєstruvatisya" will not appear on the website of the State purchased. In this case, you will be able to see the description of the description from the preparation of the PC again.

After an hour of restoration on the site you will need to provide restoration data and attachment of installation documents. After the end of the restoration, please turn off the sheet for the confirmation of the procedure for opening the account on the resource.

Restoration on the State Purchase Portal: Video

Date of publication: 07/08/2016

To become a participant in the state purchase in the capacity of the owner, you need to take the necessary package of documents, submit an application and register on the portal

Also, for signing the contract with the budgetary organizations, the company is guilty of restructuring in the base given to the Committee of the Treasury of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the capacity of a director. At the same time, the company is not guilty of being listed in the register of unscrupulous officials.

It will be necessary to take the offensive package of documents *(Scanned copies of the originals):

- dedicated to the specimen of the first kervnik of the company,
- a clue about a registered legal person, due to the BIN values ​​(can be edited on,
- order for the appointment of the Director (first certificate of the company), with the signature and seal of the company,
- company statute (required all sheets), with signature and seal,
- Application for rejection of the ECP (to be formed during the restoration on the portal),
- a clue about the appearance of a bank rakhunku (see the bank, call in for 3 days),
- one-time power to reject the ECP **.

* A new and up-to-date list of documents is required by the department with the deputy, or even on the portal, to the committee of the Treasury of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

** It is seen from the name of the first certificate (on the letterhead of the company with a seal and a signature), in the event that the documents are submitted to the Central Service Center, the person is approved, and not the company certificate. It is also necessary when dedicated to the individual of the most trusted individual.

Important! As long as you already have the keys to the ETSP, even if the stink is removed until June 1, 2016, you will be able to get it back.

All projects on restoration can be divided into 2 parts - technical preparation and collection of documents.

Technical aspects of restoration on the websites of state purchases

Isnu kіlka options, solution of the given manager.

ADVANCED way, basic crocs:

Install and establish certificates of the NSC RK.
Zavantazhiti and vstanoviti certifikati NSC (National Certification Center). Certificates can be downloaded from the site, as shown on the little picture below. Required NSC (RSA) and NSC (GOST).

Manage and get up NCALayer.
Now it can be installed on the NCALayer computer - a special program, as Java is required to submit an application online. The download service is available on the website It is necessary to install the program from the name of the administrator and launch it (the icon will appear on the work table).

Sign Workaround.
Sign Workaround 18 - the whole program of security is necessary for authorization on the website of state purchases and registration of electronic documents. For downloading It can also be installed from the name of the administrator, who can be launched through the icon on the work table.

As a result, we are able to: technical feasibility of robots with the site of state purchases from their PC.

Crock number 2 - application for rejection of the EDS (see the keys)

Submission of an online application is carried out on the site, the button "submit an application" at the bottom of the page.

When you press the button, you will be shown at the end with "we will give you a land for koristuvach", as it is necessary to confirm. It will be necessary to enter data about the company for a change.

During the zapovnennya the system will ask for the keys (Kaztoken, eToken, JaCarta, PKCS12 file system). If you want to take keys on your computer, you need to vibrate the "file system (PKCS12)" and set the path to the specific papacy (for example, you can open the "EDS" folder on the C drive and set the way to it). The ECL will be taken into account in the tsiy papacy.

Immediately to form Application It is necessary to submit the signatures and bring them to the PSC at once with the necessary documents.

As a result, we will recognize: automatically generated on your computer the ECP keys and the request for restoration in pdf format.

Crock No. 3 - go to the Central Service Center and remove the ETSP (close the keys)

Previously, I will declare the shapes (in pdf format), they will need to be removed, stamped and signed with the first company profile.

It will also be necessary to have a one-time trust to reject the EDS, in case the documents are confirmed by the PSC not by the company’s server itself, but by a person, for example, an accountant.

Pislya pidtverdzhennya in the PSC of the documents submitted, the EDS keys on your computer will be "rewritten" in the close. Call for a stretch of 1 year.

As a result, we will recognize: automatically generated on your computer zakryty keys EDS.

Crock number 4 - authorization and re-creation on the site

We go to the site der. Purchase 2016 і onslaught in the upper right corner of the button "exit".

Give the onslaught the button "vibrate the key" and at the screen vibrate the key AUTH(Required for authorization). key GOST vikorystovuєtsya in the quality of the signature. The keys are offended in the previously designated storage of keys (for example, the folder "ETSP" on the C: \ drive).

It will also be prompted to set up a password for entering the state procurement portal ( do not cheat with the EDS password- for substitutions "123456").

As a result, we will recognize: re-establishment on the website of the holder of the RK, with the possibility of signing an agreement with budgetary organizations in the electronic viglyad.

Zanadto smoothly or have lost food? Call for advice before our fahivtsya!

At the present moment in Russia a lot of state tenders are held in the electronic viglyade. With regard to the urahuvannyam of the tsih fact of food "Yak registered on state purchases, distributed on electronic trade maidanchiks?" є to finish up to date. I'll try to get in touch with him.

In 2014, an understanding was introduced to the Russian market and a single information system was put into operation in the sphere of purchases (given by the VISZ), as we can respect the distribution of information about the tendering on the official portal of the Federal Treasury.

Slide means, the restoration on the whole portal is not necessary for all participants in the state change. Restructuring must be passed by deputies - statesmen, municipal and other enterprises / organizations, as they may have the right to dispose of funds, to finance the budgetary funds.

What is the need for the nobility, the participants - the viconauts, in the first place?

At the same time, that the statute is insured for the reader, which in the whole process of the visitor is the role of the seller of the product / robot / service, it is clear from the point of view of the registration, from the point of view of the situation specifically for the category of participants. And, more precisely, it is clear that the food is “Yak registered in the state procurement for the principals themselves?”.

Electronic government changes are held in five maidanchiks. Perelik, which were hardened by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation in 2009

The whole list includes such electronic trading majdanchiki (dal ETM), such as:

  • Sberbank-ATS;
  • "EETP";
  • Zakaz RF;
  • RTS tender;

For this purpose, it was simpler for the post-chief to start looking for food on which of them, more beautifully, a sprinkle of statistical tributes was created.

The number of contracts placed in 2015, distributed among ETM in the following proportion: "Sberbank - AST" - "17.5%", "RTS" - 28.6% , MICEX - 3.5%, AGZ RT - 3.2%. Shown in the photo below.

As the basis for taking the part of the replacement (the price of lots), then the proportion is offensive: 50.5% will fall on ETM Sberbank, and it will be 857 yew. Lot_v, the RTS went on the tender - 24%, the EETP - 18.7% and the very small part falls on the MICEX - 3.5% and the AGZ RT - 3%.

Features of the reconstruction on the butt

I will show the statistics of "Sberbank - ATC" as a leader and apparently the most popular Maidan among the participants in the state change. From the urahuvannya of the fact, it is clear to the restoration on the application itself of the ETM system.

The re-structure on the state procurement instructions "Sberbank - ATS" is described in the regulations on the organization of electronic auctions, approved by them.

The process itself can be distributed to a number of warehouses:

  • rejection of the electronic signature (dal ETSP);
  • setting up a working mission and adjusting the correctness of a robot;
  • rejection of accreditation;
  • Restratsіya koristuvach.

First and other stage

Any participant needs to reject the ETSP, without which become ill-fated to take part in an electronic tender. How can I get rid of it? The answer is simple: only in authorized centers.

Transfer of actions from them:

  • TC "Sberklyuch";
  • "Tensor";
  • Taxcom;
  • TC "Garant";
  • SKB Kontur i ін.

It's joy! At the time of re-strata on decilkoh maidanchiks, one hour, the center is selected with certificates issued, which is authorized by ETM. It is not possible to allow all one certificate and vikoristovuvati on all maidanchiks to be recognized.

Termіn, with a stretch of which it is possible to rozrahovuvati on the rejection of the ECP become close to 7 days (tizhnіv). If you want to remove the electronic digital signature, you can proceed to the adjustment of the working mission.

The main points, I respect you on yak varto:

  • to connect to the computer to receive the information (CryptoPro version 3.6);
  • reconsider browser settings;

third stage

Having successfully completed the first and other stage, you can proceed to reject accreditation.

A short description of what you need to know for:

  1. Go to the official site "Sberbank - AST" and fill in the application form there, I will send you the form to the participant (physical, legal person or person).

  1. View the documents and attach them to the saved application.

Guided butt transfer of binding documents for operators:

  • vipiska from the one sovereign IP register;
  • passport or the last document.

It's joy! When storing a form for rejecting accreditation and attaching documents to the next revision: if the e-mail address of the participant is correctly stored, the number of scanned documents can be good (not more than 16 Mb), but the documents can be read. Failure to trim the tsikh can serve as a reason for rejecting vidmovi in ​​accreditation.

  1. I will register the form (application) of the EDS and confirm the update with the code. The code should be sent to the e-mail. Declare the term for viewing no more than 5 days from the time of revision.
  2. Read the result for a look. Information about accreditation or vidmovu should come to the participant for an additional electronic sheet.

quarter stage

Tsey etap is able to resist the access of the participant to the "special cabinet" on the ETM website. State purchases for registering in the role of a koristuvach and registering access for entering the office of the participant of state changes, transferred to the maidan:

  1. Save on the site I will apply for the restoration of the koristuvach.

  1. Come up with a login for a new koristuvach... There is also the possibility of restoring a koristuvach without a right to a signature, i.e. without a link to a certificate.

It's joy! The method of restoring a coristuvach "without the right to a signature" is done to ensure that the enterprises / organizations are able to carry out all operations on the Maydan is not very special, but to set the price in the requirements of a particular sportsman.

The re-establishment of the koristuvach in the VIS is carried out in accordance with the established procedure, approved by the Order of the Treasury of Russia No. 27n dated 12/30/2015. The order itself is based on the main provisions, in which the regulations for the restoration procedures and for the identification of individuals, and for the order of restoration in the single information systems in the procurement sphere, are approved. The document has established the order of restoration for the offensive categories of koristuvachiv:

  • information systems;
  • organizing, vidomosty about those included before the Started Register;
  • trusting individuals of the established values;
  • legal individuals and representatives.

At Nakazi 27n, the ship's practice is presented, it is focused on the provision of spirits, tied during the process of authorization of koristuvachiv in the VIS.

If you are the deputy director of the registering office in the VIS until you have recruited the Order No. 27n, then you will be restructuring.

Pokrokova instructions for the restoration of deputies in the VIS

Krok 3. To start the process of restoring the deputy in accordance with 44-FZ, it is necessary, and go to the section “Osobistiy kabinet”.

The system will automatically redirect the new deputy to the department of the organization's re-organization or the koristuvach in the VIS through Zvedeniy pereik deputies.

If the deputy has already gone through the restructuring through the system of sovereign services - ESIA, then the VIC will also show up.

Krok 4. Sob, the procedure of the first restoration of the deputy was successful, as evidence of such organization of the fault was introduced before the Established register, because of the assigned roles, set in the Federal Contract System. As soon as the start of the restoration is started, the data from the Started Register are automatically sent to the VIS, for which the ICO is formed - the identification code of the organization.

On the e-mail of the deputy, indicated in the information card of the Established Register, a sheet should be sent to confirm the restoration in the system.

In the case of the first initial restructuring under 44-FZ for organizers-deputies from the Established Register of the United Information System, the system will automatically reestablish the core with new updates. The card of the registered account will be as follows:

Krok 5. The message of successful re-establishment was followed by authorization in the special office of the deputy for 44-FZ.

For the transition to the LC according to 44-FZ, the system should be updated by name.

Krok 6. Specialist is guilty of the Viconati diyu "Uviti" until Rozdil III Order 27n, sending a redirect to the LK of the registered server. See the screen for information about the primary authorization.

The restoration procedure for the deputy has been completed.

Yak to the deputy director of the zareєstruvati koristuvach according to 44-FZ

The names of individuals that have been registered in the VIS for robots with the Federal Contract System may also be validated and installed on the PC to certify the electronic signature.

The re-establishment of a koristuvach under 44-FZ is available only to an authorized person with the "Administrator of Organizational" functional.

Krok 1. Specialist with such upgrades in a special cabinet on the side "Registered koristuvachi organizatsiya" is guilty of vibrati diyu "Zareєstruvati koristuvach".

Croc 3. Let's remember the restoration form. It is necessary to memorize all the binding fields, marked with a red zervona.

Croc 4. Pislya introduced danih fakhivets of the onslaught "Zareєstruvati koristuvach". The system is to conduct a revision for the correctness and correctness of the introduction of the data and when there are pardons, the information about the registration of the restoration form is sent.

Krok 5. In addition, as an administrator of the "Prodovzhiti" vibe, the new koristuvach will be registered.

Yak zareєstruvatisya deputy in 223-FZ

Krok 1. The first steps of the fahivtsia organization-deputy, included before the Established register, analogous robots in a restored form according to 44-FZ - it is necessary to go to the head side of the VIC, and then to the special office according to 223-FZ.

Croc 2. Poten koristuvach vibiraє Rozdil III Order 27n and vikonuє diyu "Uviti".

Croc 4. Specialist of the onslaught "Prodzhiti to the robot" and be redirected to the section for identification and first authorization. The procedure for submitting identities to the procedure of restoration according to 44-FZ.

Yak zareєstruvati koristuvach under 223-FZ

Now reєstroєmo koristuvacha, like bude pratsyuvati according to 223-FZ.

Krok 1. Re-establishment of the electronic block to rob for new deputies under 223-FZ. When the first authorization is done, you must establish no knowledge, the restoration form is displayed.

Krok 2. It is necessary to reconsider whether all types are correctly stored. If it is fed to the restoration of moldings without pardon, then the vibraєtsya diya "Zareєstruvati".

The rights of the clerk and the update of the tribute under the ECIA registries are established automatically.

Krok 3. After the completion of the procedure, please, come back about the successful restoration of 223-FZ.

Yak pratsyuk register of legal entities under 223-FZ

On 03/01/2019, a number of standards were issued Decide to the Uryad of the Russian Federation No. 1711 dated 12/28/2018 "On the procedure for conducting the re-establishment of legal entities." The document regulates the rules for maintaining the register of legal entities registered in the VIS within the framework of 223-FZ (part 2 of article 1 223-FZ).

The register itself is the supremacy of the tributes about the registered legal persons from the indications of the forthcoming information about the deputies:

  • Outside or a short name;
  • organizational and legal form;
  • addresses;
  • іnsha information, which should be used when restoring.

To know in the list of the required deputy, in the row of a joke, the name of the name or the restoration code - IPN, KPP, OGRN, should be entered.

The transfer is carried out in the electronic viglyadі in the VIC by the officials of the Treasury of Russia. If the organisation's deputy is granted access under 223-FZ, he / she will be included in the register for three working days.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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