Allowed to pull electricity at a private booth. Power supply standards

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Chi to pump 7 kW for a comfortable life in a cottage without gas?

Vіdpovіd on the power supply chain yes Vіtalіy-fakhіvets electrical robots and client Evrobudinku.

All information is selected at the presentation of a 4-bed room for accommodation in a Canadian booth.

The main supporters of electrical energy at the frame booths are the courtyard lighting, hot water, scorching and cooking.

Yak vidomo, scorched in the winter period - the main energy supply for our booths. Otzhe, in Pershu cherga it is necessary to come with the utmost respect rozpodilu lived on the phase, so that you can unicuti the unsettled navantazhen at the festoon.

There are two types of scorching in our booth: watery behind the aid of the boiler, that batteries, that electrically for help convectors and warmths at the viglyadi mate chi plovka. It is also possible to supply heat with electricity and water scorched (batteries) or be interconnected with only warm pidlogs on all surfaces without convectors.

Scorched behind the aid of the boiler

Planning scorched for the auxiliary boiler, slid zrobiti vibir ubik three-phase boiler... The electronics of such a boiler should be installed on a phase-out basis, so that we are afraid of the control of automatic devices in the cold winter weather. Also, in the current models of kazans, there is a function of the choice of pressure to burn. From 2 to 16 kW step by step, and you can regulate the intensity of the heating of your radiators and the warm water circuit yourself. At the year "peak" at the forefront of the day, we will take the boiler pressure up to 4 kW, which with success will turn up the temperature in the booth at 24 degrees.

Convector not burned

Convectors are set up from the windows, which can be connected directly to the outlet. Їх maє bootie Stilki - Slippers at the booth vikon... It’s still good to go to the house and to the same level of energy in all three phases. For example, at the first phase it is possible to burn all the rooms of the first on top, at the other phase to burn all the rooms of the other on top, at the third phase to burn the kitchen and bathrooms.

Modern convectors may have expanded functions: the temperature is assigned to the load, the hour is consumed, the hour is set for the economical load by the year, as well as the "multitariff" mode is available - the convector is switched on at the until 8-00).

It is necessary to be smart, if one convector is available, for example, 24 degrees and it will work, the other convector will repair its robot for a whole hour, so it will instantly reduce the cost of living.

Scorched by the warmth

Okremo respect, I want to come warm food. In case of warm warm weather, you can indicate the temperature in the skin area. Do not lay down the warmth for a while before installing furniture, a refrigerator or a bath.

The yak showed pidrakhunks, booths 90 meters in length due to the inclusion of convectors and warm pidlogs on the first version, they live close to 5.5 kW.

Let’s say, be we caress, what kind of legal document is assigned to the maximum allowance for the electrical power delivery of a private (near the village) booth, how can we get it for a minimum (not commercial!) Fee? In other words, because of the law, I may have the right to vimagati for my booth at the Moscow electromerazh (for me, why do I have all the technical ideas for connection)?

At the office, decide on the order Russian Federation from 21 April 2009 to N 334;

You may have the right to send an application for the technological supply of power annexes, the maximum force of which is to be up to 15 kW inclusive (from the previous ones, the force was added to the point of supply).

You can familiarize yourself in more detail with the Decree of the Russian Federation No. 334, following the instructions "Acceptance of energetic attachments of small exertion".

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    It is necessary to understand that the owner of an apartment in a large apartment booth (MKD) is responsible for the law of goiter to pay for the vitra resources on the public address for consumption, and it is not possible to see if it is necessary to pay.

    If you talk about sumi, then there is a small amount of fallowness because of the fact that the provisions of the zagalnobudinkovy attachment should be carried out according to the standard. For another, the type of rakhunka will be larger, but for the first one, the first one to completely buy the ODPU and install it in the ICD according to the rules, which are described in detail in the other articles of this site.

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    As soon as there is a story about living from the IPU, then it’s possible to go to the premises of the sumi, before the show of the clerk at the apartment is turned on, and the vitrate is on the HDN at 7 kW / year for the skin, but it’s done at the apartment.

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    Vyhodyachi z explicitly in the Danish moment of the situation established tariffs You can tell me about those who fall for 100 liters of hot water and 2 times more cold water for adding to people.

    The drop in the average indicator will become 117 kW / year (Moscow), and for the other regions, the value will be the lowest, and it will start to be ruined at the lower indicators.

    comments 4

      I vvazhayu, that the out-of-pocket doctors of the oblast of energy are a reference for the distribution of the population. Some companies are not technically ready to go, some examples are shown of the internal apartments and back-office workers who are responsible for the knowledge of the mitten. The broadcast population is shown on the 23rd-24th, and the show is shown on the 26th and the whole show is shown on the outside of the city.

      We have an electrical dispatcher "NESK" in Krasnodar, at the receipts, it is recommended to show the apartment doctors on the 15-20th of the day of the skin month. Sami ODPU know the 23rd - 25th. Riznytsya, and power up to 1000 kWh. doba ide in the GDN. In the coming month of the baggage, pay for the price of money for every other day, like the delivery of your IPUs. Ні for 2015, Ні for 2016. The number of energy companies has not been changed yet. Naturally, there were two pererakhunks, and the phrase “not correct narakhuvannya obsyagiv ODN” was given to the owners of our MKD to pay 100 kWh of electricity. The axis is the same for us, the "NESK" company. Raise on the move, and start juggling, but everything is within the 354 ruling.

      We have Magnitogorsku postachalnik TOV "MEK". At the receipts, ask for a transfer to be shown from the 1st to the 10th, and send the mailbox to the 20th of the day. The veneration is magnificent. I was hoping to know the way out of the situation, but only with the help of growth it is possible to lower it, as the same knowledge is shown from us on the 20th of the day and send them from TOV "MEK", but don’t wake up the problem, don’t wake up the problem.


    The first step is to create a virginity for the electrical cottage, the cost of the electrical labor. How much can you see the electric cutting machine and what do you need? Yak to carry out a rozrahunok that will not be merciful? If the booth does not seem to be comfortable with the usual "small" comfort, it is necessary to ask the city electric motor for sufficient effort. Consume the booth and the versatility of the net. Often, it’s old-fashioned possession, for the energy consumption of electricity, installed for the whole locality, simply doesn’t allow you to see more than 10-15 kW. In other words, the householder will be able to use the electric accessories to make himself more comfortable. If you need to power it up in the administration, you will need a bit of water, and you are ready to give the correct reasoning. The need for by-end attachments to be included in the inventory, to reach the skin of them, or on the back wall or on the bottom of the attachment. For example, praska lives in the middle of 0.75 kW / year, a dishwashing machine, as well as a power supply unit, is close to 1 kW / year. The accumulative electric water heater will require 2–6 kW / year, and the th flow analogue - 15–20 kW / year. Order diy:

    • Learn about the versatility of the muscular hedge before going to the house of the house. For the whole of them, they go wild to the viral-technical view of the low-level organization. You can, the station is so far away, but the power of the nasty stuff, you will be able to see it from the purchase. Abo virishuvati nutrition, you will be awake pіdstantsії, purchase of a supplementary transformer for stretching hundreds of meters of darts for a long time. Wait a bit of pressure to see. In the ideals, there will be a collection of replace project of an electrical installation of a booth near a special design organization. In a wide range of projects elektroustatkuvannya at home that robotics mode. However, the reality is that it’s necessary to bring some pressure to bear, to see it, and even then to go to the design bureau for the completed project.
    • For uzgodzhennya write technical zavdannya. Three zhivannya slid turn to a viral and technical view of a low-cut organization. Itself on the basis of the miscellaneous specialties, you will be given technical advice on the connection of the booth until the end of the day and it will be available for new electrical energy. At the technical manager, direct the front end. In order to develop the electrical equipment, it is necessary to exert an electrical power, it is necessary to use the energy of electrical engineering (illumination, bespoke attachments, power possession), which will be transferred to exploitation. Head, never forget that everything is correct, because the hedgehog is seen by the organization of the electric power, the urge of the house to appear as a lack. The size of the tightness of the hem. Butt to ratchet the effort of illumination: at the room vikoristovuyutsya 25 point lights, in which 40-watt lamps are installed. I will multiply 25 by 40 and I will accept the total amount of effort required for illumination in a given room - 1 kW / year. So the most important indicators for all rooms and pidsumovuєmo їkh. The figure will be shown in the result; a few ounces will be needed for illumination in the booth. On the face of it, the effort of illumination, by-beat adjustments and power possession. Itself from the tsikh danikh to go to the electric strain of the booth. The need for electrical equipment is indicated for the skin attachment. To get rid of the painfulness of illumination, it is necessary to multiply the number of light bulbs in the skin by the amount of pressure. Vrahuvati all dribnitsy. Do not forget about those that are not only for the opal boiler, for the warm pidlogs, for the shower of the hydro-massage cabin or for the “ready-made” saunas. Try to vrahuvati all right up to such dibnies, such as elektrorozpalyuvannya plate, bring for the role-vіcon and vіt.
    • The project of electrical engineering of the building is even closer to the manifestation of the living effort. However, it is often the nobility who knows the figure of the need to cope with it, and before the project is replaced, it is thought that all the people involved in the power industry, by the way of the electric power supply, are introduced to the project. The accuracy of the results of the laboriousness is shown in the tables. Taken stench from technical passports on a special possession... For the skin rescuer of electrical energy, by-end electrical attachment, a visual indicator of lifelong tension has been induced, as well as the parameters of the electrical tension (single-phase wedge of an alternating strum - 220V, three-phase - 380V). The next step is to get a lot of money for a one-hour meeting, so that you can stay away from life. For example, say the following: if the sums are rejected, the cost is 32.8 kW, the table number 1 is the lustrum, and the efficiency is drunk 0.6. A dobutok of 32.8 kW for a performance of 0.6 allows you to adjust the operating indicator of labor force, as you can live with a booth, tobto 19.68 kW. Independent frontal opening of the electric laboriousness of the booth, how to get along. The main indicator of how to get paid by the electricians of the private booth is that it’s hard work. Having obscured the project of the electrician, the owner of the private booth will obov'yazkovo otrima the figure of the effort, so we will live well, as it will be in the new one. Ale often, it’s loud and clear about the pressure to get along before the project is replaced. In front of you, you will be able to see the amount of effort, how to swim (as well as thinking), and also comprehend to go to your needs in part of the energy service. Inodi buv vigіdnіshe is seen from people who support electricity, not to pay for a loan. The basis for the development of a private booth for an hour is the project of electricity, for the supply of electricians. The very tribute about the education of the electricians with the elements of illumination, the power possessions and the whip attachments, how to visit your booth, and give the opportunity to carry out an independent "estimation" For an independent development of the necessary electrical energy on your booth, the table "The view of the power supply (operating)" (Table No. 1) is indicative.
    Table 1. Vidomist of living people in electric power (orіntovna).
    Naymenuvannya ustatkuvannya Rn, kW (per unit) Uн, At the edge
    Roasting lamp 0.5 220
    The lamp is fluorescent 0,04 220
    The lamp is light 0,02 220
    Halogen lamp 0,04 220
    Rosette misce 0,1 220
    Fridge 0,5 220
    Electric stove 4 220
    Kitchen Vitiazhka 0,3 220
    Dishwasher 1,5 220
    Podrіbnyuvach vіdhodіv 0,4 220
    Electric igniter plate 0,1 220
    Aeroogril 1,2 220
    Kettle 2,3 220
    Kavomashina 2,0 220
    Washing machine 1,5 220
    Spirit Shafa 1,2 220
    Dishwasher 1,2 220
    Microwave oven 1,3 220
    Hydromassage bath 0,6 220
    Sauna 6,0 380
    Electric boiler 12 380
    Gas boiler 0,2 220
    Boiler room pump 0,8 220
    Chemical water treatment system 0,2 220
    Privid vorit 0,4 220
    TB "Plasma" 0,4 220
    Illumination of the street 1,0 220
    Computer mice 0,9 220
    Electric heat pidlog 0,8 220
    Septic tank 0,65 220
    Channel-based station 1,5 220-380
    Air conditioner 1,5 220
    Ventilation installation 2,5 220-380
    Sauna 7 220-380
    Elektrokamіn 0,3 220
    Guide the roller shutters 0,3 220
    Electric dryers for towels 0,75 220
    Steam generator 1,5 380
    Sverdlovy pump 2 220-380

    Krym danikh, hovering at tables 1, for the development of the same way to know the function of the drink, the meaning of which is clearly indicated by the normative documents and is given at tables # 2.

    Table 2. Coefficiencies (according to the standards).

    In order to independently develop the laboriousness, it is necessary to vibrate the list of survivors, which are planned before the end of the week (by multiplying the skin position by the number of one type of survivor). Dal it is necessary to multiply the otriman sum for the efficiency of one-hour victorian, which is to be kept as a result of the living effort (table number 2). Butt: if the sum of the survivors you have received is 32.8 kW, then according to table No. 1, the coefficient will be met for 0.6. Having multiplied 32.8 kW by 0.6, we take away the amount of living labor required (for booths) of 19.68 kW.

    • Round off the result on the big side and give 10-20%. It’s necessary that the system didn’t come to fruition until the hour of the day. Also, the results of the projects give more information about those that are required for the home. Do not forget, scho, when you illuminate the booth, next to "prorahuvati" the pressure of lamps to illuminate the territory of the country.
    • The need for a transformer substation (complete transformer station) is changed in kVA.
    What is the specificity of kW per kVA?

    Bagato hto write to finish smoothly. For the sake of simplicity, I will say that the main idea is that the kW is taken as the main one for electric motors, but it is necessary to transfer to kW, it is necessary to take 20% and we can take off the kW with a little flexibility, which is not great. For 1 kVA, approx. 0.8 kW.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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