Expansion for the re-transfer of sideways from google chrome. More extensions for Chrome

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On top of that, LinguaLeo English Translator renders transcripts of words and illustrations before them. Expanded to sound the original text behind the help of the movi synthesizer. Naykrashche vono pratsyuє with okremimy words or phrases, showing a range of options in the translation. Ale also has no choice but to transfer the fragments to the text.

A lot of re-translations є part of the LinguaLeo online service, which helps you to learn English vocabulary. Tom LinguaLeo English Translator has one great change. You can take a look at the words and words, then you can remember them for additional vocabulary cards and special ones right on the site or in the programs for the service. From the side, the expansion of the transfer is from the English.

Finally, you can see the text and the LinguaLeo English Translator through the context menu. If you need to change one word, enough two claps on the new left button of the Misha. Expansion can also be used to transfer links for additional hot keys.

If you're not up to date, Google Translate may also be an extension for Chrome. It’s very easy to cope with words and words, showing a few options in the translation, and with new texts.

Google Transfer of visas to the original automatically (if not so accurate, as I would like to). The tunes to the sound of the movable synthesizer can be heard closer to the words.

Aligned with the adjustment of the expanded image, the transfer of one way of writing the same from the corystuvach: seeing the text, a tag according to the displayed buttons on the toolbar, or a tag on the icon, which appears to be visible.

On the basis of these changes, the extension of non-interpretable phrases is literally behind an additional algorithm. Natomist, vono shukak in Merezha, relevant to food, ready to cross, viconious by people, and types of results. Oskіlki zhoden, the algorithm is not reasonable, the context is so good, like lyudin, Reverso Context often bypasses competitors, if on the right there are folding new turns.

Words that short phrases expanded transposition in a merging vіknі. If you see a lot of words, then the program will redirect you to an appropriate site, de-translate it to a very specific online link, and even without urahuvannya context. Reverso Context is accepted for more than 12 мов, including English and Russian, and the original is sent automatically.

Viklicati vіkno with the translation of the seen word or phrases can be done through the context menu. Write the Reverso Context to display the results at once from the butts of the implantation. Expansion of the voice over to the message, the selection of the history of the translations and the inclusion of the vocabulary, up to which it is possible to obtain the vibrancy of the results, to re-look them from the supplements or on the website

ImTranslator one-by-one shifting: Google, Bing and power. You can change between them for the additional help of three tabs, which are displayed at the merging screen. In such a rank, the koristuvach will take three different re-arrays of the text seen at once.

ImTranslator automatically recognizes the origin of the original. Expansion of the voice over to the voice, saving the history of the results and rearranging the words and phrases, and fragments of the text.

Victory in the display of the transfer of the necessary words is possible behind the addition of hot keys (by identifying them in front of the adjusted ones) or buttons, as it appears when the fragment is seen. Shcheb cross one word, enough two claps on a new target.

The function of on-line shifting has been added to the day. Ale rosrobniki from the OperaSoftware company did not deprive their child's shanuwalks of a respectful pose. Heads of good partnerships with provincial vendors of software security Sailormax and Imtranslator, from any clerk of the Opera system є there is no need to draw information from any other source. For the whole, it is necessary to install a blanket-free version of "Expanded".

Installation "Expanded Perekladachi for Opera"

Go to Menu Internet browser, vibrate Expansion, dal Zaguziti expansion.

At the deposit, Upgrades to Opera, write the word for the poshukovik shifting. Press the Poshuk button.

At the result of a joke, vibrate the program, scho zatz_kavila, for installation. You can read more detailed information about the skin program by clicking on the item Show more.

For example, koristuvach vibrated the Translator program from the Sailormax retailer.

Need to press a button Dodati to Opera, just install the program as a component in the browser.

The program has been installed. On the panel of keruvannya there is an icon on-line transfer.

Koristuvatisya by shifting it is easy to finish.

View text. Climb onto the іkonka Translator.

The translation, obviously, is not professional, but for the clarification of the main essence of the reverse text, completely accepted.

Yakshcho koristuvach to put the power on: "How to shift the sides to the opera?" Those creators have a supplement є. At the lower part of the window with the original and the translation of the text є function Swap the active side XXXXXXXXXX. Having drawn the yaku, he will reject the automatic translation of the effort from Google.

Now, be-a-koristuvach can get bogged down with all the Internet. With the help of the available programs, it has become simpler to transfer instead of my native language. Ale is more beautiful than the rospochati vivchati іzemnі movi. The price is cinnamon, incoli and life is necessary.

Kozhen koristuvach wants to look at the web site with his own native language, not all web sites, as they click on us, and may not transfer content; oskіlki sіd vikoristovuvati vіdpovіdnі expansion in order to make the vision change without problems. We offer you the most significant enhancements to the translation of websites that can be integrated into our web browser.

Google translate

More browsers in Google for automatic translation. In this order, if you are looking at the website with your own words, the Chrome browser will show you an icon next to the URL row, for the help of which you can easily translate the page.

Schob stand up to the movs, slid natisnuti on "Movies Management". This option gives us the opportunity to set up a song in a singing rank, but, to do it or see it, you want to re-arrange the content for you.

S3 Translator

One of the extensions є S3 Translator. The extension process can also be tweaked by Google shifting. This expansion allows you to shift the vibrating text by you, to shift the words and the whole side more than 100 meters. The extension is available for Firefox and Chrome.

There is a great number of extensions for transferring, as it allows the integration of integration in a web browser, but all the stinks may cause the same problem: when transferring the format of the vibrated text to be lost. The S3 Translator has a wide range of errors and has the HTML format of the web links.

The most practical changeover, which can be integrated into the browser, is Reverso Context. With a choice of words or phrases of shifting, I will show the result with a joke in reverse, my whole time, from synonyms, depending on the context.

The extension is available for Firefox and Chrome and is available in English, French, Italian, Russian, Nimetsk, Portuguese, Arabic, Dutch, Hebrew and Polish.


Rememberry available for Google Chrome and visonuє transfer without the vibrating word. In addition, as you have selected the required word, then set the primary translation and show you the options for the translation. Tsei of crossovers pіdtrimuє ponad 100 мов.


In addition, for Chrome and Opera, XTranslate, Google, Yandex and Bing will also be able to switch over and over again for 100 mov.

If you want to correct the translation, you just need to vibrate the word and click the right mouse button, then translate it or redirect the entire website to the required translation. To set up a copy of the move, vibrate from a given pictogram, and set it up in a row of URLs.

If you want, your corystuvachi didn’t get stuck with the hard times when looking at your website, you’ll want to go through the web relocation system for your needs.

I would like to present to your respect the miracle of expanded-re-translations for Google Chrome, for the help of which you can easily re-arrange both words and texts without the need for your browser.

Expanded zdіysnyu translation, vikoristovyuchi for all three of the most popular translators: Google, Microsoft Bing, Translator. You can also match the accuracy of the transfer.

How to rearrange the text in Chrome?

To re-lay the text, behind the help of ImTranslator, you need to see the text and press Alt + C. In this rank, you can transfer texts up to 5000 characters. More, unfortunately, the shift is not pulling.

It is also possible here to transfer a new one. For the whole it is necessary to press Alt + Z key. Fluid transfer - just Alt.

And in addition to the range of possibilities, the expansion is also possible to shift the whole side and around the word (є in the vocabulary vocabulary).

The transfer is good for 91 translations, for sounding the text of additional documents for up to 30 new translations.

Інші special features of the programs:

  • You can set up hot keys.
  • Zvorny transfer (turned to the text).
  • Vbudovaniya vocabulary.
  • The ability to take a history of all shifts.
  • Bezlich brown nalashtuvan.

If you will be given a full complement, you can get it up by switching to the official side of the extension for the lower order.

3rd cycle: "Expansion for the family of browsers in Google Chrome".

Bagato knows that Chrome browsers and their relatives have the ability to automatically switch the side. In a day or so, the power of distak, її vimikayut, ale to correct the transfer of the side, I still want to. It is for such people that it is expanded. Christmas reports about new.

Uwaga! Dane's expansion pratsyuє only for!

Stand up yak?
1.Idemo on expansion side .
2. We know there the "Install" button and the onslaught on it:

3. After a ten hour, the expansion will be turned on and powered up, if you don't want to get it up:

I recommend either to read it or not.

As soon as you do, you will be able to get up more quickly. When the extension icon appears in the extension panel:

And write to you like this:

Chastina 2. What is the setting for development?
Onslaught to the right of the Misha button on the Expansion button. Vibiraєmo from the "nalashtuvannya" menu:

Nalashtuvan is not rich, tsilich 3:

At the nipers need to vibrate your native language. For example:

Have another set up It is necessary to order that it is necessary to automatically display the Google Translate banner, if the web sites are displayed as indicated in the first place.

Besides, you can get on " languages ​​and URLs and vibrate the rules of the rule (change the address of the web-links):

At the third one You can set up the automatic translation of any sites. Nalashtuvannya mov tsikh site_v that / abo їkh address is absolutely analogous to the 2nd nalashtuvannya.

Chastina 3. Yak to repent of expansion?
Even simpler! If you want to translate a site, just click on the extension button with the left button of Misha. The first site will be automatically translated in my own language, as it was shown in the first one.

The yak axis, for example, is a sight for

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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