Why in TV lg lan vhіd. Connecting a TV receiver to the Internet

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Hello everyone! Perhaps the food in the heading of the article seemed to you something marvelous, but all the same, the meaning of the venture in a new way. It's marvelous, but so energized some of my readers and chimed in a little more times on different forums. The progress of the competition in information technology, a few years ago, has been stoked for the development of smart TVs. A lot of modern models (fallow from the line) are on board roses LAN, but the deacons who save after buying a TV set will take off the roses of the wrong ones. That new LAN rose at the TV?

It is necessary to determine the cause of the problem, depending on what will be the reason for the failure.

The computer does not connect the LAN cable

In this case, when the cable is connected, there are no daily updates and activity from the side of the rest. The connection icon to the border is crossed with a chervonim, and if you hover over a new cursor, the message “No connection” will appear. Everything looks the same, like a cable and it’s not connected.

Average versatility of a typical USB socket350,00 rub.
Medium versatility of a typical LAN socket350,00 rub.

Vіknі Improved interface for connecting to Ethernet in the field Vikoristovuvati roses enter one of the LAN ports (our butt has LAN1), which will work as a WAN port.

USB- (in English Universal Serial Bus - "u-es-bі") - Universal serial bus - the following data transfer interface for medium-sized and low-range peripheral devices in computing technology.

The symbol of the USB tree-like block diagram is geometric figures (large kolo, small kolo, trikutnik and square), roztashovani on її kintsyah.

USB cable chotiriprovidny (4 medium conductors). At the cable there are two “twisted pair” conductors for receiving and transmitting data, and two life conductors. Zavdyaki to this peripheral attachment can be connected without a power supply.

USB has 3 modes of operation:

To check the accuracy of the merging card, you need to go to the "Additional Manager" of your computer. For which next step, the next order is:
You won't be called anything else. Yakshto bіla neї є a sign of a hail, it means that it is not working correctly. Try reinstalling the driver. It is only necessary to take advantage of the virobnik site and run the installation manually, and not through the task manager. Maybe it’s the same, that the router does not work with LAN roses.

Important: if you don't use the laptop's LAN port, don't use hasty installations. The possible options are impersonal: in the case of an incorrectly patched firmware and a router before bending the cable, or a badly lined card.

Connection without access to the Internet

The axis problem looks like this:

Connection status "No internet access" How to speak for itself, the Internet does not work. Ale connection to the router є. As a rule, this pardon can be blamed through an incorrectly configured router. If there is no connection with the Internet. 3rd food is a report article.

Hello everyone! Perhaps the food in the heading of the article seemed to you something marvelous, but all the same, the meaning of the venture in a new way. It's marvelous, but so energized some of my readers and chimed in a little more times on different forums. Progress and competition in information technologies a sprat of rock was conceived for the production of smart TVs. A lot of modern models (fallow from the line) are on board roses LAN, but the deacons who save after buying a TV set will take off the roses of the wrong ones. That new LAN rose at the TV?

In the rest of the hour, virobniks will open the meshed Ethernet port of the TV set not only for the additional function of Smart TV, but for this model, there is no other function. If you don't know what Smart TV is, watch this short video.

With TVs, the function of Smart TV was transferred, everything was clear, but on board there are LAN sockets in models, which functions cannot be brought to mind.

Having delivered the order to the store home, the stench tries to connect it to the Internet and, surprisingly, they show that the browser program is in a new place. Hmm, but in the new є LAN tethering is in, and it means that the LAN is out in the Internet є.

However, in this situation, the stench may be a walkie-talkie in the part of the ... We went to the Internet for some reason, but for other purposes, but about everything in order.

Having succumbed to singing knowledge, you have a richer chance to buy yourself those that you want, and not those that will please you.

In a different way, since you have already become the master of the Smart TV, then in which case you have access to the Internet via the LAN entrance and different "buns". You can connect the TV directly (provider's vicorist cable) or through, and even if it's connected, then through a wireless tether. When next to the Wi-Fi row, you wrote: "Optional", then dartless module No, you can also connect an existing Wi-Fi adapter to the receiver.

The TV does not have Smart TV functions, but the LAN port does.

On one of the forums, a person wrote that my TV does not connect to the Internet, and after that, after entering the model, it was explained that the Ethernet port of the model is functional, but there is no such thing as a browser... appeared on the site in one of the discussions on how to connect the TV. І on the forums, і in the comments on the website, it was stated that this port can only be used for flashing the TV, and if there are no reasonable options, it may not be possible for a new one.

I don’t know if it’s possible to update the firmware as much as possible, even if it’s sizably and manually, but I’ve already felt like a recommendation more than once that it’s better not to update the TV software via the Internet, but a USB flash drive (i). On the right, in that updating software through a measure can lead to incorrect installation, and if you want to update it earlier in the storage from the official site at the time of installation, you may experience a minimal failure. Ale, leave the word for the virobnik. Chi wrong?

I’ll add to myself that it’s possible to have a LAN rosette on a TV set not only for updating the firmware, but also for DLNA technology. If you look at the characteristics of the TV set and if you try to support this technology there, then you can connect the TV to the computer and transfer media streams. Tobto you can either for help and Ethernet port on the TV set media content (photos, videos).

If you knew a pardon, be kind, see a fragment of the text and press it Ctrl+Enter.

If you want to know what WAN is, or what WAN and LAN look like, then you went for the address. At the same time, we will try to find out what is behind the technologies, roses, z'ednannya, why the stink is needed and why the stench is necessary.

I think that in most cases, if you are looking for information on WAN, then you may be able to get roses on Wi-Fi routers. Even more practical in the skin instructions for setting up the router, you can use this abbreviation. A lot of people write about the connection of cables with WAN roses, or LAN. Let's go in order:

WAN(Wide Area Network) - the network is global. Simpler kazhuchi, tse іinternet. Just talk about the WAN roses, which are on the router, in which the cable is connected from the provider. Merezhevy cable, behind which router is denied access to the Internet.

Practically on all routers with a blue color, and looking like this:

You can see in the photo that it was signed. So, on the router, ring the indicator of the connected WAN cable. With normal work, veins are to blame for active limati. And when the indicator itself sounds, paint the icon at the sight of the planet.

Now you know what a WAN is. Let's take a look at which wines are allowed on the LAN.

What is the difference between WAN and LAN roses?

Everything is so simple here. What is LAN?

LAN(Local Area Network) - whole local network. Seemingly simpler, tse computers, like z'ednani between themselves great vision. For example, computers, televisions, mobile attachments, like connected between themselves through a router at the borders of a booth or an office. Tse i є local merezha.

On the routers, you can hear 4 LAN roses. The stench of the yellow color and look like this:

Serve stench for connection of extensions to the local network through the network cable.

The importance of WAN to LAN lies in the fact that WAN is access to the Internet, and LAN is a whole local network, in which there can be connected extensions, as they are not far from one to one.

I think that's all you need to know about these two signs. It is possible, obviously, to get lost in technical moments, to be smart, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be squeamish.

Today, a lot of koristuvachivs are searching the Internet for such information: LAN - what is it that is needed? Obviously, at the all-worldly border, you can find even simpler and shorter appointments. It doesn’t sound like this: LAN is a whole local mesh. From i all.

But deciphering does not give absolutely nothing, especially as it is brought to the mother on the right hand. For some reason, the authors of articles on the Internet are so important that they throw out impersonal, unreasonable phrases, then people immediately read the entire article and respect the site, on which it was written, more authoritative and important.

Really, such a pidkhid to the point of only complicating the whole situation. To that we will try to explain what is LAN, with my simple words, so that I could make a child understand.

If you still feel unreasonable, write about it in the comments, we are satisfied with all your questions. Otzhe, let's learn from a simple theory.

Theoretical side

Also, LAN stands for Local Area Network. Tse deysno shifts yak. To put it more simply, LAN is a combination of computers and other outbuildings, which can be connected to the border. And unite the stench between themselves, or for additional cables, or for additional help. On the little one 1 You can finish the yaskra butt of the local chain.

Mal. 1. LAN butt

Yak Bachimo, here the main element of the network is a router, connections to the Internet (WAN). Remember this abbreviation, we'll talk about it later.

In the meantime, let's take a closer look at the scheme. On it, the numbers indicate the segments of the line, and itself:

3. DVD-player, connections to the router for an additional cable. For those on the router, there are special LAN roses, which are marked with a yellow color. Most of these roses are 4.

As we said above, for connecting to a router through a cable, LAN sockets are used. We can bachiti tse little 3.

Mal. 3. Router - rear view

Like Bachimo, everything is standard in this model - 4 LAN roses, and one more wine is already in blue color. Vlasne tse i є WAN (remember, we talked about those who need to remember?). To better understand exactly what LAN is, you can compare it with WAN.

Before speech: І LAN, і WAN are connected via a special cable with an RJ45 tip, let's show it to little 4. More we talked about those, for example, segment No. 3 to little 1, then a DVD player is connected to the router for an additional cable . Tsei cable є great twisted couple with RJ45 lugs on both sides. Otak mustache is simple!

Mal. 4. RJ45 tip

Possibility of LAN and WAN

Let's take a look at what happened to WAN. Well, I know, just to put it simply, the Internet. Tobto that merezha itself, but not local, like LAN, but global. Up to it, there are a lot of extensions and millions of local borders. WAN stands for Wide Area Network. According to this measure, the skin of the coristuvach can take access to the resources of another computer, or I will add another, which can be connected to the measure.

Before speech: Tsya іnformatsija zberіgaєtsya on servers. To put it simply, the impersonal disks of the great mystness, assembled into one great apparatus, which can see the information.

Mal. 5. Butt of a working server

LAN and WAN permissions:

  1. Rosemary. Call the local merezha ohoplyuє small plots, for example, an apartment or as a suitable accommodation. And the axis of the global border expands along the entire surface of the earth's backbone.
  2. Kіlkіst koristuvachіv. Understandably, a lot more people can connect to the global network than the local ones. There, and the possession of the victorious one is richly emaciated, and in the background, it sounds like a lot of people are joining. At the tse rozrahunok.
  3. Service type. Local networks have services, such as a service for accessing files, a service for working with printers, sparsely, scorched, all those that are necessary for a small network. And the axis of the global link is victorious, for example, the routing service (designated by the route of passing information on the links of the link) is something else, which is necessary for the work of great links.

What should be done in a place or a square, if you can slander or see a border, then we have already talked about those who global merge expand on all the surface of the earth. Obviously, it can be practiced on distant spaceships, as well as being connected to some extent within the framework of the chain.

So the axis, cіkavo, scho local merezhі tezh can reach chimalih rosemіrіv. The largest such treadmill today is the smallest extension, as roztashovuvalis on the 14,000 km distance, one type of one. Cebuli space stations and orbital centers. If you want to call the local network, you will see the same offices, houses, firms and a small group of houses.

It is problematic to build a local network for a local house for shortcomings, but it is even more correct to use a combination of extensions to allow WLAN, LAN and Powerline to be built with all the advantages of WLAN, LAN and Powerline, unique to them.

The local home network was competently motivated to allow broadcasting a movie from a laptop or a PC to a TV set, simultaneously playing a media player at a suburban room and playing a video mobile attachments members of your family. To reach the goal, it is necessary to reach security dartless mesh, stable data transmission speed between Powerline adapters or connection fencing cable so, without guessing about the new one. Let's get down to the creation of the swidkoy and the well-configured home measure.

Methods for achieving optimal fluidity

The creation of an ideal home textile is accompanied by a combination of 3 technologies: WLAN, LANі power line, vikoristovuyuchi strengths of skin z them. Being stagnant in today's wi-fi area, you can take away the high and stable swede without a dart and turn off the whistle blower.


Bezdrotova merezha

Optimal distribution and configuration wifi router zbіlshat shvidkіst work vsіh pristroїv. New models with support can be played like swedish radios.

Optimal distribution of a wi-fi router. Relocate your wireless router We activate WLAN in such a way that the wines are clearly in the middle between the usable outbuildings, so that it is necessary to connect them to the wire-free railing. Now you can protest the fence near the apartment for the help of the Ekahau Heat Mapper utility installed on the PC or laptop. As soon as you go around the area, you need to kill it, so think about how to put the plan on the grid with the Heat Mapper program. Go to the postcard point and correct the folding of the card. After the skin crocodile on the cotton, mark your special knowledge. Having finished folding the cards, press RMB. Hover the cursor over the icon of the router on the website to look at the WLAN signal. If you hit the zone of yellow and orange colors, then you will have a chance to strengthen the signal for the help of my recommendations. Varto follow the rule: if the router is located near the room and if it is given the veins of rotting in the walls, then less delay will be blamed for the hour of the signal transmission. For the installation, it is miraculous to go high shafi and the police.

Organization of a dart line (LAN)

Switch connection. Merezha Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Mb/s) will be best solutions for the home, but 4 ports of a wi-fi router may not be enough. In order to add a port, change the switch (for example, D-Link DGS-1005D), to change the router, and then let it go, what is connected between the router and the switch on the skin extension, one port at a time. Connecting to GIGABIT ETHERNET is necessary for those attachments, which are due to be connected one by one, for example, a computer and home server. Uplink-connection with a router and the Internet can be connected through a Powerline network or a larger one, and a flat cable can be easily laid.

What is Uplink like?

The structure of the local dimension. When choosing two switches, there are 2 options:

  • connect the attachment directly to the router
  • In order to repair the great walls, connect one switch with another, shards between two switches can lie a cable up to 100 meters long.

RJ-45 socket connection. To connect the cable, you may need sockets for installation in the wall with RJ-45 LAN sockets, we can look at the connection method.

Shtirkovy vysnovki signed with numbers from 1 to 8. Z'ednayte їхіз із the veins, marked with a color, with such a rank:

  • 1 - orange-white, 2 - orange, 3 - green-white, 4 - blue.
  • 5 - blue-white, 6 - green, 7 - brown-white, 8 - brown.

On the visnovkas, the hot edges are transferred, in the best way to insert the cable behind the additional pressure tool, do not cut the edge docks, do not secure the contact and do not wind the cable. Before installing the socket, turn the socket.

HDMI cable connection

How to upgrade HDMI? At the sight of LAN cables HDMI interface it is recommended to vicorate no more than 15 meters. The way out of the situation will be a podovzhuvach - for example, which transmits an HDMI signal through a LAN cable up to 30 meters long. However, for high speed Data transmission requires two such cables. Connect the adapter with the inscription "Sender" to the HDMI port of the add-on-dzherel (for example, a laptop or a Blu-ray player). Connect the Ethernet sockets of the DDC and TMDS adapter to the same ports on the Receiver adapter and plug it into the desired attachment.

HDMI signal transmission with a wireless mesh. HDMI-supplier to help expand the add-ons (Blu-ray player, TV receiver and game console) instruct from a TV or a projector and allow you to put them in a handy place. Tsey Priya transmits images in Full HD format and volumetric sound via radio signal from the TV receiver. At the same time, it receives signals from infrared remote control panels and sends them to the annex-dzherel. Audio and video devices can be found on a distance of up to 30 meters and can be viewed in another room.

Hello everyone! Perhaps the food in the heading of the article seemed to you something marvelous, but all the same, the meaning of the venture in a new way. It's marvelous, but so energized some of my readers and chimed in a little more times on different forums. The progress of the competition in information technology, a few years ago, has been stoked for the development of smart TVs. A lot of modern models (fallow from the line) are on board roses LAN, but the deacons who save after buying a TV set will take off the roses of the wrong ones. That new LAN rose at the TV?

In the rest of the hour, the virobniks will open the meshed Ethernet port at the TV set, not only for help Smart features TV, ale y y y model, de tsієї funktsії nemaє. If you don't know what Smart TV is, watch this short video.

With TVs, the function of Smart TV has been transferred, everything is clear, but the axis of presence on board roses LAN in models, which functions can not bring calmness to the subs.

Having delivered the order to the store home, the stench tries to connect it to the Internet and, surprisingly, they show that the browser program is in a new place. Hmm, but in the new є LAN tethering is in, and it means that the LAN is out in the Internet є.

However, in this situation, the stench may be a walkie-talkie in the part of the ... We went to the Internet for some reason, but for other purposes, but about everything in order.

Having succumbed to singing knowledge, you have a richer chance to buy yourself those that you want, and not those that will please you.

In a different way, even though you have already become the master of the Smart TV, then in which case you have access to the Internet via the LAN entrance and different “buns”. You can connect the TV directly (via the provider's cable) or through, and even if the Wi-Fi module is connected, then through the wireless tether. If at the Wi-Fi row you wrote: "Optional", then there is no built-in wireless module, but you can connect an external one wifi adapter type of picker.

The TV does not have Smart TV functions, but the LAN port does.

On one of the forums, a person wrote that the TV does not connect to the Internet, and after that, having indicated the model, it was explained that the Ethernet port of the model is functional, but there is no browser available ... After a certain hour, such a discussion appeared on the site in one of the discussions about connecting a TV. І on the forums, і in the comments on the website, it was stated that this port can only be used for flashing the TV, and if there are no reasonable options, it may not be possible for a new one.

I don’t know if it’s possible to update the firmware as much as possible, even if it’s sizably and manually, but I’ve already felt like a recommendation more than once, that it’s better not to update the software security of the TV via the Internet, but a USB flash drive (i). Right in what's new software as soon as possible, you can bring it to an incorrect installation, and the earlier the update is accumulated from the official site, the installation time may be minimal. Ale, leave the word for the virobnik. Chi wrong?

I’ll add to myself that it’s possible to have a LAN rosette on a TV set not only for updating the firmware, but also for DLNA technology. If you look at the characteristics of the TV set and if you try to support this technology there, then you can connect the TV to the computer and transfer media streams. Tobto you can either for help and Ethernet port on the TV set media content (photos, videos).


    LAN port є,ale checks for new nothing-one glitches for updates.


    Vzagalі something, Ethernet-port assignments for mesh connection but in a new way, you can connect your soundbar to your home network, and through it ... P.S. And what do you need to repair?


    Zhadaev Andriy, I don’t understand who is propagating to people, create a server for transmission, feed now ???? How can you connect via hdmi and the TV will turn out like a monitor! There is only one way to know the firmware of the browser, flash the TV and try it out, so you can enter, so you can get out!


    It’s too bad for me to find out “fahіvtsі” from your words in the Suspіlstvo dosi, because they can’t tell about the presence of other functions in their own eyes. Believe me, that flash storage and media server are different words and give different clarity. I appeared in the booth of such a TV-set, completely forgetting about flash-accumulators and only the booth that is squashed by them beyond the borders of the booth. Tse duzhe zmanochno. As a rule, modern TVs can be browsers, but budget models can be upgraded with hardware and software. Bye bye!


    Axis and I'm getting used to such food. Two TVs, both LAN ports are є, but it doesn’t say how to make it. Priyshov master-pіdklyuchav _internet and in the kit tv box. I do not know the wine. Having hung up, scho on the TV set may have a browser, which, having pleased, turns to the virobnik. And it turned out that you can create a media server on a computer and broadcast data on a TV set. Like not practical. Why go out, you need to pull a line to the TV, mothers of the TV and computer in order to watch the video. Why not just throw it on a flash drive and watch on TV? No daily wires required?

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