Virusna attack on TNK and Rosneft gas stations. Hackers' attack on Rosnafta

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Yak from you to make a fool for your pennies.
Refueling on a skin day at gas stations Rosneft did not understand on one edge of the road to go to the hope of being beautiful. And so, it’s an awesome day, I’ve not seen anything that’s not snippy, I’ve gone through Moscow before. The gas tank sensor lit a light bulb, and the decision was taken to taxi to the refueling of Rosneft, which was removed from the Nosovikhinsky and Ryazan highway for 5 km. MKAD. The cars were not big, but the chergi were not especially built. Chekayuchi in the chillin five, go to the gas station, when I go from the car I smell the petrol station's food in Chergove “-Hello, what ?? і skіlki ?? " Having given me a message, I calmly virus up to the attention of the cas. Chekayuchi chotiri, I smell the number of the column, when I sounded like a cashier, I pay, I take out the check and calmly check back to the car, walk away, I show the check to the gas station, so I refuel the car from the ringing side of the column, I take the road to the road. ... chіpayusya і ... Now dear reader is powered and what is it all about?

And the axis is now to be repaired, find it, tear down, I can feel the sound of a sound in the back and wonder at the little mirror, rose, and instructed the hour to become a blonde, the tank to see the hose and the gun, to wash it right away, to machine it right , not a lot in a nervous state, having looked at the car for a look at the ear, such didn’t appear, but honestly, the petroller’s behavior appeared even more perceptive, correct and adequate, and I didn’t vibrate, saying that I didn’t have a fault. I can їhati dalі. After standing up for three, I come to you, I get into the car, at the moment the senior is asked to give my documents for drawing up an act of breakdown. the cars looked back again at the manifestation of the ear, saying that I don’t have any complaints, I don’t want to think about it, I can smell the reply: , I think that the gasoline tanker is guilty of buv the gun, but I’ll recognize it: "- It’s not so, we won’t be able to destroy it without a special maneuver" file a protocol of the road traffic accident and we are in the whole winnie! " dku, I'm not guilty because of the ruined administrative right of the video. You know, I can’t see exactly, I’m guilty, I don’t have any claims to the gas station, I didn’t have a bad side, but the action of the "chiefs" of the gas station led me to a stupor, because they sponded me until the price was written. Yak Vi vvazhaєte, why am I guilty in this situation?

The press services of the Group-IB company, as they dealt with the investigation of cyberzlochins, RBC was suspected of a hacker attack on low-level companies for an additional encryption virus Petya, "even similar" to the attack, but in the middle of the attack, which became the reason Petya block computers and vimagay take $ 300 from bitcoins.

“The attack got close to 14:00. Judging by the photos, the Petya cryptolocker. A way of expanding into local hedge analogous to the WannaCry virus ", - due to the press service of Group-IB.

At the same hour, one of the "daughters" of "Rosneft" is an associate of one of the "daughters" of "Rosneft" who are engaged in shelf projects, even if the computers are not vimicked, shielding the worms with the text appeared, but not all the associates. Protect in the company the robot collapse is zupinena. The sponsors also mean that in the office of Bashnaft in Ufa they brought in all the electricity.

At 15:40 Moscow time, the official sites of Rosneft and Bashneft are not available. The fact that the status of the server has been updated can be confirmed on the resources to reconfigure the server status. The website of Rosneft's best subsidiary Yugansknaftogaz may not work well.

The company wrote on Twitter that the hacker's attack could lead to "serious inheritances." Uninvolved on the price, virobnichi processes, vidobutok, preparation of oil did not bother the transition to a backup control system, the company explained.

In a day, the Arbitration Court of Bashkiria has completed a session, for example, having looked at the positions of Rosnaft and the control of Bashnaft to AFK Sistema and Sistemi-Invest, about 170.6 billion rubles, yakt, yakt »I have learned from viglyadі zbitkіv in the past year of reorganization in 2014 rotsі.

The representative of AFK "Sistema" asked the court to declare that it was late for the month, and the parties got to know about the trouble. Judging by it, she announced that she would come in two days - 12 limes, meaning that the AFK could not be more representative and the stench would get caught up in the term.

The geography of the attacks of the new encryption virus, which is a block of computers and a virtual machine, is expanding. Infections of hedgehogs in Europe, Asia, America. Not insured for transport and energy companies. Experts have to guess for an hour, running a shkidlivy protocol for the first time. Immediately, a number of faqs from the cybersecurity officials said that the virus rose in the light of the new booklet, established by the Ukrainian programmers. I will explain in part why in Ukraine the Internet-epidemic has such a threatening scale.

Have arrived. Waters in the Kostroma region. Bagato hto from them on the remaining liters of gasoline to the nearest refueling. And they zustrіli went out of the board and ruined spіvrobіtnikіv. Technic zbi - legacies of a viral attack. Chergovy svitovy cybernapture hitting the Russian naphtha companies. Here, refueling has already appeared, but you have not yet accepted the system.

“So, I wanted to refuel. At the TNK at Ryazan, after refueling, it’s ok, it’s okay, and it’s just as well. The first TNKіvska gas station near the Volodymyr region is also closed, "- Oleg Kudrov said.

The main victims of high-profile programs under the name Petya energy companies, banks, airports, state structures, the Danish company MAERSK, in port and ship-floating business. On the home side, a short text: Our electronic system has collapsed. Mi vibachaєmosya and tryєmosya yaknaishvidshe everything is right.

“We can’t help our sportsmen at the terminals, as containers are needed to be fitted on the ships; we cannot reject new applications from clients. We have no access to information, all programs have seen that. For an hour the loan renewal is not reasonable, ”said Vincent Clerk, a representative of AP Moller-Maersk.

Tse already quarters assault of the light cyberbasts. First, the Zakhist was struck by fire. The whole of Europe, America, Argentina, Israel, Australia, China were affected. As soon as ZMI was introduced, the hackers denied access to one of the US nuclear power plants. In the Indian International Airport of Mumbai, the system of vantage flow control went out of order - everything was brought to work by hand.

Most of the distance from Ukraine, everything is better. Passengers were handled by hand at the ports of Kiev and Kharkiv. And the whole robotics of the Ukrainian TV channel is novyn 24. The news leaders in the live broadcast talked about the virus, behind the scenes, the magazines promoted it, as the information program has one computer behind the one. At the end of the hour, Vlada traditionally showed up the extreme one, invading Russia. They declared that they took the situation under control and were ready to give additional help.

“Is that yaka help? Listen, the stench itself cannot help. They have, grant, be-weasel, the whole cabinet of ministries to viribalo. The stench itself does not help. Is there any help from them? We will cope with the whole problem ", - commenting on the situation, the editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian TV channel" 24 "Vitaliy Kovach.

Tim for an hour, the analysts sat down: the Petya virus is already old. On this basis, the mutant program has grown up. Zdirnik new khvili defeated two thousand computers all over the world. Kaspersky Lab called the virus ExPetr. Only the root of the whole family is one - the software codes, distributed by the US NSA. They were victorious against the WannaCry successor, as against the grassroots they defeated 200 thousand computers in dozens of countries.

“Virus is called ExPetr. A great schoolboy is not safe, because he encrypts files, which are important for corporate officials and great companies: power stations, backwaters and so far, "- referring to the server of the Russian Laboratory of Youth"

Vimogi, all evil men are the same - wikup. Every once in 300 dollars for bitcoins, virtual currency. Poki scho analysts reason on reference motives of masovannyh attacks.

At the same time, the WannaCry encryptor has infected over 200 thousand computers, but hackers got less than three thousand dollars. Infection, judging from the electronic gamanets, on all planets paid deprived of nine koristuvachіv. Likewise, do not turn around to be called viruses-vimagacs. More quickly - with programs that will promote the weak mission of great companies all over the world.

About those who are gas stations in Bagatyokh Krajin, they can now be connected to the net and inevitably become objects of hacker attacks. Naygirshe, to navigate in 2015, such systems can be found at a price of minimal resources, with the help of Shodan and other other resources.

It seems that the forecasts of experts about those who, in the event of an attack, will become an extravagant right, fix the giblets and become involved in life. For example, last year, the American TV channel WJBK started talking about a wonderful trip to a gas station near Detroit.

The incident took place on the 23rd day of the month of 2018. For the control of the service of the gas station, the pump, which for the past two years has been distributed without a pump to all of them, the system did not respond to the command. More than ten auto graders got up to the wondrous needles, they refueled for 1800 US dollars. Pislya the refueling official, all the same, having pinched the feed of the fire for an additional "extra set", and then wiklik into the police.

Pravookhontsi vvazhayut, that the systems and refueling of the boules are not compromised for the help of the attached outbuilding. It is transferred, that the device is connected to the control of the filling pump for refueling and activating the supply of gasoline without a power supply. At the same time, the police changed the car and the driver, which was used to activate the cameras in advance of the incident.

Zvazhayuchi on everything, right-handed vvazhayut, scho evil zd_disnili zarazhit bezkashtovny petrol. The theory, perhaps, is not far from the truth, - WJBK magazine means in its reportage that you can browse on YouTube without the help of reportage instructions to deceive the current gas stations and reject the fuel-free gasoline.

British vidannya, as it itself appropriated a small note, apparently, well, on the thought of the IB-fahivts, the reason for that, which has become, for the most part, a simple technical thing. However, the environment is to direct the reader's commentary, which will take 10 years to be engaged in technical training of gas stations. That way, the wicked men could switch the pumps to the mode of well-being, before the hour of activation of the gas station's possession, they ceased to supply fire to the gas terminals and, in fact, work autonomously.

Fakhivets write, in the very first place, this is a great trick at most British gas stations. For his words, the virobniks thought to seize their possession from some of the unauthorized connections, quite often recently, the industry is not so great, and the passwords and special equipment used to be used "are not in the right hands".

The Rosnaft servers are aware of the "forced hacker attack", the company reported. From the scrutiny of the investigation, the tsevona went to law enforcement agencies.
Rosneft said the servers were aware of the "hard hacker attacks." The company wrote about it on Twitter.
For the fact of cyber attack, the company turned to law enforcement agencies.

Rosneft press secretary Mikhailo Leontyev, having looked at RBC, says that there are a lot of servers in the company who might be an overpowering attacker, and that the company has started to deal with the legacy of a hacker attack on its system. Win not becoming a commentary on the legacy for the robotized filling stations of Rosneft.

Computers of Rosneft, having violated a virus similar to its WannaCry game, sent RBC a spyvrozmovnik to law enforcement agencies. Win dodav, that the same attack was known by the controllers of Rosnaft and Bashnaft.

The press services of the Group-IB company, as they dealt with the investigation of cyberzlochins, RBC was suspected of a hacker attack on low-level companies for an additional encryption virus Petya, "even similar" to the attack, but in the middle of the attack, which became the reason Petya block computers and vimagay take $ 300 from bitcoins.

“The attack got close to 14:00. Judging by the photos, the Petya cryptolocker. A way of expanding into local hedge analogous to the WannaCry virus ", - due to the press service of Group-IB.

Dzherela "Vidomosty" added that all computers in the refinery "Bashnaft", "Bashnafta-Zdobich" and the managers of "Bashnafta" "rewrote once, for which they downloaded the uninstalled program without WannaCry and turned on the screen saver. It means that on the screen of the koristuvachi they announced that they would transfer $ 300 from the bitkoyny for the specified address, and the key for unlocking the computers will be sent to the koristuvachi by e-mail. It will also be received when the virus has encrypted the data on the computers of the koristuvach.

Dzherelo RBK from Rosnaft has confirmed information about those, on the screens of the computers of the spyvrobitniks of the company, which has appeared with the virus. At "Bashnaft" such a screen hangs out of a part of computers. They also asked Bashnafti to get their computers.

Over the words of the press secretary of the company, Rosneft and the daughters of the partnership began to work in the normal mode of the attack, TARS relayed.

At the same hour, one of the "daughters" of "Rosneft" is an associate of one of the "daughters" of "Rosneft" who are engaged in shelf projects, even if the computers are not vimicked, shielding the worms with the text appeared, but not all the associates. Protect in the company the robot collapse is zupinena. The sponsors also mean that in the office of Bashnaft in Ufa they brought in all the electricity.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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