So the very apple id of two phones. Login for help with Apple ID.

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Before the iPhone, it was only a sign of the status of that uniqueness. Now the products of the Apple company serve not only to create an image, but also to improve inter-social communication, interoperability between the premises and access to them.

Tse means that in one sіm'ї as a whole you can have an iPhone, iMac, MacBook and a number of attachments like Apple. Don't let the evildoers grumble about fanaticism and adherents of the apple plantation.

Apple technology is handy in the first place through the possibility of ideal integration between outbuildings. For example, I am writing a list of products from "Buy a Baton" and for some time it is synchronized with my person's iPhone. Otherwise, I can throw a command for a remote friend in a couple of clicks.

It is possible to rename the system's feasibility without fail. One fold is left: the ideal balance can be achieved once. For whom we need Apple ID records.

First of all, give an unambiguous confirmation of the request: "Skіlki zhe need Apple ID sіm'ї", it is necessary to ask terminology.

Apple ID- Your special identifier Apple systems. Tse own place between the purchase of an annex and services. Registering an Apple ID Coristuvach may be able to make purchases at App Store, grab content from iTunes Store, share access in Game Center, sync and transfer data via iCloud and more.

- Virtually cloudy, as it collects information from your building and building in real time to transfer data to other gadgets. Bezkoshtovny access to the skin coristuvach 5 GB. For example, you can override photos, contacts, synchronize calendars and other entries on all outbuildings.

Otzhe, let’s say, that it’s like a couple: Olenka and Ivanka. The skin has an iPhone, an iPad, and one iMac for two. Tobto five outbuildings Apple.

For promotions up to one Apple ID, you can link no more than 5 add-ons. Such an exchange of the system.

How to connect all addons up to one Apple ID, then we should be aware that the available 5 GB of memory is quickly exhausted, so it is not possible to fully exploit the functionality of iMessage and Face Time. About the confidentiality of information is not to be found: all documents, mail, calendars and notes will be mixed.

The skin of the people is consumed by the power of a little piece of peace: special documents, music, leafing, grazing and come in. For whom is it possible to create an Apple ID and iCloud cloud records. Also, the separation of content is shared with the iTunes media library.

Hot Apple ID for App Store and iTunes Store

The creation of a single Apple ID for the App Store allows you to save money from the family budget. Purchases are tied to an Apple ID and are available for download in all attachments before the new login.

For example: [email protected]

  • Global Apple ID login on all five outbuildings:

Addendum Nalashtuvannya -> iTunes Store, App Store -> Enter login and password

You can also install automatic program start from oblіkovogo record. Tobto be some addendum without zavantazhiv іnshiy koristuvach - vіn appear on your annex. Nalashtuvannya automatic acquisition can also be found in the "iTunes Store, App Store" menu.

Personalization of data for assistance with Apple ID

Fitting iPhone and iPad

Now let's get down to seeing personal data for the skin member of this family/attachment. Our butt has a skin member with an iPhone and an iPad. Mean one additional Apple ID for Olenka and one for Ivanka. We write the data in the same field on the iPhone and iPad.

Wait a minute, if the data from your smartphone is synchronized with the information on the tablet. It really looks like this: having written a note on the iPhone at the door, turning the pages of Pages on the iPad - the axis is out of the way!

1) Details of records, documents, contacts, photographs and payment information

1. We create 2 Apple ID add-ons at the iCloud menu (“Setting up” add-on).

For example: [email protected]і [email protected]

2. Let's activate the slider for your consideration:

  • send data
  • contacts, calendar visit, guessing, notes and documents
  • bookmarks, reading list and history from Safari browser
  • passwords and payment information (link of keys)
  • passbook
  • completely backup copy outbuildings

2) Get iMessage

1. Enter a personal Apple ID (for our application [email protected]і [email protected] ).

2. On the iPhone at the field start rozmovu» display phone number

3. On the iPad, you can specify the email address.

4. At the field your iMessage reminder addresses» email and phone number (for both outbuildings) are required. These notifications will be duplicated on iPad and iPhone.

Additional email addresses can be added on the Apple website. System login. Click to add an email address. I confirm yogo for the help of me. All.

3) Set up FaceTime

The process is similar to iMessage. Addendum " Customization" -> FaceTime -> Apple ID

4) Custom Game Center

I know we need a personal Apple ID. addendum "Nalashtuvannya" -> Game Center -> Apple ID.

iMac customization

Our butt Olenka and Ivanka share one iMac for two. The problem of special space is overcome for help two oblique records.

In order to create a new physical record go to supplements "System Nalashtuvannya" -> "Koristuvachі ta grupi" and pressing "plus" at the left lower cod.

For example: Alenich and Ivanovich

1) Now we can split the media library- the skin koristuvach will have his own collection of music, software and video files.

For example: iTunes Vanya and iTunes Alona.

2) Improved purchases from the App Store on iMac via Addendum App Store. Introducing a glowing appearance record: [email protected]

3) Ringing the keys iCloud data nalashtovuєmo at a different menu. For the skin working table, its own addresses:

to/from Ivanushka [email protected]

at / from Olenka - [email protected]

Please note that the Know Mac feature can only be used once, and therefore only on one cover post.

  • iMessage customization

The oblіkovy iMessage record is permanent in the program. iMessage -> Notifications -> Preferences -> Public records -> Apple ID

After all the manipulations, we rubbed the labor pet s chola and nasolodzhuyemos. All five annexes have reached an ideal balance.

Vitannia! If you have an iPhone in your family, then there is a lot of someone who will win one look Apple entry ID for all of these outbuildings. Well, what? At first glance, everything is smart! For example, they zavantazhili on one gadget gro (program), it is immediately available on another extension. That and remembering the given number of appearances is also not necessary. It would be better, live and be happy.

However, if the iPhone is won over by different people, then Apple I recommend creating your own unique Apple ID for skin care. There are even more problems with such a one-hour victorious appearance. For example, reserve copies of iCloud. The same time stealing the Apple ID "nick" is used in the same time all the gadgets on which this identifier is activated.

There is one more problem, which is related to the use of one Apple ID on different iPhones - tse synchronization with the call log and wikis. Let's talk about this year.

Brief description of the situation. When calling from one iPhone, the data is instantly charged to another. Such is the situation with omissions and incoming weeklies. They called you, they didn’t pick up the phone, but the notification about it was displayed on all other iPhones with your public record. Log in, call history and wiki log will be saved for all iPhones that have your Apple ID entered.

Handy? Well. Ale, similar to the synchronization of the magazine dzvinkiv is only good if you have all the iPhone. In a different way, food is possible - all people are tsіkavі and pіdozrilі :) Ale garazd, not about tse, but about those, how thogo will wake up.

Win a different Apple ID

The most correct and correct solution. We create for the skin gadget its own unique appearance record and the problem of falling off by itself. So, for whom it is necessary to spend a good hour, and do not start it manually from the mornings, but there will be only pluses.

In addition, if you want to sync the calls from your phone (which is already good!), You can also win the iCloud overlay for the skin iPhone OKremo backup), and in the future, secure yourself from other surprises (such as synchronizing SMS, tabs in the Safari browser and others).

Nasamkinets, there is one more instant way for you to repeat calls on different iPhones - “just” turn on the Internet and that's it. No internet - no sync.

My transition to is impossible without a manual call service on phones. At the note, I have discovered that on two phones I had a chance to fix one iCloud oblique record.

I’ll tell you, having stumbled with some difficulties, the troubles are short of such an approach. Under the "two phones" I can keep my phone and the phone of the squad.

One iCloud oblivion record for two: is it necessary?

In iCloud Photo Library, there is no way to work with two accounts in one media library. Є spіlnі albums, but for 15000+ photos and videos it's not too easy. Over the course of the situation, to overcome the simple and the old, since there was no Family Sharing, similar problems were solved against one iCloud oblique record on two phones with a sim.

It’s easy for me if all the photographs are angry in one stream or one collection. I take photos on the iPhone, and the photos are already available on all my outbuildings, incl. friends on the phone. Everything is relevant and for the squad - everything that the photographer won is immediately available on all outbuildings.

Tse manually:

  1. The entire media library is available at any time. You can remove access to photos or videos in a matter of seconds.
  2. Organization of a media library, I will build it. Creation of albums, slideshows, processing of photographs - everything can be done with any attachment, and the changes will be visible for others.

Be respectful. Whether you have an affair on the side or share intimate photos with your boss, one iCloud post on two outbuildings will play against you.

Get ready

First of all, varto call all the “for” and “against” of one oblіkovogo record on two phones. Є a number of Apple services, it will be important to win the chi impossibly zovsіm.

  1. iCloud drive.
  2. Ringing keys Keychain.
  3. Safari bookmarks.
  4. Know iPhone or share geolocation one by one.

All services can be connected to the main iCloud cloud record, and Contacts, Notes, iCloud Mail or Calendar can be connected via the additional cloud record.

How to avoid problems

Save data from your phones, make backup copies of your media library with photos, copies of contacts, calendars and other important data.

Create three kinds of iCloud records:

  1. The main chi is hot. Bude lashed on two phones.
    Under this public record, I will conduct purchases in the App Store, organize family access, purchased space from iCloud treasure for 1TB.
  2. Your particular iCloud record.
  3. Oblivion record iCloud for the squad.

Your account and personal record of the squad will be needed for personalization of phones. Contacts, Informatives, Calendars, Forwarding, Facetime - work independently.

Problems with which I got stuck

    Facetime and history of calls were combined from two phones. Under my oblikovy record, I activated the overpayment for 1TB, on the phones of the squad, I made my oblokovy record as the main one. After one hour, all the history of calls on both phones was combined. Call history is synced every hour of Facetime notification. For locking (sooner for everything) for the synchronization of calls, the main face record is made (or for the installation of Facetime + the main face record). Maybe it's just an iCloud bug, or else I've had Facetime and iMessage create a lot of face records. Vtіm, the phone number is acting as a wonderful oblіkovim record for these services.

    Old notes in iCloud on the account of the squad. With cloud recording turned on from the main ones, I rechecked that everything is synchronized and available from the web version of If I connected "Notatki" like supplementary oblіkovogo record Notes of the same old age have taken hold of the phone. Try to find the latest notes (I'm working on the web version) no small success. I had a chance to manually transfer 60 notes. As I save my notes, I wrote in the article.

    I had a chance to look into the "dividing geoposition". The oblіkovy record is one and pronounces dilitsya itself from the new, vibrating from such a telephone to the end. They also called to the service for a few years, but you can still live without new food priorities.

Yak visnovok

    Get ready to drink. At any stage of the transition to the victorious oblique recording, it is necessary for the mother to turn the plan "yak bulo".

    Help your soul mate to understand, like a mustache pracyuvatime. Stand up for your interests and those of yours.

    Nobody is to blame for anything. Share photos following mutual benefit and special care.

    Robit backup media library on Mac. , on the old disk the library is saved to be backed up on Google Drive.

Apple ID is an identifier, a kind of physical record, which is hoped by coristuvachs, so that stench could take access to different services Apple, for example the App Store or iCloud.

If you have a small number of Apple add-ons (for example, iPad and iPhone), you can win one Apple id for two add-ons. You can organize the same Apple ID on any number of "apple" outbuildings - for example, on the iPad and iPhone.

Apple ID can be found in a number of available services, or even in one of them. For your own reason, a leather gadget can be installed in the same place as an Apple ID - even extensions are an option, if a lot of cloud records are created for work in iTunes and iCloud.

You can bind up to one identifier to no more than 10 computers or 5 attachments, which work on iOS. Damn it, you can't switch between different Apple IDs more than once every 90 days. Tse obezhennya was introduced more and more rokiv to the one who called out the dissatisfaction of the wealthy koristuvachiv. Even though the ability to communicate up to 5 computers with one oblique record is small, and the number of iOS devices is not bordered, now the number is less than 10. personal computers, tablets and smartphones, as well as attachments, like Apple TV set-top boxes.

The innovations were viklikane, as they respect the deacons of the Internet, appearing in a number of third-party services, as if for a small fee they gave the corystuvs access to Apple ID.

Music and other files were already bought there, which to chirp, yakі and zavantazhuvali clients. The beginnings of the new system of linking oblique records such schemes have ceased to work, even if there was an exchange for the maximum number of outbuildings. The koristuvachs themselves did not support the innovation, as they themselves adopted at once from the black 50-sided favor of iTunes.

It's not easy to link a small add-on to one Apple ID. For example, single station for two outbuildings- iPhone and iPad.

You can create a new physical record with or without a credit card. The difference in whether a credit card is required for a purchase paid supplements that file. You can attach a credit card and then, so we don't call on anyone's respect. Launch on a be-that-your-ownership iTunes supplement and go to the App Store distribution (registration is required for the Russian store!).

Knowing be-yak costless supplement, press the button "Free" and select the line "Create an Apple ID". Then you need to fill in the registration form - information about the chain right on the Internet, so we won't be on the wrong page.

After registration, it will be necessary to confirm the registration by email, after which you can win an Apple ID for a number of devices, such as the iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.

Tse rush through the App Store. Due to the ease of registration and the need to provide information about a credit card. Nadal, as a rule, is the correct identifier for all other services and Apple services.
It's quite nice as long as you have one iPhone. And if you have a small outbuilding in your family or friends, and you want to fully win the purchased programs, exchange photos and win other achievements of the wild cover record. Then in such a state of mind, simply using one Apple ID is threatening with traces. In the shortest possible way, you can use special information, in the worst case, you can block your iPhone.

Vzagali, koristuvachі not much better razumіyutsya on the power of Apple ID. You can judge about it by going to iCloud for a covert record. Deyakі koristuvachі synchronize with it their phone book, calendar, or connect attachments to the “Find My iPhone” service. And not only that, your personal information and contacts are known to all other participants, but your phone can also be privately/specially blocked.

It is important to know that:

Apple ID is not automatically registered for all Apple services. You can create an Apple ID and register with the service you need.

You can create an additional ID directly on the Apple website -.

On one gadget, you can win over the Apple ID, which will be combined with singing services, or you can enter it manually.

The truth here is its own rules and obmezhennya.

Deyaki Apple services You can use the same gadget at the same time more than once. For example, the iPhone can only backup to iCloud with just one Apple ID. Unfortunately, it is not possible to split a backup copy between a bank account with iCloud overlays. As a result, your data is not shared with 5 GB, or buy additional data for a penny, or in iTunes.
At the same time, the lashing of the post is allowed to vicorate in a day of dekilka postal screenshots iCloud.

Axis is a table of summaries of various cupertin services with one Apple ID number.

If you have a sprat of outbuildings, then best solutions bude svorennya one spіlnogo for pridbannya content.
For backup, it’s better to use the Apple ID name, which allows you to save the data of your gadgets in iCloud. Another number of Apple ID accounts to become a year ahead of others.

Also, how to better separate the appearance of Apple ID records:

Activate your old account for purchases on all gadgets

It is recommended to win one Apple ID with a platform credit card through which i will be zdіysnyuvatisya all purchases.
This oblique record must be activated on all iPhones and iPads to allow access to all necessary programs on any family gadget. Don't forget about such services, like iTunes Match, access to which all your household members may want, so don't forget to activate it ahead of time.
With one Apple ID, you can win skilki per year.

“Nalashtuvannya” - “iTunes and App Store” - “Apple ID”

Create an awesome physical record for backup

After creating a single Apple ID for programs, it will be necessary to create an Apple ID for backup on a skin device. Tse allow you to save all your data from the darkness and even if you become like a gadget, you can restore all your data in just a couple of clicks.
At on iOS Obv'yazkovo to indicate the synchronization of bookmarks and other personal data from the Apple ID of the gadget. The Find My iPhone service is automatically linked to iCloud. If you have tied a sprat of outbuildings to the gloom, then you have the ability to carry out your mission.

“Install” - “iCloud” - “Account”

“Nalashtuvannya” - “iCloud” Activate the jumper "Know iPhone".

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