Bezpeka gloomy gossip. Yak zavantazhiti gloomy mail on the computer

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

In the rest of the hour, not only computers, but also mobile technologies are developing furiously. At the link with the cim, the food for the carefree savings of the great obligation of information became very acute. It is the very thing for many IT corporations to propagate to coristuvachas of any type of outbuildings to stop the so-called gloomy services. How to be gloomy with services, how to enter the basic set of any kind of retailer, it will be looked at at once.

What is such a gloomy thing?

It’s important to remember what the service is. Roughly kazhuchi, tse file shishishche in disk space, which is seen on the remote server of the company, which provides such services.

In other words, in the singing sensi yoga can be called a virtual flash drive, on which the singing of the data is avenged. However, although USB attachments for accessing captured information need to be constantly carried with you, then such a service (for example, Mail.Ru or Google's access service) can be accessed both from a computer and from a mobile device. That way the files are synchronized in the dark, and you can look at them or you can only take advantage of the registration data (if you don’t need it in some cases).

It is written about those, how to be gloomy, to finish the rich. Insanely beastly respect for deakі main points, as well as look at the simplest principles of yoga vikoristannya, reporting roz'yasnivshi situation.

Most popular services

It was self-evident that in order to honor such gatherings, it is necessary to appoint a postal worker in order to choose for yourself the most acceptable service for collecting information.

There are few such services today. The most popular ones are:

  • Dropbox.
  • skydrive.
  • Khmara Mail.Ru.
  • "Yandex.Disk".
  • Google Drive (Google Disk).
  • Apple iCloud and iCloud Drive.
  • OneDrive etc.

First of all, as if to be shriveled by a gloomy skin type, it should be noted that these servants are somehow uneven, as if they were equal to each other. On the right, in that you can access up to one collection only from the computer terminal, otherwise they allow synchronization of both computers and mobile devices. Sometimes you may need specialty add-ons that play the role of your own explorer, sometimes you need only an Internet browser.

The same cost of disk space, which is cost-free seen for saving your files, as well as paying for an additional fee on an external server. Be-yakoy once more services are similar to each other.

On scho trace respect for the cob of work?

Now let's look at some important moments, without some kind of victorious gloomy services, you can't have a movie.

First and foremost - the front registration, and in such cases it is absolutely unimportant whether it will be carried out via the Internet for the help of a great browser or a special computer or mobile addendum. Occupies the whole process of kіlka khvilin.

Vigіdno vіd stationary systems vіdіznyayutsya mobile devices and іz vstanovlennymi on them operating systems. On the right, in the fact that, upon first notification, for access to certain extended functions, either AppStore or Google Play (Play Market), the system prompts you to create an observable record (the email address is registered and the password is registered). When it comes to smartphones or tablets, there are already installations of add-ons for working with smart services. For transparency on a computer or a laptop, you can install their stationary counterparts (if you want access, you can take it through a browser).

Disk space that you see

One more important moment - obsyag disk space, which takes the cost of the cost-free option. Call, all services are available from 5 to 50 GB. If so, it is not enough, to be able to get more money and pay for a big sum, as it includes spending money on getting more money and services by stretching out the current term of whistleblowing, which, to the point of speech, can be rіznim.

Global principles

Well, before that, like being gloomy at the broadest understanding, it’s easy to do everything here. Koristuvachevі after the registration it is not necessary to add folders and files, contacts and much more to the collection.

With this in distribution, you can set up a VIN, you can add friends, as a parity with it, you can upload files to the server or edit them (the simplest example is Dropbox). Most new passwords can be changed to correct passwords for entering the system.

Ale sho tsikavo. When a special program is installed on the computer, access to files in the darkness is slower, less time to launch the same browser. The same can be said about synchronization. It is sufficient to place the files in the program folder, and the synchronization will be mittevo for all coristuvachiv, as it may give access rights to the service. Let's take a look at the most popular collections.

Khmara Mail.Ru

Later, as it was said more, it is necessary to create a screenshot of the electronic mail, after entering the yak on the panel of the animal, the contributor to the project will display a bad service. Tse i є hmara "Mile". How to swear at him? Simpler than simple.

25 GB of disk space is offered at the same time. Entry of files is created for the help of an additional button, until you can add a sprat of objects to the list. The exchange is worth only expanding the file, which is zavantazhuetsya - wine is not guilty of re-mapping 2 GB. Before the cob of interest, you can tweak additional functions, for example, create a new folder, after which you can simply move the files and see them. To pay respect: in the new “Koshik” is silent, as in the same “Yandex” service, it cannot be seen in the distance.

Dosit korisnoy can be a function of creation, I will review or edit files. Let's say we can have a Word document (otherwise it's created right in the collection). You can change yoga without interruption in the darkness as simply as you can by launching the editor on your computer. After the completion of the work, we save the change, after which the synchronization is restarted.

"Yandex" - hmara: how to squirm?

From the Yandex service, in principle, you can go almost identically. The functional dial-up is not very strong.

Ale, the retailers of this service thought about those who can see the files in a vipadkovo way. The axis is here and come to the rescue, so called “Koshik”, in order to get information when you are gone. Pratsyuє won on kshtalt standard ї computer'yuternoї service. Truthfully, before it, there was no zastosovnі zasobі vіnovlennya danih, as if they had already been seen from “Koshik”. Tim is not smaller, the function is already corny.

Google Drive Treasure

Now let's move on to one straining service under the name "Google" - gloomy. How to use Google Disk? There is no principled authority against other services. And here, access can be taken from a mobile device (a service has been set up), and for additional utilities that can be installed on a computer (it doesn’t seem like it’s about entering through an Internet browser). With a phone or a tablet, everything is simple, marveling at the computer program itself.

Let's assume that the physical record has already been created. After її activation koristuvach otrimuє 5 GB from the storage. Upgrading to 25 GB costs approximately 2.5 USD. We install an add-on on the computer, after which the folder for the service appears on the Work Table (it is shown to the Explorer).

As expected, place the files in this directory, as it will be synchronized. Under an hour, the program will “hang” in the system tray near the visible icon. By right-clicking, the addendum menu is called up, where you can look through the available files, download personalized files, expand the file space, and finish the job just fine.

Here varto signifies one moment. How to get there, copy the files to the program folder on the computer, and then zavantazhit їх z hmari on the mobile device appears richer, lower, connect the gadget to the computer, and then copy it using Windows.

iCloud services and iCloud Drive

Zreshtoy, marveling, how to shrug off the gloomy Apple. There are two services (iCloud and iCloud Drive), both installed on the iPhone or iPad, depending on the version of the operating system installed on the device. In fact, iCloud Drive is an updated version of iCloud, and for this correct robot, it’s worth saying that the mobile gadget is guilty of declaring to the technical drivers: iOS 8 on the device itself. Computer - for Windows 7 and more with iCloud for Windows extensions or computer terminal for Mac OS X 10.10 or OS X Yosemite.

As soon as you enter the service, there will be folders, created for locking. The number of people can be stalely installed on the computer of that client on the mobile extension. How to get gloomy in an iPhone? In principle, there is nothing supernatural in anyone. It is enough to run the program on the gadget (translate the start button at the inclusions of the camp) and go for an additional oblique record. Insha river, if the input is transferred from the computer. Here it is necessary to tweak the menu to customize the program itself and select the inclusion already there.

Another minus is to achieve low speed of synchronization (it is known to all). And one more, most accepting moment. If you want to transfer from iCloud to iCloud Drive without updating all the devices to the necessary configuration, data in the old darkness will simply be inaccessible, so be careful.


The axis is short and everything that is worth catering about those, like being an add-on of "Khmar" or one-time services. Obviously, far from all the possibilities of such services are considered here, but, so to speak, it’s not enough to work on the fundamental principles of work. However, with such minimal knowledge, be it a new registration of a coristuvach already after 5-10 minutes, you can create basic operations.

gloomy collection of files

All your photographs, documents, be it files of great savings in Khmar and keep at hand. You can call the phone and don't be turbulent

about saving your files.

Your files are always with you

It is no longer necessary to transfer files or files with a flash drive!

Access from smartphone or computer - no matter what happened

at your fingertips.

Burning hard disk? - Have you spent your phone or tablet?

Moved to a different computer?

Take care of files and documents

Online browsing of the main file types

Povna іntegratsіya z poshtoyu

The file will not be able to be re-engineered, in which case your addressee will take the name of the attachment

You will be able to see the folder structure and search for them

Sharing files is now easy

Blog of Viktoria Karpova

Hello friends! Today's article about the gloomy Mail.Ru mess. Rozbero how to be gloomy through the web interface:

and other subtle twists.

The charisma of a gloomy bunch of things is that it gives an additional space for saving files online.

It is not necessary to zayviy once zaharaschuvat kom'yuter.

Manually share files with other people (just give access for permission).

And I send the oskіlki to mail a screenshot on Mail, then I wrote the zadiyati and tse shovishche. Tim more, scho bezkoshtovno here є 25 GB of memory.

Zagalom tse all theory. Let's move on to practice.

Marvel at my video instruction on robots from the gloomy Mail.Ru:

Later, as you already understood, in order to gain access to the darkness on Mail.Ru, it is necessary to register a mailed screenshot here. Tim, you yourself create your own appearance record, through which you can earn money with other Mail services, including a gloomy treasure.

If you want to register the screenshot in a neob'yazkovo way, you can win the Mail for the entrance to your mail, processed on another service. I showed it in the video (marvel at the 11th quarter of the 46th second). In this way, your screenshot, for example, on Yandex, will be displayed in the interface and you can also hack it.

To go to hell, going to the main page of Mail.Ru, you need to click on the “All projects” tab and select “Hmara”.

Click here for the same image and video file, so you can see it. You can view the files by kіlkom shlyakhami. It is necessary to see a splinter of files at once, signifying them with a tick and embossing on the "View" button to the top.

But with the right mouse button, press the file and select "Vidality". Well, I know, since you have marked a sprinkling of files, then you can see all the stench.

And such a nuance - the dark does not have a cat, in which they use the deleted files, like on the same Yandex disk. We can see them. Wow, we forgot about it!

In order to add files from the computer to gloomy, you can use the button "Zapantage" at the top left corner.

You can use the "Select files on the computer" button for help, or drag them out of the window with a bear. Є obmezhennya - rozmіr file, which zavantazhuєtsya up to 2 GB.

Order from the button "Get" Bachimo the button "Create". Її vikoristovuєmo for creating folders, documents (Word), tables (Excel) or presentations (power point) right in the dark.

If you want to arrange files in the dark, create special folders for them. To move the file to the folder, see it with a tick, right-click on the mouse, select the "Move" item.

Finally, you can select a folder to move to, or create a new one.

Zagal right mouse button we can tweak for different actions over files - see, move, copy, capture, generate messages for other people or correct by mail. Tse duzhe zmanochno.

Before speech, as you need to zavantazhit z gloomily once a sprat of files. You can see them with checkmarks and to capture the stink, they will automatically be packed into one archive.

If you give access to the file for a certain hour, and then you want to see the message, then see the required file with a bear, right-click the button - select the “View message” item.

These files, to which you have granted access, can also be found in the Shared Access section.

If I sent you a file from Mail.Ru in the dark, you can download it immediately or save it for yourself in the dark. You will be able to select a folder (as long as you want to save the file), or you can create a new folder for it.

Now a copy of the word about nalashtuvannya access to folders. You can give full access to any folder with the possibility of editing. So, other correspondents can also add files to the same folder.

To set up access to the folder, mark it with a tick, click on the “Set up access” tab.

Access to editing can only be granted to up to 4 participants, which you can request by e-mail.

If you choose to send the requested mail with a postal screen not to, then the request will only come to you in that moment, so you go to your mail via Mail. Report about it here.

At your postal screen, your koristuvach has the following request:

Having accepted yoga, at your own darkness, at the distribution of "Zahalny access", you know that folder, as you have opened it, and you can add your files to it. You, in your court, please all the changes made to him in the papacy.

And yet, you can change the display of files in the darkness. First deputy of great icons, you will have such a compact list:

Friends, as you have already known the gloomy treasure of Mail.Ru, I am sure that the instruction was clear to you. If you have any opinion, I'm always glad to hear from your feedback in the comments.

I wish you success!

With respect, Victoria

Blog of Viktoria Karpova

Wait, friends! Khmarnі shovischa at once more popular. The main reason for this is to save that access to information, no matter what time it is, and also the ability to share information with other people (documents, photographs and other files). In the meantime, the popular dark services provide even more low-cost functions for corystuvachivs - the creation of a robot with documents online, with better access or otherwise.

On my own account, I have already posted instructions for two great gloomy services - Hmari Mail and Yandex.Disk. And I will dedicate this article to one more article - Google Drive (Google Drive). Until the rest of the hour, I was not so active in koristuvalas - I robbed my bet on Yandex.Disk. Ale at the link with the recent blocking of Mail and Yandex services in Ukraine thought about spare options.

Proponic research in the interface and the main functions of Google Disk. Let's talk about those, how to get along with them - gain access to files and folders, fix other files, work with documents and programs online.

If you prefer the video format, you can look at my lecture lesson below:

How to get to Google Drive?

Binding disk to your oblіkovogo record in Google, and in order to spend some time in the middle of the cloud, you need to log in to your oblіkovomu record - enter login (gmail) and password in it.

You can access the drive from the other side

Or go to the mail by clicking on the “Google Add-ons” icon in the right-hand corner.

How many places on the disk?

15 GB without cost. There are places to share files on the disk itself, files and lists from Gmail, as well as Google Photos. Until the speech, the rest will automatically consume the images, so you will be motivated to post on the Google Plus social media. You can see them in Google Photos, so that the stench does not take up space, while the stench is left in the posts.

If you need more money, you can get it for pennies. Є kіlka tariff planіv іz monthly chirіchny payment up to 30 TB of memory.

So you can have a copy of Google-accounts and on your skin you will have your own disk from a cat-free space.

The gloomy interface

Let's go through the main sections, buttons and customizations of Google Drive.

Through the "Create" button at the top left corner, you can add files and folders from your computer to your disk. And also create folders and documents without being in the middle in the dark. You can create text documents, tables, presentations with slides, Google Forms (for surveys, questionnaires, Skype consultations), little ones, maps and websites.

Under the button, you will find a panel with the main sections of the Disk.

At the distribution of "My Disk" you can find all the zavantazhen in the dark, files and folders, as well as documents and folders, as you have done in the dark.

Seeing that other file/folder with a bear, you can work on them differently, let's go further. To see a bunch of files in a row, use the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on the files you need.

You can sort files on the disk by name, change date, review date.

At the “Accessible me” distribution, files from Google Drives of other correspondents are displayed, to which you have access - for example, you went for the request to the whole file, or you sent a request for access. To open a file - click on the mouse.

At the distribution of "Recent" - files are displayed, with which you have recently worked out (displayed, zavantazhuvali, edited thinly).

Shared "Google Photo" - here are the images that you have captured from the Google Photo program. Also, pictures are automatically taken here, which are included before posting on Google Plus. You can get into the program itself by clicking on the Google Chrome program icon from the disk, mail, start page of the Google Chrome browser.

You can put a checkmark in the installed programs, so that the photo and video do not take up space in the museum.

For someone, go to Google Photos, click on the three vertical smugs in the mountains of zliva, go to nalashtuvannya.

І mark the important point:

Shared "Pomіcheni" - here you can use files and folders, as you remember, as important for yourself. It's even easier - you see the file, press the mouse with the right button, select "Add a badge" from the list. To tidy up the file from the “Appointments” - press the right button again and select “Take the badge”.

Koshik - she has files that you can see from your Google Drive. The cat can be cleared, then the files are left to be seen. You can also recall a file from a cat, having seen it with a bear and pressing “Remember from a cat”.

There are more brown icons in the upper right corner of Google Drive.

You can edit the files in the darkness while looking at the list or nets. By pressing on the letter "i" at the edge, you can look at the history of your actions on the disk, as well as the power of any file, seeing it with a bear. Click on the sixth to open an additional list of tabs.

At the deposit "Nalashtuvannya":

You can change the language interface. Turn on offline access (saving Google documents on your computer, so you can work with them without connecting to the Internet). On the basis of food, you can read the full instructions. Wipe automatically grab photos from Google Photos to a folder on disk.

Choose the interface option - space, the most compact.

There are also notification options.

І ability to connect various Google programs to your disk.

By clicking on the tab "Insert disk on the computer", you can download the program for PC, as well as for smartphones on Android or Iphone. Here, check that the PC program is synchronized with the gloomy online and all files are displayed on your computer, taking up space. Shards don’t fit me, I will free myself with a web interface. Plus, in the case of synchronization, you can easily restore the file of the great expansion in the dark, or save all the files from the dark on the computer, after which the synchronization is switched on.

Dії over files and folders in Google Drive

To download files and folders from the computer, the "Create" button is in the dark. You click on it and choose the appropriate menu item - to open the selection of files on the computer. To select a small file, press the Ctrl key.

If the file is selected, click on the "Open" button, it will be downloaded to the Disk. At the lower right corner, information about the process will appear.

An alternative option is to open the Google Drive tab in the changed window and drag the files from the computer to the My Disk partition.

You can select a number of files, folders and documents on disk. For whom you see the required file with the mouse (or the sprat) and press the mouse with the right button. A list of available activities will be displayed. The numbers are duplicated on the panel to the top.

The file can be viewed by pressing the "Forward review" button. If you want to redraft the document, select "Call for help." The disk will propagate the program to you, through which you can open the file.

To open the folders, press the buttons on it. Above the files and documents in the folder, you can scribble your own words.

Before any file, folder or document on the disk, you can give access to other people. To improve sleep access, click on the default menu item.

You need to enter the gmail mail of the person you want to give access to. Click on the olive icon to specify the access type. Tse mozhe buti komentuvannya, revisiting that redaguvannya.

If you have given access to the possibility of commenting, or I will review it, you can save, copy and edit the file. Just mark the required points with a tick. Don't forget to save your change.

Let's press "Nadishlati". Koristuvach removes the sheet about those who gave you access to files. Download this file on your disk in the "Available me" section.

To close access, you will again need to right-click on the file, select "Single access". At the vikni press on im'ya koristuvach.

Access is closed, koristuvach to ask such a reminder:

You can also adjust the access parameters. For promo - tse revisit. Also, for the help of the koristuvach, you can take the file or save it to disk. In addition, you can allow commenting or editing.

How to press "Sche", more іnshi nalashtuvannya. For example, you can enable access for any kind of koristuvach in the Internet, so that the file will be available through the search engine. Otherwise, turn off access by request and send a request for more access to a specific koristuvachev by email (this process was sorted out more).

The next step above the files is "Move". With some help, files can be moved to folders. It's handy, because you have a lot of files, and you want to organize them. You can also move files by dragging them with a bear.

Creating folders on disk is easy. Click on the button "Create" - "New folder".

Before speech, you can change the color of the folders.

The “Add badge” item is now available, if you want to add the selected files to the “Identified” section for easy access to them.

The item "Rename" allows you to change the name of the file or folder.

The item "Show power" - to review the power of the file and history above it.

Item "Version" - Vіn maє tі files, if you want to upload to the Disk.

Admittedly, you took archives from the computer with materials and shared them with the help of the new one from the payers. Then you will need to add editing to the whole archive, and re-engineered yoga on the computer and edited it. Dali re-ransomed to the Disk with the same name, so that the message to the archives did not change. Before speech, when you re-enable, you can choose how to save the current file (change it to a new one), or how to change the new version, how to replace the excess.

With any amount of the version, it will not be seen again (for locking, it will be saved on disk for another 30 days). Ale, you can see it manually or mark it with a tick so that the previous versions are not seen. Rob yourself through the item "Versii".

Dії, what are you missing over the files: make a copy, download it to your computer and see it in the cat. Before speech, for sharing in a cat, the file can be dragged with a bear to a rozdіl on Google Drive.

Also, in the main points of the Google Drive web interface, we got it right. Now a sliver of words, like zavantazhit on the computer or save the file to disk, like you shared it on the other Google Drive.

If you have gone for permission and are authorized with your Google account, then you will see the Google Drive icon, by clicking on it you can save the file to your disk. The instruction has been drawn up for downloading the file to the computer.

Well, I agree, my instruction from Google Drive will help you to improve your knowledge of the functionality of that gloomy service. Well, if you have run out of food, then with pleasure we will comment on them.

I wish you success!

With honor Viktoriya Karpova

Khmarne shovishche Khmara Mail.Ru

The Mail.Ru group of companies released its gloomy collection under the name "Mail.Ru Hmara". During the period of beta testing of the gloomy service, everyone who took part in the testing of the gloomy gathering, Mail.Ru gave 100 GB of disk space free of charge.

The whole great deal of the disk collection has been abandoned for good by all coristuvachiv, as it was registered with the file service during the 1st beta test period. At the moment, the amount of money given to the coristuvachas is 25 GB.

The expansion of a cost-free space in a gloomy shovishchi for those who have reached the volume of 100 GB, you can match with a small hard drive. Other gloomy treasures give without cost less obligations to save data.

Yandex.Disk gives 10 GB free of charge, Google Drive gives 15 GB (all in one go) of space on your disk, OneDrive - 5 GB, Dropbox - 2 GB (you can save up to 16 GB free of charge), and the ugly Mega store gives 50 GB of disk space free of charge space.

You can save your data from Khmara Mail.Ru: documents, photos, videos and any other files. To enter the Khmarne shishishche, you can twist the web interface or the client program, as you need to install it on your computer or smartphone. Software clients are available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, as well as for mobile devices: Android and iOS. With this " satellite" that " protector" will not be installed.

Data uploads to [email protected] are automatically synchronized with other devices. Files placed on the computer in the folder Mail.Ru Cloud (Mail.Ru Khmara) will be immediately synchronized and will be available from other devices.

To make a bad disk on Mail.Ru, it is necessary to make an electronic postal screenshot in Mail.Ru. If you still don't have mail screens on this service, then you should create an electronic mail screen in the Mail.Ru mail service.

After entering via e-mail, you see a gloomy disk window - "Hmara Mail.Ru". Koristuvach takes 25 GB of free space free of charge from a gloomy shovishchi.

In order to increase the amount of free disk space, you will need to add additional disk space.

Installing Mail.Ru Cloud software

To install the Mail.Ru Cloud program on your computer, you will need to press the "Install on computer" button. Please select a client program for your operating system: Windows, Mac or Linux.

If you download the Mail.Ru Cloud client program (Mail.Ru Khmara) on the computer, you will need to install the program on the computer.

At the first turn of the installation master, it is necessary to press the "Dal" button.

At the “Select installation folder” window, you can delete the folder for installing the Mail.Ru Cloud software client, or choose another place for installing the program. Let's then press the "Dal" button.

At the “All ready to install” window, press the “Install” button.

After the installation of the Mail.Ru Cloud client on the computer, the final window of the installation wizard is displayed, in which case you need to click the “Finish” button.

At the end of the Mail.Ru Khmar program, you will need to enter the data of your oblique record: the address of the electronic postal screen and the password. Then let's wait for the minds of the licensed court, and then click on the "Submit" button.

In the upcoming Mail.Ru Khmara program, you will need to select a folder on your computer to synchronize with the hard disk, and then click on the "Continue" button.

Oglyad Khmar Mail.Ru

At the top of the window on the web page, there are buttons "Get Started", "Create", "Vidality", "Remove Request", "Get Access", "More". Behind the help of the button "Zaphantazhity" you can see the zavantazhennya files at the shovishche Khmar. When downloaded via the web interface, the expansion of the file is not responsible for oversizing 2 GB.

After clicking on the "Access Access" button, it will open a window with folders, so you can open it for public access.

Zliva roztashovani distributed: "Pidklyuchiti tariff" with information about obsyag occupied disk space, "Khmara", "Pidtrimka service", Proposition for zavantazhennya programs for different outbuildings.

At the central part of the window there are files located at the file collection. The panel of keruvannya is more ruffled, on which the buttons are ruffled.

After clicking on the "Create" button, you can create a new folder, document, spreadsheet, presentation.

If you see this file in the folder, and then click on the button "Get", then the next time the file will be downloaded to your computer.

You can view files using the help of the "Vidality" button.

For the help of the “More” button, you can copy, rename or move the file.

There are two buttons on the right side of the sorting panel: change the current look of the folder, and set parameters for sorting files.

In order to give double access, otherwise close access to the file, the file needs to be seen at the bottom, and then at the right side of the window, you need to add information.

If you want to give access to this file for others, then for which you will need to click on the “View access” button.

In order for the buttons “Vidality”, “Remove the force” and “See” to become active, you will need to see the file, with which it is necessary to add a file.

You can use the Mail.Ru Cloud (Mail.Ru Khmara) program in the help area (tray), there is an icon of the client program.


Khmarne shovische Khmara Mail.Ru offers disk space to all koristuvachs of the Mail.Ru service.

The word "hmara" has long ceased to be victorious in its primary single meaning. Today's gloomy services have become deeply rooted in our digital life and allow us to comfortably handle files and documents without fear for their savings. Among the services of this type of clergy, one sees gloomy mail ru - a simple and efficient way of organizing your data.

What is promoting?

You will take 8 GB of space for downloading files and manually synchronizing between different devices.

Even though 8 GB is not enough for you, you can expand the storage space by purchasing additional gigabytes. On mobile tariffs for Android and iOS, up to 1 TB is available, and on a PC, for the web version - up to 4 TB. Behind the statistics of the company, there are more koristuvachs from too many non-kostov "gigs". Feel free to buy more stuff for corporate clients, to beat the service together with your colleagues.

There are three options for choosing a gloomy service:

  • Directly through the web interface on the official website of Khmara, they called the victorious computer version for the desktop.

  • Having acquired the program on your gadget, you plan to work with the gloom through your mobile device. You can easily find the power to get involved on the official website:

  • Zavantazhivshi special program: "Disk-O" for synchronizing files from darkness with your computer. The program allows you to connect synchronization not only with gloomy, but with other popular gloomy services. Like Dropbox, Google Drive. Ale oskіlki dorobka service "Disk-O" has not yet been completed, it's too early to beat it, in my opinion.

Three of the best ways to win the service, in my opinion, are the simplest and the best way to work through the Khmara service interface.

How to use the possibilities of Cloud.Mail.Ru

To get a cost-free 8 GB, you just need to register a mailed screenshot on Mail.Ru. Directly from the interface, go to the tabs on the Khmara service and win all the possibilities of the Khmara service.

Also, you have installed the cloud program on your smartphone, or you have accessed through the web interface behind the help of a browser. Now available to you:

All zavantazhenі in the dark files will become available on any add-on, deviantly log in to the Mail.

How do you get dirty Mile Ru? Really, everything is simple. On the web interface example:

  • Button "Save" - ​​saving files from the attachment in the dark.

Zavantageti files in the dark can be simply dragging

  • The "Create" button with a list that appears - the creation of folders, documents, tables and presentations.

In Khmar you can create and edit text documents and Excel tables

  • "Start" - this button opens the feed, how to start a file from dark mail ru: see it with a tick and press її.

  • "Vidality" - the vision of seeing danikhs.

Viewing file assignments from hmari mail ru

  • "Remove request" - remove the URL for downloading the file.

  • "Set up access" - an option for a sleeper robot. Gives the opportunity to the requested Mail.Ru correspondents to edit files from your collection or create new documents in folders with open access.

To speed up access, you need to specify a folder, access to whatever you want to give, and click "Set access".

Let's have a vikonati improved access.

Whose butt has a slit for sleeping work in the gloomy

For the basic ability of the web interface, the stench is duplicated in add-ons for computers, tablets and smartphones, which have their own “chips”.

Hmara on smartphones

Mobile supplement may be low. For example, add a photo from the phone’s memory to the Android version of the site, if you don’t need to take it: it’s enough in the program to click on the blue button with the plus “Add”

On smartphones, which can be processed under Android, it is possible to automatically capture photos and videos taken by the camera on the phone.

On an iPhone with the same method, you can speed up the auto-upload option for setting up programs. As if she was noticed, the photo is automatically taken into account in the dark, remembering the phone. Similarly, the option "Automatic video acquisition" works.

To add auto-upload photos on iPhone, you need to do the following:

  • Go up to the bridge by clicking on the upper left badge.

  • Let's go to the menu for setting up auto-advance and vmikaєmo її.

Respect that for saving mobile traffic you need to turn on Wi-Fi only.

Program benefits

Golovnyy plus - access to the file from any time, or I will attach it to the Internet for the presence of the Internet, plus the security of data in case of a breakdown of the gadget, synchronized with the gloomy. Cream tsyogo:

  • easy transfer of data between impersonal attachments - you can forget about darts and Bluetooth;
  • the possibility of a collaborative selection of files and their editing, which can make it easier to work on the project;
  • reviewing files without the need to download them;
  • shishishche you can replace memory cards for photos and videos from your smartphone.

Deyakі nedolіki

Ale є i minusi. For example, on a cost-free tariff, you can’t zavantazhuvat big files in the dark - the maximum size is 2 GB. Until nedolіkіv can be seen, behind the modern worlds, misery obsyag bezkoshtovnogo shovischa. Usogo 8 GB.

Yak vidaliti hmaru mail ru from computer

If the program is no longer needed for you, then how can you remove the clutter from the computer? So, just like other programs, but with one note - a folder, as previously synchronized with a collaborator, get rid of it, and її it is necessary to manually see it. In general, Mail.Ru is a simple and handy service, which can help you to work with files on impersonal attachments without any cost.

"I'm guessing that the more data we see in the measure, in the dark, the less we really control it."

Can you trust gloomy stories?

I think that more positive feedback is negative on the first supply, but positive on the other.

In this hour of gloomy services, the floors have become wider and more tightly integrated with the possession of wired computers and other gadgets, so many people do not think about those who save their data and what can happen to them.

Why is it so terrible gloomy, and why are our home computers safe?

Look at Steve's arguments.

The first argument is "there is nothing to lie in the darkness of you." Information created by you, more information about yourself (personal data), must be yours, irrespective of that, it has been redistributed. Having transferred it to the savings to a gloomy service, you do not transfer your own rights to information to the head of state. Vaughn bula and zalishaetsya yours.

The argument is different - "what more data we see in the merezh, in the gloom, then less truly controllable". Haven’t you come across such a situation: you are trying to steal a computer, you don’t want to cheat, and on the screen you can see the proposition to pay pennies for unlocking, or you go to the file, and the encryption code, and for decryption, you need to pay a lot of money? Millions of computers in the world are infected and partially bot-merezh. Possibly, and your computer is no longer under your control, but, obviously, and all data, as if you know something new.

Why can't you trust the crappy services?

The theory is that for the protection of information it is necessary to secure confidentiality, integrity and accessibility. We wonder why the powers that be are safe for the hour of victorious hmar.

Legal aspects

For the sake of gloomy services, it is practically impossible to avoid goiters to protect the confidentiality and integrity of your data. Organizations should keep in mind that, as operators of PDN, they need to secure the entire complex, they could easily process the one that is not always realized in the dark.

In Crimea, the next hour may be the beginning of the ceremoniality of the fence on the collection of PDN from databases located outside the territory of Russia (the current position may be the beginning of the decency of 09/01/2016, although in Denmark the transfer of this term to 01.09 is actively lobbied.) . .).

As far as the availability of a gloomy service, at first glance, everything is good. The greater number of post-employees of poor services guarantee the high availability of the service. But let's imagine, de end the zone of the post-employee of the poor servants and de vie with your attachments to access the Internet.

There are dozens of reasons why your data may be inaccessible to you, which are saved in the dark, while the dark service itself will be more practical. Therefore, the real availability of a gloomy service is significantly lower in the case of statements in respect of the numbers.

How much more next to add risks, tied from the last sanctions of Russia. More, in my opinion, chuli about the decree of the President of the United States on additional sanctions against Krim, as a consequence of what could be blocking on the island of services, such as Gmail, Skype or iCIoud. In the minds of the complicated political situation, one cannot be fooled that one time you simply cannot be included in a lousy service, especially because this service is expected by an American company.

Let's try to estimate how real the camp is because of the security of integrity and confidentiality of information in the gloomy.

Irrespective of those who have no formal need to ensure the security of these authorities, the provider does not have any information, all in the IT-companies, when organizing bad services, ensure a high level of unsanctioned access to them, so in Tobto. With a direct attack on the resources of a provider of gloomy services, malefactors are unlikely to be able to reach meti. Wanting, as it seems, and in the old way it’s a hole, about what to say about many statements that periodically appear in ZMI, about the evolution of data from the great IT companies and Internet services.

The main inconsistency of the Internet services is based on the use of the key password authentication and on the other hand, there are many other ways to restore forgotten authentication data - logins and passwords (for us - via e-mail). Truth be told, in the last hour when authenticating data is updated, there is a clear tendency to become more complicated.

Organizations, when connected to gloomy services, should immediately worry about the implementation of any two-factor authentication mechanism. The maturity of gloomy services such as security of information security at the moment is overwhelmed by the best. You are unlikely to find in them a wide range of authentication methods, a buggy system for distributing access, investigating audit subdivisions with support for SIEM systems, working with cryptography, and so on.

If you don’t trust the postmaster of the gloomy service, or you want to secure additional protection of information from the gloomy, next stop. Such a way to protect you is possible, so you don’t plan to collect information from the Khmar (for example, edit a photo or text), but rather save and transfer data from a smart person.

If you need to protect the folding with the distribution of cryptographic keys (especially for large organizations) and spend in mobility (for access to data, you must have an up-to-date cryptographic key on the extension, which is collected in a safe way, and you can use it to win ) .

So, we may suggest not to trust crappy services. So, great organizations, like investing serious money in the security of data security, can secure a greater level of protection when placing information at their data center, lower at the darkness.

But at one time it is obvious that there is no need to expand the number of gloomy services. It’s fine, if you don’t need to think about the creation of that other IT service and yoga support at a practical station, but you can beat the hell out of practical mittevo.

Conducting an analogy, it’s more important to make a better cupping cake, and not bake yoga yourself. Moreover, a gloomy service, as a rule, allows you to quickly change the parameters of the service, which is not just handy, but necessary for most organizations at the current pace of changes in business. It is impossible not to notice and signifi- cantly greater the presence of gloomy services for mobile correspondents, and business and skin rock are becoming more and more mobile.

To that it is independent, in addition, you trust in the gloomy people, the stench has already gone away and will soon leave your life. I warto already at once warto think about those that you are ready to trust to the hmar and how you can minimize risks, as we have discussed in this article.

Anatoly Skorodumov

Khmarnі services is a current trend in the field of information technology. They began to call gloomy whether they are remote server resources, which allow different streaming tasks to be processed, connected with digital information: saving files and archives, hosting sites, robots in various paid programs without any trouble. Let's take a look at a lousy service for saving files from

Yak koristuvatisya gloomily Mile ru through the browser
Proponuyemo short help about the functions of a gloomy service in the form of Mile ru.
  1. In order to start working on the quest for Darkness in Mile ru, you need to register the oblique records on the mail. If you don't have a physical record yet, register yoga.
  2. After registration, go to the start page of the gloomy service at the address
  3. Get to know the licensed property, accept it and be able to go to work with the service by pressing the button Start a job.

  4. To get your data in the dark, press the button Zavantageity and select files on the disks of the computer. The maximum file size that can be downloaded through a browser is 2GB. After downloading files with them, you can carry out the necessary actions: rename, click to download, move folders and so on.

  5. To check the request on the downloaded files, for some kind of person you can download the data, see the downloaded file and press the button Take away the power.

    Copy the message from the vikna that appeared.
  6. If in a certain hour you want to download the file for your gloom, then see it and press the button Vidality prompted. The file will become available to you only from the shady panel.

  7. In order to organize the files that are occupied, it is recommended to place them behind the appropriate folders. Folders must be created later by pressing the button Create and select the menu item folder.

  8. To delete the files, so that you no longer require saving from the cloud, select the files and press the button visuality.

  9. Save files for help in the dark can create a document, tables or presentations, so that they are analogues of documents, with some practice of office programs Word, Excel and Power Point obviously. To create the specified files in the darkness, press the button Create and select the desired item from the menu. It is necessary to note that the functional capabilities of the darkness are significantly greater than those that can be taken into account, similar to Microsoft Office programs.

  10. As if you were sent a message to download any file that is saved on in the dark, you can not take it to your computer, but save it from your mess. For this, press the button from the images of darkness and select a folder for saving data.
Pratsyuvati s gloomy Mile ru is easy to finish. You should really master the interface of this service.

Yak koristuvatisya gloomily Mile ru through the program
It’s even more convenient to get gloomy not through a browser, but for additional add-ons, as you can install all popular computer platforms, as well as smartphones. One of the advantages of using software is those who, for help, can capture files up to 32 GB in size. Program selection order:
As the company Mile ru itself declares, for the sake of її gloomy service, there is no more need for turbulence about saving special data and the stench will always be “under the hand”. We are left with less to believe in the word that / or pervert the justice of the statement.

In the rest of the hour, not only computers, but also mobile technologies are developing furiously. At the link with the cim, the food for the carefree savings of the great obligation of information became very acute. It is the very thing for many IT corporations to propagate to coristuvachas of any type of outbuildings to stop the so-called gloomy services. How to be gloomy with services, how to enter the basic set of any kind of retailer, it will be looked at at once.

What is such a gloomy thing?

It’s important to remember what the service is. Roughly kazhuchi, tse file shishishche in disk space, which is seen in the company that provides such services.

In other words, in the singing sensi yoga can be called a virtual flash drive, on which the singing of the data is avenged. However, although USB attachments for accessing captured information need to be constantly carried with you, then such a service (for example, Mail.Ru or Google's access service) can be accessed both from a computer and from a mobile device. That way the files are synchronized in the dark, and you can look at them or you can only take advantage of the registration data (if you don’t need it in some cases).

It is written about those, how to be gloomy, to finish the rich. Insanely beastly respect for deakі main points, as well as look at the simplest principles of yoga vikoristannya, reporting roz'yasnivshi situation.

Most popular services

It goes without saying that in order to honor such gatherings, it is necessary to appoint a postal worker in order to choose the most acceptable service for yourself.

There are few such services today. The most popular ones are:

  • Dropbox.
  • skydrive.
  • Khmara Mail.Ru.
  • "Yandex.Disk".
  • Google Drive (Google Disk).
  • Apple iCloud and iCloud Drive.
  • OneDrive etc.

First of all, as if to be shriveled by a gloomy skin type, it should be noted that these servants are somehow uneven, as if they were equal to each other. On the right, in that you can access up to one collection only from the computer terminal, otherwise they allow synchronization of both computers and mobile devices. Sometimes you may need specialty add-ons that play the role of your own explorer, sometimes you need only an Internet browser.

The same cost of disk space, which is cost-free seen for saving your files, as well as paying for an additional fee on an external server. Be-yakoy once more services are similar to each other.

On scho trace respect for the cob of work?

Now let's look at some important moments, without some kind of victorious gloomy services, you can't have a movie.

First and foremost - the front registration, and in such cases it is absolutely unimportant whether it will be carried out via the Internet for the help of a great browser or a special computer or mobile addendum. Occupies the whole process of kіlka khvilin.

Vigіdno vіd stationary systems vіdіznyayutsya mobile devices and іz vstanovlennymi on them operating systems. On the right, in the fact that, upon first notification, for access to certain extended functions, either AppStore or Google Play (Play Market), the system prompts you to create an observable record (the email address is registered and the password is registered). When it comes to smartphones or tablets, there are already installations of add-ons for working with smart services. For transparency on a computer or a laptop, you can install their stationary counterparts (if you want access, you can take it through a browser).

Disk space that you see

One more important moment - obsyag disk space, which takes the cost of the cost-free option. Call, all services are available from 5 to 50 GB. If so, it is not enough, to be able to get more money and pay for a big sum, as it includes spending money on getting more money and services by stretching out the current term of whistleblowing, which, to the point of speech, can be rіznim.

Global principles

Well, before that, like being gloomy at the broadest understanding, it’s easy to do everything here. Koristuvachevі after the registration it is not necessary to add folders and files, contacts and much more to the collection.

With this in distribution, you can set up a VIN, you can add friends, as a parity with it, you can upload files to the server or edit them (the simplest example is Dropbox). Most new passwords can be changed to correct passwords for entering the system.

Ale sho tsikavo. When a special program is installed on the computer, access to files in the darkness is slower, less time to launch the same browser. The same can be said about synchronization. It is sufficient to place the files in the program folder, and the synchronization will be mittevo for all coristuvachiv, as it may give access rights to the service. Let's take a look at the most popular collections.

Khmara Mail.Ru

Later, as it was said more, it is necessary to create a screenshot of the electronic mail, after entering the yak on the panel of the animal, the contributor to the project will display a bad service. Tse i є hmara "Mile". How to swear at him? Simpler than simple.

25 GB of disk space is offered at the same time. zdіysnyuєtsya for help vidpovіdnoї button, which can add a sprat of objects. The exchange is only necessary to expand the file, which is zavantazhuєtsya - it is not guilty to transfer 2 GB. Before the cob of interest, you can add additional functions, for example, create after what you can just move the files and see. To pay respect: in the new “Koshik” is silent, as in the same “Yandex” service, it cannot be seen in the distance.

Dosit korisnoy can be a function of creation, I will review or edit files. Let's say we can have a Word document (otherwise it's created right in the collection). You can change yoga without interruption in the darkness as simply as you can by launching the editor on your computer. After the completion of the work, we save the change, after which the synchronization is restarted.

"Yandex" - hmara: how to squirm?

From the Yandex service, in principle, you can go almost identically. The functional dial-up is not very strong.

Ale, the retailers of this service thought about those who can see the files in a vipadkovo way. The axis is here and come to the rescue, so called “Koshik”, in order to get information when you are gone. Pratsyuє won on kshtalt standard ї computer'yuternoї service. Truthfully, before it, there was no zastosovnі zasobі vіnovlennya danih, as if they had already been seen from “Koshik”. Tim is not smaller, the function is already corny.

Google Drive Treasure

Now let's move on to one straining service under the name "Google" - gloomy. How to use Google Disk? There is no principled authority against other services. And here, access can be taken from a mobile device (a service has been set up), and for additional utilities that can be installed on a computer (it doesn’t seem like it’s about entering through an Internet browser). With a phone or a tablet, everything is simple, marveling at the computer program itself.

Let's assume that the physical record has already been created. After її activation koristuvach otrimuє 5 GB from the storage. Upgrading to 25 GB costs approximately 2.5 USD. We install an add-on on the computer, after which the folder for the service appears on the Work Table (it is shown to the Explorer).

As expected, place the files in this directory, as it will be synchronized. Under an hour, the program will “hang” in the system tray near the visible icon. By right-clicking, the addendum menu is called up, where you can look through the available files, download personalized files, expand the file space, and finish the job just fine.

Here varto signifies one moment. How to get there, copy the files to the program folder on the computer, and then zavantazhit їх z hmari on the mobile device appears richer, lower, connect the gadget to the computer, and then copy it using Windows.

iCloud services and iCloud Drive

Zreshtoy, marveling, how to shrug off the gloomy Apple. There are two services (iCloud and iCloud Drive), both installed on the iPhone or iPad, depending on the version of the operating system installed on the device. In fact, iCloud Drive is an updated version of iCloud, and for this correct robot, it’s worth saying that the mobile gadget is guilty of declaring to the technical drivers: iOS 8 on the device itself. Computer - for Windows 7 and more with iCloud for Windows extensions or computer terminal for Mac OS X 10.10 or OS X Yosemite.

As soon as you enter the service, there will be folders, created for locking. The number of people can be stalely installed on the computer of that client on the mobile extension. How to get gloomy in an iPhone? In principle, there is nothing supernatural in anyone. It is enough to run the program on the gadget (translate the start button at the inclusions of the camp) and go for an additional oblique record. Insha river, if the input is transferred from the computer. Here it is necessary to tweak the menu to customize the program itself and select the inclusion already there.

One more minus - to achieve low speed of synchronization (it was known to all). And one more, most accepting moment. If you want to transfer from iCloud to iCloud Drive without updating all the devices to the necessary configuration, data in the old darkness will simply be inaccessible, so be careful.


The axis is short and everything that is worth catering about those, like being an add-on of "Khmar" or one-time services. Obviously, far from all the possibilities of such services are considered here, but, so to speak, it’s not enough to work on the fundamental principles of work. However, with such minimal knowledge, be it a new registration of a coristuvach already after 5-10 minutes, you can create basic operations.

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