Cicavi commands for the command line in Windows 7. Launching the command line in Windows

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

The OS change allows you to restore the normal operation of Windows in case of occasional poor software security, installation of inaccurate drivers, software updates, unfavorable corruption and in other situations. To start the system update, just go to the "Start" menu and activate the program in the "Services" section.

If Windows does not start, then the command line comes to the fore. With help, you can reanimate the troublemaker of the operating system, by the same time turning it back and giving you the ability to viconate and viconate the cause of a malfunction.

How to enter command entry mode

You can start the command line in Windows 7 in a number of ways:

  • through the standard menu;
  • for help to a careless regime;
  • for help zavantazhuvalny disk.

The first method is relevant to that situation, if the operating system is zavantazhuetsya in stationary mode. In this case, it is necessary through the "Start" menu to open the "Vikonati" tab and enter the cmd command.

To enable the safe mode, it is necessary to press the F8 function key in the process of restarting the computer and, in the choice of options, activate the default row. Farther away, they will be like that in the first turn.

As if the installation system is serious, so that the safe mode does not work, an extra disk or a USB flash drive with Windows 7 OS will come to the rescue.

To launch the command line through the capture disk, you need to:

Resuscitation of Windows OS for the help of the rstrui.exe command

The rstrui.exe command launches a simple graphical wrapper for the update procedure. However, it is necessary for the selection to have the checkpoints marked on the computer. For the Windows system partition, such points are created automatically. For other volumes, you need to activate it manually.

System update via rstrui.exe is fixed like this:

Stopping the Chkdsk command

The correct syntax of the Chkdsk utility through the command line is shown in the image.


This utility allows you to restore Windows 7 bugs and, apparently, start the OS in normal mode to investigate the cause of a malfunction. If Bootrec is entered in the command line, you will see a list with the usual keys that work with this command, as well as a short description.

Let's look at the key of the report:

BCDboot.exe Command Variant

In order to confirm the practicality of the Windows 7 system for the help of the commands described above, you can try to speed up the BCDboot.exe utility. This program also allows you to reanimate the poshkodzhenie sector of interest or create a new one.

The early operating systems were not small for a modern graphical interface. Previously, for cherubing with a computer, they vicorated exclusively text commands.

However, even today, regardless of the diversity of possibilities, which make it easy for that handy interplay with PC, the stench is still victorious. Іsnuyt і takі OS, yakі pratsyyut seldom for the help of introducing text commands to them. Їx call vicorist administrators of databases, programmers and other IT specialists.

Vіdminny butt keruvannya operating system for additional text commands - command line windows 7 Vaughn є at any distribution kits tsієї OS and yogo you can run any PC under the kernel of the operating system. You don't need to be an administrator, or be a kind of IT-fahivets, to learn how to be a good one. Let's take a look at the nutritional report.

Trochs of theory and facts

The Windows command line is a tool that allows you to control different things over the operating system or over other programs with a path of introduction text commands. The command line is formed, as a rule, from a command interpreter (shell) and a text interface. pershy vouch for the transfer of that vikonannya commands operating system, other- Bezpechuu koristuvach mozhlivistyu the introduction of the commands themselves and the review of the result of their.

The command line offers great opportunities for the care of the operating system. Mayzhe everything that can be done in Windows for the help of a bear, you can also work through it. Zvіdsi vyplyvaє - the command line of the building viskonati to complete the great list of zavdan, the skin of those vikonuєtsya for the help of the chergovo introduction of a unique command. By itself, through the need to remember the syntax of these commands, and in the meantime, more cross-cutting ones may be difficult for robots in the command line.

Navit unfailingly on the spot, the choice of the command line is not the same as the folding order. Here it is more important to learn to understand the very principle of її work, about which the report will be said later.

Navіscho zvichayny koristuvachevі command line

Chantly, the skin of you sticking with various articles on the Internet, in which authors call out to hurry up with another team for the accomplishment of the singing task. For example, through the command row you can keruvannya files, who are saved on whatever they wear, change parameters robotic systems or navit create Internet connection. However, you can easily vikonate more easily and for the help of the sonorous mouse and keyboard.

The importance of the command line is that, whether the operation of the system can be done at times, if the access to the graphical interface is lost, there is no other solution.

Axis of spear butt:

  • Registration in the system dynamic DLLs(Most of the time, it is necessary to scan a new DLL file when copying to the Windows system folder - registration "to give an understanding" to the system that a new library has appeared);
  • Mering adapter setup computer as a wireless access point Wi-Fi;
  • You can navigate to the Internet by connecting to a network through one essential connection.

You can’t do without a command row without a command line impossibility of management computer for the help of a graphical interface. For example, there are more than one variety of virus programs, like turning on Windows Explorer, not giving access to folders or launching programs.

For the help of the command line, you can not only launch the program, but also go to the folder with the method of working on files (copying, moving, setting a new name again). I only part of the possibilities of the command line. Now let's move on to practice.

How to open the command line in Windows 7

The first thing that needs to be done is to launch the command row and, more briefly, in the name of the administrator.

Launched by one of the following methods:

Having finished one of the sights, you will see the command line call - ring out a small black color.

Do you need administrator rights? On the right, in what is low commands, like buildings change system adjustments. Calling for such commands can only be done with administrator rights. Crushed for safety. To that, as if you are rebuying in the guest’s public record, you will not be able to create a prompt of the command row in the name of the administrator, but it means to vikonuvat commands, connected with systemic adjustments.

Yak koristuvatisya command line

The number of teams to complete is large, the entire list of teams cannot be represented within the framework of one article. For reasons we can look at the simplest commands, which can be run without administrator rights. Let's do it.

After launching the command line, you will run something like this:

Address row, which is forwarded to the blinking cursor - all addresses streaming folders on a hard drive (or be it some other connected add-on). Moving to folders (changing a streaming folder) is one of the simplest actions. Let's beat the whole team. For this window, you need to enter the cd command and enter the new path to the name of the required folder, and then press Enter to start the window. For example, it is necessary to spend at the address " C:\Program Files”, for which it is sufficient to enter cd C:\"Program Files"

Important! When going to the folder with a gap in the name її, it is necessary to indicate in the paws.

In this rank, you can spend up to the directories of the hard drive. It is also necessary to know that if the folder is stashed in the current folder of the command line, then for help cd» won't show up without the need for a new route ( enough after the command to specify the folder name).

To go from the stream folder to the folder of the higher level, tobto Batkivsk, type the command cd .. (Two dots mean the Batkiv directory).

Now we can't wait move to another local drive. For which it is sufficient to indicate the drive letter with a two-pointer. For example, we want to use the disk "D:" - we write the command d: and then press Enter.

Zdіysnyuєtsya for help team. dir". Enter її that command line will show the list instead of the D:\ drive. Command " dir» You can click on any folder - navigate to the directory on another disk to view it (for which you need to enter the last path to the name of the folder you need). For example, vikonaite: dir c:\windows

Let's look at one more command - " copy". As zrozumilo z name, out to serve as a copy of the data. For example, you are on the disk " D:\» and you need to copy the file « 1.txt» to a flash drive. For this type, copy 1.txt F: The "F:" substitution can be specified whether it is for a different drive letter (for ours, it is copied to the "C" drive :\ ”) or follow the path to the directory where you need to copy files or folders.

The larger version of the copy command was inserted - the command " robocopy”, At the sight of your assistants, you can copy not only files, but also folders, including them together.

You do not have to remember the names of all commands. For seeing retranslation with a short description, type: help

For the purpose of reporting information, for example, robocopy, type: help robocopy

To return respect, scho help display all descriptions on my Russian Obviously, as the version of Windows you have is Russified.

Everything that is looked at here is only a small part of the possibilities of the command line. If you have an interest in knowing, it is recommended that you visit the official Microsoft website, where you can work with it.

Video on the topic

From quiet fir, like a computer becoming an invisible part of the life of modern society, we called for practice at the visual graphic interface. Let's forgive my tse - click the bear on the pictures, drag them, etc. But at the dawn of computer technology, everything was different. The same machine commands were assigned in the text mode only. That kind of software and so ranks will stick out the coristuvachi can easily communicate with their computer for the help of text commands.

In some cases, it may be easy to live with such a regime, but in certain situations it becomes simply necessary. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss what the command row is in Windows 7, as it is clear that the row and other things you may need.

Translation from human movie to computer

Sob the computer is able to understand the mind of the koristuvach, in the operating system there is a special command shell, de command line Windows 7 wins the role of relaying. It’s easier for English people to have a sense, it’s easier to live, to the one who commands to write in the purest English language. Well, let's have a chance to add dozens of foreign words.

for Windows 7. How to open the tool

Let's take a look at the back of the head, how to launch the medium we need for introduction. Opening the Windows 7 command line can be done in a number of ways.

For the first way, you will have to remember the simplest command - "cmd". Zrobiti tse is not difficult. Numbers of letters are computer abbreviations like the English word command, which is more similar to the Russian "command". Having put the simplest mnemonics, we take away the letters we need ( Before about M en D nya).

Press the "Start" button (Windows icon), as it is located at the bottom left corner of the screen. At the window, in the row “Know programs and files” (the lowest row), enter the command “cmd”. A required icon will appear in the list of programs. By clicking on the new left button of the bear, you can launch the Windows 7 command line.

The next way to click the command line is also based on the "Start" button. For once, you can simply click on the “All Programs” row and select the “Standard” folder. By clicking on the folder, you will take the number low of the program. One of them will be the Command Row.

Command row in Windows 7

You can reach the desired result with the help of the keys "Win" + "R". (The Win key is placed on the keyboard in the bottom row, the third left hand, with the Windows logo). Having pressed this combination, you will see the special "Vikonati" window. In the proponed field, it is necessary to enter the cmd command, which you already know, and press the Enter key.

Why you might need a command row

Let's say you've won a trial period of cost-free familiarity with the Windows 7 operating system. Win is already reaching the end, but more often, they haven't grasped the understanding of what to put on a permanent basis. The axis here is for you to know about the work of the command line.

Microsoft has given an absolutely legal opportunity to activate Windows 7 for an additional period (up to 120 days). You can set a similar command only in the name of the administrator. Tsya oberezhnіst already nіyak not zayva. Even more specific changes can be made to the computer robot using the "Command Row" program. guilty to clearly ascertain what to bring yoga diy.

To log in with administrator rights, calling the program using one of the previously described methods, right-click on it and select "Run as administrator name" in the context menu (at the very top of the list).

Then enter "slmgr.vbs /rearm" (after the letter "vbs" can be tried). І confirm the command by pressing the "Enter" key. Rezavantage the computer and change the terms for the trial version. Vіn may become 30 days. This procedure can be repeated, but no more than three times. Also, you will take 120 days to maintain the capabilities of the operating system.

List of main commands

For the impersonal basic and specific functions, the command line is also available in Windows 7. How to open the required directory or folder and perform the necessary operations with them, you know from the list of commands. Even though the wine is far from complete, but knowing the basics can be a great blessing to your life. To make it easier to understand, we will try to group the commands into small blocks.

Commands for working with restricted files and folders

  • If you need to delete any file or a whole group of files, the “del” command is used.
  • To copy information to another folder or directory, enter the “copy” command.
  • To find a text string for a streaming file (or a group, what is stored in dekilkoh files) of tasks, type "find".
  • If you need to sort out the number of files in order to show differences between them, change the letter "fc".
  • To move the specified files to another folder, type "move".
  • To create a new empty folder, it's enough to enter "md".
  • As necessary, the folder should be seen at once with a mustache, irrevocably typing "rd".
  • If it is necessary to enter textual or graphical information from the specified file for another, type "print".
  • To replace the selected files completely, use the "replace" command.
  • To rename an okremium file or a folder, enter “ren”.
  • For more information about the graphical directory structure of a disk or folder, use the "tree" command.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to launch a shortened copy of the files and create new catalog trees. In your vipad, type "robocopy"
  • And for a simple copying of files and catalog trees, xcopy is used.
  • If you would like to see a new set of text files on your screen, enter the "type" command.

Command row management

For direct management by the command row itself, a number of specific commands are victorious. Zavdyaki they can allow themselves to be sung by the world іndivіdualіzuvat the robot with this program by changing the deakі її parameters.

  • To start another copy of the command line, enter "cmd". She's going to see the judge's vіknі.
  • To clear the command row screen again, send the cls command.
  • If necessary, change the request itself in this command line, enter "prompt".
  • To assign the original title of the screen to the hour of the streaming session, command "title".
  • The "color" command allows you to select and install an individual color for the text and background for the program interface.
  • Exit from the command row is always called after the help of the “exit” command.

Features of working with the command row in Windows 8

In the Windows 7 operating system, launching a command line as an administrator is easy. But in order to run the program in the Windows 8 environment, it is necessary to know the latest news and subtleties of the shell.

Windows 8 doesn't have a start menu. In order to call us to the panel, it is necessary to right-click on the mouse on the empty area of ​​the working table. If the add-on panel appears at the bottom of the screen, you will see the “All Programs” icon (lower right cut).

Open the program (by clicking on the icon with the left mouse button) and click on the icon in the list with the inscription "Team Row" (it will be approximately in the central part of the panel). Click after this icon with the right button of the mouse (as a victorious left key, then behind the lock the command line will appear in the name of the streamer) and in the addendum, which appeared at the bottom, select the option “Launch as administrator”.

Homemade pomіchnik

Wanting a robot with a command line, for a deep thought, we have the privilege of knowing the coristuvachiv, in fact, the tool can be worn leather. I will unappreciated help the navchannі zіgraє vbudovaniy pomіchnik. Calling out can be easily forgotten by the Help text command.

Working with the command line, at any time you can issue the Help command - and the program will show you a complete list of its capabilities. In order to get more detailed information about whether the command that specifically hooked you up, it is enough to enter a request in the “help + command name” format.

Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and expand your horizons. Explore the power of your computer or laptop - and you can easily speak to equal people who have obtained special education.

Oh, what's up command line? Tse warehouse Windows, for help you can enter different commands of the computer. As a rule, only those who are informed of coristuvach go to the command rank, but I didn’t say anything about it, so I dedicate this post to the possibilities and authorities of the command rank.

Is the command row needed now?

Do you need to know more about command line capabilities, like the Windows graphical interface? And the axis at once, I’ll pererahayu causes, for some varto vikoristati command line:

Vitrata memory less, lower when the menu system is stuck;

Command typing, be it the program, it is faster, the graphic interface of the command is more likely to be written;

The command line can be used to wrap a text file with the most recent commands, but at the same time more quickly, lower than the last one.

De zastosovuyut command line?

Command line speed can be used with operating systems, computer games and other programs. Vlasne, on the back of the head, the command row victorious in the games, as if the bula was necessary. Ale and at once for the graphical interface for the help of the command line, you can change the setting of the grid more.

Why is the command line superior?

It is practically a mitte of the transition to the commands of the different files that are vindicated;

Shchob viklikati be-yak team, dosit small kіlkіst push;

You can use programs to create a graphical interface;

You can remotely connect to your computer with less traffic;

The text on the side fits more, lower on the graphical interface.

What are the minuses of the command row?

It is important to be accepted by coristuvaches, as if they were pratsyuvati from the graphical interface;

As soon as it is automatically added, it is important to enter other commands;

There are no analogues.

How to open the command row?

1. To open the command line in Windows7/XP, follow these steps:
Start => All Programs => Accessories => Command Row .

or press the keys Win + R.

near the field "Vіdkriti" enter this command:

Vіdkriєtsya black vikno command line from the letter:

C:\Users\Administrator>, de administrator - name of the in-line koristuvach.

To look through the list of command line commands, type help

and press the Enter key.

To look at additional information about the skin of these commands, enter the following command at the command row
help command_name and press the Enter key.

For example:

List of command line commands:

ASSOC→ View or change the filename expansion.

ATTRIB→ View and change file attributes.

BREAK→ Emphasizing and enabling the CTRL+C key combination mode.

BCDEDIT→ Sets the authority of the data base of the profit for cherubing the cob of profit.

CACLS→ Modification and editing of lists with access (ACL) access to files.

CALL→ Click one batch file after another.


CHCP→ View or install an active code side.

CHDIR→ Viewing the name or changing the stream folder.

CHKDSK→ Rechecking the disk and viewing statistics.

CHKNTFS→ Vіdobrazhennya or zmіna reverіrki disk pіd hаs zavantazhennya.

CLS→ Clear the screen.

cmd→ Launch another command line interpreter in Windows.

COLOR→ Adjusting the colors of the foreground and the background, as if they are scoring behind the locks.

COMP→ Pairing together two files or two sets of files.

COMPACT→ Revision and change of squeezing files in NTFS partitions.

CONVERT→ Converting FAT disk volumes to NTFS. Unable to rebuild a streaming active disk.

COPY→ Copy one or more files up to the next month.

DATE→ View or set the current date.


DIR→ View the list of files and folders from the designated folder.

DISKCOMP→ Por_vnyannya instead of two floppy disks.

DISKCOPY→ Copying instead of one floppy disk to another.

DISKPART→ Vіdobrazhennya that nalashtuvannya of authority to divide the disk.

DOSKEY→ Redaguvannya and repeated call of the command rows; creation of macros.

DRIVERQUERY→ I’ll build the driver’s power of the current state of power.

ECHO→ Showing the remembrance of the mode of displaying commands on the screen.

ENDLOCAL→ End local media changes for the batch file.

ERASE→ View one or more files.

EXIT→ Completion of the robot program CMD.EXE (command line interpreter).

FC→ Pairing two files or two sets of files and removing the permissions between them.

FIND→ Search for a text string in one or more files.

FINDSTR→ Search rows for files.

FOR→ Run tsієї command for skin files in the set.

FORMAT→ Format disk for Windows.

FSUTIL→ Improvement and adjustment of file system powers.

FTYPE→ Show or change file types that are changed when matching file names.

GOTO→ Passing over the values ​​in a row to a batch file.

GPRESULT→ Displaying information about the group policy for the computer chi koristuvach.

GRAFTABL→ Allow Windows to display extensions by typing characters in graphics mode.

HELP→ Show additional information about Windows commands.

ICACLS→ Viewing, changing, archiving or updating ACLs for files and directories.

IF→ Smart typing operator for a batch file.

LABEL→ Created, changed that old badge for discs.

MD→ Folder creation.

MKDIR→ Folder creation.

MKLINK→ Creation of symbolic and zhorst silan

MODE→ Adjustment of system outbuildings.

MORE→ The last view of the data in parts expanded in one screen.

MOVE→ Move one or more files from one folder to another.

OPENFILES→ Vіdobrazhennya files, vіdkritih at svіlnіy paptsі vіddalenim koristuvach.

PATH→ Show or install the path to search for files that are being downloaded.

PAUSE→ Supinyaє vykonannya batch file and display prompts.

POPD→ Restore the previous value of the active folder, save for the help of the PUSHD command.

PRINT→ View on another text file.

PROMPT→ Change the request from the Windows command line.

PUSHD→ Select the active folder and go to another folder.

RD→ View folder.

RECOVER→ Revise data that can be read from a filthy or corrupted disk.

REM→ Add comments to batch files and to the CONFIG.SYS file.


RENAME→ Rename files or folders.

REPLACE→ Replace files.

RMDIR→ View folders.

ROBOCOPY→ Improved copying of files and directory trees

SET→ Show, install and see changes to the Windows environment.

SETLOCAL→ Investigate the localization of the environment change for the batch file.

SC→ Shows the service settings (background processes).

SCHTASKS→ Win the command and run the program after the layout.

SHIFT→ Change the position (zsv) of parameters for a batch file.

SHUTDOWN→ Locally or remotely close the computer.

SORT→ Sorting entries.

START→ Vikonannya programs or commands in a cool evening.

SUBST→ Assign the specified path to the disk name.

SYSTEMINFO→ Display information about the system and computer configuration.

TASKLIST→ Revision of all tasks, including services.

TASKKILL→ Attaching or supining a process or a program.

TIME → Seeing that the system clock is set.

TITLE→ Assign a window title to the streaming session of the command line interpreter in CMD.EXE.

TREE→ Graphical display of the directory structure on disks or folders.

TYPE→ Display on the screen instead of text files.

VER→ View information about the version of Windows.

VERIFY→ Set the mode of rechecking the correctness of writing files to disk.

VOL→ Seeing the label and serial number for the disc.

XCOPY→ Copy files to directory trees.

WMIC→ View WMI listings in an interactive environment.

command line otherwise, cmd is also called in the operating system Windows 8 is the same as in younger versions of Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows xp, it is clear that the same commands work in all versions.

So let's take a look at the cob as we launch the command line. For whom you are to blame but the computer with the operating system.

For some commands, if you work through the oblіkovy record of the splendid koristuvach for vikonannya, there are not enough rights for the security method, so always run the command line with the rights of the administrator. There are 2 ways to launch a command line:

At the end of the day, what happened, we write cmd, we press OK.

Run in the command line window with a black background.

2) The best way: through the hot keys Win + R, here you also write cmd at the end, press ok.

In windows 8, you can speed up in just 2 ways, because there is no Start menu there. Let's write our first help command so that we can see a list of all available commands with short explanations.

List of common Windows command line commands:

ASSOC Druk on the screen or modifying the extension of file names.
ATTRIB Revision and modification of the powers of the files.
BREAK Blocking or blocking extended processing of CTRL + C in the DOS system.
BCDEDIT Establishes the authority of the data base of the profit, as it allows the exchange of cob profits.
CACLS Display data and change access lists (ACL) to files.
CALL Calls one batch file after another, and can also pass input arguments.
CHCP Vivedennya or zavdannya koduvannya.
CHDIR Display the name or move to another folder.
CHKDSK Diagnostics of a hoarder for pardon.
CHKNTFS Show or change the diagnostics of the accumulation of the hour of interest.
CLSO clearing the display of the selected characters.
cmd Launches the Windows command line program. On one computer you can run impersonal. The stench is practiced independently one kind of one.
COLOR Change and install the main background of the font itself.
COMP Shows the identity and pairing of two files.
COMPACT Changes that shows squeezing files in NTFS.
CONVERT Change FAT disk volumes from NTFS. The streaming disk cannot be changed.
COPY Make a copy of the file or files and distribute them to the designated location.
DATE Display or set the current date.
DEL Knowing one or a few files once.
DIR Show the names of files and folders with their date of creation, which are in the current or instructions from the father.
DISKCOMP Porіvnyuє that shows vіdminnosti dvoh gnuchki hoarders.
DISKCOPY I make a copy instead of one gnuchka hoarder for another.
DISKPART Shows that changing the power of the partition of the disk.
DOSKEY Changes and re-calls command rows; create macros.
DRIVERQUERY I will add the information about the station to the right and the attributes of the driver.
ECHO Display text information and change the mode of displaying commands on the screen.
ENDLOCAL Lead to the end of the localization of the middle of the batch file.
ERASE Knowing files or files.
EXIT Attaches the command line program to the robot
FC Shows the identity of two files or two sets of files, as well as the matching of them
FIND Search for a text row in files in one file.
FINDSTR Search extensions for text rows in files.
FOR Cycle. I repeat the last one and the same command and the number of times indicated
FORMAT Formatting storage device for Windows robots.
FSUTIL Shows and installs file system attributes.
FTYPE Gives you the opportunity to change and look over file types, as they are mainly selected when setting the extension of file names.
GOTO Passing a wake-up call to the next command.
GPRESULT Vіdobrazhaє vіdomosti pro grupovu politіku dlya kom'yutera or koristuvach.
GRAFTABL Allows Windows to show extensions by typing characters in graphics mode.
HELP Display all the details about the essential Windows commands.
ICACLS Show, modify, archive and update ACLs for files and folders.
IF Vikonuє commands for a given mentality.
LABEL Create, modify and existing volume marks for accumulators.
MD Create an empty directory.
MKDIR Create an empty directory.
MKLINK I create symbolic and cruel messages
MODE Setting up system extensions.
MORE Sequentially display information on blocks by one screen.
MOVE Move files from one month to the next.
OPENFILES Shows the files, as if they were written on the papacy of the distant koristuvach.
PATH Display or set the next path to the selected files.
PAUSE Pinning the command row commands and displaying the text that informs.
POPD Restore the previous value of the active folder, save for the help of the PUSHD command.
PRINT Display on another text file.
PROMPT Modify the request from the Windows command line.
PUSHD Save the value of the active folder and go to another folder.
RD Looking for a directory.
RECOVER Vіdrodzhuє danі, zdatni chitatsi, s nasty or poshkodzhennogo vіnchester.
REM Add comments to the package files and the CONFIG.SYS file.
REN Change the name of files and folders.
RENAME Similar teams REN.
REPLACE Change the files under the folder.
RMDIR Looking for a directory.
ROBOCOPY Slip tool for copying files and whole folders
SET Shows, installs and changes the Windows environment.
SETLOCAL Change the localization of the medium in a batch file.
SC We give you the opportunity to practice with services
SCHTASKS Allows you to run any programs and sequentially select the required commands for a given plan
SHIFT Change the position (zsv) of parameters for a batch file.
SHUTDOWN Shut down the computer.
SORT Sort the input according to the given parameters.
START Run the program command in the new window.
SUBST Appointment of the given way to the name of the accumulator.
SYSTEMINFO Display data about the operating system and computer configuration.
TASKLIST Shows a list of currently running processes from each of them by identifiers.
TASKKILL"Drive in" or zupinyaє process.
TIME Set to display the system hour.
TITLE Specify the name of the window for the streaming session of the command line interpreter in CMD.EXE
TREE Display the directories of the accumulator in front of a clear sight.
TYPE Display a variety of text files.
VER Displays short information about the version of Windows.
VERIFY Revising the pardons of the file on the accumulator.
VOL Show the label and serial number of the storage volume on the display.
XCOPY I make a copy of the files.
WMIC Display WMI at the command line.

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